source: lmdz_wrf/trunk/WRFV3/share/set_timekeeping.F @ 623

Last change on this file since 623 was 1, checked in by lfita, 10 years ago
  • -- --- Opening of the WRF+LMDZ coupling repository --- -- -

WRF: version v3.3
LMDZ: version v1818

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File size: 29.5 KB
1SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping ( grid )
2   USE module_domain
3   USE module_configure
4   USE module_utility
6   TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid
7! Local
8   TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: begin_time, end_time, zero_time, one_minute, one_hour, forever, padding_interval
9   TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: interval, run_length, dfl_length
10   TYPE(WRFU_Time) :: startTime, stopTime, initialTime
11   TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: stepTime
12   TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: tmp_step
13   INTEGER :: start_year,start_month,start_day,start_hour,start_minute,start_second
14   INTEGER :: end_year,end_month,end_day,end_hour,end_minute,end_second
15   INTEGER :: vortex_interval
16#ifdef HWRF
17!zhang's doing
18   real (kind=8) :: day_in_sec
19   REAL :: tstart
20!end of zhang's doing
23! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
24   INTEGER :: dfi_fwdstop_year,dfi_fwdstop_month,dfi_fwdstop_day,dfi_fwdstop_hour,dfi_fwdstop_minute,dfi_fwdstop_second
25   INTEGER :: dfi_bckstop_year,dfi_bckstop_month,dfi_bckstop_day,dfi_bckstop_hour,dfi_bckstop_minute,dfi_bckstop_second
26! #endif
28   INTEGER :: restart_interval_d
29   INTEGER :: inputout_interval_d
30   INTEGER :: inputout_begin_y
31   INTEGER :: inputout_end_y
32   INTEGER :: inputout_begin_m
33   INTEGER :: inputout_begin_s
34   INTEGER :: inputout_begin_d
35   INTEGER :: inputout_begin_h
36   INTEGER :: inputout_end_m
37   INTEGER :: inputout_end_s
38   INTEGER :: inputout_end_d
39   INTEGER :: inputout_end_h
40   INTEGER :: restart_interval_m
41   INTEGER :: restart_interval_s
42   INTEGER :: restart_interval
43   INTEGER :: restart_interval_h
44   INTEGER :: inputout_interval_m
45   INTEGER :: inputout_interval_s
46   INTEGER :: inputout_interval
47   INTEGER :: inputout_interval_h
49#  include ""
51   INTEGER :: grid_fdda, grid_sfdda
53   INTEGER :: run_days, run_hours, run_minutes, run_seconds
54   INTEGER :: time_step, time_step_fract_num, time_step_fract_den
55   INTEGER :: rc
56   REAL    :: dt
58   CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( zero_time, rc=rc )
59   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
60                         'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(zero_time) FAILED', &
61                         __FILE__ , &
62                         __LINE__  )
63   CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( one_minute, M=1, rc=rc )
64   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
65                         'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(one_minute) FAILED', &
66                         __FILE__ , &
67                         __LINE__  )
68   CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( one_hour, H=1, rc=rc )
69   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
70                         'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(one_hour) FAILED', &
71                         __FILE__ , &
72                         __LINE__  )
73   CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( forever, S=1700000000, rc=rc )  ! magic number; indicats an interval that is forever
74   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
75                         'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(forever) FAILED', &
76                         __FILE__ , &
77                         __LINE__  )
79! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
80   IF ( (grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI) .OR. (grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_SETUP) ) THEN
81! #endif
82      CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
83      CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
84      CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
85      CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
86      CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
87      CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
88#ifdef HWRF
89!zhang's doing - check with zhan before adding this bit
90!   CALL nl_get_tstart ( grid%id , tstart )
91!   CALL jdn_sec(day_in_sec,start_year,start_month,start_day,start_hour,start_minute,start_second)
92!   day_in_sec = day_in_sec + tstart*3600.
93!   CALL jdn_ymd_hms(day_in_sec,start_year,start_month,start_day,start_hour,start_minute,start_second)
94!end of zhang's doing
96      CALL WRFU_TimeSet(startTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
97                                   H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
98                                   rc=rc)
99      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
100                            'WRFU_TimeSet(startTime) FAILED', &
101                            __FILE__ , &
102                            __LINE__  )
103! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
104   ELSE
105      IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_DFL ) THEN
106         IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FWD ) THEN
107            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
108            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
109            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
110            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
111            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
112            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
113         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST ) THEN
114            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
115            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
116            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
117            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
118            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
119            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
121            run_length = grid%stop_subtime - grid%start_subtime
122            CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet( run_length, S=run_seconds, rc=rc )
123! What about fractional seconds?
