## Getting statistics from a series of surface stations and soundings from any given netCDF file # L. Fita, CIMA, November 2017 # import numpy as np #import matplotlib as mpl #mpl.use('Agg') #from matplotlib.pylab import * #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import os from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile import nc_var_tools as ncvar import generic_tools as gen #import drawing_tools as drw import diag_tools as diag # Getting configuration from config_get_stations import * ####### ###### ##### #### ### ## # # Gneric variables prepared to be computed Cvars = ['C_hur', 'C_hur_Uhus', 'C_td', 'C_td_Uhus', 'C_wd', 'C_ws'] # WRF specific diagnostics WRFvars = ['WRFp', 'WRFta', 'WRFtd', 'WRFtime', 'WRFua', 'WRFuas', 'WRFva', 'WRFvas',\ 'WRFzg'] # Variables not to check their existence inside file NONcheckingvars = Cvars + WRFvars + ['None'] def creation_sfcstation_file(filen, lv, Lv, hv, tv, lab, tunits, sfcvars, dimt, \ ifilen): """ Function to create the structure of the surface station file filen: name of the file lv: value of the longitude of the station Lv: value of the latitude of the station hv: value of the height of the station lab: label of the station tunits: uints of time sfcvars: variables to be included dimt: quantity of time-steps ifilen: name of the file from which data is retrieved """ fname = 'creation_sfcstation_file' Lstring = 256 onewnc = NetCDFFile(filen, 'w') # Dimensions newdim = onewnc.createDimension('time', None) newdim = onewnc.createDimension('Lstring', Lstring) # Variable-dimensions newvar = onewnc.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time')) newvar[:] = tv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'time', 'Time', tunits) ncvar.set_attribute(newvar, 'calendar', 'standard') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'T') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Time') onewnc.sync() # station Variables Llab = len(lab) newvar = onewnc.createVariable('station', 'c', ('Lstring')) newvar[0:Llab] = lab[:] ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'station', 'Name of the station', '-') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('lon', 'f8') newvar[:] = lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'lon', 'Longitude', 'degrees_west') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'X') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lon') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('lat', 'f8') newvar[:] = Lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'lat', 'Latitude', 'degrees_north') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Y') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lat') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('height', 'f8') newvar[:] = hv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'height', 'Height', 'm') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Z') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Height') onewnc.sync() newvar = onewnc.createVariable('flon', 'f8') newvar[:] = lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_lon', 'Longitude closest grid-point from file', \ 'degrees_west') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'X') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lon') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('flat', 'f8') newvar[:] = Lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_lat', 'Latitude closest grid-point from file', \ 'degrees_north') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Y') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lat') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('fheight', 'f8') newvar[:] = hv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_height', 'Height closest grid-point from file', \ 'm') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Z') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Height') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('ipoint', 'i') newvar[:] = 0 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_i', 'x-axis closest grid-point from file', '-') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('jpoint', 'i') newvar[:] = 0 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_j', 'y-axis closest grid-point from file', '-') onewnc.sync() # Variables NOvarvals = np.ones((dimt), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF for vn in