# # $Id: comconst.h 1795 2013-07-18 08:20:28Z emillour $ # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np # dtvr: dynamical time step (in s) # daysec: length (in s) of a standard day # pi: something like 3.14159.... # dtphys: (s) time step for the physics # dtdiss: (s) time step for the dissipation # rad: (m) radius of the planet # r: Reduced Gas constant r=R/mu # with R=8.31.. J.K-1.mol-1, mu: mol mass of atmosphere (kg/mol) # cpp: Specific heat Cp (J.kg-1.K-1) # kappa: kappa=R/Cp # cotot # unsim: 1./iim # g: (m/s2) gravity # omeg: (rad/s) rotation rate of the planet # dissip_factz,dissip_deltaz,dissip_zref ## top_bound sponge: # iflag_top_bound: sponge type # mode_top_bound: sponge mode # tau_top_bound: inverse of sponge characteristic time scale (Hz) # daylen: length of solar day, in 'standard' day length # year_day: Number of standard days in a year # molmass: (g/mol) molar mass of the atmosphere # ihf: (W/m2) Intrinsic heat flux (for giant planets) planet_type = 'terre' iflag_phys = 2 daysec = 86400. preff = 1013250. pa = 500. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # From suphel pi = 2.*np.arcsin(1.) clum = 299792458. hpla = 6.6260755e-34 kbol = 1.380658e-23 navo = 6.0221367e+23 # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 2. define astronomical constants. # ------------------------------ # day = 86400. ea = 149597870000. epsm = 0.409093 # siyea = 365.25*day*2.*pi/6.283076 siday = day/(1.+day/siyea) omega = 2.*pi/siday # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # #* 3. define geoide. # -------------- # g = 9.80665 a = 6371229. r1sa = np.float(np.float64(1.)/np.float64(a)) #rad = 6371220 rad = a*1. omeg = 7.272205e-05 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 4. define radiation constants. # --------------------------- # # z.x.li rsigma=2. * rpi**5 * rkbol**4 /(15.* rclum**2 * rhpla**3) sigma = 2.*pi**5 * (kbol/hpla)**3 * kbol/clum/clum/15. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 5. define thermodynamic constants, gas phase. # ------------------------------------------ # r = navo*kbol md = 28.9644 mo3 = 47.9942 mv = 18.0153 rd = 1000.*r/md rv = 1000.*r/mv cpd = 3.5*rd cvd = cpd-rd cpv = 4.*rv cvv = cpv-rv kappa = rd/cpd etv = rv/rd-1. cpp = cpd*1. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 6. define thermodynamic constants, liquid phase. # --------------------------------------------- # cw = cpv # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 7. define thermodynamic constants, solid phase. # -------------------------------------------- # cs = cpv # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 8. define thermodynamic constants, transition of phase. # ---------------------------------------------------- # tt = 273.16 lvtt = 2.5008e+6 lstt = 2.8345e+6 lmlt = lstt-lvtt atm = 100000. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # #* 9. saturated vapour pressure. # -------------------------- # estt = 611.14 gamw = (cw-cpv)/rv betw = lvtt/rv+gamw*tt alpw = np.log(estt)+betw/tt+gamw*np.log(tt) gams = (cs-cpv)/rv bets = lstt/rv+gams*tt alps = np.log(estt)+bets/tt+gams*np.log(tt) gamd = gams-gamw betd = bets-betw alpd = alps-alpw # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # calculer les constantes pour les fonctions thermodynamiques # vtmp2 = cpv/cpd-1. hoh2o = atm/100. r2es = estt*rd/rv r3les = 17.269 r3ies = 21.875 r4les = 35.86 r4ies = 7.66 r5les = r3les*(tt-r4les) r5ies = r3ies*(tt-r4ies) # For filtreg # type_sddu=1 type_sddv=2 type_unsddu=3 type_unsddv=4 # Zoom related # fxyhypb = False nitergdiv = 1 nitergrot = 2 niterh = 2 coefdis = 0. ysinus = True