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9 | <DIV CLASS="valheader"> |
10 | trajectories |
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12 | <DIV CLASS="valimg"> |
13 | Plotting a series of temporal trajectories |
14 | <IMG WIDTH="100%" SRC="figs/trajectories.png"></IMG> |
15 | </DIV> |
16 | <DIV CLASS="valhelp" |
17 | draw_trajectories(trjfilens, values, observations)<BR> |
18 | Trajectories are readed from ASCII files with a pair of i,j grid points for each position of the trajectory<BR> |
19 | i,j couples of trajectories for all files are referred to a netcdf file with a respective projection<BR> |
20 | A complemtary file for observations is also added separately<BR> |
21 | trjfilens= [filen]@[Tint]@[map]@[Ttrj] ',' separated list of ASCII files with trajectories,<BR> |
22 | time intervals and reference maps (first one will be used to plot)<BR> |
23 | [filen]: name of the file to use (lines with '#', not readed) with values as:<BR> |
24 | [t-step] [x] [y]<BR> |
25 | [Tint]: interval of time-steps to get from the file as [Tbeg]@[Tend] or -1 for all the interval<BR> |
26 | [map]: [file]#[lonname]#[latname] common projection data<BR> |
27 | [file]; netcdf file with the [lon],[lat] projection for the trajectory<BR> |
28 | [lonname],[latname]; names of the longitudes and latitudes variables in [file]<BR> |
29 | [Ttrj]|[val1]|[val2]|[...|[valN]]: kind of associated time values to the trajectory<BR> |
30 | 't-step'|[dtime]|[idate]: each line corresponds to a consecutive time-step with the same deltatime<BR> |
31 | [dtime]: length of time-step in seconds<BR> |
32 | [idate]: date of the first time-step (in [YYYY][MM][DD][HH][MI][SS] format)<BR> |
33 | 'CF-step'|[units]|[refdate]: each line corresponds to a consecutive CF time-step<BR> |
34 | [units]: any of standard temporal CF units: weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ...<BR> |
35 | [refdate]: reference date of the CF time-units<BR> |
36 | 'fulldate': each line provides the correspondance date (in [YYYY][MM][DD][HH][MI][SS] format)<BR> |
37 | values= [plotkind]|[leglabels]|[lonlatlims]|[title]|[graphk]|[mapkind]|[legvals]|[figclose]<BR> |
38 | [plotkind],[val1],[...,[valN]]: kind of plot to generate<BR> |
39 | 'spaghetti'@[trjltype]@[trjlcol]@[trjlwdth]@[trjptyp]@[trjpsiz]: line-marker for each trajectory<BR> |
40 | [trjltype]: ',' list of type of lines for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
41 | [trjlcol]: ',' list of color of lines for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
42 | [trjlwdth]: ',' list of width of lines for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
43 | [trjptyp]: ',' list of type of points for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
44 | [trjpsiz]: ',' list of size of points for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
45 | 'spaghetti_date'@[trjltype]@[trjlcol]@[trjlwdth]@[trjptyp]@[trjpsiz]@[datefmt]@[datefontsize]<BR> |
46 | @[datefreq]@[xoffset]@[yoffset]: line-marker <BR> |
47 | for each trajectory with a given date format at each point<BR> |
48 | [trjltype]: ',' list of type of lines for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
49 | [trjlcol]: ',' list of color of lines for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
50 | [trjlwdth]: ',' list of width of lines for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
51 | [trjptyp]: ',' list of type of points for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
52 | [trjpsiz]: ',' list of size of points for each trajectory (single value same for all, 'None' for auto)<BR> |
53 | [datefmt]: format of the date to show (C-like mixed with LaTeX commands)<BR> |
54 | [datefontsize]: font-size of the time-labels<BR> |
55 | [datefreq]: frequency of time-labels<BR> |
56 | [xoffset]: x-axis offset in pixels of the time-lables respect trajectory<BR> |