sfcvars: CFvalues = gen.variables_values(vn) newvar = onewnc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time'), fill_value=gen.fillValueF) newvar[:] = NOvarvals[:] ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, CFvalues[0], CFvalues[4].replace('|',' '), \ CFvalues[5]) # Global attributes ncvar.add_global_PyNCplot(onewnc, 'get_stations.py', fname, '0.1') ncvar.set_attribute(newvar, 'data_origin', 'SMN') onewnc.sync() onewnc.close() return def creation_sndstation_file(filen, lv, Lv, hv, tv, lab, tunits, punits, ptime, \ sndvars, dimt, dimz, ifilen): """ Function to create the structure of the surface station file filen: name of the file lv: value of the longitude of the station Lv: value of the latitude of the station hv: value of the height of the station lab: label of the station tunits: uints of time punits: uints of pressure ptime: does pressure evolves in time? (True/False) sndvars: variables to be included dimt: quantity of time-steps dimz: quantity of vertical levels ifilen: name of the file from which data is retrieved """ fname = 'creation_sndstation_file' Lstring = 256 onewnc = NetCDFFile(filen, 'w') # Dimensions newdim = onewnc.createDimension('time', None) newdim = onewnc.createDimension('plev', dimz) newdim = onewnc.createDimension('Lstring', Lstring) # Variable-dimensions newvar = onewnc.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time')) newvar[:] = tv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'time', 'Time', tunits) ncvar.set_attribute(newvar, 'calendar', 'standard') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'T') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Time') if ptime: newvar = onewnc.createVariable('plev', 'f8', ('time','plev')) ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'plev', 'air pressure', punits) ncvar.set_attribute(newvar, 'down', 'up') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Z') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'pressure') else: newvar = onewnc.createVariable('plev', 'f8', ('plev')) ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'plev', 'air pressure', punits) ncvar.set_attribute(newvar, 'down', 'up') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Z') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'pressure') onewnc.sync() # station Variables Llab = len(lab) newvar = onewnc.createVariable('station', 'c', ('Lstring')) newvar[0:Llab] = lab[:] ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'station', 'Name of the station', '-') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('lon', 'f8') newvar[:] = lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'lon', 'Longitude', 'degrees_west') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'X') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lon') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('lat', 'f8') newvar[:] = Lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'lat', 'Latitude', 'degrees_north') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Y') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lat') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('height', 'f8') newvar[:] = hv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'height', 'Height', 'm') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Z') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Height') onewnc.sync() newvar = onewnc.createVariable('flon', 'f8') newvar[:] = lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_lon', 'Longitude closest grid-point from file', \ 'degrees_west') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'X') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lon') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('flat', 'f8') newvar[:] = Lv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_lat', 'Latitude closest grid-point from file', \ 'degrees_north') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Y') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Lat') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('fheight', 'f8') newvar[:] = hv ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_height', 'Height closest grid-point from file', \ 'm') newvar.setncattr('axis', 'Z') newvar.setncattr('_CoordinateAxisType', 'Height') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('ipoint', 'i') newvar[:] = 0 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_i', 'x-axis