Tacking advantage of the work done, multiple different scripts have already been produced. They are:
- create_OBSnetcdf: netCDF creation from an ASCII observational data file
- diagnostics: computing of different diagnostics from a given file
- get_Uwyoming_snd: gets sounding data from tne U. Wyoming data-set from the terminal
- model_graphics: compute and draw differences among simulations from an ensemble of multi-model and multi-physics simulations
- multi_plot: plot multiple graphics from drawing.py in a multiple panel figure
- TS_ASCII_netCDF: transforms a Time-Series WRF ASCII output to netCDF
- UWyoming_snd_nc.py: transforms a sounding retrieved from U. Wyoming weather web-page to netCDF
- WRF_namelist_check: checks consistency of WRF namelist using the compiled version of the WRF code for validation