124            run_seconds = run_seconds / 2
125            CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( run_length, S=run_seconds, rc=rc )
126            CALL WRFU_TimeSet(startTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
127                                         H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
128                                         rc=rc)
129            startTime = startTime + run_length
130            CALL WRFU_TimeGet(startTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
131                                         H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
132                                         rc=rc)
133         END IF
135      ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_DDFI ) THEN
136         IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FWD ) THEN
137            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_year(grid%id,start_year)
138            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_month(grid%id,start_month)
139            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_day(grid%id,start_day)
140            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
141            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
142            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_second(grid%id,start_second)
143         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_BCK ) THEN
144            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
145            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
146            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
147            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
148            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
149            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
150         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST ) THEN
151            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
152            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
153            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
154            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
155            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
156            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
157         END IF
159      ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_TDFI ) THEN
160         IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FWD ) THEN
161            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_year(grid%id,start_year)
162            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_month(grid%id,start_month)
163            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_day(grid%id,start_day)
164            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
165            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
166            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_second(grid%id,start_second)
168            ! Here, we look at head_grid to determine run_length.
169            !   Since start_subtime and stop_subtime were
170            !   updated for nesting, they no longer bound the dfi
171            !   time window, so, start_subtime and stop_subtime from
172            !   from the grid structure won't work.  However, we can use
173            !   head_grid since the dfi time window is the same for all
174            !   domains.
176            run_length = head_grid%start_subtime - head_grid%stop_subtime
177            CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet( run_length, S=run_seconds, rc=rc )
178! What about fractional seconds?
179            run_seconds = run_seconds / 2
180            CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( run_length, S=run_seconds, rc=rc )
181            CALL WRFU_TimeSet(startTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
182                                         H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
183                                         rc=rc)
184            startTime = startTime + run_length
185            CALL WRFU_TimeGet(startTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
186                                         H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
187                                         rc=rc)
188         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_BCK ) THEN
189            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
190            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
191            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
192            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
193            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
194            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
195         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST ) THEN
196            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
197            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
198            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
199            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
200            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
201            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
202         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_STARTFWD ) THEN
203            CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
204            CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
205            CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
206            CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
207            CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
208            CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
209         END IF
210      END IF
212      IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_STARTBCK ) THEN
213         CALL WRFU_ClockGet( grid%domain_clock, CurrTime=startTime, rc=rc)
214      ELSE
215         CALL WRFU_TimeSet(startTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
216              H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
217              rc=rc)
218      ENDIF
219      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
220                            'WRFU_TimeSet(startTime) FAILED', &
221                            __FILE__ , &
222                            __LINE__  )
223   END IF
224! #endif
226   CALL nl_get_run_days(1,run_days)
227   CALL nl_get_run_hours(1,run_hours)
228   CALL nl_get_run_minutes(1,run_minutes)
229   CALL nl_get_run_seconds(1,run_seconds)
231! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
232   IF ( (grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI) .OR. (grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_SETUP) .OR. (grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST)) THEN
233! #endif
235      IF ( grid%id .EQ. head_grid%id .AND. &
236           ( run_days .gt. 0 .or. run_hours .gt. 0 .or. run_minutes .gt. 0 .or. run_seconds .gt. 0 )) THEN
237        CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( run_length , D=run_days, H=run_hours, M=run_minutes, S=run_seconds, rc=rc )
238! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
239        IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST .AND. grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_DFL ) THEN
