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9 | <DIV CLASS="valheader"> |
10 | time-lag figure |
11 | </DIV> |
12 | <DIV CLASS="valimg"> |
13 | Plot a time-lag figure with multiple sources (x, previous values; y, future values) |
14 | <TABLE> |
15 | <TD><TR><IMG WIDTH="100%" SRC="figs/seas1_timelag_pr-evap_SESA_anom.png"></IMG></TR></TD> |
16 | <TD><TR><IMG WIDTH="100%" SRC="figs/mon6_timelag_pr-evap_SACZ_shadline.png"></IMG></TR></TD> |
17 | <TD><TR><IMG WIDTH="100%" SRC="figs/mon1_timelag_pr-evap_SACZ_repeatPeriod.png"></IMG></TR></TD> |
18 | </TABLE> |
19 | </DIV> |
20 | <DIV CLASS="valhelp"> |
21 | draw_time_lag(ncfile, values)<BR> |
22 | ncfile = '#' list of couples ('%' formed) [prefilen];[predslice];[pretvarn];[prevarn]%[futfilen];<BR> |
23 | [futdslice];[futtvarn];[futvarn]<BR> |
24 | 'pre': values to act as previous values<BR> |
25 | 'fut': values to act as future values<BR> |
26 | <BR> |
27 | [filen]: name of the file<BR> |
28 | [dimslice]: '|' list of [dimn],[dimrange]<BR> |
29 | [dimn]: name of the dimension<BR> |
30 | [dimrange]: range for the slice<BR> |
31 | * [integer]: which value of the dimension<BR> |
32 | * -1: all along the dimension<BR> |
33 | * -9: last value of the dimension<BR> |
34 | * [beg]@[end]@[inc] slice from [beg] to [end] every [inc]<BR> |
35 | * NOTE, no dim name all the dimension size<BR> |
36 | [tvarn]: name of the variable time<BR> |
37 | [yvarn]: name of the variable to use for the values<BR> |
38 | values = [dimxyfmt];[axeskind];[preaxislab];[preunits];[futaxislab];[futunits];[prerangevals];<BR> |
39 | [futrangevals];[timevals];[labels];[figlagkind];[graphtit];[legvalues];[kindfig];[fign];[close]<BR> |
40 | [dimxyfmt]=[dxs],[dxf],[Ndx],[ordx],[dys],[dyf],[Ndy],[ordy]: format of the values at each <BR> |
41 | axis (or single 'auto' for 'auto','auto')<BR> |
42 | [dxs]: style of x-axis ('auto' for 'pretty')<BR> |
43 | 'Nfix', values computed at even 'Ndx'<BR> |
44 | 'Stringlist', a given list of strings<BR> |
45 | 'Vfix', values computed at even 'Ndx' increments<BR> |
46 | 'pretty', values computed following aprox. 'Ndx' at 'pretty' intervals (2.,2.5,4,5,10)<BR> |
47 | [dxf]: format of the labels at the x-axis<BR> |
48 | [Ndx]: Number of ticks at the x-axis (for 'Stringlist', '@' list of labels)<BR> |
49 | [ordx]: angle of orientation of ticks at the x-axis ('auto' for horizontal)<BR> |
50 | [dys]: style of y-axis ('auto' for 'pretty')<BR> |
51 | [dyf]: format of the labels at the y-axis<BR> |
52 | [Ndy]: Number of ticks at the y-axis<BR> |
53 | [ordy]: angle of orientation of ticks at the y-axis ('auto' for horizontal)<BR> |
54 | [axeskind]: type of axes to be plotted<BR> |
55 | 'centered': crossed at 0,0 at the center of the figure<BR> |
56 | 'box': around the figure<BR> |
57 | [preaxislab]: Label for the future-axis ('!' for spaces)<BR> |
58 | [preunits]: units of the future-label<BR> |
59 | [futaxislab]: Label for the future-axis ('!' for spaces)<BR> |
60 | [futunits]: units of the future-label<BR> |
61 | [prerangevals]: Range of the previous axis with the values (single 'None' for 'auto','auto')<BR> |
62 | [vmin],[vmax]: minimum and maximum values<BR> |
63 | 'auto': the computed minimumm or maximum of the values <BR> |
64 | [futrangevals]: Range of the future axis with the values (single 'None' for 'auto','auto')<BR> |
65 | [vmin],[vmax]: minimum and maximum values<BR> |
66 | 'auto': the computed minimumm or maximum of the values <BR> |
