#!/usr/bin/perl # # Configuration script for WRF prototype code # # Be sure to run as ./configure (to avoid getting a system configure command by mistake) # $sw_perl_path = perl ; $sw_netcdf_path = "" ; $sw_pnetcdf_path = "" ; $sw_phdf5_path=""; $sw_jasperlib_path=""; $sw_jasperinc_path=""; $sw_esmflib_path=""; $sw_esmfinc_path=""; $sw_ldflags=""; $sw_compileflags=""; $sw_rwordsize="\$\(NATIVE_RWORDSIZE\)"; $WRFCHEM = 0 ; $sw_os = "ARCH" ; # ARCH will match any $sw_mach = "ARCH" ; # ARCH will match any while ( substr( $ARGV[0], 0, 1 ) eq "-" ) { if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 5 ) eq "perl=" ) { $sw_perl_path = substr( $ARGV[0], 6 ) ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 7 ) eq "netcdf=" ) { $sw_netcdf_path = substr( $ARGV[0], 8 ) ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 8 ) eq "pnetcdf=" ) { $sw_pnetcdf_path = substr( $ARGV[0], 9 ) ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 6 ) eq "phdf5=" ) { $sw_phdf5_path = substr( $ARGV[0], 7 ) ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 3 ) eq "os=" ) { $sw_os = substr( $ARGV[0], 4 ) ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 5 ) eq "mach=" ) { $sw_mach = substr( $ARGV[0], 6 ) ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 8 ) eq "ldflags=" ) { $sw_ldflags = substr( $ARGV[0], 9 ) ; # multiple options separated by spaces are passed in from sh script # separated by ! instead. Replace with spaces here. $sw_ldflags =~ s/!/ /g ; } if ( substr( $ARGV[0], 1, 13 ) eq "compileflags=" ) { $sw_compileflags = substr( $ARGV[0], 14 ) ; $sw_compileflags =~ s/!/ /g ; # look for each known option $where_index = index ( $sw_compileflags , "-DWRF_CHEM" ) ; if ( $where_index eq -1 ) { $WRFCHEM = 0 ; } else { $WRFCHEM = 1 ; } } shift @ARGV ; } # The jasper library is required to build Grib2 I/O. User must set # environment variables JASPERLIB and JASPERINC to paths to library and # include files to enable this feature prior to running configure. if ( $ENV{JASPERLIB} && $ENV{JASPERINC} ) { printf "Configuring to use jasper library to build Grib2 I/O...\n" ; printf(" \$JASPERLIB = %s\n",$ENV{JASPERLIB}); printf(" \$JASPERINC = %s\n",$ENV{JASPERINC}); $sw_jasperlib_path = $ENV{JASPERLIB}; $sw_jasperinc_path = $ENV{JASPERINC}; } else { printf "\$JASPERLIB or \$JASPERINC not found in environment, configuring to build without grib2 I/O...\n" ; } # When compiling DA code, we need to always use 8-byte reals. if ( $ENV{WRF_DA_CORE} == "1" ) { $sw_rwordsize = "8"; } # A separately-installed ESMF library is required to build the ESMF # implementation of WRF IOAPI in external/io_esmf. This is needed # to couple WRF with other ESMF components. User must set environment # variables ESMFLIB and ESMFINC to paths ESMF to library and include # files to enable this feature prior to running configure. if ( $ENV{ESMFLIB} && $ENV{ESMFINC} ) { printf "Configuring to use ESMF library to build WRF...\n" ; printf "WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING\n" ; printf "WARNING: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL CONFIGURATION\n" ; printf "WARNING: IT DOES NOT WORK WITH NESTING\n" ; printf "WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING\n" ; printf(" \$ESMFLIB = %s\n",$ENV{ESMFLIB}); printf(" \$ESMFINC = %s\n",$ENV{ESMFINC}); $sw_esmflib_path = $ENV{ESMFLIB}; $sw_esmfinc_path = $ENV{ESMFINC}; } # parse the configure.wrf file $validresponse = 0 ; # Display the choices to the user and get selection until ( $validresponse ) { printf "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ; printf "Please select from among the following supported platforms.