240           CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year)
241           CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month)
242           CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day)
243           CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour)
244           CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute)
245           CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second)
246           CALL WRFU_TimeSet(initialTime, YY=start_year, MM=start_month, DD=start_day, &
247                                        H=start_hour, M=start_minute, S=start_second,&
248                                        rc=rc)
249           dfl_length = startTime - initialTime
250           run_length = run_length - dfl_length
251        END IF
252! #endif
253        CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
254                           'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(run_length) FAILED', &
255                           __FILE__ , &
256                           __LINE__  )
257        stopTime = startTime + run_length
258      ELSE
259        CALL nl_get_end_year(grid%id,end_year)
260        CALL nl_get_end_month(grid%id,end_month)
261        CALL nl_get_end_day(grid%id,end_day)
262        CALL nl_get_end_hour(grid%id,end_hour)
263        CALL nl_get_end_minute(grid%id,end_minute)
264        CALL nl_get_end_second(grid%id,end_second)
265        CALL WRFU_TimeSet(stopTime, YY=end_year, MM=end_month, DD=end_day, &
266                                 H=end_hour, M=end_minute, S=end_second,&
267                                 rc=rc )
268        CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
269                           'WRFU_TimeSet(stopTime) FAILED', &
270                           __FILE__ , &
271                           __LINE__  )
272        run_length = stopTime - startTime
273      ENDIF
275! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
276   ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_STARTFWD ) THEN
277      CALL nl_get_time_step ( 1, time_step )
278      CALL nl_get_time_step_fract_num( 1, time_step_fract_num )
279      CALL nl_get_time_step_fract_den( 1, time_step_fract_den )
280      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( run_length, S=time_step, Sn=time_step_fract_num, Sd=time_step_fract_den, rc=rc)
281      stopTime = startTime + run_length
282   ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_STARTBCK ) THEN
283      CALL nl_get_time_step ( 1, time_step )
284      CALL nl_get_time_step_fract_num( 1, time_step_fract_num )
285      CALL nl_get_time_step_fract_den( 1, time_step_fract_den )
286      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( run_length, S=time_step, Sn=time_step_fract_num, Sd=time_step_fract_den, rc=rc)
287      stopTime = startTime + run_length
288   ELSE
289      IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_DFL ) THEN
290         IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FWD ) THEN
291            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_year(grid%id,end_year)
292            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_month(grid%id,end_month)
293            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_day(grid%id,end_day)
294            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_hour(grid%id,end_hour)
295            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_minute(grid%id,end_minute)
296            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_second(grid%id,end_second)
297         END IF
299      ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_DDFI ) THEN
300         IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FWD ) THEN
301            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_year(grid%id,end_year)
302            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_month(grid%id,end_month)
303            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_day(grid%id,end_day)
304            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_hour(grid%id,end_hour)
305            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_minute(grid%id,end_minute)
306            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_second(grid%id,end_second)
307         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_BCK ) THEN
308            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_year(grid%id,end_year)
309            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_month(grid%id,end_month)
310            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_day(grid%id,end_day)
311            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_hour(grid%id,end_hour)
312            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_minute(grid%id,end_minute)
313            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_second(grid%id,end_second)
314         END IF
316      ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_TDFI ) THEN
317         IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FWD ) THEN
318            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_year(grid%id,end_year)
319            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_month(grid%id,end_month)
320            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_day(grid%id,end_day)
321            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_hour(grid%id,end_hour)
322            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_minute(grid%id,end_minute)
323            CALL nl_get_dfi_fwdstop_second(grid%id,end_second)
324         ELSE IF ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_BCK ) THEN
325            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_year(grid%id,end_year)
326            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_month(grid%id,end_month)
327            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_day(grid%id,end_day)
328            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_hour(grid%id,end_hour)
329            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_minute(grid%id,end_minute)
330            CALL nl_get_dfi_bckstop_second(grid%id,end_second)
331         END IF
332      END IF
333      CALL WRFU_TimeSet(stopTime, YY=end_year, MM=end_month, DD=end_day, &
334                         H=end_hour, M=end_minute, S=end_second,&
335                                rc=rc)
337      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
338                   'WRFU_TimeSet(dfistopfwdTime) FAILED', &
339                   __FILE__ , &
340                   __LINE__  )
342      run_length = stopTime - startTime
344   END IF
345! #endif
347   IF ( run_length .GT. zero_time ) THEN
348     padding_interval = forever
349   ELSE
350     padding_interval = zero_time - forever
351   ENDIF
353   IF ( grid%id .EQ. head_grid%id ) THEN
354      CALL nl_get_time_step ( 1, time_step )
355      CALL nl_get_time_step_fract_num( 1, time_step_fract_num )
356      CALL nl_get_time_step_fract_den( 1, time_step_fract_den )
357      dt = real(time_step) + real(time_step_fract_num) / real(time_step_fract_den)
358#ifdef PLANET
359      ! 2004-12-08 ADT notes:
360      ! We have gotten the timestep from integers in the namelist, and they have just
361      ! been converted to the timestep, "dt", used by the physics code just above.
