Description of namelist variables --------------------------------- For WRF-NMM users, please see Chapter 5 of the WRF-NMM User's Guide for information on NMM specific settings ( Note: variables followed by (max_dom) indicate that this variable needs to be defined for the nests when max_dom > 1. &time_control run_days = 1, ; run time in days run_hours = 0, ; run time in hours Note: if it is more than 1 day, one may use both run_days and run_hours or just run_hours. e.g. if the total run length is 36 hrs, you may set run_days = 1, and run_hours = 12, or run_days = 0, and run_hours = 36 run_minutes = 0, ; run time in minutes run_seconds = 0, ; run time in seconds start_year (max_dom) = 2001, ; four digit year of starting time start_month (max_dom) = 06, ; two digit month of starting time start_day (max_dom) = 11, ; two digit day of starting time start_hour (max_dom) = 12, ; two digit hour of starting time start_minute (max_dom) = 00, ; two digit minute of starting time start_second (max_dom) = 00, ; two digit second of starting time Note: the start time is used to name the first wrfout file. It also controls the start time for nest domains, and the time to restart tstart (max_dom) = 00, ; FOR NMM: starting hour of the forecast end_year (max_dom) = 2001, ; four digit year of ending time end_month (max_dom) = 06, ; two digit month of ending time end_day (max_dom) = 12, ; two digit day of ending time end_hour (max_dom) = 12, ; two digit hour of ending time end_minute (max_dom) = 00, ; two digit minute of ending time end_second (max_dom) = 00, ; two digit second of ending time It also controls when the nest domain integrations end All start and end times are used by real.exe. Note that one may use either run_days/run_hours etc. or end_year/month/day/hour etc. to control the length of model integration. But run_days/run_hours takes precedence over the end times. Program real.exe uses start and end times only. interval_seconds = 10800, ; time interval between incoming real data, which will be the interval between the lateral boundary condition file input_from_file (max_dom) = T, ; whether nested run will have input files for domains other than 1 fine_input_stream (max_dom) = 0, ; field selection from nest input for its initialization 0: all fields are used; 2: only static and time-varying, masked land surface fields are used. In V3.2, this requires the use of io_form_auxinput2 history_interval (max_dom) = 60, ; history output file interval in minutes frames_per_outfile (max_dom) = 1, ; number of output times per history output file, used to split output into multiple files into smaller pieces restart = F, ; whether this run is a restart run cycling = F, ; whether this run is a cycling run, if so, initializes look-up table for Thompson schemes only restart_interval = 1440, ; restart output file interval in minutes reset_simulation_start = F, ; whether to overwrite simulation_start_date with forecast start time io_form_history = 2, ; 2 = netCDF io_form_restart = 2, ; 2 = netCDF io_form_input = 2, ; 2 = netCDF io_form_boundary = 2, ; netCDF format = 4, ; PHD5 format = 5, ; GRIB1 format = 10, ; GRIB2 format = 11, ; pnetCDF format frames_per_emissfile = 12, ; number of times in each chemistry emission file. io_style_emiss = 1, ; style to use for the chemistry emission files. ; 0 = Do not read emissions from files. ; 1 = Cycle between two 12 hour files (set frames_per_emissfile=12) ; 2 = Dated files with length set by frames_per_emissfile debug_level = 0, ; 50,100,200,300 values give increasing prints diag_print = 0, ; print out time series of model diagnostics ; 0 = no print ; 1 = no print all_ic_times = .false., ; whether to write out wrfinput for all processing times adjust_output_times = .false., ; adjust output times to the nearest hour To choose between SI and WPS input to real for EM core: auxinput1_inname = "met_em.d." ; Input to real from WPS (default since 3.0) = "wrf_real_input_em.d." ; Input to real from SI To choose between SI and WPS input to real for NMM core: auxinput1_inname = "met_nm.d." ; Input to real from WPS = "wrf_real_input_nm.d." ; Input to real from SI Other output options: auxhist2_outname = "rainfall" ; file name for extra output; if not specified, auxhist2_d_ will be used also note that to write variables in output other than the history file requires Registry.EM file change auxhist2_interval (max_dom) = 10, ; interval in minutes io_form_auxhist2 = 2, ; output in netCDF frames_per_auxhist2 = 1000, ; number of output times in this file For SST updating (used only with sst_update=1): auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d" auxinput4_interval = 360 ; minutes generally matches time given by interval_seconds io_form_auxinput4 = 2 ; IO format, required in V3.2 Options for run-time IO: iofields_filename (max_dom) = "my_iofields_list.txt", (example: +:h:21:rainc, rainnc, rthcuten) ignore_iofields_warning = .true., ; what to do when encountering an error in the user-specified files .false., : abort when encountering an error in iofields_filename file Additional settings when running WRFVAR: write_input = t, ; write input-formatted data as output inputout_interval = 180, ; interval in minutes when writing input-formatted data input_outname = 'wrfinput_d_' ; you may change the output file name inputout_begin_y = 0 inputout_begin_mo = 0 inputout_begin_d = 0 inputout_begin_h = 3 inputout_begin_m = 0 inputout_begin_s = 0 inputout_end_y = 0 inputout_end_mo = 0 inputout_end_d = 0 inputout_end_h = 12 inputout_end_m = 0 inputout_end_s = 0 ; the above shows that the input-formatted data are output starting from hour 3 to hour 12 in 180 min interval. &domains time_step = 60, ; time step for integration in integer seconds recommend 6*dx (in km) for typical real-data cases time_step_fract_num = 0, ; numerator for fractional time step time_step_fract_den = 1, ; denominator for fractional time step Example, if you want to use 60.3 sec as your time step, set time_step = 60, time_step_fract_num = 3, and time_step_fract_den = 10 time_step_dfi = 60, ; time step for