2D shadow 2D shadow time 2D shadow contour 2D shadow 2 contour 2D shadow contour time 2D shadow line 2D shadow line time bar char plot bar char and lines plot bar char and lines plot with time bar char plot time wind-barbs wind-barbs ORCHIDEE's basin description cicurlar cycle cicurlar cycle Ensemble time Ensemble time Neighbourghood evolution Nlines 2lines time Nlines time plot points plot lon,lat points plot lon,lat points plot points by Z value plot rivers from ORCHIDEE's description plot sub-basin from ORCHIDEE's routing Taylor diagram Time lag Time lag Time lag Time Series topography WRF's geogrid nested topography WRF's geogrid with boxes trajectories values along a trajectory plotting a vector field with colorbar plotting vector field with a 3rd variable plotting vector field with length depending on module distribution of vertical levels WindRose with frequencies of angle and wind speed WindRose of line-mark as consecutive values changing color