362      ! After this point, the integers are only used to update the clock used for,
363      ! and we want to leave that on a "24-hour" type schedule, so we don't need to
364      ! modify those integers.  Theoretically they refer to a portion of the planet's
365      ! solar day.  The only thing we have to do is convert the *real* timestep, dt,
366      ! to useful SI units.  This is easily accomplished by multiplying it by the
367      ! variable P2SI, which was designed for just this purpose.  After multiplication,
368      ! make sure every subsequent part of the model knows what the value is.
369      dt = dt * P2SI
371      CALL nl_set_dt( grid%id, dt )
372      grid%dt = dt
373      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(stepTime, S=time_step, Sn=time_step_fract_num, Sd=time_step_fract_den, rc=rc)
374      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
375                            'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(stepTime) FAILED', &
376                            __FILE__ , &
377                            __LINE__  )
378   ELSE
379      tmp_step = domain_get_time_step( grid%parents(1)%ptr )
380      stepTime = domain_get_time_step( grid%parents(1)%ptr ) / &
381           grid%parent_time_step_ratio
382      grid%dt = grid%parents(1)%ptr%dt / grid%parent_time_step_ratio
383      CALL nl_set_dt( grid%id, grid%dt )
384   ENDIF
386   ! create grid%domain_clock and associated state
387   CALL domain_clock_create( grid, TimeStep= stepTime,  &
388                                   StartTime=startTime, &
389                                   StopTime= stopTime )
390   CALL domain_clockprint ( 150, grid, &
391          'DEBUG setup_timekeeping():  clock after creation,' )
393   ! Set default value for SIMULATION_START_DATE. 
394   ! This is overwritten later in input_wrf(), if needed. 
395   IF ( grid%id .EQ. head_grid%id ) THEN
396      CALL nl_set_simulation_start_year   ( 1 , start_year   )
397      CALL nl_set_simulation_start_month  ( 1 , start_month  )
398      CALL nl_set_simulation_start_day    ( 1 , start_day    )
399      CALL nl_set_simulation_start_hour   ( 1 , start_hour   )
400      CALL nl_set_simulation_start_minute ( 1 , start_minute )
401      CALL nl_set_simulation_start_second ( 1 , start_second )
402   ENDIF
404#include ""
407! restart_interval is left there (and means minutes) for consistency, but
408! restart_interval_m will take precedence if specified
409   CALL nl_get_restart_interval( 1, restart_interval )   ! same as minutes
410   CALL nl_get_restart_interval_d( 1, restart_interval_d )
411   CALL nl_get_restart_interval_h( 1, restart_interval_h )
412   CALL nl_get_restart_interval_m( 1, restart_interval_m )
413   CALL nl_get_restart_interval_s( 1, restart_interval_s )
414   IF ( restart_interval_m .EQ. 0 ) restart_interval_m = restart_interval
415   IF ( MAX( restart_interval_d,   &
416             restart_interval_h, restart_interval_m , restart_interval_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
417     CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( interval, D=restart_interval_d, &
418                                        H=restart_interval_h, M=restart_interval_m, S=restart_interval_s, rc=rc )
419     CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
420                           'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(restart_interval) FAILED', &
421                           __FILE__ , &
422                           __LINE__  )
423   ELSE
424     interval =  padding_interval
425   ENDIF
426   CALL domain_alarm_create( grid, RESTART_ALARM, interval )
429   CALL nl_get_inputout_interval( grid%id, inputout_interval )   ! same as minutes
430   CALL nl_get_inputout_interval_d( grid%id, inputout_interval_d )
431   CALL nl_get_inputout_interval_h( grid%id, inputout_interval_h )
432   CALL nl_get_inputout_interval_m( grid%id, inputout_interval_m )
433   CALL nl_get_inputout_interval_s( grid%id, inputout_interval_s )
434   IF ( inputout_interval_m .EQ. 0 ) inputout_interval_m = inputout_interval
436   IF ( MAX( inputout_interval_d,   &
437             inputout_interval_h, inputout_interval_m , inputout_interval_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
438     CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( interval, D=inputout_interval_d, &
439                                        H=inputout_interval_h, M=inputout_interval_m, S=inputout_interval_s, rc=rc )
440     CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
441                           'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(inputout_interval) FAILED', &
442                           __FILE__ , &
443                           __LINE__  )
444   ELSE
445     interval =  padding_interval
446   ENDIF
448   CALL nl_get_inputout_begin_y( grid%id, inputout_begin_y )
449   CALL nl_get_inputout_begin_d( grid%id, inputout_begin_d )
450   CALL nl_get_inputout_begin_h( grid%id, inputout_begin_h )
451   CALL nl_get_inputout_begin_m( grid%id, inputout_begin_m )
452   CALL nl_get_inputout_begin_s( grid%id, inputout_begin_s )
453   IF ( MAX( inputout_begin_y, inputout_begin_d,   &
454             inputout_begin_h, inputout_begin_m , inputout_begin_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
455      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( begin_time , D=inputout_begin_d, &
456                                      H=inputout_begin_h, M=inputout_begin_m, S=inputout_begin_s, rc=rc )
