## Python sript to generate nautical content # L. Fita, CIMA. June 2019 # More information at: http://www.xn--llusfb-5va.cat/python/PyNCplot # # pyNCplot and its component geometry_tools.py comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # This work is licendes under a Creative Commons # Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) # import os import generic_tools as gen import geometry_tools as geo import numpy as np import numpy.ma as ma import module_ForSci as fsci errormsg = 'ERROR -- error -- ERROR -- error' infmsg = 'INFORMATION -- information -- INFORMATION -- information' ## Shapes/objects # boatnames: Function to provide the names of the sections of a boat # buoy1: Function to draw a buoy as superposition of prism and section of ball # band_lighthouse: Function to plot a lighthouse with spiral bands # EstuarioRioPlata: Function to plot an eschematic representation of the Estuario of Rio de la Plata # green_buoy1: Function to draw a green mark buoy using buoy1 # isolateddanger_buoy1: Function to draw an isolated danger buoy using buoy1 # prefchannelport[A/B]_buoy1: Function to draw a preferred channel port system # [A/B] buoy using buoy1 # prefchannelstarboard[A/B]_buoy1: Function to draw a preferred channel starboard # system [A/B] buoy using buoy1 # red_buoy1: Function to draw a red mark buoy using buoy1 # safewater_buoy1: Function to draw a safe water mark buoy using buoy1 # special_buoy1: Function to draw an special mark buoy using buoy1 # yboat: Function to define an schematic boat from the y-plane # z_boat: Function to define an schematic boat from the z-plane # zsailing_boat: Function to define an schematic sailing boat from the z-plane with sails # zisland1: Function to draw an island from z-axis as the union of a series of points by # circular segments # [north/east/south/west_buoy1: Function to draw a [North/East/South/West] danger buoy using buoy1 # Definitions [Name, lat, lon] NotablePoints = { \ 'ArroyoRosario': ['Arroyo Rosario', np.array([-34.4331, -57.3504])], \ 'BsAs': ['Buenos Aires', np.array([-34.6097, -58.4494])], \ 'BaSamborombom': ['Bah' + unichr(237) + 'a Samboromb' + unichr(243) + 'm', \ np.array([-36.0, -57.])], \ 'CaboPolonio': ['Cabo Polonio', np.array([-34.4083, -53.7782])], \ 'Colonia': ['Colonia del Sacramento', np.array([-34.4724, -57.8556])], \ 'MartinChico': ['Martin Chico', np.array([-34.1681, -58.2118])], \ 'Montevideo': ['Montevideo', np.array([-34.9216, -56.1574])], \ 'PuntaAtalaya': ['Punta Atalaya', np.array([-35.01868, -57.5181])], \ 'PuntaEste': ['Punta del Este', np.array([-34.9830, -54.9533])], \ 'PuntaIndio': ['Punta Indio', np.array([-35.4179, -57.0959])], \ 'PuntaMedanos': ['Punta Medanos', np.array([-36.8494, -56.6395])], \ 'PuntaRaza': ['Punta Raza', np.array([-36.2929, -56.7474])], \ 'RioSalado': ['Rio Salado', np.array([-35.7423, -57.3635])], \ 'Tigre': ['Tigre', np.array([-34.4486, -58.4989])], \ } # FROM: http://www.photographers1.com/Sailing/NauticalTerms&Nomenclature.html def yboat(length=10., fcab=0.3, hcab=0.5, flength=0.7, freeboard=2., hskeg=2., \ fskeg=0.2, N=200): """ Function to define an schematic boat from the y-plane length: length of the boat (without stern, default, 10) fcab: length of the cabin as percentage of length (default, 0.3) hcab: height of the cabin (default, 0.5) flength: floating length of the boat as percentage of length (defatult, 0.7) freeboard: height above the water (default, 2) hskeg: height of the skeg (default, 2) fskeg: length of the skeg as percentage of length (default, 0.2) N: number of points to use (default, 200) """ fname = 'yboat' lflength = length*flength ilf3 = length*(1.-flength)/3 lcab = length*fcab ilcab3 = length*(1.-fcab)/4. bow = np.array([length, freeboard]) hbow = np.array([lflength + ilf3, 0.]) icab = np.array([ilcab3, freeboard]) ihcab = np.array([ilcab3, freeboard+hcab]) ecab = np.array([ilcab3+lcab, freeboard]) sternp = np.array([0., freeboard]) sternlp = np.array([0., freeboard*0.8]) print 'hbow', hbow, 'bow', bow, 'icab', icab, 'ihcab', ihcab, 'ecab', ecab, 'sternp', sternp, 'sternlp', sternlp boat = np.zeros((N,2), dtype=np.float) N1 = int(N*0.8) N2 = N - N1 - 1 # stern N14 = N1/4 stern = np.zeros((N14,2), dtype=np.float) ipt = sternlp ept = sternp dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N14-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N14-1) for ip in range(N14): stern[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] # deck deck = np.zeros((N14,2), dtype=np.float) N144 = int(N14/4.) ipt = sternp ept = icab dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N144-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N144-1) for ip in range(N144): deck[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] ipt = icab ept = ihcab dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N144-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N144-1) for ip in range(N144): deck[N144:2*N144,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] deck[2*N144:3*N144,:] = geo.circ_sec(ihcab, ecab, 2*lcab, arc='short', \ pos='right', Nang=N144) N1442 = N14 - 3*N144 ipt = ecab ept = bow dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N144-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N144-1) for ip in range(N144): deck[3*N144:N14,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] # sternl sternl = np.zeros((N14,2), dtype=np.float) ipt = bow ept = hbow dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N14-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N14-1) for ip in range(N14): sternl[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] # keel N12 = N1 - 3*N14 keel = geo.circ_sec(hbow, sternlp, length, arc='short', pos='right', Nang=N12) # skeg lskeg = length*fskeg ilk3 = length*(1.-fskeg)/3 iuskeg = np.array([1.5*ilk3, 0.]) euskeg = np.array([1.5*ilk3+lskeg, 0.]) edskeg = np.array([1.5*ilk3+lskeg*0.8, -hskeg]) idskeg = np.array([1.5*ilk3+lskeg*0.3, -hskeg]) skeg = np.zeros((N2,2), dtype=np.float) N24=N2/4 # upper skeg uskeg = np.zeros((N24,2), dtype=np.float) ipt = iuskeg ept = euskeg dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N24-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N24-1) for ip in range(N24): uskeg[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] # aft skeg askeg = np.zeros((N24,2), dtype=np.float) ipt = euskeg ept = edskeg dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N24-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N24-1) for ip in range(N24): askeg[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] # down skeg dskeg = np.zeros((N24,2), dtype=np.float) ipt = edskeg ept = idskeg dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N24-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N24-1) for ip in range(N24): dskeg[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] # stern skeg N22 = N2 - 3*N24 sskeg = np.zeros((N22,2), dtype=np.float) ipt = idskeg ept = iuskeg dy = (ept[0] - ipt[0])/(N22-1) dz = (ept[1] - ipt[1])/(N22-1) for ip in range(N22): sskeg[ip,:] = ipt + [dy*ip, dz*ip] boat[0:N14,:] = stern boat[N14:2*N14,:] = deck boat[2*N14:3*N14,:] = sternl boat[3*N14:4*N12,:] = keel boat[N1,:] = np.array([gen.fillValueF, gen.fillValueF]) boat[N1+1:N1+1+N24,:] = uskeg boat[N1+1+N24:N1+1+2*N24,:] = askeg boat[N1+1+2*N24:N1+1+3*N24,:] = dskeg boat[N1+1+3*N24:N,:] = sskeg # correct order of sections boatsecs = ['stern', 'deck', 'sternl', 'keel', 'uskeg', 'askeg', 'dskeg', 'sskeg'] # dictionary with sections [polygon_vertices, line_type, line_color, line_width] dicboat = {'stern': [stern, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'deck': [deck, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'sternl': [sternl, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'keel': [keel, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'uskeg': [uskeg, '-', '#000000', 1.5], 'askeg': [askeg, '-.', '#000000', 1.5], \ 'dskeg': [dskeg, '-', '#000000', 1.5], 'sskeg': [sskeg, '-.', '#000000', 1.5]} boat = ma.masked_equal(boat, gen.fillValueF) return boat, boatsecs, dicboat def zboat(length=10., beam=1., lbeam=0.4, sternbp=0.5): """ Function to define an schematic boat from the z-plane length: length of the boat (without stern, default 10) beam: beam of the boat (default 1) lbeam: length at beam (as percentage of length, default 0.4) sternbp: beam at stern (as percentage of beam, default 0.5) """ fname = 'zboat' bow = np.array([length, 0.]) maxportside = np.array([length*lbeam, -beam]) maxstarboardside = np.array([length*lbeam, beam]) portside = np.array([0., -beam*sternbp]) starboardside = np.array([0., beam*sternbp]) # forward section fportside = geo.circ_sec(maxportside, bow, length*2) fstarboardside = geo.circ_sec(bow, maxstarboardside, length*2) # aft section aportside = geo.circ_sec(portside, maxportside, length*2) astarboardside = geo.circ_sec(maxstarboardside, starboardside, length*2) # stern stern = geo.circ_sec(starboardside, portside, length*2) dpts = stern.shape[0] boat = np.zeros((dpts*5,2), dtype=np.float) boat[0:dpts,:] = aportside boat[dpts:2*dpts,:] = fportside boat[2*dpts:3*dpts,:] = fstarboardside boat[3*dpts:4*dpts,:] = astarboardside boat[4*dpts:5*dpts,:] = stern fname = 'boat_L' + str(int(length*100.)) + '_B' + str(int(beam*100.)) + '_lb' + \ str(int(lbeam*100.)) + '_sb' + str(int(sternbp*100.)) + '.dat' if not os.path.isfile(fname): print infmsg print ' ' + fname + ": writting boat coordinates file '" + fname + "' !!" of = open(fname, 'w') of.write('# boat file with Length: ' + str(length) +' max_beam: '+str(beam)+ \ 'length_at_max_beam:' + str(lbeam) + '% beam at stern: ' + str(sternbp)+ \ ' %\n') for ip in range(dpts*5): of.write(str(boat[ip,0]) + ' ' + str(boat[ip,1]) + '\n') of.close() print fname + ": Successfull written '" + fname + "' !!" # Center line extending [fcl] percentage from length on aft and stern fcl = 0.15 centerline = np.zeros((dpts,2), dtype=np.float) dl = length*(1.+fcl*2.)/(dpts-1) centerline[:,0] = np.arange(-length*fcl, length*(1. + fcl)+dl, dl) # correct order of sections boatsecs = ['aportside', 'fportside', 'fstarboardside', 'astarboardside', \ 'stern', 'centerline'] # dictionary with sections [polygon_vertices, line_type, line_color, line_width] dicboat = {'fportside': [fportside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'aportside': [aportside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'stern': [stern, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'astarboardside': [astarboardside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'fstarboardside': [fstarboardside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'centerline': [centerline, '-.', '#AA6464', 1.5]} fname = 'sailboat_L' + str(int(length*100.)) + '_B' + str(int(beam*100.)) + \ '_lb' + str(int(lbeam*100.)) + '_sb' + str(int(sternbp*100.)) +'.dat' if not os.path.isfile(fname): print infmsg print ' ' + fname + ": writting boat coordinates file '" + fname + "' !!" of = open(fname, 'w') of.write('# boat file with Length: ' + str(length) +' max_beam: '+str(beam)+ \ 'length_at_max_beam:' + str(lbeam) + '% beam at stern: ' +str(sternbp)+'\n') for ip in range(dpts*5): of.write(str(boat[ip,0]) + ' ' + str(boat[ip,1]) + '\n') of.close() print fname + ": Successfull written '" + fname + "' !!" return boat, boatsecs, dicboat def zsailing_boat(length=10., beam=1., lbeam=0.4, sternbp=0.5, lmast=0.6, wmast=0.1, \ hsd=5., msd=5., lheads=0.38, lmains=0.55): """ Function to define an schematic sailing boat from the z-plane with sails length: length of the boat (without stern, default 10) beam: beam of the boat (default 1) lbeam: length at beam (as percentage of length, default 0.4) sternbp: beam at stern (as percentage of beam, default 0.5) lmast: position of the mast (as percentage of length, default 0.6) wmast: width of the mast (default 0.1) hsd: head sail direction respect to center line (default 5., -999.99 for upwind) msd: main sail direction respect to center line (default 5., -999.99 for upwind) lheads: length of head sail (as percentage of legnth, defaul 0.38) lmains: length of main sail (as percentage of legnth, defaul 0.55) """ fname = 'zsailing_boat' bow = np.array([length, 0.]) maxportside = np.array([length*lbeam, -beam]) maxstarboardside = np.array([length*lbeam, beam]) portside = np.array([0., -beam*sternbp]) starboardside = np.array([0., beam*sternbp]) aportside = geo.circ_sec(portside, maxportside, length*2) fportside = geo.circ_sec(maxportside, bow, length*2) fstarboardside = geo.circ_sec(bow, maxstarboardside, length*2) astarboardside = geo.circ_sec(maxstarboardside, starboardside, length*2) stern = geo.circ_sec(starboardside, portside, length*2) dpts = fportside.shape[0] # correct order of sections sailingboatsecs = ['aportside', 'fportside', 'fstarboardside', 'astarboardside', \ 'stern', 'mast', 'hsail', 'msail', 'centerline'] # forward section # aft section # stern # mast mast = geo.p_circle(wmast,N=dpts) mast = mast + [length*lmast, 0.] # head sails lsail = lheads*length if hsd != -999.99: sailsa = np.pi/2. - np.pi*hsd/180. endsail = np.array([lsail*np.sin(sailsa), lsail*np.cos(sailsa)]) endsail[0] = length - endsail[0] if bow[1] > endsail[1]: hsail = geo.circ_sec(endsail, bow, lsail*2.15) else: hsail = geo.circ_sec(bow, endsail, lsail*2.15) else: hsail0, sailsec, saildic = geo.p_sinusiode(length=lsail, amp=0.2, lamb=0.75, N=dpts) hsail = np.zeros((dpts,2), dtype=np.float) hsail[:,0] = hsail0[:,1] hsail[:,1] = hsail0[:,0] hsail = bow - hsail # main sails lsail = lmains*length if msd != -999.99: sailsa = np.pi/2. - np.pi*msd/180. begsail = np.array([length*lmast, 0.]) endsail = np.array([lsail*np.sin(sailsa), lsail*np.cos(sailsa)]) endsail[0] = length*lmast - endsail[0] if endsail[1] > begsail[1]: msail = geo.circ_sec(begsail, endsail, lsail*2.15) else: msail = geo.circ_sec(endsail, begsail, lsail*2.15) else: msail0, sailsec, saildic = geo.p_sinusiode(length=lsail, amp=0.25, lamb=1., N=dpts) msail = np.zeros((dpts,2), dtype=np.float) msail[:,0] = msail0[:,1] msail[:,1] = msail0[:,0] msail = [length*lmast,0] - msail sailingboat = np.zeros((dpts*8+4,2), dtype=np.float) sailingboat[0:dpts,:] = aportside sailingboat[dpts:2*dpts,:] = fportside sailingboat[2*dpts:3*dpts,:] = fstarboardside sailingboat[3*dpts:4*dpts,:] = astarboardside sailingboat[4*dpts:5*dpts,:] = stern sailingboat[5*dpts,:] = [gen.fillValueF, gen.fillValueF] sailingboat[5*dpts+1:6*dpts+1,:] = mast sailingboat[6*dpts+1,:] = [gen.fillValueF, gen.fillValueF] sailingboat[6*dpts+2:7*dpts+2,:] = hsail sailingboat[7*dpts+2,:] = [gen.fillValueF, gen.fillValueF] sailingboat[7*dpts+3:8*dpts+3,:] = msail sailingboat[8*dpts+3,:] = [gen.fillValueF, gen.fillValueF] sailingboat = ma.masked_equal(sailingboat, gen.fillValueF) # Center line extending [fcl] percentage from length on aft and stern fcl = 0.15 centerline = np.zeros((dpts,2), dtype=np.float) dl = length*(1.+fcl*2.)/(dpts-1) centerline[:,0] = np.arange(-length*fcl, length*(1. + fcl)+dl, dl) # dictionary with sections [polygon_vertices, line_type, line_color, line_width] dicsailingboat = {'fportside': [fportside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'aportside': [aportside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'stern': [stern, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'astarboardside': [astarboardside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'fstarboardside': [fstarboardside, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], \ 'mast': [mast, '-', '#8A5900', 2.], 'hsail': [hsail, '-', '#AAAAAA', 1.], \ 'msail': [msail, '-', '#AAAAAA', 1.], \ 'centerline': [centerline, '-.', '#AA6464', 1.5]} fname = 'sailboat_L' + str(int(length*100.)) + '_B' + str(int(beam*100.)) + \ '_lb' + str(int(lbeam*100.)) + '_sb' + str(int(sternbp*100.)) + \ '_lm' + str(int(lmast*100.)) + '_wm' + str(int(wmast)) + \ '_hsd' + str(int(hsd)) + '_hs' + str(int(lheads*100.)) + \ '_ms' + str(int(lheads*100.)) + '_msd' + str(int(msd)) +'.dat' if not os.path.isfile(fname): print infmsg print ' ' + fname + ": writting boat coordinates file '" + fname + "' !!" of = open(fname, 'w') of.write('# boat file with Length: ' + str(length) +' max_beam: '+str(beam)+ \ 'length_at_max_beam:' + str(lbeam) + '% beam at stern: ' + str(sternbp)+ \ ' % mast position: '+ str(lmast) + ' % mast width: ' + str(wmast) + ' ' + \ ' head sail direction:' + str(hsd) + ' head sail length: ' + str(lheads) + \ ' %' + ' main sail length' + str(lmains) + ' main sail direction:' + \ str(msd) +'\n') for ip in range(dpts*5): of.write(str(sailingboat[ip,0]) + ' ' + str(sailingboat[ip,1]) + '\n') of.close() print fname + ": Successfull written '" + fname + "' !!" return sailingboat, sailingboatsecs, dicsailingboat def zisland1(mainpts= np.array([[-0.1,0.], [-1.,1.], [-0.8,1.2], [0.1,0.6], [1., 0.9],\ [2.8, -0.1], [0.1,-0.6]], dtype=np.float), radfrac=3., N=200): """ Function to draw an island from z-axis as the union of a series of points by circular segments mainpts: main points of the island (clockwise ordered, to be joined by circular segments of radii as the radfrac factor of the distance between consecutive points) * default= np.array([[-0.1,0.], [-1.,1.], [-0.8,1.2], [0.1,0.6], [1., 0.9], [2.8, -0.1], [0.1,-0.6]], dtype=np.float) radfrac: multiplicative factor of the distance between consecutive points to draw the circular segment (3., default) N: number of points (200, default) """ fname = 'zisland1' island1 = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # Coastline island1 = geo.join_circ_sec_rand(mainpts, arc='short', pos='left') islandsecs = ['coastline'] islanddic = {'coastline': [island1, '-', '#161616', 2.]} island1 = ma.masked_equal(island1, gen.fillValueF) return island1, islandsecs, islanddic def buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, N=300): """ Function to draw a buoy as superposition of prism and section of ball height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'buoy1' buoy = np.zeros((N,2), dtype=np.float) N3 = int(N/3/5) NNp = 0 iip = 0 # left lateral ix = -width/2. Np = N3 iy = 0. dx = 0. dy = height/(Np) for ip in range(Np): buoy[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip,ix+dx*ip] NNp = NNp + Np iip = NNp # left upper ix = -width/2. iy = height dx = (width/2.-bradii*bfrac)/(Np) dy = 0. for ip in range(Np): buoy[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip,ix+dx*ip] NNp = NNp + Np iip = NNp # ball p1 = np.array([height, -bradii*bfrac]) p2 = np.array([height, bradii*bfrac]) Np = int(2*N/3) buoy[iip:iip+Np,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 2.*bradii, 'long', 'left', Np) NNp = NNp + Np iip = NNp # right upper ix = bradii*bfrac iy = height Np = N3 dx = (width/2.-bradii*bfrac)/(Np) dy = 0. for ip in range(Np): buoy[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip,ix+dx*ip] NNp = NNp + Np iip = NNp # right lateral ix = width/2. iy = height dx = 0. dy = -height/(Np) for ip in range(Np): buoy[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip,ix+dx*ip] NNp = NNp + Np iip = NNp # Base ix = width/2. iy = 0. Np = N - int(2*N/3) - 4*N3 - 1 dx = -width/(Np) dy = 0. for ip in range(Np): buoy[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip,ix+dx*ip] NNp = NNp + Np iip = NNp buoy[N-1,:] = buoy[0,:] buoysecs = ['base'] buoydic = {'base': [buoy, '-', 'k', 1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def band_lighthouse(height=10., width=2., hlight=3., bands=3, N=300): """ Function to plot a lighthouse with spiral bands height: height of the tower (10., default) width: width of the tower (2., default) hlight: height of the light (3., default) bands: number of spiral bands (3, default) N: number of points (300, default) """ fname = 'band_lighthouse' lighthouse = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF lighthousesecs = [] lighthousedic = {} # base Tower Nsec = int(0.30*N/7) p1=np.array([0., width/2.]) p2=np.array([0., -width/2.]) iip = 0 lighthouse[0:Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='left', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec # left side ix=-width/2. iy=0. dx = 0. dy = height/(Nsec-1) for ip in range(Nsec): lighthouse[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip, ix+dx*ip] iip = iip + Nsec # Top Tower p1=np.array([height, width/2.]) p2=np.array([height, -width/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='left', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec # right side ix=width/2. iy=height dx = 0. dy = -height/(Nsec-1) for ip in range(Nsec): lighthouse[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip, ix+dx*ip] iip = iip + Nsec + 1 Ntower = iip-1 lighthousesecs.append('tower') lighthousedic['tower'] = [lighthouse[0:iip-1], '-', 'k', 1.5] # Left light p1 = np.array([height, -width*0.8/2.]) p2 = np.array([height+hlight, -width*0.8/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*hlight, Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec # Top Light p1=np.array([height+hlight, width*0.8/2.]) p2=np.array([height+hlight, -width*0.8/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='left', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec + 1 # Right light p1 = np.array([height+hlight, width*0.8/2.]) p2 = np.array([height, width*0.8/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*hlight, Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec # Base Light p1=np.array([height, width*0.8/2.]) p2=np.array([height, -width*0.8/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='left', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec + 1 lighthousesecs.append('light') lighthousedic['light'] = [lighthouse[Ntower+1:iip-1], '-', '#EEEE00', 1.5] # Spiral bands hb = height/(2.