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9 | <DIV CLASS="valheader"> |
10 | 2D shadow plot |
11 | </DIV> |
12 | <DIV CLASS="valimg"> |
13 | Plotting multiple WindRose at the same time |
14 | <IMG WIDTH="100%" SRC="figs/WindRose_obs-sim_step_Case6_87418_20151118000000.png"></IMG> |
15 | </DIV> |
16 | <DIV CLASS="valhelp"> |
17 | draw_multiWindRose(ncfiles, values)<BR> |
18 | Function to plot multiple wind rose (from where the dinw blows)<BR> |
19 | ncfiles='#' separated list of [filen]@[dimvals]@[uvarn],[vvarn]<BR> |
20 | [filen]: name of the file<BR> |
21 | [dimvals]: ';' list of [dimn]|[dvalue] dimension and slice along dimension to retrieve the winds<BR> |
22 | [dimn]: name of the dimension<BR> |
23 | [dvalue]: value for the slice in the given dimension<BR> |
24 | * [integer]: which value of the dimension<BR> |
25 | * -1: all along the dimension<BR> |
26 | * -9: last value of the dimension<BR> |
27 | * [beg],[end],[freq] slice from [beg] to [end] every [freq]<BR> |
28 | * NOTE, no dim name all the dimension size<BR> |
29 | No value takes all the range of the dimension<BR> |
30 | [uvarn],[vvarn]: name of the x and y wind components<BR> |
31 | values=[kindRose]:[labels]:[imgtit]:[imgkind]:[kindlabelsangle]:[close]<BR> |
32 | [kindRose]: [kind];[value1];[...[valueN]] Kind of rose to plot and values of the kind<BR> |
33 | 'linepoint': consecutive (time, height, level, ...) line-point angle and speed values. Three different species<BR> |
34 | 'multicol': line-marker color changing according to a third variable [extravarn]<BR> |
35 | values: [extravarn];[lines];[markers];[freqmarkers];[colbar];[Nang]<BR> |
36 | 'multicoltime': line-marker color changing according to a temporal variable [extravarn]<BR> |
37 | values: [extravarn];[lines];[markers];[colbar];[Nang];[timekind];[timefmt];[timelabel]<BR> |
38 | 'singlecol': same color for the line-marker<BR> |
39 | values: [lines];[markers];[cols];[Nang]<BR> |
40 | 'scatter': a marker for each wind at different values (time, height, level, ...). Three different species<BR> |
41 | 'multicol':marker color changing according to a third variable [extravarn]<BR> |
42 | values: [extravarn];[markers];[colbar];[Nang]<BR> |
43 | 'multicoltime': marker color changing according to a temporal variable [extravarn]<BR> |
44 | values: [extravarn];[lines];[markers];[colbar];[Nang];[timekind];[timefmt];[timelabel]<BR> |
45 | 'singlecol': same color for all the markers<BR> |
46 | values: [markers];[cols];[Nang]<BR> |
47 | meaning (where apply):<BR> |
48 | [extravarn]: name of the extra variable <BR> |
49 | [lines]: '@' separated list of type of lines (matplotlib ref)<BR> |
50 | [markers]: '@' separated list of type of markers to use (matplotlib ref)<BR> |
51 | [freqmarkers]: '@' separated list of frequency of drawing markers ('auto' for every 10)<BR> |
52 | [cols] = '@' separated list of colors ('#[RR][GG][BB])<BR> |
53 | [colbar]: name of the colorbar ('auto' for 'spectral_r')<BR> |
54 | [Nang]: number of angles to divide the rose ('auto' for 8)<BR> |
55 | [Nspeed]: number of speeds to divide the wind speed distribution ('auto' for 8)<BR> |
56 | [maxspeed]: maximum wind speed used to compute the frequency of distributions ('auto' for 40.)<BR> |
57 | [timekind]; time computation of ticks<BR> |
58 | 'Nval': according to a given number of values as 'Nval',[Nval]<BR> |
59 | 'exct': according to an exact time unit as 'exct',[tunit]; <BR> |
60 | tunit= [Nunits],[tu]; [tu]= 'c': centuries, 'y': year, 'm': month,<BR> |
61 | 'w': week, 'd': day, 'h': hour, 'i': minute, 's': second, <BR> |
62 | 'l': milisecond<BR> |
63 | [timefmt]; desired format of time labels (C-like)<BR> |
64 | [timelabel]; label of time colorbar at the graph ('!' for spaces)<BR> |
65 | labels: ',' separated list of labels for the legend ('None' for no label)<BR> |
66 | imgtit: title of the image ('!' for spaces)<BR> |
67 | imgkind: kind of file output of the image (ps, pns, pdf, ...)<BR> |
68 | kindlabelsangle: kind of labels for the angles of the wind Rose<BR> |
69 | 'cardianals': Following combinations of 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' according to Nang<BR> |
70 | close: whether figure should be closed or not<BR> |
71 | </DIV> |
72 | <DIV CLASS="valins"> |
73 | $ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_multiWindRose -f 'sounding_uava_87418.nc@pres|1,1401,1;time|<BR> |
74 | 33@ua,va#UBA_ERA-I_1a_snd_mendoza.nc@pres|-1;time|0@ua,va#UBA_ERA5_1a_snd_mendoza.nc@pres|-1;<BR> |
75 | time|0@ua,va#UBA_morrison_MYNN_snd_mendoza.nc@pres|-1;time|0@ua,va#SMN_snd_mendoza.nc@pres|-1;<BR> |
76 | time|0@ua,va#UBA_ERA-I_smnphys_snd_mendoza.nc@pres|-1;time|0@ua,va' -S 'linepoint;multicol;<BR> |
77 | pres;-;x@+@>@s@*@<;1@10@10@10@10@10;spectral;auto:obs,1a,era5_1a,sens,SMN,smnphys:WindRose!<BR> |
78 | obs!,!sim!comparison!at!87418!on!2015!Nov!18!00!UTC:png:auto:True' |
79 | </DIV> |
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