# Configuration for 'get_stations.py' # Too much options to be ingested and parsed ?! #sfcstatfile='ubicacion_datos_sup.csv' sfcstatfile='None' # Surface stations columns for data sfclatcol=0 sfcloncol=1 sfclabcol=3 sfchgtcol=2 sndstatfile='sounding_stattions.csv' # Sounding stations columns for data sndlatcol=1 sndloncol=2 sndlabcol=0 sndhgtcol=3 # comment char comchar = '#' # separation char sepchar = ',' # missing value missvalS = ['0', 'NaN'] # simulation file simfilen = '/datos/lluis.fita/studies/NNRP/nnrp_1976.nc' # dimension CFequivalences CFdims = {'lon': 'lon', 'lat': 'lat', 'plev': 'level', 'time': 'time'} # axes dimensions axesdims = {'X': ['lon'], 'Y': ['lat'], 'Z': ['level', 'level_2'], 'T': ['time']} # axes variables axesvars = {'X': ['lon'], 'Y': ['lat'], 'Z': ['level', 'levels_2'], 'T': ['time']} # dim Variables ('H' to determine station height from file, 'None' for no variable available) dimvariables = {'lon': 'lon', 'lat': 'lat', 'level': 'level', 'time':'time', \ 'level_2': 'level_2', 'H': 'None'} # SFC Variables sfcvariables = {'tas':'T2', 'uas':'WRFuas', 'vas':'WRFvas', 'huss':'Q2', 'ps':'PSFC',\ 'zhgt':'HGT'} # Surface reference variable (it must be one variable from file which has # the right right shape (e.g. un-staggered) and rang as 3D dimensions [T,Y,X]) sfcrefvar = 'T2' # Vertical Variables sndvariables= {'ta':'air', 'ua':'uwnd', 'va':'vwnd', 'hus':'shum', \ 'zg':'hgt', 'plev':'level', 'tda': 'C_td', 'wd': 'C_wd', 'ws': 'C_ws'} # Sounding reference variable (it must be one variable from file which has # the right right shape (e.g. un-staggered) and rang as 4D dimensions [T,Z,Y,X]) sndrefvar = 'air' # Variable pressure UnitsPress = 'Pa' Pressdimref = 'level' # Does pressure variable change with time? presstime = False # Map range #nlon = -80. #xlon = -50. #nlat = -60. #xlat = -20. # Map range RELAMPAGO nlon = 70. xlon = 180. nlat = -67. xlat = -5. # CF Temporal values ReferenceDate = '19491201000000' UnitsTime = 'minutes'