*bands) Nsec2 = (N - Nsec*8 - 3)/bands for ib in range(bands-1): iband = iip Nsec = Nsec2/4 bandS = 'band' + str(ib).zfill(2) # hband ix = -width/2. iy = hb*ib*2 dx = 0. dy = hb/(Nsec-1) for ip in range(Nsec): lighthouse[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip, ix+dx*ip] iip = iip + Nsec # uband p1 = np.array([hb*(ib*2+1), -width/2.]) p2 = np.array([hb*(ib*2+2), width/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='right', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec # dband ix = width/2. iy = hb*(ib*2+2) dx = 0. dy = -hb/(Nsec-1) for ip in range(Nsec): lighthouse[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip, ix+dx*ip] iip = iip + Nsec # dband p1 = np.array([hb*(ib*2+1), width/2.]) p2 = np.array([hb*ib*2, -width/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='left', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec + 1 lighthousesecs.append(bandS) lighthousedic[bandS] = [lighthouse[iband:iip-1], '-', '#6408AA', 2.] ib = bands-1 Nsec3 = (N - iip - 1) Nsec = int(Nsec3/4) bandS = 'band' + str(ib).zfill(2) # hband iband = iip ix = -width/2. iy = hb*ib*2 dx = 0. dy = hb/(Nsec-1) for ip in range(Nsec): lighthouse[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip, ix+dx*ip] iip = iip + Nsec # uband p1 = np.array([hb*(ib*2+1), -width/2.]) p2 = np.array([hb*(ib*2+2), width/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='right', Nang=Nsec) iip = iip + Nsec # dband ix = width/2. iy = hb*(2+ib*2) dx = 0. dy = -hb/(Nsec-1) for ip in range(Nsec): lighthouse[iip+ip,:] = [iy+dy*ip, ix+dx*ip] iip = iip + Nsec # dband Nsec = N - iip p1 = np.array([hb*(1+ib*2), width/2.]) p2 = np.array([hb*ib*2, -width/2.]) lighthouse[iip:iip+Nsec,:] = geo.circ_sec(p1, p2, 3*width, pos='left', Nang=Nsec) lighthousesecs.append(bandS) lighthousedic[bandS] = [lighthouse[iband:iip-1], '-', '#6408AA', 2.] lighthouse = ma.masked_equal(lighthouse, gen.fillValueF) return lighthouse, lighthousesecs, lighthousedic def north_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.7, N=300): """ Function to draw a North danger buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.7, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'north_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 2 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # up N32 = int(N3/2) triu = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N32) trib = triu*lsign + [0.,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+1:N2+1+N32,:] = trib + [bottsigns+2.1*lsign,0.] # up N323 = N - N32 - N2 - 2 trid = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N323) trib = trid*lsign + [0.,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:] = trib + [bottsigns+1.1*lsign,0.] # painting it Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) Ncut, halfdown = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/2., keep='below') Ncut, halfup = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/2., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign1', 'sign2', 'half1', 'half2'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign1': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N32+1,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign2': [buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:],'-','k',1.5], 'half1': [halfup, '-', 'k', 1.], \ 'half2': [halfdown, '-', '#FFFF00', 1.]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def east_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.7, N=300): """ Function to draw a East danger buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.7, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'east_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 2 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # up N32 = int(N3/2) triu = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N32) trib = triu*lsign + [0.,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+1:N2+1+N32,:] = trib + [bottsigns+2.1*lsign,0.] # down N323 = N - N32 - N2 - 2 trid = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N323) trid = geo.mirror_polygon(trid, 'x') trib = trid*lsign + [lsign,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:] = trib + [bottsigns+0.9*lsign,0.] # painting it Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) Ncut, halfdown = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, halfbtw = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, halfup = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign1', 'sign2', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign1': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N32+1,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign2': [buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'third1': [halfup, '-', 'k', 1.], 'third2': [halfbtw, '-', '#FFFF00', 1.], \ 'third3': [halfdown, '-', 'k', 1.]