DFI, may be different from regular time_step max_dom = 1, ; number of domains - set it to > 1 if it is a nested run s_we (max_dom) = 1, ; start index in x (west-east) direction (leave as is) e_we (max_dom) = 91, ; end index in x (west-east) direction (staggered dimension) s_sn (max_dom) = 1, ; start index in y (south-north) direction (leave as is) e_sn (max_dom) = 82, ; end index in y (south-north) direction (staggered dimension) s_vert (max_dom) = 1, ; start index in z (vertical) direction (leave as is) e_vert (max_dom) = 28, ; end index in z (vertical) direction (staggered dimension) Note: this refers to full levels including surface and top vertical dimensions need to be the same for all nests Note: most variables are unstaggered (= staggered dim - 1) dx (max_dom) = 10000, ; grid length in x direction; ARW: unit in meters, NMM: unit in degrees (e.g. 0.667) dy (max_dom) = 10000, ; grid length in y direction; ARW: unit in meters, NMM: unit in degrees (e.g. 0.0658) ztop (max_dom) = 19000. ; used in mass model for idealized cases grid_id (max_dom) = 1, ; domain identifier parent_id (max_dom) = 0, ; id of the parent domain i_parent_start (max_dom) = 0, ; starting LLC I-indices from the parent domain j_parent_start (max_dom) = 0, ; starting LLC J-indices from the parent domain parent_grid_ratio (max_dom) = 1, ; parent-to-nest domain grid size ratio: for real-data cases the ratio has to be odd; for idealized cases, the ratio can be even if feedback is set to 0. (NMM: must be 3) parent_time_step_ratio (max_dom) = 1, ; parent-to-nest time step ratio; it can be different from the parent_grid_ratio (NMM: must be 3) feedback = 1, ; feedback from nest to its parent domain; 0 = no feedback smooth_option = 0 ; smoothing option for parent domain, used only with feedback option on. 0: no smoothing; 1: 1-2-1 smoothing; 2: smoothing-desmoothing Namelist variables specifically for the WPS input for real: num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4 ; number of vertical soil levels or layers input ; from WPS metgrid program num_metgrid_levels = 27 ; number of vertical levels of 3d meteorological fields coming ; from WPS metgrid program interp_type = 2 ; vertical interpolation ; 1 = linear in pressure ; 2 = linear in log(pressure) extrap_type = 2 ; vertical extrapolation of non-temperature fields ; 1 = extrapolate using the two lowest levels ; 2 = use lowest level as constant below ground t_extrap_type = 2 ; vertical extrapolation for potential temperature ; 1 = isothermal ; 2 = -6.5 K/km lapse rate for temperature ; 3 = constant theta use_levels_below_ground = .true. ; in vertical interpolation, use levels below input surface level ; T = use input isobaric levels below input surface ; F = extrapolate when WRF location is below input surface value use_surface = .true. ; use the input surface level data in the vertical interp and extrap ; T = use the input surface data ; F = do not use the input surface data lagrange_order = 1 ; vertical interpolation order ; 1 = linear ; 2 = quadratic zap_close_levels = 500 ; ignore isobaric level above surface if delta p (Pa) < zap_close_levels lowest_lev_from_sfc = .false. ; place the surface value into the lowest eta location ; T = use surface value as lowest eta (u,v,t,q) ; F = use traditional interpolation force_sfc_in_vinterp = 1 ; use the surface level as the lower boundary when interpolating ; through this many eta levels ; 0 = perform traditional trapping interpolation ; n = first n eta levels directly use surface level sfcp_to_sfcp = .false. ; Optional method to compute model's surface pressure when incoming ; data only has surface pressure and terrain, but not SLP smooth_cg_topo = .false. ; Smooth the outer rows and columns of domain 1's topography w.r.t. ; the input data use_tavg_for_tsk = .false. ; whether to use diurnally averaged surface temp as skin temp. The diurnall averaged surface temp can be computed using WPS utility avg_tsfc.exe. May use this option when SKINTEMP is not present. aggregate_lu = .false. ; whetger to aggregate the grass, shrubs, trees in dominant landuse; default is false. rh2qv_wrt_liquid = .true., ; whether to compute RH with respect to water (true) or ice (false) rh2qv_method = 1, ; which methed to use to computer mixing ratio from RH: default is option 1, the old MM5 method; option 2 uses a WMO recommended method (WMO-No. 49, corrigendum, August 2000) - there is a difference between the two methods though small p_top_requested = 5000 ; p_top (Pa) to use in the model ptsgm = 42000. ; FOR NMM: defines the pressure interface dividing ; the terrain following portion of the hybrid vertical ; coordinate (p > ptsgm) and the purely ; isobaric portion of the vertical coordinate (p < ptsgm) vert_refine_fact = 1 ; vertical refinement factor for ndown Users may explicitly define full eta levels. Given are two distributions for 28 and 35 levels. The number of levels must agree with the number of eta surfaces allocated (e_vert). Users may alternatively request only the number of levels (with e_vert), and the real program will compute values. The computation assumes a known first several layers, then generates equi-height spaced levels up to the top of the model. eta_levels = 1.000, 0.990, 0.978, 0.964, 0.946, 0.922, 0.894, 0.860, 0.817, 0.766, 0.707, 0.644, 0.576, 0.507, 0.444, 0.380, 0.324, 0.273, 0.228, 0.188, 0.152, 0.121, 0.093, 0.069, 0.048, 0.029, 0.014, 0.000, eta_levels = 1.000, 0.993, 0.983, 0.970, 0.954, 0.934, 0.909, 0.880, 0.845, 0.807, 0.765, 0.719, 0.672, 0.622, 0.571, 0.520, 0.468, 0.420, 0.376, 0.335, 0.298, 0.263, 0.231, 0.202, 0.175, 0.150, 0.127, 0.106, 0.088, 0.070, 0.055, 0.040, 0.026, 0.013, 0.000 Namelist variables for controling the specified moving nest: Note that this moving nest option needs to be activated at the compile time by adding -DMOVE_NESTS to the ARCHFLAGS. The maximum number of moves, max_moves, is set to 50 but can be modified in source code file frame/module_driver_constants.F. num_moves = 4 ; total number of moves move_id(max_moves) = 2,2,2,2, ; a list of nest domain id's, one per move move_interval(max_moves) = 60,120,150,180, ; time in minutes since the start of this domain move_cd_x(max_moves) = 1,1,0,-1,; the number of parent domain grid cells to move in i direction move_cd_y(max_moves) = 1,0,-1,1,; the number of parent domain grid cells to move in j direction positive is to move in increasing i and j direction, and negative is to move in decreasing i and j direction. 