457      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
458                            'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(inputout_begin) FAILED', &
459                            __FILE__ , &
460                            __LINE__  )
461   ELSE
462      begin_time = zero_time
463   ENDIF
465   CALL nl_get_inputout_end_y( grid%id, inputout_end_y )
466   CALL nl_get_inputout_end_d( grid%id, inputout_end_d )
467   CALL nl_get_inputout_end_h( grid%id, inputout_end_h )
468   CALL nl_get_inputout_end_m( grid%id, inputout_end_m )
469   CALL nl_get_inputout_end_s( grid%id, inputout_end_s )
470   IF ( MAX( inputout_end_y, inputout_end_d,   &
471             inputout_end_h, inputout_end_m , inputout_end_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
472      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( end_time , D=inputout_end_d, &
473                                     H=inputout_end_h, M=inputout_end_m, S=inputout_end_s, rc=rc )
474      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
475                            'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(inputout_end) FAILED', &
476                            __FILE__ , &
477                            __LINE__  )
478   ELSE
479      end_time =  padding_interval
480   ENDIF
482   CALL domain_alarm_create( grid, INPUTOUT_ALARM, interval, begin_time, end_time )
484#ifdef WRF_CHEM
486! auxinput5_interval is left there (and means minutes) for consistency, but
487! auxinput5_interval_m will take precedence if specified
488   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_interval( grid%id, auxinput5_interval )   ! same as minutes
489   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_interval_d( grid%id, auxinput5_interval_d )
490   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_interval_h( grid%id, auxinput5_interval_h )
491   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_interval_m( grid%id, auxinput5_interval_m )
492   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_interval_s( grid%id, auxinput5_interval_s )
493   IF ( auxinput5_interval_m .EQ. 0 ) auxinput5_interval_m = auxinput5_interval
495   IF ( MAX( auxinput5_interval_d,   &
496             auxinput5_interval_h, auxinput5_interval_m , auxinput5_interval_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
497     CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( interval, D=auxinput5_interval_d, &
498                                        H=auxinput5_interval_h, M=auxinput5_interval_m, S=auxinput5_interval_s, rc=rc )
499     CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
500                           'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(auxinput5_interval) FAILED', &
501                           __FILE__ , &
502                           __LINE__  )
503   ELSE
504     interval =  padding_interval
505   ENDIF
507   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_begin_y( grid%id, auxinput5_begin_y )
508   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_begin_d( grid%id, auxinput5_begin_d )
509   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_begin_h( grid%id, auxinput5_begin_h )
510   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_begin_m( grid%id, auxinput5_begin_m )
511   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_begin_s( grid%id, auxinput5_begin_s )
512   IF ( MAX( auxinput5_begin_y, auxinput5_begin_d,   &
513             auxinput5_begin_h, auxinput5_begin_m , auxinput5_begin_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
514      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( begin_time , D=auxinput5_begin_d, &
515                                      H=auxinput5_begin_h, M=auxinput5_begin_m, S=auxinput5_begin_s, rc=rc )
516      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
517                            'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(auxinput5_begin) FAILED', &
518                            __FILE__ , &
519                            __LINE__  )
520   ELSE
521      begin_time = zero_time
522   ENDIF
523   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_end_y( grid%id, auxinput5_end_y )
524   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_end_d( grid%id, auxinput5_end_d )
525   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_end_h( grid%id, auxinput5_end_h )
526   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_end_m( grid%id, auxinput5_end_m )
527   CALL nl_get_auxinput5_end_s( grid%id, auxinput5_end_s )
528   IF ( MAX( auxinput5_end_y, auxinput5_end_d,   &
529             auxinput5_end_h, auxinput5_end_m , auxinput5_end_s   ) .GT. 0 ) THEN
530      CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( end_time , D=auxinput5_end_d, &
531                                     H=auxinput5_end_h, M=auxinput5_end_m, S=auxinput5_end_s, rc=rc )
532      CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
533                            'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(auxinput5_end) FAILED', &
534                            __FILE__ , &
535                            __LINE__  )
536   ELSE
537      end_time =  padding_interval
538   ENDIF
539   CALL domain_alarm_create( grid, AUXINPUT5_ALARM, interval, begin_time, end_time )
540!TBH:  Should be OK to remove the "#else" section and the code it contains
541!TBH:  because later code overwrites grid%alarms( AUXINPUT5_ALARM )... 
