1 | <HTML> |
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4 | <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="PyNCplot.css"/> |
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8 | <BODY CLASS="genintro"> |
9 | <H1>Installation guide</H1> |
10 | A step-by-step instructions to follow in order to install all the required packages and tools. <BR> |
11 | |
12 | Example of installation in a Debian 8 as root: |
13 | <OL> |
14 | <LI>as root</LI> |
15 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt">$ su</DIV> |
16 | <LI>install subversion, version control packaes</LI> |
17 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install subversion</DIV> |
18 | <LI>install GIT, different paradigm version control</LI> |
19 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install git</DIV> |
20 | |
21 | <LI>get python and its necessary applications</LI> |
22 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install python python-scipy python-numpy cython cython-dbg</DIV> |
23 | |
24 | <LI>get netcdf libraries tools and applications (cdo and nco are also installed maybe not required...)</LI> |
25 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install netcdf-bin netcdf-dbg libnetcdf-dev netcdf-doc ncview cdo nco</DIV> |
26 | |
27 | <LI>get hdf5</LI> |
28 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install libhdf5-dev</DIV> |
29 | |
30 | <LI>install matplotlib and basemap in order to plot and drow maps</LI> |
31 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install python-matplotlib python-matplotlib-data python-matplotlib-doc python-mpltoolkits.basemap python-mpltoolkits.basemap-data</DIV> |
32 | |
33 | <LI>install system tools (Scripts use L<SUP>A</SUP>T<SUB>E</SUB>X interface for titles and labels)</LI> |
34 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install dvipng</DIV> |
35 | |
36 | <LI>install netcdf4, python API interface to netCDF files</LI> |
37 | <OL> |
38 | <LI> Some new linux distributions (at least Debian >8) provide the netcdf4 API in the package systems:</LI> |
39 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># apt-get install python-netcdf4</DIV> |
40 | <LI> Otherwise, it can be manually done. Be careful with interferencies with anaconda (some issues on mixture of netcdf libraries have been detected). |
41 | <UL> |
42 | <LI>Following <A CLASS="la" HREF="https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python" TARGET="_blank">https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python</A>)</LI> |
43 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># git clone https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python.git<BR> |
44 | cd netcdf4-python/</DIV> |
45 | <LI>Editing `setup.cfg' to add/change some values (there are installation issues if `nc-config' is used along installation)</LI> |
46 | <PRE><CODE> |
47 | use_ncconfig=False |
48 | netCDF4_dir = /usr/local |
49 | HDF5_dir = /usr/local |
50 | HDF5_libdir = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial |
51 | HDF5_INCDIR = /usr/include/hdf5/serial |
52 | </CODE></PRE> |
53 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"> |
54 | # python setup.py build >& run_pysetup.log<BR> |
55 | # python setup.py install >& run_pyinstall.log</DIV> |
56 | </UL> |
57 | </OL> |
58 | <LI>Getting the scripts, no need to be root:</LI> |
59 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"># exit<BR> |
60 | $ cd $HOME <BR> |
61 | $ svn co http://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ_WRF/trunk/tools PyNCplot</DIV> |
62 | <LI>Now all the scripts are held in ${HOME}/PyNCplot. It might be desirable to set an environment variable to make life easier: |
63 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt">$ export pyHOME=${HOME}/PyNCplot</DIV> |
64 | <LI>Finally one need to compile the Fortran modules using the same python to run the scripts. This is done using a standard `Makefile' and the tool <A CLASS="la" HREF="https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/f2py/" TARGET="_blank">f2py</A> to link Fortran compiled codes to python. There are different versions for different LMD/IPSL and French HPC machines. For a standard linux 64-bits machine (debain 7) there is one example as `Makefile.foudre'. Follow the instructions there in after linking the appropriated file:</LI> |
65 | <DIV CLASS="codetxt"> |
66 | $ ln -s Makefile.[machine].[compiler] ./Makefile |
67 | </DIV> |
68 | At the end one should have: |
69 | <PRE><CODE> |
70 | module_ForDiag.so |
71 | module_ForInt.so |
72 | </CODE></PRE> |
73 | |
74 | </OL> |
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