closest grid-point from file', '-') newvar = onewnc.createVariable('jpoint', 'i') newvar[:] = 0 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'file_j', 'y-axis closest grid-point from file', '-') onewnc.sync() # Variables NOvarvals = np.ones((dimt,dimz), dtype=np.float)*gen.fillValueF for vn in sndvars: if not onewnc.variables.has_key(vn): CFvalues = gen.variables_values(vn) newvar = onewnc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'plev'), \ fill_value=gen.fillValueF) newvar[:] = NOvarvals[:] ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, CFvalues[0], CFvalues[4].replace('|',' '), \ CFvalues[5]) # Global attributes ncvar.add_global_PyNCplot(onewnc, 'get_stations.py', fname, '0.1') ncvar.set_attribute(newvar, 'data_origin', 'SMN') onewnc.sync() onewnc.close() return ####### ####### ## MAIN ####### Wcomputed = {} for vn in diag.Wavailablediags: Wcomputed[vn] = False Ccomputed = {} for vn in diag.Cavailablediags: Ccomputed[vn] = False yrref = ReferenceDate[0:4] monref = ReferenceDate[4:6] dayref = ReferenceDate[6:8] horref = ReferenceDate[8:10] minref = ReferenceDate[10:12] secref = ReferenceDate[12:14] utime = UnitsTime + ' since ' + yrref + '-' + monref + '-' + dayref + ' ' + horref + \ ':' + minref + ':' + secref # surface stations if sfcstatfile != 'None': osfcstatf = open(sfcstatfile, 'r') sfclonvals = [] sfclatvals = [] sfclabvals = [] sfchgtvals = [] for line in osfcstatf: if line[0:1] != comchar and len(line) > 1: vals = line.replace('\n','').split(sepchar) if not gen.searchInlist(missvalS, vals[sfcloncol]) and \ not gen.searchInlist(missvalS, vals[sfclatcol]): stlon = np.float(vals[sfcloncol]) stlat = np.float(vals[sfclatcol]) if stlon >= nlon and stlon <= xlon and stlat >= nlat and stlat <= xlat: sfclonvals.append(stlon) sfclatvals.append(stlat) sfclabvals.append(vals[sfclabcol]) if gen.searchInlist(missvalS, vals[sfchgtcol]): if vals[sfchgtcol] == '0': sfchgtvals.append(np.float(vals[sfchgtcol])) else: sfchgtvals.append(gen.fillValueF) else: sfchgtvals.append(np.float(vals[sfchgtcol])) osfcstatf.close() Nsfcstats = len(sfclonvals) print ' Number of surface stations: ', Nsfcstats else: Nsfcstats = 0 print ' No surface stations !!' # sounding stations if sndstatfile != 'None': osndstatf = open(sndstatfile, 'r') sndlonvals = [] sndlatvals = [] sndlabvals = [] sndhgtvals = [] for line in osndstatf: if line[0:1] != comchar and len(line) > 1: vals = line.replace('\n','').split(sepchar) if vals[sndloncol] != missvalS and vals[sndlatcol] != missvalS: stlon = np.float(vals[sndloncol]) stlat = np.float(vals[sndlatcol]) if stlon >= nlon and stlon <= xlon and stlat >= nlat and stlat <= xlat: sndlonvals.append(stlon) sndlatvals.append(stlat) sndlabvals.append(vals[sndlabcol]) sndhgtvals.append(np.float(vals[sndhgtcol])) osndstatf.close() Nsndstats = len(sndlonvals) print ' Number of sounding stations: ', Nsndstats else: Nsndstats = 0 print ' No sounding stations !!' if not os.path.isfile(simfilen): print gen.errormsg print " file '" + simfilen + "' does not exist !!" quit(-1) onc = NetCDFFile(simfilen, 'r') olistv = onc.variables.keys() olistv.sort() # Getting basic values for each dimension dimvarvalues = {} for dimn in dimvariables.keys(): varn = dimvariables[dimn] if not gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars, varn) and not gen.searchInlist(olistv, varn): print gen.errormsg print " file '" + simfilen + "' does not have variable '" + varn + "' !!" print ' available ones: ', olistv quit(-1) if not gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars, varn): # Except for temporal variables, we don't want dimensions with time-axis # (assuming fixed) if varn == 'WRFtime': varvalues, CFtu = ncvar.compute_WRFtime(onc.variables['Times'], \ ReferenceDate, UnitsTime) dt = varvalues.shape[0] dimvarvalues[varn] = varvalues else: ovar = onc.variables[varn] slicevar = {} if not gen.searchInlist(axesvars['T'], varn): for dn in ovar.dimensions: if not gen.searchInlist(axesdims['T'], dn): slicevar[dn] = -1 else: slicevar[dn] = 0 else: slicevar[dn] = -1 dt = len(onc.dimensions[dn]) slicevar, vardims = ncvar.SliceVarDict(ovar, slicevar) dimvarvalues[varn] = ovar[tuple(slicevar)] if dimn == Pressdimref: dz = len(onc.dimensions[dimn]) if sfcstatfile != 'None': dt = onc.variables[sfcrefvar].shape[0] else: dt = onc.variables[sndrefvar].shape[0] # Looking for 2D 'lon', 'lat' related