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def south_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.7, N=300): """ Function to draw a South danger buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.7, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'south_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 2 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # up N32 = int(N3/2) trid = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N32) trid = geo.mirror_polygon(trid, 'x') trib = trid*lsign + [0.,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+1:N2+1+N32,:] = trib + [bottsigns+2.9*lsign,0.] # down N323 = N - N32 - N2 - 2 trid = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N323) trid = geo.mirror_polygon(trid, 'x') trib = trid*lsign + [lsign,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:] = trib + [bottsigns+0.9*lsign,0.] # painting it Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) Ncut, halfdown = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/2., keep='below') Ncut, halfup = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/2., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign1', 'sign2', 'half1', 'half2'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign1': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N32+1,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign2': [buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:],'-','k',1.5], 'half1': [halfup, '-', '#FFFF00', 1.], \ 'half2': [halfdown, '-', 'k', 1.]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def west_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.7, N=300): """ Function to draw a West danger buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.7, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'east_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 2 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # down N32 = int(N3/2) trid = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N32) trid = geo.mirror_polygon(trid, 'x') trib = trid*lsign + [lsign,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+1:N2+1+N32,:] = trib + [bottsigns+1.9*lsign,0.] # up N323 = N - N32 - N2 - 2 triu = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N323) trib = triu*lsign + [0.,-lsign/2.] buoy[N2+N323+2:N,:] = trib + [bottsigns+1.*lsign,0.] # painting it Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) Ncut, halfdown = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, halfbtw1 = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, halfup = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign1', 'sign2', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'third1': [halfdown, '-', '#FFFF00', 1.], 'third2': [halfbtw1, '-', 'k', 1.], \ 'third3': [halfup, '-', '#FFFF00', 1.], \ 'sign1': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N32+1,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign2': [buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:],'-','k',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def safewater_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.3, N=300): """ Function to draw a safe water mark buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'safewater_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) sign = geo.p_circle(lsign, N3) buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+1.2*lsign,0.] # painting it ix = -width/2. Ncut, quarter1 = geo.cut_xpolygon(buoy1v, xval=ix+width/4., keep='left') Ncut, quarter2 = geo.cut_between_xpolygon(buoy1v, xval1=ix+width/4., xval2=ix+width/2.) Ncut, quarter3 = geo.cut_between_xpolygon(buoy1v, xval1=ix+width/2., xval2=ix+3.*width/4.) Ncut, quarter4 = geo.cut_xpolygon(buoy1v, xval=ix+3.*width/4., keep='right') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign', 'quarter1', 'quarter2', 'quarter3', 'quarter4'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','r',1.5], 'quarter1': [quarter1,'-','r',1.], \ 'quarter2': [quarter2,'-','#FFFFFF',1.], 'quarter3': [quarter3,'-','r',1.], \ 'quarter4': [quarter4,'-','#FFFFFF',1.]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def red_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.3, N=300): """ Function to draw a red mark buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'red_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns*2. Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) triu = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N3) sign = triu*lsign buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+0.2*lsign,-lsign/2.] # painting it buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','r',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','r',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def green_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.3, N=300): """ Function to draw a green mark buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'green_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns*2. Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) sign = geo.p_prism(lsign, lsign*2, N=N3) buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+1.2*lsign,0.] # painting it buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','g',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','g',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def prefchannelportA_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.3, \ N=300): """ Function to draw a preferred channel port system A buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'prefchannelportA_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns*2. Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) triu = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N3) sign = triu*lsign buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+0.2*lsign,-lsign/2.] # painting it Ncut, third1 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, third2 = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, third3 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','r',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','g',1.5], 'third1': [third1,'-','g',1.5], \ 'third2': [third2,'-','r',1.5], 'third3': [third3,'-','g',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def prefchannelportB_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.3, \ N=300): """ Function to draw a preferred channel port system B buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'prefchannelportB_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns*2. Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) triu = geo.p_angle_triangle(N=N3) sign = triu*lsign buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+0.2*lsign,-lsign/2.] # painting it Ncut, third1 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, third2 = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, third3 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','r',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','r',1.5], 'third1': [third1,'-','r',1.5], \ 'third2': [third2,'-','g',1.5], 'third3': [third3,'-','r',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def prefchannelstarboardA_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, \ hsigns=0.3, N=300): """ Function to draw a preferred channel starboard system A buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'prefchannelstarboardA_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns*2. Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) sign = geo.p_prism(lsign, lsign*2, N=N3) buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+1.2*lsign,0.] # painting it # painting it Ncut, third1 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, third2 = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, third3 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','g',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','r',1.5], 'third1': [third1,'-','r',1.5], \ 'third2': [third2,'-','g',1.5], 'third3': [third3,'-','r',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def prefchannelstarboardB_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, \ hsigns=0.3, N=300): """ Function to draw a preferred channel starboard system B buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.3, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'prefchannelstarboardB_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 1 lsign = height*hsigns*2. Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) sign = geo.p_prism(lsign, lsign*2, N=N3) buoy[N2+1:N2+2+N3,:] = sign + [Height+1.2*lsign,0.] # painting it # painting it Ncut, third1 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, third2 = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, third3 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','g',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N3+1,:],'-','g',1.5], 'third1': [third1,'-','g',1.5], \ 'third2': [third2,'-','r',1.5], 'third3': [third3,'-','g',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def isolateddanger_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.5, \ N=300): """ Function to draw an isolated danger buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.5, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'isolateddanger_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v # signs N3 = N - N2 - 2 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # up N32 = int(N3/2) circle = geo.p_circle(lsign/2., N=N32) trib = circle + [0.,0.] buoy[N2+1:N2+1+N32,:] = trib + [bottsigns+3.2*lsign,0.] # up N323 = N - N32 - N2 - 2 trid = geo.p_circle(lsign/2., N=N32) trib = circle + [0.,0.] buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:] = trib + [bottsigns+2.*lsign,0.] # painting it Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) Ncut, third1 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height/3., keep='below') Ncut, third2 = geo.cut_between_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval1=Height/3., yval2=Height*2./3.) Ncut, third3 = geo.cut_ypolygon(buoy1v, yval=Height*2./3., keep='above') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign1', 'sign2', 'third1', 'third2', 'third3'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign1': [buoy[N2+1:N2+N32+1,:],'-','k',1.5], \ 'sign2': [buoy[N2+N32+2:N,:],'-','k',1.5], 'third1': [third1, '-', 'k', 1.], \ 'third2': [third2, '-', 'r', 1.], 'third3': [third3, '-', 'k', 1.]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def special_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.5, N=300): """ Function to draw an special mark buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.5, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'special_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) # sign N3 = N - N2 - 1 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # up cross, crosssecs, crossdic = geo.p_cross_width(lsign, width=0.3*lsign, Narms=2, N=N3) cross = geo.rotate_polygon_2D(cross, 40.05) buoy[N2+1:N,:] = cross + [Height+1.1*lsign,0.] # painting it buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','#FFFF00',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N,:],'-','#FFFF00',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def emergency_buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, bfrac=0.8, hsigns=0.5, N=300): """ Function to draw an eergency mark buoy using buoy1 height: height of the prism (5., default) width: width of the prism (10., default) bradii: radii of the ball (1.75, default) bfrac: fraction of the ball above the prism (0.8, default) hisgns: height of the signs [as reg. triangle] as percentage of the height (0.5, default) N: total number of points of the buoy (300, default) """ fname = 'emergency_buoy1' buoy = np.ones((N,2), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF # buoy N2 = int(N/2) buoy1v, buoy1vsecs, buoy1vdic = buoy1(height=5., width=10., bradii=1.75, \ bfrac=0.8, N=N2) buoy[0:N2,:] = buoy1v Height = np.max(buoy1v[:,0]) # sign N3 = N - N2 - 1 bottsigns = 2.