0 means no move. The limitation now is to move only 1 grid cell at each move. Namelist variables for controling the automatic moving nest: Note that this moving nest option needs to be activated at the compile time by adding -DMOVE_NESTS and -DVORTEX_CENTER to the ARCHFLAGS. This option uses an mid-level vortex following algorthm to determine the nest move. This option is experimental. vortex_interval(max_dom) = 15 ; how often the new vortex position is computed max_vortex_speed(max_dom) = 40 ; used to compute the search radius for the new vortex position corral_dist(max_dom) = 8 ; how many coarse grid cells the moving nest is allowed to get near the mother domain boundary track_level = 50000 ; pressure value in Pa where the vortex is tracked time_to_move(max_dom) = 0. ; time (in minutes) to start the moving nests tile_sz_x = 0, ; number of points in tile x direction tile_sz_y = 0, ; number of points in tile y direction can be determined automatically numtiles = 1, ; number of tiles per patch (alternative to above two items) nproc_x = -1, ; number of processors in x for decomposition nproc_y = -1, ; number of processors in y for decomposition -1: code will do automatic decomposition >1: for both: will be used for decomposition Namelist variables for controlling the adaptive time step option: These options are only valid for the ARW core. use_adaptive_time_step = .false. ; T/F use adaptive time stepping, ARW only step_to_output_time = .true. ; if adaptive time stepping, T/F modify the time steps so that the exact history time is reached target_cfl(max_dom) = 1.2,1.2 ; vertical and horizontal CFL <= to this value implies no reason to reduce the time step, and to increase it target_hcfl(max_dom) = .84,.84 ; horizontal CFL <= to this value implies max_step_increase_pct(max_dom) = 5,51 ; percentage of previous time step to increase, if the max(vert cfl, horiz cfl) <= target_cfl, then the time will increase by max_step_increase_pct. Use something large for nests (51% suggested) starting_time_step(max_dom) = -1,-1 ; flag = -1 implies use 6 * dx (defined in start_em), starting_time_step = 100 means the starting time step for the coarse grid is 100 s max_time_step(max_dom) = -1,-1 ; flag = -1 implies max time step is 3 * starting_time_step, max_time_step = 100 means that the time step will not exceed 100 s min_time_step(max_dom) = -1,-1 ; flag = -1 implies max time step is 0.5 * starting_time_step, min_time_step = 100 means that the time step will not be less than 100 s adaptation_domain = 1 ; default, all fine grid domains adaptive dt driven by coarse-grid ; 2 = Fine grid domain #2 determines the fundamental adaptive dt. &dfi_control dfi_opt = 0 ; which DFI option to use (3 is recommended) ; 0 = no digital filter initialization ; 1 = digital filter launch (DFL) ; 2 = diabatic DFI (DDFI) ; 3 = twice DFI (TDFI) dfi_nfilter = 7 ; digital filter type to use (7 is recommended) ; 0 = uniform ; 1 = Lanczos ; 2 = Hamming ; 3 = Blackman ; 4 = Kaiser ; 5 = Potter ; 6 = Dolph window ; 7 = Dolph ; 8 = recursive high-order dfi_write_filtered_input = .true. ; whether to write wrfinput file with filtered ; model state before beginning forecast dfi_write_dfi_history = .false. ; whether to write wrfout files during filtering integration dfi_cutoff_seconds = 3600 ; cutoff period, in seconds, for the filter dfi_time_dim = 1000 ; maximum number of time steps for filtering period ; this value can be larger than necessary dfi_bckstop_year = 2004 ; four-digit year of stop time for backward DFI integration dfi_bckstop_month = 03 ; two-digit month of stop time for backward DFI integration dfi_bckstop_day = 14 ; two-digit day of stop time for backward DFI integration dfi_bckstop_hour = 12 ; two-digit hour of stop time for backward DFI integration dfi_bckstop_minute = 00 ; two-digit minute of stop time for backward DFI integration dfi_bckstop_second = 00 ; two-digit second of stop time for backward DFI integration dfi_fwdstop_year = 2004 ; four-digit year of stop time for forward DFI integration dfi_fwdstop_month = 03 ; two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration dfi_fwdstop_day = 13 ; two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration dfi_fwdstop_hour = 12 ; two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration dfi_fwdstop_minute = 00 ; two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration dfi_fwdstop_second = 00 ; two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration dfi_radar = 0 ; DFI radar da switch &physics Note: even the physics options can be different in different nest domains, caution must be used as what options are sensible to use chem_opt = 0, ; chemistry option - use WRF-Chem mp_physics (max_dom) microphysics option = 0, no microphysics = 1, Kessler scheme = 2, Lin et al. scheme = 3, WSM 3-class simple ice scheme = 4, WSM 5-class scheme = 5, Ferrier (new Eta) microphysics = 6, WSM 6-class graupel scheme = 7, Goddard GCE scheme (also uses gsfcgce_hail, gsfcgce_2ice) = 8, Thompson scheme (new for V3.1) = 9, Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment scheme (new for V3.2) = 10, Morrison (2 moments) = 13, SBU_YLIN scheme = 14, WDM 5-class scheme = 16, WDM 6-class scheme = 98, Thompson scheme (version from V3.0) For non-zero mp_physics options, to keep Qv .GE. 0, and to set the other moisture fields .LT. a critcal value to zero mp_zero_out = 0, ; no action taken, no adjustment to any moist field = 1, ; except for Qv, all other moist arrays are set to zero ; if they fall below a critical value = 2, ; Qv is .GE. 0, all other moist arrays are set to zero ; if they fall below a critical value mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-8 ; critical value for moist array threshold, below which ; moist arrays (except for Qv) are set to zero (kg/kg) gsfcgce_hail = 0 ; for running gsfcgce microphysics with graupel = 1 ; for running gsfcgce microphysics with hail default value = 0 gsfcgce_2ice = 0 ; for running with snow, ice and graupel/hail = 1 ; for running with only ice and snow = 2 ; for running with only ice and graupel (only used in very extreme situation) default value = 0 gsfcgce_hail is ignored if gsfcgce_2ice is set to 1 or 2. no_mp_heating = 0 ; normal = 1 ; turn off latent heating from a microphysics scheme ra_lw_physics (max_dom) longwave radiation option = 0, no longwave radiation = 1, rrtm scheme = 3, cam scheme also must set levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2 (see below) = 4, rrtmg scheme = 5, Goddard longwave scheme = 31, Earth Held-Suarez forcing = 99, GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported) also must use co2tf = 1 for ARW ra_sw_physics (max_dom) shortwave radiation option = 0, no shortwave radiation = 1, Dudhia scheme = 2, Goddard short wave = 3, cam scheme also must set levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2 (see below) = 5, Goddard shortwave scheme = 4, rrtmg scheme = 99, GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported) also must use co2tf = 1 for ARW radt (max_dom) = 30, ; minutes between radiation physics calls recommend 1 min per km of dx (e.g. 10 for 10 km) nrads (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of fundamental timesteps between calls to shortwave radiation; the value is set in Registry.NMM but is overridden by namelist value; radt will be computed from this. nradl (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of fundamental timesteps between calls to longwave radiation; the value is set in Registry.NMM but is overridden by namelist value. co2tf CO2 transmission function flag only for GFDL radiation = 0, read CO2 function data from pre-generated file = 1, generate CO2 functions internally in the forecast ra_call_offset radiation call offset = 0 (no offset), =-1 (old offset) cam_abs_freq_s = 21600 CAM clearsky longwave absorption calculation frequency (recommended minimum value to speed scheme up) levsiz = 59 for CAM radiation input ozone levels paerlev = 29 for CAM radiation input aerosol levels cam_abs_dim1 = 4 for CAM absorption save array cam_abs_dim2 = value of e_vert for CAM 2nd absorption save array sf_sfclay_physics (max_dom) surface-layer option (old bl_sfclay_physics option) = 0, no surface-layer = 1, Monin-Obukhov scheme = 2, Monin-Obukhov (Janjic) scheme = 3, NCEP Global Forecast System scheme (NMM only) = 4, QNSE surface layer = 5, MYNN surface layer = 7, Pleim-Xiu surface layer (ARW only) = 10, TEMF surface layer (ARW only) sf_surface_physics (max_dom) land-surface option (old bl_surface_physics option) = 0, no surface temp prediction = 1, thermal diffusion scheme = 2, Unified Noah land-surface model = 3, RUC land-surface model = 7, Pleim-Xiu LSM (ARW) sf_urban_physics(max_dom) = 0, ; activate urban canopy model (in Noah LSM only) = 0: no = 1: Single-layer, UCM = 2: Multi-layer, Building Environment Parameterization (BEP) scheme (works only with MYJ and BouLac PBL) = 3: Multi-layer, Building Environment Model (BEM) scheme (works only with MYJ and BouLac PBL) bl_pbl_physics (max_dom) boundary-layer option = 0, no boundary-layer = 1, YSU scheme = 2, Mellor-Yamada-Janjic TKE scheme = 3, NCEP Global Forecast System scheme (NMM only) = 4, Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination PBL = 5, MYNN 2.5 level TKE scheme, works with sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 2 as well as 5 = 6, MYNN 3rd level TKE scheme, works only MYNNSFC (sf_sfclay_physics = 5) = 7, ACM2 (Pleim) PBL (ARW) = 8, Bougeault and Lacarrere (BouLac) PBL = 9, UW boundary layer scheme from CAM5 (CESM 1_0_1) = 10, TEMF scheme (ARW only) = 99, MRF scheme bldt (max_dom) = 0, ; minutes between boundary-layer physics calls grav_settling = 0, ; MYNN PBL only; gravitational settling of fog/cloud droplets (1=yes) nphs (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of fundamental timesteps between calls to turbulence and microphysics; the value is set in Registry.NMM but is overridden by namelist value; bldt will be computed from this. cu_physics (max_dom) cumulus option = 0, no cumulus = 1, Kain-Fritsch (new Eta) scheme = 2, Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme = 3, Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme = 4, Simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme = 5, Grell 3D ensemble scheme = 6, Modifed Tiedtke scheme (ARW only) = 7, Zhang-McFarlane scheme from CAM5 (CESM 1_0_1) = 14, New GFS simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme from YSU (ARW only) = 99, previous Kain-Fritsch scheme shcu_physics (max_dom) independent shallow cumulus option (not tied to deep convection) = 0, no independent shallow cumulus = 1, Grell 3D ensemble scheme (use with cu_physics=5) (PLACEHOLDER: SWITCH NOT YET IMPLEMENTED--use ishallow) = 2, Park and Bretherton shallow cumulus from CAM5 (CESM 1_0_1) ishallow = 1, Shallow convection used with Grell 3D ensemble scheme (cu_physics = 5) clos_choice = 0, closure choice (place holder only) cu_diag = 0, additional t-averaged stuff for cu physics (GD and G3 only) convtrans_avglen_m = 30, averaging time for convective transport output variables (minutes) (GD and G3 only) cudt = 0, ; minutes between cumulus physics calls kfeta_trigger KF trigger option (cu_physics=1 only): = 1, default option = 2, moisture-advection based trigger (Ma and Tan [2009]) - ARW only = 3, RH-dependent additional perturbation to option 1 (JMA) cugd_avedx ; number of grid boxes over which subsidence is spread. = 1, default, for large grid distances = 3, for small grid distances (DX < 5 km) ncnvc (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of fundamental timesteps between calls to convection; the value is set in Registry.NMM but is overridden by namelist value; cudt will be computed from this. tprec (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of hours in precipitation bucket theat (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of hours in latent heating bucket tclod (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of hours in cloud fraction average trdsw (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of hours in short wave buckets trdlw (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of hours in long wave buckets tsrfc (max_dom) = FOR NMM: number of hours in surface flux buckets pcpflg (max_dom) = FOR NMM: logical switch for precipitation assimilation isfflx = 1, ; heat and moisture fluxes from the surface (only works for sf_sfclay_physics = 1) 1 = with fluxes from the surface 0 = no flux from the surface with bl_pbl_physics=0 this uses tke_drag_coefficient and tke_heat_flux in vertical diffusion 2 = use drag from sf_sfclay_physics and heat flux from tke_heat_flux with bl_pbl_physics=0 ifsnow = 0, ; snow-cover effects (only works for sf_surface_physics = 1) 1 = with snow-cover effect 0 = without snow-cover effect icloud = 1, ; cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation (only works for ra_sw_physics = 1 and ra_lw_physics = 1) 1 = with cloud effect 0 = without cloud effect swrad_scat = 1. ; scattering tuning parameter (default 1. is 1.e-5 m2/kg) surface_input_source = 1, ; where landuse and soil category data come from: 1 = WPS/geogrid but with dominant categories recomputed 2 = GRIB data from another model (only possible (VEGCAT/SOILCAT are in met_em files from WPS) 3 = use dominant land and soil categories from WPS/geogrid num_soil_layers = 5, ; number of soil layers in land surface model = 5: thermal diffusion scheme = 4: Noah landsurface model = 6: RUC landsurface model = 2: Pleim-Xu landsurface model num_land_cat = 24, ; number of land categories in input data. 24 - for USGS (default); 20 for MODIS 28 - for USGS if including lake category 21 - for MODIS if including lake category num_soil_cat = 16, ; number of soil categories in input data pxlsm_smois_init(max_dom) = 1 ; PXLSM Soil moisture initialization option 0 - From analysis, 1 - From MAVAIL maxiens = 1, ; Grell-Devenyi only maxens = 3, ; G-D only maxens2 = 3, ; G-D only maxens3 = 16 ; G-D only ensdim = 144 ; G-D only These are recommended numbers. If you would like to use any other number, consult the code, know what you are doing. seaice_threshold = 271 ; tsk < seaice_threshold, if water point and 5-layer slab ; scheme, set to land point and permanent ice; if water point ; and Noah scheme, set to land point, permanent ice, set temps ; from 3 m to surface, and set smois and sh2o sst_update = 0 ; time-varying sea-surface temp (0=no, 1=yes). If selected real ; puts SST, XICE, ALBEDO and VEGFRA in wrflowinp_d01 file, and wrf updates ; these from it at same interval as boundary file. Also requires ; namelists in &time_control: auxinput4_interval, auxinput4_end_h, ; auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d", ; and in V3.2 io_form_auxinput4 usemonalb = .true. ; use monthly albedo map instead of table value ; (must be used for NMM and recommended for sst_update=1) rdmaxalb = .true. ; use snow albedo from geogrid; false means using values from table rdlai2d = .false. ; use LAI from input; false means using values from table bucket_mm = -1. ; bucket reset value for water accumulations (value in mm, -1.=inactive) bucket_J = -1. ; bucket reset value for energy accumulations (value in J, -1.=inactive) tmn_update = 0 ; update deep soil temperature (1, yes; 0, no) lagday = 150 ; days over which tmn is computed using skin temperature sst_skin = 0 ; calculate skin SST slope_rad (max_dom) = 0 ; slope effects for solar radiation (1=on, 0=off) topo_shading (max_dom) = 0 ; neighboring-point shadow effects for solar radiation (1=on, 0=off) shadlen = 25000. ; max shadow length in meters for topo_shading=1 omlcall = 0 ; activate simple ocean mixed layer model (0=no, 1=yes); works with sf_surface_physics = 1 only oml_hml0 = 50 ; oml model can be initialized with a constant depth everywhere (m) oml_gamma = 0.14 ; oml deep water lapse rate (K m-1) isftcflx = 0 ; alternative Ck, Cd formulation for tropical storm application (0=default, 1=new, 2=Garratt) fractional_seaice = 0 ; treat sea-ice as fractional field (1) or ice/no-ice flag (0) tice2tsk_if2cold = .false. ; set Tice to Tsk to avoid unrealistically low sea ice temperatures iz0tlnd = 0 ; thermal roughness length for sfclay and myjsfc (0 - old, 1 - veg dependent Czil) mp_tend_lim = 10., ; limit on temp tendency from mp latent heating from radar data assimilation prec_acc_dt (max_dom) = 0., ; number of minutes in precipitation bucket (ARW only) - will add three new 2d output fields: prec_acc_c, prec_acc_nc and snow_acc_nc Options for wind turbine drag parameterization: td_turbgridid = -1 ; which grid id has turbines in it td_hubheight = 100. ; hub height (m) td_diameter = 60. ; turbine diameter (m) td_stdthrcoef = .158 ; standing thrust coefficient td_cutinspeed = 4. ; cut-in speed (m/s) td_cutoutspeed = 27. ; cut-out speed (m/s) td_power = 2. ; turbine power (MW) td_turbpercell = 1. ; number of turbines per cell td_ewfx = 0 ; extent of wind farm in x-cells td_ewfy = 0 ; extent of wind farm in y-cells td_pwfx = 1 ; southwest corner of wind farm in x-cells td_pwfy = 1 ; southwest corner of wind farm in y-cells Options for stochastic kinetic-energy backscatter scheme: stoch_force_opt (max_dom) = 0, : No stochastic parameterization 1, : Stochastic kinetic-energy backscatter scheme (SKEB) stoch_vertstruc_opt (max_dom) = 0, : Constant vertical structure of random pattern generator 1, : Random phase vertical structure random pattern generator tot_backscat_psi = 115200, ; Controls amplitude of rotational wind perturbations tot_backscat_t = 2.E-6 ; Controls amplitude of potential temperature perturbations nens = 1 ; an integer that controls the random number stream which will then change the run. When running an ensemble, this can be ensemble member number, so that each ensemble member gets a different random number stream, hence