variables for xn in axesdims['X']: Xvarvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[xn]] Yvarvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[CFdims['lat']]] if len(Xvarvals.shape) == 1: newXvarvals, newYvarvals = np.meshgrid(Xvarvals, Yvarvals) dimvarvalues[dimvariables[xn]] = newXvarvals if len(Yvarvals.shape) == 1: dimvarvalues[dimvariables[CFdims['lat']]] = newYvarvals for yn in axesdims['Y']: Xvarvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[CFdims['lon']]] Yvarvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[yn]] if len(Yvarvals.shape) == 1: newXvarvals, newYvarvals = np.meshgrid(Xvarvals, Yvarvals) dimvarvalues[dimvariables[yn]] = newYvarvals tvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[CFdims['time']]] # Retrieving surface data ## # Diagnosted variables diagvars = {} # Coinident surface station sfccoinc = {} for ist in range(Nsfcstats): jumpstation = False lonv = sfclonvals[ist] latv = sfclatvals[ist] labelv = sfclabvals[ist] heightv = sfchgtvals[ist] stfilen = 'sfc_station_' + labelv + '.nc' creation_sfcstation_file(stfilen, lonv, latv, heightv, tvals, labelv, utime, \ sfcvariables.keys(), dt, simfilen) onewnc = NetCDFFile(stfilen, 'a') stationsji = np.ones((Nsfcstats,2), dtype=int)*gen.fillValueI coincstats = np.ones((Nsfcstats), dtype=int)*gen.fillValueI for sfcv in sfcvariables.keys(): fvn = sfcvariables[sfcv] if not gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars,fvn) and \ not onewnc.variables.has_key(sfcv): print gen.errormsg print " Newfile for the station '" + stfilen + "' does not content " + \ " variable '" + sfcv + "' !!" print ' variables:', onewnc.variables.keys() quit(-1) if not gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars,fvn): ogetvar = onc.variables[fvn] getdims = ogetvar.dimensions else: getdims = list(onc.variables[sfcrefvar].dimensions) getvdims = [dimvariables[getdims[0]], dimvariables[getdims[1]], \ dimvariables[getdims[2]]] # Looking for the X,Y axis for location of station within file for dn in getdims: axis = gen.dictionary_key_list(axesdims, dn) if not dimvariables.has_key(dn): print gen.errormsg print " dimension '" + dn + "' not ready in 'dimvariables' !!" print ' add it to proceed' quit(-1) if axis == 'X': lvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[dn]] xdiff = (lvals-lonv)**2 elif axis == 'Y': Lvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[dn]] ydiff = (Lvals-latv)**2 # Looking for the closest point diff = np.sqrt(xdiff + ydiff) mindiff = np.min(diff) minji = gen.index_mat(diff, mindiff) coincstats = (stationsji[:,0] - minji[0]) + (stationsji[:,1] - minji[1]) if np.any(coincstats == 0): print ' Surface station coincidence by closest grid point from file !!' iist = gen.index_vec(coincstats, 0) print ' ' + labelv, '&', sfclabvals[iist] onewnc.close() sub.call('rm ' + stfilen, shell=True) sub.call('cp ' + 'sfc_station_' + sfclabvals[iist] + '.nc ' + stfilen, \ shell=True) onewnc = NetCDFFile(stfilen, 'a') ostlab = onewnc.variables['station'] Llab = len(labelv) ostlab[0:Llab] = labelv onewnc.sync() onewnc.close() if sfccoinc.has_key(sfclabvals[iist]): lvals = sfccoinc[sfclabvals[iist]] lvals.append(labelv) sfccoinc[sfclabvals[iist]] = lvals else: sfccoinc[sfclabvals[iist]] = [labelv] continue # Writting information to file if sfcv == sfcrefvar: ojvar = onewnc.variables['jpoint'] ojvar[:] = minji[0] ojvar = onewnc.variables['ipoint'] ojvar[:] = minji[1] ohvar = onewnc.variables['fheight'] ohvar[:] = dimvarvalues[dimvariables['H']][minji[0],minji[1]] onewnc.sync() # Computing a single time the diagnosted variables if gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars,fvn): if ist == 0: if fvn[0:3] == 'WRF': fvn_diag = fvn[3:len(fvn)] if not Wcomputed[fvn_diag]: # Using a given series of prepared diagnostics Wcomputed[fvn_diag] = True vardiag = diag.W_diagnostic(fvn_diag, onc, \ sfcvariables, sndvariables, getdims, getvdims, CFdims) diagvars[fvn] = vardiag.values elif fvn[0:2] == 'C_': fvn_diag = fvn.split('_')[1] if not Ccomputed[fvn_diag]: # Using a given series of prepared diagnostics Ccomputed[fvn_diag] = True vardiag = C_diagnostic(fvn_diag, onc, sfcvariables, \ sndvariables, CFdims) diagvars[fvn] = vardiag.values ogetvar = diagvars[fvn] else: ogetvar = diagvars[fvn] slicevar = [] for dn in getdims: axis = gen.dictionary_key_list(axesdims, dn) if axis == 'X': slicevar.append(minji[1]) elif