*bradii+height lsign = height*hsigns # up cross, crosssecs, crossdic = geo.p_cross_width(lsign, width=0.3*lsign, Narms=2, N=N3) buoy[N2+1:N,:] = cross + [Height+1.1*lsign,0.] # painting it ix = -width/2. Ncut, fifth1 = geo.cut_xpolygon(buoy1v, xval=ix+width/5., keep='left') Ncut, fifth2 = geo.cut_between_xpolygon(buoy1v,xval1=ix+width/5.,xval2=ix+width*2./5.) Ncut, fifth3 = geo.cut_between_xpolygon(buoy1v,xval1=ix+width*2./5.,xval2=ix+width*3./5.) Ncut, fifth4 = geo.cut_between_xpolygon(buoy1v,xval1=ix+width*3./5.,xval2=ix+width*4./5.) Ncut, fifth5 = geo.cut_xpolygon(buoy1v, xval=ix+width*4./5., keep='right') buoy = ma.masked_equal(buoy, gen.fillValueF) buoysecs = ['buoy', 'sign', 'fifth1', 'fifth2', 'fifth3', 'fifth4', 'fifth5'] buoydic = {'buoy': [buoy[0:N2,:],'-','#FFFF00',1.5], \ 'sign': [buoy[N2+1:N,:],'-','#FFFF00',1.5],'fifth1':[fifth1,'-','#FFFF00',1.5],\ 'fifth2': [fifth2,'-','#0000FF',1.5],'fifth3': [fifth3,'-','#FFFF00',1.5], \ 'fifth4': [fifth4,'-','#0000FF',1.5],'fifth5': [fifth5,'-','#FFFF00',1.5]} return buoy, buoysecs, buoydic def EstuarioRioPlata(N=300): """ Function to plot an eschematic representation of the Estuario of Rio de la Plata N: total number of vertices to use """ fname = 'EstuarioRioPlata' secs0 = ['PuntaMedanos', 'PuntaRaza', 'RioSalado', 'PuntaIndio', 'PuntaAtalaya', \ 'Tigre', 'MartinChico', 'Colonia', 'ArroyoRosario', 'Montevideo', 'PuntaEste', \ 'CaboPolonio'] secs = [] dic = {} rads = [5., 1.0, 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5.] lengths = ['short', 'short', 'short', 'short', 'short', 'short', 'short', \ 'short', 'short', 'short', 'short'] sides = ['right', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', \ 'right', 'left', 'right'] Nsecs = len(secs0) Nn = N/Nsecs estuario = np.zeros((N,2), dtype=np.float) iip = 0 # Atlantic_PuntaRaza prevn = 'PuntaMedanos' pv = NotablePoints[prevn] ip = pv[1] for isec in range(1,Nsecs-1): iisec = isec - 1 aname = secs0[isec] pv = NotablePoints[aname] ep = pv[1] dps = geo.dist_points(ip,ep) estuario[iip:iip+Nn,:] = geo.circ_sec(ip,ep, dps*rads[iisec], lengths[iisec],\ sides[iisec], Nn) secs.append(prevn+'_'+aname) dic[prevn+'_'+aname] = [estuario[iip:iip+Nn,:], ['-', 'k', 1.]] ip = ep + 0. prevn = aname + '' iip = iip + Nn Nn2 = N - (Nsecs-2)*Nn isec = Nsecs-1 iisec = isec - 1 aname = secs0[isec] pv = NotablePoints[aname] ep = pv[1] dps = geo.dist_points(ip,ep) isec = Nsecs - 1 estuario[iip:N,:] = geo.circ_sec(ip, ep, dps*rads[iisec], lengths[iisec], \ sides[iisec], Nn2) secs.append(prevn+'_'+aname) dic[prevn+'_'+aname] = [estuario[iip:N,:], ['-', 'k', 1.]] return estuario, secs, dic def boatnames(xn,xx,yn,yx,zn,zx,zlf): """ Function to provide the names of the sections of a boat xn: minimum length on x-axis (across beam) xx: maximum length on x-axis (across beam) yn: minimum length on y-axis (length) yx: maximum length on y-axis (length) zn: minimum length on z-axis (draught) zx: maximum length on z-axis (draught) zlf: water line """ fname = 'boatnames' dx = xx - xn dy = yx - yn dz = zx - zn x0 = xn + dx/2. y0 = yn + dy/2. z0 = zn + dz/2. # Values boatvs = { 'xn': xn, 'xx': xx, 'yn': yn, 'yx': yx, 'zn': zn, 'zx': zx, \ 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'dz': dz, 'zlf': zlf, \ } # Names boatns = { 'bow': ['bow', 'proa', np.array([x0,yx,zx])], \ 'stern': ['stern', 'popa', np.array([x0,yn,zx])], \ 'starboard': ['starboard', 'estribor', np.array([xx,y0,zx])], \ 'port': ['port', 'babor', np.array([xn,y0,zx])], \ 'waterline': ['waterline', 'l'+unichr(237)+'nea de flotaci'+ unichr(243)+'n', \ np.array([xn,y0,zlf])], \ 'keel': ['keel', 'quillote', np.array([xn,y0,zn])], \ 'centerline': ['center line', 'l'+unichr(237)+'nea de cruj'+unichr(237)+ \ 'a (plano)', np.array([x0,y0,zn])], \ 'bowside': ['bow', 'amura', np.array([xx,yx*0.83,zx])], \ 'beamside': ['beam', 'trav' + unichr(233)+ 's', np.array([xx,yx*0.5,zx])], \ 'quarter': ['quarter', 'aleta', np.array([xx,yx*0.15,zx])], \ } # Dimensions boatls = { 'length': ['length', 'eslora', np.array([[x0,yn,zx], [x0,yx,zx]])], \ 'beam': ['beam', 'manga', np.array([[xn,y0,zx], [xx,y0,zx]])], \ 'freeboard': ['freeboard (air \ndraught)', 'francobordo (obra \nviva)\n carena', \ np.array([[xn,yn,zlf], [xn,yn,zx]])], \ 'draught': ['draught', 'calado (obra \nmuerta)', \ np.array([[xn,yx,zlf],[xn,yx,zn]])], \ 'bowside': ['bow', 'amura', \ np.array([[xx,yx*0.6,zx],[xn,yx*0.6,zx]])], \ 'beamside': ['beam', 'trav'+unichr(233)+'s', \ np.array([[xx,yx*0.3,zx], [xn,yx*0.3,zx]])], \ 'quarter': ['quarter', 'aleta', np.array([[xx,0.,zx], [xn,0.,zx]])], \ } return boatvs, boatns, boatls