a different perturbed run. &fdda grid_fdda (max_dom) = 1 ; grid-nudging fdda on (=0 off) for each domain = 2 ; spectral nudging gfdda_inname = "wrffdda_d" ; defined name in real gfdda_interval_m (max_dom) = 360 ; time interval (in min) between analysis times (must use minutes) gfdda_end_h (max_dom) = 6 ; time (in hours) to stop nudging after start of forecast io_form_gfdda = 2 ; analysis data io format (2 = netCDF) fgdt (max_dom) = 0 ; calculation frequency (minutes) for grid-nudging (0=every step) if_no_pbl_nudging_uv (max_dom) = 0 ; 1= no nudging of u and v in the pbl, 0=nudging in the pbl if_no_pbl_nudging_t (max_dom) = 0 ; 1= no nudging of temp in the pbl, 0=nudging in the pbl if_no_pbl_nudging_q (max_dom) = 0 ; 1= no nudging of qvapor in the pbl, 0=nudging in the pbl if_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 0 ; 0= nudge u and v in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_uv k_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 10 ; 10=model level below which nudging is switched off for u and v if_zfac_t (max_dom) = 0 ; 0= nudge temp in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_t k_zfac_t (max_dom) = 10 ; 10=model level below which nudging is switched off for temp if_zfac_q (max_dom) = 0 ; 0= nudge qvapor in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_q k_zfac_q (max_dom) = 10 ; 10=model level below which nudging is switched off for qvapor guv (max_dom) = 0.0003 ; nudging coefficient for u and v (sec-1) gt (max_dom) = 0.0003 ; nudging coefficient for temp (sec-1) gq (max_dom) = 0.0003 ; nudging coefficient for qvapor (sec-1) if_ramping = 0 ; 0= nudging ends as a step function, 1= ramping nudging down at end of period dtramp_min = 60.0 ; time (min) for ramping function, 60.0=ramping starts at last analysis time, -60.0=ramping ends at last analysis time grid_sfdda (max_dom) = 0 ; surface fdda switch (1, on; 0, off) sgfdda_inname = "wrfsfdda_d" ; defined name for sfc nudgingi in input file (from program obsgrid) sgfdda_end_h (max_dom) = 6 ; time (in hours) to stop sfc nudging after start of forecast sgfdda_interval_m (max_dom) = 180 ; time interval (in min) between sfc analysis times (must use minutes) io_form_sgfdda = 2 ; sfc analysis data io format (2 = netCDF) guv_sfc (max_dom) = 0.0003 ; nudging coefficient for sfc u and v (sec-1) gt_sfc (max_dom) = 0.0003 ; nudging coefficient for sfc temp (sec-1) gq_sfc (max_dom) = 0.0003 ; nudging coefficient for sfc qvapor (sec-1) rinblw = 250.0 ; radius of influence used to determine the confidence (or weights) for the analysis, which is based on the distance between the grid point to the nearest obs. The analysis without nearby observation is used at a reduced weight. pxlsm_soil_nudge(max_dom) = 1 ; PXLSM Soil nudging option (requires wrfsfdda file) The following are for spectral nudging: fgdtzero (max_dom) = 0, ; 1= nudging tendencies are set to zero in between fdda calls if_no_pbl_nudging_ph = 0, ; 1= no nudging of ph in the pbl, 0= nuding in the pbl if_zfac_ph (max_dom) = 0, ; 0= nudge ph in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_ph k_zfac_ph (max_dom) = 10, ; 10= model level below which nudging is switched off for ph dk_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 1, ; depth in k between k_zfac_X to dk_zfac_X where nudging increases linearly to full strength dk_zfac_t (max_dom) = 1, dk_zfac_ph (max_dom) = 1, gph (max_dom) = 0.0003, xwavenum (max_dom) = 3, ; top wave number to nudge in x direction ywavenum (max_dom) = 3, ; top wave number to nudge in y direction The following are for observation nudging: obs_nudge_opt (max_dom) = 1 ; obs-nudging fdda on (=0 off) for each domain also need to set auxinput11_interval and auxinput11_end_h in time_control namelist max_obs = 150000 ; max number of observations used on a domain during any given time window fdda_start = 0 ; obs nudging start time in minutes fdda_end = 180 ; obs nudging end time in minutes obs_nudge_wind (max_dom) = 1 ; whether to nudge wind: (=0 off) obs_coef_wind = 6.E-4, ; nudging coefficient for wind, unit: s-1 obs_nudge_temp = 1 ; whether to nudge temperature: (=0 off) obs_coef_temp = 6.E-4, ; nudging coefficient for temperature, unit: s-1 obs_nudge_mois = 1 ; whether to nudge water vapor mixing ratio: (=0 off) obs_coef_mois = 6.E-4, ; nudging coefficient for water vapor mixing ratio, unit: s-1 obs_nudge_pstr = 0 ; whether to nudge surface pressure (not used) obs_coef_pstr = 0. ; nudging coefficient for surface pressure, unit: s-1 (not used) obs_rinxy = 200., ; horizonal radius of influence in km obs_rinsig = 0.1, ; vertical radius of influence in eta obs_twindo (max_dom) = 0.66667 ; half-period time window over which an observation will be used for nudging (hours) obs_npfi = 10, ; freq in coarse grid timesteps for diag prints obs_ionf (max_dom) = 2 ; freq in coarse grid timesteps for obs input and err calc obs_idynin = 0 ; for dynamic initialization using a ramp-down function to gradually turn off the FDDA before the pure forecast (=1 on) obs_dtramp = 40 ; time period in minutes over which the nudging is ramped down from one to zero. obs_prt_freq (max_dom) = 10, ; Frequency in obs index for diagnostic printout obs_prt_max = 1000, ; Maximum allowed obs entries in diagnostic printout obs_ipf_in4dob = .true. ; print obs input diagnostics (=.false. off) obs_ipf_errob = .true. ; print obs error diagnostics (=.false. off) obs_ipf_nudob = .true. ; print obs nudge diagnostics (=.false. off) obs_ipf_init = .true. ; Enable obs init warning messages obs_no_pbl_nudge_uv (max_dom) = 0 ; 1=no wind-nudging within pbl obs_no_pbl_nudge_t (max_dom) = 0 ; 1=no temperature-nudging within pbl obs_no_pbl_nudge_q (max_dom) = 0 ; 1=no moisture-nudging within pbl obs_sfc_scheme_horiz = 0 ; horizontal spreading scheme for surf obs; 0=wrf scheme, 1=original mm5 scheme obs_sfc_scheme_vert = 0 ; vertical spreading scheme for surf obs 0=regime vif scheme, 1=original simple scheme obs_max_sndng_gap = 20 ; Max pressure gap between soundings, in cb obs_nudgezfullr1_uv = 50 ; Vert infl full weight height for lowest model