axis == 'Y': slicevar.append(minji[0]) else: slicevar.append(slice(0,len(onc.dimensions[dn]))) # Writting data and slicing onewvar = onewnc.variables[sfcv] onewvar[:] = ogetvar[tuple(slicevar)] onewnc.sync() if jumpstation: continue onewnc.close() if len(sfccoinc.keys()) > 0: print 'Coincident surface stations _______' gen.printing_dictionary(sfccoinc) # Retrieving sounding data # Diagnosted variables diagvars = {} # Coinident sounding station sndcoinc = {} for ist in range(Nsndstats): jumpstation = False lonv = sndlonvals[ist] latv = sndlatvals[ist] labelv = sndlabvals[ist] heightv = sndhgtvals[ist] stfilen = 'snd_station_' + labelv + '.nc' creation_sndstation_file(stfilen, lonv, latv, heightv, tvals, labelv, utime, \ UnitsPress, presstime, sndvariables.keys(), dt, dz, simfilen) onewnc = NetCDFFile(stfilen, 'a') stationsji = np.ones((Nsfcstats,2), dtype=int)*gen.fillValueI coincstats = np.ones((Nsfcstats), dtype=int)*gen.fillValueI for sndv in sndvariables.keys(): fvn = sndvariables[sndv] if not gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars,fvn) and \ not onewnc.variables.has_key(sndv): print gen.errormsg print " Newfile for the station '" + stfilen + "' does not content " + \ " variable '" + sndv + "' !!" print ' variables:', onewnc.variables.keys() quit(-1) if not gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars,fvn): ogetvar = onc.variables[fvn] getdims = ogetvar.dimensions else: getdims = list(onc.variables[sndrefvar].dimensions) getvdims = [dimvariables[getdims[0]], dimvariables[getdims[1]], \ dimvariables[getdims[2]], dimvariables[getdims[3]]] # Looking for the X,Y axis for location of station within file for dn in getdims: axis = gen.dictionary_key_list(axesdims, dn) if not dimvariables.has_key(dn): print gen.errormsg print " dimension '" + dn + "' not ready in 'dimvariables' !!" print ' add it to proceed' quit(-1) if axis == 'X': lvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[dn]] xdiff = (lvals-lonv)**2 elif axis == 'Y': Lvals = dimvarvalues[dimvariables[dn]] ydiff = (Lvals-latv)**2 # Looking for the closest point diff = np.sqrt(xdiff + ydiff) mindiff = np.min(diff) minji = gen.index_mat(diff, mindiff) coincstats = (stationsji[:,0] - minji[0]) + (stationsji[:,1] - minji[1]) if np.any(coincstats == 0): print ' Sounding station coincidence by closest grid point from file !!' iist = gen.index_vec(coincstats, 0) print ' ' + labelv, '&', sndlabvals[iist] onewnc.close() sub.call('rm ' + stfilen, shell=True) sub.call('cp ' + 'snd_station_' + sndlabvals[iist] + '.nc ' + stfilen, \ shell=True) onewnc = NetCDFFile(stfilen, 'a') ostlab = onewnc.variables['station'] Llab = len(labelv) ostlab[0:Llab] = labelv onewnc.sync() onewnc.close() if sndcoinc.has_key(sndlabvals[iist]): lvals = sfccoinc[sndlabvals[iist]] lvals.append(labelv) sndcoinc[sndlabvals[iist]] = lvals else: sndcoinc[sndlabvals[iist]] = [labelv] continue # Writting information to file if sndv == sndrefvar: ojvar = onewnc.variables['jpoint'] ojvar[:] = minji[0] ojvar = onewnc.variables['ipoint'] ojvar[:] = minji[1] if dimvariables['H'] != 'None': ohvar = onewnc.variables['fheight'] ohvar[:] = dimvarvalues[dimvariables['H']][minji[0],minji[1]] onewnc.sync() # Computing a single time the diagnosted variables if gen.searchInlist(NONcheckingvars,fvn): if ist == 0: if fvn[0:3] == 'WRF': fvn_diag = fvn[3:len(fvn)] if not Wcomputed[fvn_diag]: # Using a given series of prepared diagnostics Wcomputed[fvn_diag] = True vardiag = diag.W_diagnostic(fvn_diag, onc, \ sfcvariables, sndvariables, getdims, getvdims, CFdims) diagvars[fvn] = vardiag.values elif fvn[0:2] == 'C_': fvn_diag = fvn[2:len(fvn)] if not Ccomputed[fvn_diag]: # Using a given series of prepared diagnostics Ccomputed[fvn_diag] = True vardiag = diag.C_diagnostic(fvn_diag, onc, sfcvariables, \ sndvariables, CFdims) diagvars[fvn] = vardiag.values ogetvar = diagvars[fvn] else: ogetvar = diagvars[fvn] slicevar = [] for dn in getdims: axis = gen.dictionary_key_list(axesdims, dn) if axis == 'X': slicevar.append(minji[1]) elif axis == 'Y': slicevar.append(minji[0]) else: slicevar.append(slice(0,len(onc.dimensions[dn]))) # Writting data and slicing onewvar = onewnc.variables[sndv] onewvar[:] = ogetvar[tuple(slicevar)] onewnc.sync() if jumpstation: continue onewnc.close() if len(sndcoinc.keys()) > 0: print 'Coincident sounding stations _______' gen.printing_dictionary(sndcoinc)