542!TBH:  In fact, by setting namelist values for auxinput5 correctly, it ought
543!TBH:  to be possible to get rid of all "#ifdef WRF_CHEM" bits in this file... 
544   CALL WRFU_AlarmEnable( grid%alarms( AUXINPUT5_ALARM ), rc=rc )
545   CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOn( grid%alarms( AUXINPUT5_ALARM ), rc=rc )
546! TBH:  NOTE:  Proper setting of namelist variables for auxinput5 ought to
547! TBH:         make this hard-coded bit unnecessary. 
549! add for wrf_chem emiss input
550   CALL WRFU_AlarmEnable( grid%alarms( AUXINPUT5_ALARM ), rc=rc )
551   CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOn( grid%alarms( AUXINPUT5_ALARM ), rc=rc )
552! end for wrf chem emiss input
556! without this test, it's possible for the value of the WRF_ALARM_SECS_TIL_NEXT_RING
557! that is written as metadata to a restart file to be garbage for BOUNDARY_ALARM for
558! the nests.  Parallel NetCDF does a header check on all the metadata being written
559! from multiple processors and if it differs, it throws up an error. This avoids that.
560   IF ( grid%id .EQ. 1 ) THEN   ! only moad can have specified boundaries
561     CALL domain_alarm_create( grid, BOUNDARY_ALARM )
562     CALL WRFU_AlarmEnable( grid%alarms( BOUNDARY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
563     CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
564                           'WRFU_AlarmEnable(BOUNDARY_ALARM) FAILED', &
565                           __FILE__ , &
566                           __LINE__  )
567     CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOn( grid%alarms( BOUNDARY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
568     CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
569                           'WRFU_AlarmRingerOn(BOUNDARY_ALARM) FAILED', &
570                           __FILE__ , &
571                           __LINE__  )
572   ENDIF
574! This is the interval at which the code in time_for_move in share/mediation_integrate.F
575! will recompute the center of the Vortex.  Other times, it will use the last position.
577   vortex_interval = 0
578#ifdef MOVE_NESTS
579   CALL nl_get_vortex_interval ( grid%id , vortex_interval )
581   CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( interval, M=vortex_interval, rc=rc )
582   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
583                           'WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(interval) for computing vortex center FAILED', &
584                           __FILE__ , &
585                           __LINE__  )
586   CALL domain_alarm_create( grid,  COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM, interval  )
587#ifdef MOVE_NESTS
588   CALL WRFU_AlarmEnable( grid%alarms( COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM ), rc=rc )
589   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
590                         'WRFU_AlarmEnable(COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM) FAILED', &
591                         __FILE__ , &
592                         __LINE__  )
593   CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOn( grid%alarms( COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM ), rc=rc )
594   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
595                         'WRFU_AlarmRingerOn(COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM) FAILED', &
596                         __FILE__ , &
597                         __LINE__  )
599! Go ahead and let the alarm be defined, but disable it, since we are not using moving nests here.
600   CALL WRFU_AlarmDisable( grid%alarms( COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM ), rc=rc )
601   CALL wrf_check_error( WRFU_SUCCESS, rc, &
602                         'WRFU_AlarmDisable(COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM) FAILED', &
603                         __FILE__ , &
604                         __LINE__  )
607   grid%time_set = .TRUE.
609   ! Initialize derived time quantities in grid state. 
610   ! These are updated in domain_clockadvance(). 
611   CALL domain_clock_get( grid, minutesSinceSimulationStart=grid%xtime )
612   CALL domain_clock_get( grid, currentDayOfYearReal=grid%julian )
613   WRITE(wrf_err_message,*) 'setup_timekeeping:  set xtime to ',grid%xtime
614   CALL wrf_debug ( 100, TRIM(wrf_err_message) )
615   WRITE(wrf_err_message,*) 'setup_timekeeping:  set julian to ',grid%julian
616   CALL wrf_debug ( 100, TRIM(wrf_err_message) )
618   CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'setup_timekeeping:  returning...' )
620END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping
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