level (LML) obs, regime 1, winds obs_nudgezrampr1_uv = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, winds obs_nudgezfullr2_uv = 50 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, winds obs_nudgezrampr2_uv = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, winds obs_nudgezfullr4_uv = -5000 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, winds obs_nudgezrampr4_uv = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, winds obs_nudgezfullr1_t = 50 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature obs_nudgezrampr1_t = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature obs_nudgezfullr2_t = 50 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature obs_nudgezrampr2_t = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature obs_nudgezfullr4_t = -5000 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature obs_nudgezrampr4_t = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature obs_nudgezfullr1_q = 50 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, moisture obs_nudgezrampr1_q = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, moisture obs_nudgezfullr2_q = 50 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, moisture obs_nudgezrampr2_q = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, moisture obs_nudgezfullr4_q = -5000 ; Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, moisture obs_nudgezrampr4_q = 50 ; Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, moisture obs_nudgezfullmin = 50 ; Min depth through which vertical infl fcn remains 1.0 obs_nudgezrampmin = 50 ; Min depth (m) through which vert infl fcn decreases from 1 to 0 obs_nudgezmax = 3000 ; Max depth (m) in which vert infl function is nonzero obs_sfcfact = 1.0 ; Scale factor applied to time window for surface obs obs_sfcfacr = 1.0 ; Scale factor applied to horiz radius of influence for surface obs obs_dpsmx = 7.5 ; Max pressure change (cb) allowed within horiz radius of influence / &scm scm_force = 1, ; switch for single column forcing (=0 off) scm_force_dx = 4000. ; DX for SCM forcing (in meters) num_force_layers = 8 ; number of SCM input forcing layers scm_lu_index = 2 ; SCM landuse category (2 is dryland, cropland and pasture) scm_isltyp = 4 ; SCM soil category (4 is silt loam) scm_vegfra = 0.5 ; SCM vegetation fraction scm_canwat = 0.0 ; SCM canopy water scm_lat = 37.600 ; SCM latitude scm_lon = -96.700 ; SCM longitude scm_th_adv = .true. ; turn on theta advection in SCM scm_wind_adv = .true. ; turn on wind advection in SCM scm_qv_adv = .true. ; turn on moisture advection in SCM scm_ql_adv = .true. ; turn on cloud liquid water advection in SCM scm_vert_adv = .true. ; turn on vertical advection in SCM num_force_soil_layers = 5, ; Number of SCM soil forcing layer scm_soilT_force = .false. ; Turn on soil temp forcing in SCM scm_soilq_force = .false. ; Turn on soil moisture forcing in SCM scm_force_th_largescale = .false. ; Turn on large scale theta forcing in SCM scm_force_qv_largescale = .false. ; Turn on large scale qv forcing in SCM scm_force_ql_largescale = .false. ; Turn on large scale cloud water forcing in SCM scm_force_wind_largescale = .false. ; Turn on large scale wind forcing in SCM &dynamics rk_ord = 3, ; time-integration scheme option: 2 = Runge-Kutta 2nd order 3 = Runge-Kutta 3rd order diff_opt = 0, ; turbulence and mixing option: 0 = no turbulence or explicit spatial numerical filters (km_opt IS IGNORED). 1 = evaluates 2nd order diffusion term on coordinate surfaces. uses kvdif for vertical diff unless PBL option is used. may be used with km_opt = 1 and 4. (= 1, recommended for real-data cases) 2 = evaluates mixing terms in physical space (stress form) (x,y,z). turbulence parameterization is chosen by specifying km_opt. km_opt = 1, ; eddy coefficient option 1 = constant (use khdif kvdif) 2 = 1.5 order TKE closure (3D) 3 = Smagorinsky first order closure (3D) Note: option 2 and 3 are not recommended for DX > 2 km 4 = horizontal Smagorinsky first order closure (recommended for real-data cases) damp_opt = 0, ; upper level damping flag 0 = without damping 1 = with diffusive damping, maybe used for real-data cases (dampcoef nondimensional ~0.01-0.1) 2 = with Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inverse time scale [1/s] e.g. .003; idealized case only not for real-data cases) 3 = with w-Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inverse time scale [1/s] e.g. .05; for real-data cases) diff_6th_opt = 0, ; 6th-order numerical diffusion 0 = no 6th-order diffusion (default) 1 = 6th-order numerical diffusion (not recommended) 2 = 6th-order numerical diffusion but prohibit up-gradient diffusion diff_6th_factor = 0.12, ; 6th-order numerical diffusion non-dimensional rate (max value 1.0 corresponds to complete removal of 2dx wave in one timestep) dampcoef (max_dom) = 0., ; damping coefficient (see above) zdamp (max_dom) = 5000., ; damping depth (m) from model top w_damping = 0, ; vertical velocity damping flag (for operational use) 0 = without damping 1 = with damping base_temp = 290., ; real-data, em ONLY, base sea-level temp (K) base_pres = 10^5 ; real-data, em ONLY, base sea-level pres (Pa), DO NOT CHANGE base_lapse = 50., ; real-data, em ONLY, lapse rate (K), DO NOT CHANGE iso_temp = 0., ; real-data, em ONLY, reference temp in stratosphere khdif (max_dom) = 0, ; horizontal diffusion constant (m^2/s) kvdif (max_dom) = 0, ; vertical diffusion constant (m^2/s) smdiv (max_dom) = 0.1, ; divergence damping (0.1 is typical) emdiv (max_dom) = 0.01, ; external-mode filter coef for mass coordinate model (0.01 is typical for real-data cases) epssm (max_dom) = .1, ; time off-centering for vertical sound waves non_hydrostatic (max_dom) = .true., ; whether running the model in hydrostatic or non-hydro mode pert_coriolis (max_dom) = .false., ; Coriolis only acts on wind perturbation (idealized) top_lid (max_dom) = .false., ; Zero vertical motion at top of domain mix_full_fields(max_dom) = .true., ; used with diff_opt = 2; value of ".true." is recommended, except for highly idealized numerical tests; damp_opt must not