67 | [timevals]: [timen]|[units]|[kind]|[tfmt] time labels characteristics<BR> |
68 | [timen]; name of the time variable<BR> |
69 | [units]; units string according to CF conventions ([tunits] since <BR> |
70 | [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [[HH]:[MI]:[SS]], '!' for spaces)<BR> |
71 | [kind]; kind of output<BR> |
72 | 'Nval': according to a given number of values as 'Nval',[Nval]<BR> |
73 | 'exct': according to an exact time unit as 'exct',[tunit]; <BR> |
74 | tunit= [Nunits],[tu]; [tu]= 'c': centuries, 'y': year, 'm': month,<BR> |
75 | 'w': week, 'd': day, 'h': hour, 'i': minute, 's': second, <BR> |
76 | 'l': milisecond<BR> |
77 | [tfmt]; desired format<BR> |
78 | [labels]: ',' list of labels for the legend ('None' for no-labels, '!' for spaces)<BR> |
79 | [figlagkind]=[kindname],[valueskind] kind of time-lag plot<BR> |
80 | 'repeatPeriod',[Nlag],[period],[colorbar],[cbarfmt],[cbaror],[ltype],[lwidth],[mtype],[msize<BR>]: |
81 | time-lag for a given repeating sub-period, Line-conected points following a colorbar and time-values<BR> |
82 | [Nlag]: number of time steps as lag<BR> |
83 | [period]: period to be repeated allover the time-data<BR> |
84 | [colorbar]: name of the color bar to use ('auto' for rainbow)<BR> |
85 | [cbarfmt]: format of the numbers in the colorbar<BR> |
86 | [cbaror]: orientation of the colorbar ('auto' for vertical)<BR> |
87 | [ltype]: type of the lines (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
88 | [lsize]: width of the lines (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
89 | [mtype]: type of the markers (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
90 | [msize]: size of the markers (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
91 | 'shadTline',[Nlag],[colorbar],[cbarfmt],[cbaror],[ltype],[lwidth],[mtype],[msize]: Line-conected <BR> |
92 | points following a colorbar and time-values<BR> |
93 | [Nlag]: number of time steps as lag<BR> |
94 | [colorbar]: name of the color bar to use ('auto' for rainbow)<BR> |
95 | [cbarfmt]: format of the numbers in the colorbar<BR> |
96 | [cbaror]: orientation of the colorbar ('auto' for vertical)<BR> |
97 | [ltype]: type of the lines (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
98 | [lsize]: width of the lines (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
99 | [mtype]: type of the markers (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
100 | [msize]: size of the markers (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
101 | 'simplepts',[Nlag],[col],[type],[size]: Simple points assuming that values have all the same times<BR> |
102 | [Nlag]: number of time steps as lag<BR> |
103 | [col]: '@' list of colors of the points (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
104 | [type]:types of the points (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
105 | [size]: sizes of the points kind of lag-time figure (single value for the same, or 'auto')<BR> |
106 | labels= list of labels for legend (None for no legend, and 'None' for no specific label)<BR> |
107 | [graphtit]: title of the figure '!' for spaces<BR> |
108 | [legvalues]=[locleg]|[fontsize]: <BR> |
109 | [locleg]: location of the legend (0, autmoatic)<BR> |
110 | 1: 'upper right', 2: 'upper left', 3: 'lower left', 4: 'lower right',<BR> |
111 | 5: 'right', 6: 'center left', 7: 'center right', 8: 'lower center',<BR> |