57 | [yoffset]: y-axis offset in pixels of the time-lables respect trajectory<BR> |
58 | [leglabels]: ',' separated list of names for the legend<BR> |
59 | [lonlatlims]: ',' list of limits of the map [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] or None<BR> |
60 | [title]: title of the plot ('!' for spaces)<BR> |
61 | [graphk]: kind of output of the graphic (png, pdf, ...)<BR> |
62 | [mapkind]: drawing coastaline ([proj],[res]) or None<BR> |
63 | [proj]: projection<BR> |
64 | * 'cyl', cilindric<BR> |
65 | * 'lcc', lambert conformal<BR> |
66 | [res]: resolution:<BR> |
67 | * 'c', crude<BR> |
68 | * 'l', low<BR> |
69 | * 'i', intermediate<BR> |
70 | * 'h', high<BR> |
71 | * 'f', full<BR> |
72 | [legvals]=[locleg]@[fontsize]: legend values<BR> |
73 | [locleg]: location of the legend (0, autmoatic)<BR> |
74 | 1: 'upper right', 2: 'upper left', 3: 'lower left', 4: 'lower right',<BR> |
75 | 5: 'right', 6: 'center left', 7: 'center right', 8: 'lower center',<BR> |
76 | 9: 'upper center', 10: 'center'<BR> |
77 | [fontsize]: font size for the legend (auto for 12)<BR> |
78 | [figclose]: whether figure should be closed or not<BR> |
79 | observations= [obsfile],[obsname],[Tint],[null],[obstrjvals] ('None' for no observational/reference trajectory)<BR> |
80 | [obsfile]: name fo the File with the observations as [t-step] [lat] [lon]<BR> |
81 | [obsname]: name of the observations in the graph<BR> |
82 | [Tint]: interval of time as [Tbeg]@[Tend] or -1 for all the interval<BR> |
83 | [null]: null value for the observed trajectory<BR> |
84 | [obstrjvals] = [Ttrj]@[obsltype]@[obslcol]@[obslwdth]@[obsptyp]@[obspsiz] values for the observational/reference<BR> |
85 | trajectory in the plot<BR> |
86 | [Ttrj]|[val1]|[val2]|[...|[valN]]: kind of associated time values to the trajectory<BR> |
87 | 't-step'|[dtime]|[idate]: each line corresponds to a consecutive time-step with the same deltatime<BR> |
88 | [dtime]: length of time-step in seconds<BR> |
89 | [idate]: date of the first time-step (in [YYYY][MM][DD][HH][MI][SS] format)<BR> |
90 | 'CF-step'|[units]|[refdate]: each line corresponds to a consecutive CF time-step<BR> |
91 | [units]: any of standard temporal CF units: weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ...<BR> |
92 | [refdate]: reference date of the CF time-units<BR> |
93 | 'fulldate': each line provides the correspondance date (in [YYYY][MM][DD][HH][MI][SS] format)<BR> |
94 | [obsltype]: type of line for the observations/reference trajectory (single 'auto' for '-', 'k', 2, 'x', 2)<BR> |
95 | [obslcol]: color of line for the observations/reference trajectory<BR> |
96 | [obslwdth]: width of line for the observations/reference trajectory<BR> |
97 | [obsptyp]: type of point for the observations/reference trajectory<BR> |
98 | [obspsiz]: size of point for the observations/reference trajectory<BR> |
99 | </DIV> |
100 | <DIV CLASS="valins"> |
101 | $ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o drawing.py -o draw_trajectories -f 'medic950116/control/trajectory.dat@-1@etudes/domains/WL_HyMeX_HighRes_C/geo_em.d01.nc#XLONG_M#XLAT_M@t-step|3600.|19950115000000,medic950116/wlmdza/trajectory.dat@-1@etudes/domains/WL_HyMeX_C/geo_em.d01.nc#XLONG_M#XLAT_M@t-step|3600.|19950115000000,medic950116/wlmdzb/trajectory.dat@-1@etudes/domains/WL_HyMeX_C/geo_em.d01.nc#XLONG_M#XLAT_M@t-step|3600.|19950115000000,medic950116/wlmdzb_cyc/trajectory.dat@-1@etudes/domains/WL_HyMeX_C/geo_em.d01.nc#XLONG_M#XLAT_M@t-step|3600.|19950115000000' -S 'spaghetti_date@-@None@1@o@1@$%d^{%H}$@8@6@4@4|$WRF_{CRM}$,$LMDZ_{AR4.0}$,$LMDZ_{NPv3.1}$,$LMDZ_{NPv3.1b}$|15,28,26,39|medicane trajectories|png|cyl,i|0@8|yes' -v 'medic950116/obs/trajectory.dat,satellite,-1,0.9999998779E+03,t-step|1800.|19950115000000@auto' |
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