be 1 if ".true." is chosen. .false. means subtract 1-d base-state profile before mixing mix_isotropic(max_dom) = 0 ; 0=anistropic vertical/horizontal diffusion coeffs, 1=isotropic mix_upper_bound(max_dom) = 0.1 ; non-dimensional upper limit for diffusion coeffs tke_drag_coefficient(max_dom) = 0., ; surface drag coefficient (Cd, dimensionless) for diff_opt=2 only tke_heat_flux(max_dom) = 0., ; surface thermal flux (H/(rho*cp), K m/s) for diff_opt=2 only h_mom_adv_order (max_dom) = 5, ; horizontal momentum advection order (5=5th, etc.) v_mom_adv_order (max_dom) = 3, ; vertical momentum advection order h_sca_adv_order (max_dom) = 5, ; horizontal scalar advection order v_sca_adv_order (max_dom) = 3, ; vertical scalar advection order ; advection options for scalar variables: 0=simple, 1=positive definite, 2=monotonic moist_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ; for moisture scalar_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ; for scalars chem_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ; for chem variables tracer_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ; for tracer variables (WRF-Chem activated) tke_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ; for tke time_step_sound (max_dom) = 4 / ; number of sound steps per time-step (0=set automatically) (if using a time_step much larger than 6*dx (in km), proportionally increase number of sound steps - also best to use even numbers) do_avgflx_em (max_dom) = 0, ; whether to output time-averaged mass-coupled advective velocities 0 = no (default) 1 = yes do_avgflx_cugd (max_dom) = 0, ; whether to output time-averaged convective mass-fluxes from Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme 0 = no (default) 1 = yes (only takes effect if do_avgflx_em=1 and cu_physics= 3 do_coriolis (max_dom) = .true., ; whether to do Coriolis calculations (idealized) (inactive) do_curvature (max_dom) = .true., ; whether to do curvature calculations (idealized) (inactive) do_gradp (max_dom) = .true., ; whether to do horizontal pressure gradient calculations (idealized) (inactive) fft_filter_lat = 45. ; the latitude above which the polar filter is turned on gwd_opt = 0 ; for running without gravity wave drag = 1 ; for running the WRF-ARW with its gravity wave drag = 2 ; for running the WRF-NMM with its gravity wave drag sfs_opt (max_dom) = 0 ; nonlinear backscatter and anisotropy (NBA) off = 1 ; NBA1 using diagnostic stress terms (km_opt=2,3 for scalars) = 2 ; NBA2 using tke-based stress terms (km_opt=2 needed) m_opt (max_dom) = 0 ; no added output = 1 ; adds output of Mij stress terms when NBA is not used tracer_opt(max_dom) = 0 ; &bdy_control spec_bdy_width = 5, ; total number of rows for specified boundary value nudging spec_zone = 1, ; number of points in specified zone (spec b.c. option) relax_zone = 4, ; number of points in relaxation zone (spec b.c. option) specified (max_dom) = .false., ; specified boundary conditions (only can be used for domain 1) the above 4 are used for real-data runs spec_exp = 0. ; exponential multiplier for relaxation zone ramp for specified=.t. (0.=linear ramp default, e.g. 0.33=~3*dx exp decay factor) constant_bc = .false. ; constant boundary condition used with DFI periodic_x (max_dom) = .false., ; periodic boundary conditions in x direction symmetric_xs (max_dom) = .false., ; symmetric boundary conditions at x start (west) symmetric_xe (max_dom) = .false., ; symmetric boundary conditions at x end (east) open_xs (max_dom) = .false., ; open boundary conditions at x start (west) open_xe (max_dom) = .false., ; open boundary conditions at x end (east) periodic_y (max_dom) = .false., ; periodic boundary conditions in y direction symmetric_ys (max_dom) = .false., ; symmetric boundary conditions at y start (south) symmetric_ye (max_dom) = .false., ; symmetric boundary conditions at y end (north) open_ys (max_dom) = .false., ; open boundary conditions at y start (south) open_ye (max_dom) = .false., ; open boundary conditions at y end (north) nested (max_dom) = .false., ; nested boundary conditions (must be used for nests) polar = .false., ; polar boundary condition (v=0 at polarward-most v-point) euler_adv = .false., ; conservative Eulerian passive advection (NMM only) idtadt = 1, ; fundamental timesteps between calls to Euler advection, dynamics (NMM only) idtadc = 1 ; fundamental timesteps between calls to Euler advection, chemistry (NMM only) &tc ; controls for tc_em.exe ONLY, no impact on real, ndown, or model insert_bogus_storm = .false. ; T/F for inserting a bogus tropical storm (TC) remove_storm = .false. ; T/F for only removing the original TC num_storm = 1 ; Number of bogus TC latc_loc = -999. ; center latitude of the bogus TC lonc_loc = -999. ; center longitude of the bogus TC vmax_meters_per_second(max_bogus) = -999. ; vmax of bogus storm in meters per second rmax = -999. ; maximum radius outward from storm center vmax_ratio(max_bogus) = -999. ; ratio for representative maximum winds, 0.75 for 45 km grid, and 0.9 for 15 km grid. rankine_lid = -999. ; top pressure limit for the tc bogus scheme &namelist_quilt This namelist record controls asynchronized I/O for MPI applications. nio_tasks_per_group = 0, default value is 0: no quilting; > 0 quilting I/O nio_groups = 1, default 1, don't change &grib2: background_proc_id = 255, ; Background generating process identifier, typically defined by the originating center to identify the background data that was used in creating the data. This is octet 13 of Section 4 in the grib2 message forecast_proc_id = 255, ; Analysis or generating forecast process identifier, typically defined by the originating center to identify the forecast process that was used to generate the data. This is octet 14 of Section 4 in the grib2 message production_status = 255, ; Production status of processed data in the grib2 message. See Code Table 1.3 of the grib2 manual. This is octet 20 of Section 1 in the grib2 record compression = 40, ; The compression method to encode the output grib2 message. Only 40 for jpeg2000 or 41 for PNG are supported