112 | 9: 'upper center', 10: 'center'<BR> |
113 | [fontsize]: font size for the legend (auto for 12)<BR> |
114 | [kindfig]: kind of output figure (png, pdf, ps)<BR> |
115 | [fign]: name of the figure (without extension)<BR> |
116 | [close]: whether figure should be close or not<BR> |
117 | </DIV> |
118 | <DIV CLASS="valins"> |
119 | * Plotting with cloud of points seasonal time-lag<BR> |
120 | $ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_time_lag -f 'Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_spinup_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,0@-9@4;time_centered;rainanom%DiPolo_evapstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,0@-9@4;time_centered;evapanom#Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_spinup_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,1@-9@4;time_centered;rainanom%DiPolo_evapstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,1@-9@4;time_centered;evapanom#Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_spinup_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,2@-9@4;time_centered;rainanom%DiPolo_evapstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,2@-9@4;time_centered;evapanom#Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_spinup_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,3@-9@4;time_centered;rainanom%DiPolo_evapstats_OKstomate_CRUNCEP_SESA_seasmean_anom.nc;time_centered,3@-9@4;time_centered;evapanom' -S 'auto;centered;pr;mm/d;evap;mm/d;extremescentered;extremescentered;year|seconds!since!1958-01-01!00:00:00|exct,5,y|%Y;DJF,MAM,JJA,SON;simplepts,1,#AA0000@#0000AA@#00AA00@#AAAA00,x,2.;1-seas!time-lag!at!SESA!between!pr!&!evap!;0|12;png;seas1_timelag_pr-evap_SESA_anom;yes' <BR> |
121 | * Plotting with connected lines <BR> |
122 | $ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_time_lag -f 'Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_SESA_norm_meanstd_stat2.nc;time_centered,-1;time_counter;rainnorm%DiPolo_evapstats_SESA_norm_meanstd_OKstomate.nc;time_counter,-1|stats,2;time_counter;evapnorm#Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_SACZ_norm_meanstd_stat2.nc;time_centered,-1;time_counter;rainnorm%DiPolo_evapstats_SACZ_norm_meanstd_OKstomate.nc;time_counter,-1|stats,2;time_counter;evapnorm' -S 'auto;centered;pr;1;evap;1;-5,5;-2,2;year|seconds!since!1958-01-01!00:00:00|exct,5,y|%Y;SESA,SACZ;shadTline,1,spectral,%s,horizontal,-@-.,2.,x,2.;6-month!time-lag!at!SACZ!between!pr!&!evap!normalized!by!mean/stddev;0|12;png;mon6_timelag_pr-evap_SACZ_shadline;yes' <BR> |
123 | * Plotting with grouped lines <BR> |
124 | $ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_time_lag -f 'Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_SESA_norm_meanstd_stat2.nc;time_counter,0@63@1;time_counter;rainnorm%DiPolo_evapstats_SESA_norm_meanstd_OKstomate.nc;time_counter,0@63@1|stats,2;time_counter;evapnorm#Forcing_rainstats_OKstomate_SACZ_norm_meanstd_stat2.nc;time_counter,0@63@1;time_counter;rainnorm%DiPolo_evapstats_SACZ_norm_meanstd_OKstomate.nc;time_counter,0@63@1|stats,2;time_counter;evapnorm' -S 'auto;centered;pr;1;evap;1;-2.2,5;-2,2;year|seconds!since!1958-01-01!00:00:00|exct,1,y|%Y;SESA,SACZ;repeatPeriod,1,12,spectral,%s,horizontal,-@-.,2.,x,2.;1-month!time-lag!at!SACZ!between!pr!&!evap!normalized!by!mean/stddev;0|12;png;mon1_timelag_pr-evap_SACZ_repeatPeriod;yes' |
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