#include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 # include #endif #include "protos.h" #include "registry.h" #include "data.h" #include "sym.h" int gen_streams( char * dirname ) { FILE * fp ; char fname[NAMELEN] ; char * fn ; if ( dirname == NULL ) return(1) ; fn = "module_io_domain_defs.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_io_domain_defs( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "set_timekeeping_defs.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_set_timekeeping_defs( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "set_timekeeping_alarms.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_set_timekeeping_alarms( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "io_form_for_dataset.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_io_form_for_dataset( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "io_form_for_stream.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_io_form_for_stream( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "switches_and_alarms.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_switches_and_alarms( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "check_auxstream_alarms.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_check_auxstream_alarms( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "fine_stream_input.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_fine_stream_input( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_auxinput_in.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_auxinput_in( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_hist_out_opens.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_hist_out_opens( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_hist_out_closes.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_hist_out_closes( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_auxinput_in_closes.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_auxinput_in_closes( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_last_solve_io.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_last_solve_io( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_open_esmf_calls.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_open_esmf_calls( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "med_find_esmf_coupling.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_med_find_esmf_coupling( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; fn = "shutdown_closes.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_shutdown_closes( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; return(0) ; } int gen_io_domain_defs ( FILE * fp ) { char * dir , * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i, j ; for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) { if ( j == 0 ) dir = "output" ; else dir = "input" ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 2*MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { if ( i % MAX_HISTORY == 0 ) { aux = "" ; streamno[0] = '\0' ; } else { aux="aux" ; sprintf(streamno,"%d",i%MAX_HISTORY) ; } if ( i < MAX_HISTORY ) { streamtype = "input" ; } else { streamtype = ( i%MAX_HISTORY == 0 )?"history":"hist" ; } fprintf(fp,"SUBROUTINE %s_%s%s%s ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr )\n",dir,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IMPLICIT NONE\n") ; fprintf(fp," TYPE(domain) :: grid\n") ; fprintf(fp," TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags\n") ; fprintf(fp," INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fid\n") ; fprintf(fp," INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr\n") ; fprintf(fp," IF ( config_flags%%io_form_%s%s%s .GT. 0 ) THEN\n", aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL %s_wrf( fid, grid, config_flags, %s%s%s_only, ierr ) ;\n",dir,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp," RETURN\n") ; fprintf(fp,"END SUBROUTINE %s_%s%s%s\n",dir,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; } } } int gen_set_timekeeping_defs ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 2*MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { if ( i % MAX_HISTORY == 0 ) { aux = "" ; streamno[0] = '\0' ; } else { aux="aux" ; sprintf(streamno,"%d",i%MAX_HISTORY) ; } if ( i < MAX_HISTORY ) { streamtype = "input" ; } else { streamtype = ( i%MAX_HISTORY == 0 )?"history":"hist" ; } fprintf(fp," INTEGER :: %s%s%s_interval , &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_interval_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_interval_h, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_interval_m, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_interval_s \n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," INTEGER :: %s%s%s_begin , &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_begin_y, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_begin_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_begin_h, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_begin_m, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_begin_s \n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," INTEGER :: %s%s%s_end , &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_end_y, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_end_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_end_h, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_end_m, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_end_s \n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; } } int gen_set_timekeeping_alarms ( FILE * fp ) { char * dir , * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i, j ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 2*MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { if ( i % MAX_HISTORY == 0 ) { aux = "" ; streamno[0] = '\0' ; } else { aux="aux" ; sprintf(streamno,"%d",i%MAX_HISTORY) ; } if ( i < MAX_HISTORY ) { streamtype = "input" ; } else { streamtype = ( i%MAX_HISTORY == 0 )?"history":"hist" ; } if ( i == 0 ) continue ; /* skip just input */ fprintf(fp,"! %s%s%s INTERVAL\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_interval( grid%%id, %s%s%s_interval ) ! same as minutes\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_interval_d( grid%%id, %s%s%s_interval_d )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_interval_h( grid%%id, %s%s%s_interval_h )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_interval_m( grid%%id, %s%s%s_interval_m )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_interval_s( grid%%id, %s%s%s_interval_s )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( %s%s%s_interval_m .EQ. 0 ) %s%s%s_interval_m = %s%s%s_interval\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( MAX( %s%s%s_interval_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_interval_h, %s%s%s_interval_m , %s%s%s_interval_s ) .GT. 0 ) THEN\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( interval, D=%s%s%s_interval_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," H=%s%s%s_interval_h, M=%s%s%s_interval_m, S=%s%s%s_interval_s, rc=rc )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &\n") ; fprintf(fp," 'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(%s%s%s_interval) FAILED', &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," __FILE__ , &\n") ; fprintf(fp," __LINE__ )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE\n") ; #if 0 fprintf(fp," interval = run_length + padding_interval\n") ; #else fprintf(fp," interval = padding_interval\n") ; #endif fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_begin ( grid%%id, %s%s%s_begin )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_begin_y( grid%%id, %s%s%s_begin_y )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_begin_d( grid%%id, %s%s%s_begin_d )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_begin_h( grid%%id, %s%s%s_begin_h )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_begin_m( grid%%id, %s%s%s_begin_m )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_begin_s( grid%%id, %s%s%s_begin_s )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( %s%s%s_begin_m .EQ. 0 ) %s%s%s_begin_m = %s%s%s_begin\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( MAX( %s%s%s_begin_y, %s%s%s_begin_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_begin_h, %s%s%s_begin_m , %s%s%s_begin_s ) .GT. 0 ) THEN\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( begin_time , D=%s%s%s_begin_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," H=%s%s%s_begin_h, M=%s%s%s_begin_m, S=%s%s%s_begin_s, rc=rc )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &\n") ; fprintf(fp," 'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(%s%s%s_begin) FAILED', &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," __FILE__ , &\n") ; fprintf(fp," __LINE__ )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE\n") ; fprintf(fp," begin_time = zero_time\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_end( grid%%id, %s%s%s_end )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_end_y( grid%%id, %s%s%s_end_y )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_end_d( grid%%id, %s%s%s_end_d )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_end_h( grid%%id, %s%s%s_end_h )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_end_m( grid%%id, %s%s%s_end_m )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_%s%s%s_end_s( grid%%id, %s%s%s_end_s )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( %s%s%s_end_m .EQ. 0 ) %s%s%s_end_m = %s%s%s_end\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( MAX( %s%s%s_end_y, %s%s%s_end_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," %s%s%s_end_h, %s%s%s_end_m , %s%s%s_end_s ) .GT. 0 ) THEN\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( end_time , D=%s%s%s_end_d, &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," H=%s%s%s_end_h, M=%s%s%s_end_m, S=%s%s%s_end_s, rc=rc )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno,aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &\n") ; fprintf(fp," 'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(%s%s%s_end) FAILED', &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," __FILE__ , &\n") ; fprintf(fp," __LINE__ )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE\n") ; fprintf(fp," end_time = run_length + padding_interval\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL domain_alarm_create( grid, %s%s%s_ALARM, interval, begin_time, end_time )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; #if 0 fprintf(fp," IF ( interval .NE. run_length + padding_interval .AND. begin_time .EQ. zero_time ) THEN\n") ; #else fprintf(fp," IF ( interval .NE. padding_interval .AND. begin_time .EQ. zero_time ) THEN\n") ; #endif fprintf(fp," CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOn( grid%%alarms( %s%s%s_ALARM ), rc=rc )\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &\n") ; fprintf(fp," 'WRFU_AlarmRingerOn(%s%s%s_ALARM) FAILED', &\n",aux,streamtype,streamno) ; fprintf(fp," __FILE__ , &\n") ; fprintf(fp," __LINE__ )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; } } int gen_io_form_for_dataset ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; fprintf(fp," IF ( DataSet .eq. 'RESTART' ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_restart( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'INPUT' ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_input( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'HISTORY' ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'BOUNDARY' ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_boundary( 1, io_form )\n") ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { sprintf(streamno,"%d",i) ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT%s' ) THEN\n", streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput%s( 1, io_form )\n", streamno) ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST%s' ) THEN\n", streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist%s( 1, io_form )\n", streamno) ; } fprintf(fp," ELSE ! default if nothing is set in SysDepInfo; use history\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; } int gen_io_form_for_stream ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; fprintf(fp," IF ( stream .eq. restart_only ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_restart( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( stream .eq. input_only ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_input( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( stream .eq. history_only ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form )\n") ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( stream .eq. boundary_only ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_boundary( 1, io_form )\n") ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { sprintf(streamno,"%d",i) ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( stream .eq. auxinput%s_only ) THEN\n", streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput%s( 1, io_form )\n", streamno) ; fprintf(fp," ELSE IF ( stream .eq. auxhist%s_only ) THEN\n", streamno) ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist%s( 1, io_form )\n", streamno) ; } fprintf(fp," ELSE ! if no match then do the old service representative schtick\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_error_fatal('internal error: please contact wrfhelp@ucar.edu: io_form_for_stream.inc -- invalid stream number')\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; } int gen_switches_and_alarms ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: history_only = 1\n") ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: HISTORY_ALARM = history_only\n") ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: input_only = %d\n",MAX_HISTORY+1) ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: INPUT_ALARM = input_only ! not used\n") ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: auxhist%d_only = %d\n",i,i+1) ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: AUXHIST%d_ALARM = %d\n",i,i+1) ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: auxinput%d_only = %d\n",i,MAX_HISTORY+i+1) ; fprintf(fp,"INTEGER, PARAMETER :: AUXINPUT%d_ALARM = %d\n",i,MAX_HISTORY+i+1) ; } } int gen_check_auxstream_alarms ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; fprintf(fp,"! - AUX HISTORY OUTPUT\n") ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"#ifndef DISABLE_ALARM_AUXHIST%d\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF( WRFU_AlarmIsRinging( grid%%alarms( AUXHIST%d_ALARM ), rc=rc ) ) THEN\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL med_hist_out ( grid , %d, config_flags )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( grid%%alarms( AUXHIST%d_ALARM ), rc=rc )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp,"#endif\n") ; } fprintf(fp,"! - AUX INPUT INPUT\n") ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"#ifndef DISABLE_ALARM_AUXINPUT%d\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF( WRFU_AlarmIsRinging( grid%%alarms( AUXINPUT%d_ALARM ), rc=rc ) ) THEN\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL med_auxinput%d_in ( grid , config_flags )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," WRITE ( message , FMT='(A,A,A,i3)' ) 'Input data processed for ' , &\n") ; fprintf(fp," TRIM(config_flags%%auxinput%d_inname) , ' for domain ',grid%%id\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , message )\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( grid%%alarms( AUXINPUT%d_ALARM ), rc=rc )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp,"#endif\n") ; } } int gen_fine_stream_input ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; fprintf(fp,"IF ( ( grid%%id .EQ. 1 ) .OR. ( config_flags%%fine_input_stream .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'med_initialdata_input: calling input_input' )\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL input_input ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr )\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'med_initialdata_input: back from input_input' )\n") ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"ELSE IF ( config_flags%%fine_input_stream .EQ. %d ) THEN\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'med_initialdata_input: calling input_auxinput%d' )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL input_auxinput%d ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'med_initialdata_input: back from input_auxinput%d' )\n",i) ; } fprintf(fp,"ELSE\n") ; fprintf(fp," WRITE( message , '(\"med_initialdata_input: bad fine_input_stream = \",I4)') config_flags%%fine_input_stream\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL WRF_ERROR_FATAL ( message )\n") ; fprintf(fp,"END IF\n") ; } int gen_med_auxinput_in ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," CASE ( AUXINPUT%d_ALARM )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL open_aux_u( grid, config_flags, stream, AUXINPUT%d_ALARM, &\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," config_flags%%auxinput%d_inname, grid%%auxinput%d_oid, &\n",i,i) ; fprintf(fp," input_auxinput%d, ierr )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL input_auxinput%d ( grid%%auxinput%d_oid, grid , config_flags , ierr )\n",i,i) ; } } int gen_med_hist_out_opens ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," CASE ( AUXHIST%d_ALARM )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL open_hist_w( grid, config_flags, stream, AUXHIST%d_ALARM, &\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," config_flags%%auxhist%d_outname, grid%%auxhist%d_oid, &\n",i,i) ; fprintf(fp," output_auxhist%d, fname, n2, ierr )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL output_auxhist%d ( grid%%auxhist%d_oid, grid , config_flags , ierr )\n",i,i) ; } } int gen_med_hist_out_closes ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," CASE ( AUXHIST%d_ALARM )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( grid%%nframes(stream) >= config_flags%%frames_per_auxhist%d ) THEN\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL close_dataset ( grid%%auxhist%d_oid , config_flags , n2 )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," grid%%auxhist%d_oid = 0\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," grid%%nframes(stream) = 0\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; } } int gen_med_auxinput_in_closes ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) /* the number of history is the same as the number of input and MAX_INPUT collides with system definitions */ { fprintf(fp," CASE ( AUXINPUT%d_ALARM )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( grid%%nframes(stream) >= config_flags%%frames_per_auxinput%d ) THEN\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL close_dataset ( grid%%auxinput%d_oid , config_flags , \"DATASET=AUXINPUT%d\" )\n",i,i) ; fprintf(fp," grid%%auxinput%d_oid = 0\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," grid%%nframes(stream) = 0\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; } } int gen_med_last_solve_io ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," IF( WRFU_AlarmIsRinging( grid%%alarms( AUXHIST%d_ALARM ), rc=rc ) ) THEN\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL med_hist_out ( grid , AUXHIST%d_ALARM , config_flags )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; } } int gen_shutdown_closes ( FILE *fp ) { char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"IF( grid%%auxhist%d_oid > 0 ) CALL close_dataset ( grid%%auxhist%d_oid, config_flags, 'DATASET=AUXHIST%d' )\n",i,i,i) ; } } /* generate the calls that main/wrf_ESMFMod.F uses in wrf_state_populate() */ gen_med_open_esmf_calls ( FILE *fp ) { int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput%d( 1, io_form )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp,"IF ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_ESMF ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," stream = %d\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL open_aux_u( grid, config_flags, stream, AUXINPUT%d_ALARM, &\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," config_flags%%auxinput%d_inname, grid%%auxinput%d_oid, &\n",i,i) ; fprintf(fp," input_auxinput%d, ierr )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( ierr /= 0 ) RETURN\n") ; fprintf(fp,"ENDIF\n") ; } for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist%d( 1, io_form )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp,"IF ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_ESMF ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," stream = %d\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," CALL open_hist_w( grid, config_flags, stream, AUXHIST%d_ALARM, &\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," config_flags%%auxhist%d_outname, grid%%auxhist%d_oid, &\n",i,i) ; fprintf(fp," output_auxhist%d, fname, n2, ierr )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( ierr /= 0 ) RETURN\n") ; fprintf(fp,"ENDIF\n") ; } } /* generate the calls that main/wrf_ESMFMod.F uses in wrf_state_populate() */ gen_med_find_esmf_coupling ( FILE *fp ) { int i ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"IF ( .NOT. foundcoupling ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput%d( 1, io_form )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_ESMF ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL ESMF_AlarmGet( head_grid%%alarms( AUXINPUT%d_ALARM ), &\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," RingInterval=couplingInterval, rc=rc )\n") ; fprintf(fp," IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'wrf_findCouplingInterval: ESMF_AlarmGet(AUXINPUT%d_ALARM) failed' )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp," foundcoupling = .TRUE.\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp,"ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp,"IF ( .NOT. foundcoupling ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist%d( 1, io_form )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," IF ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_ESMF ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL ESMF_AlarmGet( head_grid%%alarms( AUXHIST%d_ALARM ), &\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," RingInterval=couplingInterval, rc=rc )\n") ; fprintf(fp," IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN\n") ; fprintf(fp," CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'wrf_findCouplingInterval: ESMF_AlarmGet(AUXHIST%d_ALARM) failed' )\n",i) ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp," foundcoupling = .TRUE.\n") ; fprintf(fp," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp,"ENDIF\n") ; } } /* This one is special; it gets called before the registry actually runs and produces a file that defines a lot of per-stream variables, mostly rconfig but also the oid state variables for each stream. This file is then included by the registry.io_boilerplate file when the registry actually runs. As with the other mods above, this allows a variable, compile-time number of io streams. Note that this one is self contained and dirname is hard-coded. */ int gen_io_boilerplate () { FILE * fp ; char * dirname = "Registry" ; char fname[NAMELEN] ; char * fn ; char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5] ; char * howset = "namelist,time_control" ; char * maxd = "max_domains" ; int i, j ; fn = "io_boilerplate_temporary.inc" ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig logical override_restart_timers namelist,time_control 1 .false.\n") ; for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) { /* j=0 is hist, j=1 is input */ streamtype = (j==0)?"hist":"input" ; for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp,"state integer aux%s%d_oid - - - - - \"\" \"\" \"\"\n",streamtype,i) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig character aux%s%d_inname %s %s \"aux%s%d_d_\"\n",streamtype,i,howset,"1",streamtype,i) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig character aux%s%d_outname %s %s \"aux%s%d_d_\"\n",streamtype,i,howset,"1",streamtype,i) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_y %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_h %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_m %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_s %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_y %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_h %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_m %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_s %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_y %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_h %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_m %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_s %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer io_form_aux%s%d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,"1") ; fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer frames_per_aux%s%d %s %s 999999\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ; } } close_the_file( fp ) ; }