\n\n" ; $opt = 1 ; open CONFIGURE_DEFAULTS, "< ./arch/configure_old.defaults" or die "Cannot open ./arch/configure_old.defaults for reading" ; while ( ) { if ( substr( $_, 0, 5 ) eq "#ARCH" && ( index( $_, $sw_os ) >= 0 ) && ( index( $_, $sw_mach ) >= 0 ) ) { $optstr[$opt] = substr($_,6) ; $optstr[$opt] =~ s/^[ ]*// ; if ( substr( $optstr[$opt], 0,4 ) ne "NULL" ) { printf " %2d. %s",$opt,$optstr[$opt] ; $opt++ ; } } } close CONFIGURE_DEFAULTS ; $opt -- ; printf "\nEnter selection [%d-%d] : ",1,$opt ; $response = ; if ( $response == -1 ) { exit ; } if ( $response >= 1 && $response <= $opt ) { $validresponse = 1 ; } else { printf("\nInvalid response (%d)\n",$response);} } printf "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ; $optchoice = $response ; open CONFIGURE_DEFAULTS, "< ./arch/configure_old.defaults" or die "Cannot open ./arch/configure_old.defaults for reading" ; $latchon = 0 ; while ( ) { if ( substr( $_, 0, 5 ) eq "#ARCH" && $latchon == 1 ) { $latchon = 0 ; } if ( $latchon == 1 ) { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_PERL_PATH/$sw_perl_path/g ; $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_NETCDF_PATH/$sw_netcdf_path/g ; $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_PNETCDF_PATH/$sw_pnetcdf_path/g ; $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_PHDF5_PATH/$sw_phdf5_path/g ; $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_LDFLAGS/$sw_ldflags/g ; $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_COMPILEFLAGS/$sw_compileflags/g ; $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_RWORDSIZE/$sw_rwordsize/g ; if ( $sw_netcdf_path ) { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_NF/wrfio_nf/g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_NETCDF_FLAG:-DNETCDF: ; if ( $sw_os == Interix ) { $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_NETCDF_LIB_PATH:\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_netcdf/libwrfio_nf.a -L$sw_netcdf_path/lib -lnetcdf: ; } else { $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_NETCDF_LIB_PATH:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_netcdf -lwrfio_nf -L$sw_netcdf_path/lib -lnetcdf: ; } } else { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_NF//g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_NETCDF_FLAG::g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_NETCDF_LIB_PATH::g ; } if ( $sw_pnetcdf_path ) { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_PNF/wrfio_pnf/g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PNETCDF_FLAG:-DPNETCDF: ; if ( $sw_os == Interix ) { $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PNETCDF_LIB_PATH:\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_pnetcdf/libwrfio_pnf.a -L$sw_pnetcdf_path/lib -lpnetcdf: ; } else { $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PNETCDF_LIB_PATH:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_pnetcdf -lwrfio_pnf -L$sw_pnetcdf_path/lib -lpnetcdf: ; } } else { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_PNF//g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PNETCDF_FLAG::g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PNETCDF_LIB_PATH::g ; } if ( $sw_phdf5_path ) { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_PHDF5/wrfio_phdf5/g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PHDF5_FLAG:-DPHDF5: ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PHDF5_LIB_PATH:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_phdf5 -lwrfio_phdf5 -L$sw_phdf5_path/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lm -lz -L$sw_phdf5_path/lib -lsz: ; } else { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_PHDF5//g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PHDF5_FLAG::g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_PHDF5_LIB_PATH::g ; } if ( $sw_jasperlib_path && $sw_jasperinc_path ) { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_GRIB2/wrfio_grib2/g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_GRIB2_FLAG:-DGRIB2:g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_GRIB2_INC:-I$sw_jasperinc_path:g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_GRIB2_LIB:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_grib2 -lio_grib2 -L$sw_jasperlib_path -ljasper:g ; } else { $_ =~ s/CONFIGURE_WRFIO_GRIB2//g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_GRIB2_FLAG::g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_GRIB2_INC::g ; $_ =~ s:CONFIGURE_GRIB2_LIB::g ; } # ESMF substitutions in configure_old.defaults if ( $sw_esmflib_path && $sw_esmfinc_path ) { $_ =~ s:ESMFIOLIB:-L$sw_esmflib_path -lesmf -L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_esmf -lwrfio_esmf \$\(ESMF_LIB_FLAGS\):g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIOEXTLIB:-L$sw_esmflib_path -lesmf -L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_esmf -lwrfio_esmf \$\(ESMF_LIB_FLAGS\):g ; } else { if ( $sw_os == Interix ) { $_ =~ s:ESMFIOLIB:\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/esmf_time_f90/libesmf_time.a:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIOEXTLIB:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/esmf_time_f90/libesmf_time.a:g ; } else { $_ =~ s:ESMFIOLIB:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIOEXTLIB:-L\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time:g ; } } @machopts = ( @machopts, $_ ) ; if ( substr( $_, 0, 10 ) eq "ENVCOMPDEF" ) { @machopts = ( @machopts, "WRF_CHEM\t=\t$WRFCHEM \n" ) ; } } if ( substr( $_, 0, 5 ) eq "#ARCH" && $latchon == 0 ) { $x=substr($_,6) ; $x=~s/^[ ]*// ; if ( $x eq $optstr[$optchoice] ) { $latchon = 1 ; } } } close CONFIGURE_DEFAULTS ; #printf "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ; #foreach $f ( @machopts ) #{ # if ( substr( $f , 0 , 8 ) eq "external" ) { last ; } # print $f ; #} #printf "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ; #printf "\nYou have chosen: %s",$optstr[$optchoice] ; #printf "Listed above are the default options for this platform.\n" ; #printf "Settings are written to the file configure.wrf here in the top-level\n" ; #printf "directory. If you wish to change settings, please edit that file.\n" ; #printf "If you wish to change the default options, edit the file:\n\n" ; #printf " arch/configure_old.defaults\n" ; #printf "\n" ; open CONFIGURE_WRF, "> configure.wrf" or die "cannot append configure.wrf" ; open ARCH_PREAMBLE, "< arch/preamble_old" or die "cannot open arch/preamble_old" ; my @preamble; # apply substitutions to the preamble... while ( ) { # ESMF substitutions in preamble if ( $sw_esmflib_path && $sw_esmfinc_path ) { $_ =~ s/ESMFCOUPLING/1/g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFMODDEPENDENCE:\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_esmf/module_utility.o:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFMODINC:-I$sw_esmfinc_path -I\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/main:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIOINC:-I\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/io_esmf:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIODEFS:-DESMFIO:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFTARGET:wrfio_esmf:g ; } else { $_ =~ s/ESMFCOUPLING/0/g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFMODDEPENDENCE:\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.o:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFMODINC::g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIOINC:-I\$\(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR\)/external/esmf_time_f90:g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFIODEFS::g ; $_ =~ s:ESMFTARGET:esmf_time:g ; } @preamble = ( @preamble, $_ ) ; } close ARCH_PREAMBLE ; print CONFIGURE_WRF @preamble ; close ARCH_PREAMBLE ; printf CONFIGURE_WRF "# Settings for %s", $optstr[$optchoice] ; print CONFIGURE_WRF @machopts ; print "$ENV{WRF_MARS}" ; if ( $ENV{WRF_MARS} || $ENV{WRF_TITAN} || $ENV{WRF_VENUS} ) { open ARCH_PLANETAMBLE, "< arch/planetamble" or die "cannot open arch/planetamble" ; while ( ) { print CONFIGURE_WRF } ; close ARCH_PLANETAMBLE ; } open ARCH_POSTAMBLE, "< arch/postamble_old" or die "cannot open arch/postamble_old" ; while ( ) { print CONFIGURE_WRF } ; close ARCH_POSTAMBLE ; close CONFIGURE_WRF ; printf "Configuration successful. To build the model type compile . \n" ; printf "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ;