1 | ! |
2 | ! $Id: thermcell_main.F90 1795 2013-07-18 08:20:28Z emillour $ |
3 | ! |
4 | SUBROUTINE thermcell_main(itap,ngrid,nlay,ptimestep & |
5 | & ,pplay,pplev,pphi,debut & |
6 | & ,pu,pv,pt,po & |
7 | & ,pduadj,pdvadj,pdtadj,pdoadj & |
8 | & ,fm0,entr0,detr0,zqta,zqla,lmax & |
9 | & ,ratqscth,ratqsdiff,zqsatth & |
10 | & ,Ale_bl,Alp_bl,lalim_conv,wght_th & |
11 | & ,zmax0, f0,zw2,fraca,ztv & |
12 | & ,zpspsk,ztla,zthl & |
13 | !!! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
14 | & ,pbl_tke,pctsrf,omega,airephy & |
15 | & ,zlcl,fraca0,w0,w_conv,therm_tke_max0,env_tke_max0 & |
16 | & ,n2,s2,ale_bl_stat & |
17 | & ,therm_tke_max,env_tke_max & |
18 | & ,alp_bl_det,alp_bl_fluct_m,alp_bl_fluct_tke & |
19 | & ,alp_bl_conv,alp_bl_stat & |
20 | !!! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
21 | & ,ztva ) |
22 | |
23 | USE dimphy |
24 | USE ioipsl |
25 | USE comgeomphy , ONLY:rlond,rlatd |
26 | USE indice_sol_mod |
28 | |
29 | !======================================================================= |
30 | ! Auteurs: Frederic Hourdin, Catherine Rio, Anne Mathieu |
31 | ! Version du 09.02.07 |
32 | ! Calcul du transport vertical dans la couche limite en presence |
33 | ! de "thermiques" explicitement representes avec processus nuageux |
34 | ! |
35 | ! Reecriture a partir d'un listing papier a Habas, le 14/02/00 |
36 | ! |
37 | ! le thermique est suppose homogene et dissipe par melange avec |
38 | ! son environnement. la longueur l_mix controle l'efficacite du |
39 | ! melange |
40 | ! |
41 | ! Le calcul du transport des differentes especes se fait en prenant |
42 | ! en compte: |
43 | ! 1. un flux de masse montant |
44 | ! 2. un flux de masse descendant |
45 | ! 3. un entrainement |
46 | ! 4. un detrainement |
47 | ! |
48 | ! Modif 2013/01/04 (FH hourdin@lmd.jussieu.fr) |
49 | ! Introduction of an implicit computation of vertical advection in |
50 | ! the environment of thermal plumes in thermcell_dq |
51 | ! impl = 0 : explicit, 1 : implicit, -1 : old version |
52 | ! controled by iflag_thermals = |
53 | ! 15, 16 run with impl=-1 : numerical convergence with NPv3 |
54 | ! 17, 18 run with impl=1 : more stable |
55 | ! 15 and 17 correspond to the activation of the stratocumulus "bidouille" |
56 | ! |
57 | !======================================================================= |
58 | |
59 | |
60 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
61 | ! declarations: |
62 | ! ------------- |
63 | |
64 | #include "dimensions.h" |
65 | #include "YOMCST.h" |
66 | #include "YOETHF.h" |
67 | #include "FCTTRE.h" |
68 | #include "iniprint.h" |
69 | #include "thermcell.h" |
70 | |
71 | ! arguments: |
72 | ! ---------- |
73 | |
74 | !IM 140508 |
75 | INTEGER itap |
76 | |
77 | INTEGER ngrid,nlay |
78 | real ptimestep |
79 | REAL pt(ngrid,nlay),pdtadj(ngrid,nlay) |
80 | REAL pu(ngrid,nlay),pduadj(ngrid,nlay) |
81 | REAL pv(ngrid,nlay),pdvadj(ngrid,nlay) |
82 | REAL po(ngrid,nlay),pdoadj(ngrid,nlay) |
83 | REAL pplay(ngrid,nlay),pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) |
84 | real pphi(ngrid,nlay) |
85 | |
86 | ! local: |
87 | ! ------ |
88 | |
89 | integer icount |
90 | |
91 | integer, save :: dvdq=1,dqimpl=-1 |
92 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dvdq,dqimpl) |
93 | data icount/0/ |
94 | save icount |
95 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(icount) |
96 | |
97 | integer,save :: igout=1 |
98 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(igout) |
99 | integer,save :: lunout1=6 |
100 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lunout1) |
101 | integer,save :: lev_out=10 |
102 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lev_out) |
103 | |
104 | REAL susqr2pi, Reuler |
105 | |
106 | INTEGER ig,k,l,ll,ierr |
107 | real zsortie1d(ngrid) |
108 | INTEGER lmax(ngrid),lmin(ngrid),lalim(ngrid) |
109 | INTEGER lmix(ngrid) |
110 | INTEGER lmix_bis(ngrid) |
111 | real linter(ngrid) |
112 | real zmix(ngrid) |
113 | real zmax(ngrid),zw2(ngrid,nlay+1),ztva(ngrid,nlay),zw_est(ngrid,nlay+1),ztva_est(ngrid,nlay) |
114 | ! real fraca(ngrid,nlay) |
115 | |
116 | real zmax_sec(ngrid) |
117 | !on garde le zmax du pas de temps precedent |
118 | real zmax0(ngrid) |
119 | !FH/IM save zmax0 |
120 | |
121 | real lambda |
122 | |
123 | real zlev(ngrid,nlay+1),zlay(ngrid,nlay) |
124 | real deltaz(ngrid,nlay) |
125 | REAL zh(ngrid,nlay) |
126 | real zthl(ngrid,nlay),zdthladj(ngrid,nlay) |
127 | REAL ztv(ngrid,nlay) |
128 | real zu(ngrid,nlay),zv(ngrid,nlay),zo(ngrid,nlay) |
129 | real zl(ngrid,nlay) |
130 | real zsortie(ngrid,nlay) |
131 | real zva(ngrid,nlay) |
132 | real zua(ngrid,nlay) |
133 | real zoa(ngrid,nlay) |
134 | |
135 | real zta(ngrid,nlay) |
136 | real zha(ngrid,nlay) |
137 | real fraca(ngrid,nlay+1) |
138 | real zf,zf2 |
139 | real thetath2(ngrid,nlay),wth2(ngrid,nlay),wth3(ngrid,nlay) |
140 | real q2(ngrid,nlay) |
141 | ! FH probleme de dimensionnement avec l'allocation dynamique |
142 | ! common/comtherm/thetath2,wth2 |
143 | real wq(ngrid,nlay) |
144 | real wthl(ngrid,nlay) |
145 | real wthv(ngrid,nlay) |
146 | |
147 | real ratqscth(ngrid,nlay) |
148 | real var |
149 | real vardiff |
150 | real ratqsdiff(ngrid,nlay) |
151 | |
152 | logical sorties |
153 | real rho(ngrid,nlay),rhobarz(ngrid,nlay),masse(ngrid,nlay) |
154 | real zpspsk(ngrid,nlay) |
155 | |
156 | real wmax(ngrid) |
157 | real wmax_tmp(ngrid) |
158 | real wmax_sec(ngrid) |
159 | real fm0(ngrid,nlay+1),entr0(ngrid,nlay),detr0(ngrid,nlay) |
160 | real fm(ngrid,nlay+1),entr(ngrid,nlay),detr(ngrid,nlay) |
161 | |
162 | real ztla(ngrid,nlay),zqla(ngrid,nlay),zqta(ngrid,nlay) |
163 | !niveau de condensation |
164 | integer nivcon(ngrid) |
165 | real zcon(ngrid) |
166 | REAL CHI |
167 | real zcon2(ngrid) |
168 | real pcon(ngrid) |
169 | real zqsat(ngrid,nlay) |
170 | real zqsatth(ngrid,nlay) |
171 | |
172 | real f_star(ngrid,nlay+1),entr_star(ngrid,nlay) |
173 | real detr_star(ngrid,nlay) |
174 | real alim_star_tot(ngrid) |
175 | real alim_star(ngrid,nlay) |
176 | real alim_star_clos(ngrid,nlay) |
177 | real f(ngrid), f0(ngrid) |
178 | !FH/IM save f0 |
179 | real zlevinter(ngrid) |
180 | logical debut |
181 | real seuil |
182 | real csc(ngrid,nlay) |
183 | |
184 | !!! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
185 | |
186 | !------Entrées |
187 | real pbl_tke(ngrid,nlay+1,nbsrf) |
188 | real pctsrf(ngrid,nbsrf) |
189 | real omega(ngrid,nlay) |
190 | real airephy(ngrid) |
191 | !------Sorties |
192 | real zlcl(ngrid),fraca0(ngrid),w0(ngrid),w_conv(ngrid) |
193 | real therm_tke_max0(ngrid),env_tke_max0(ngrid) |
194 | real n2(ngrid),s2(ngrid) |
195 | real ale_bl_stat(ngrid) |
196 | real therm_tke_max(ngrid,nlay),env_tke_max(ngrid,nlay) |
197 | real alp_bl_det(ngrid),alp_bl_fluct_m(ngrid),alp_bl_fluct_tke(ngrid),alp_bl_conv(ngrid),alp_bl_stat(ngrid) |
198 | !------Local |
199 | integer nsrf |
200 | real rhobarz0(ngrid) ! Densité au LCL |
201 | logical ok_lcl(ngrid) ! Existence du LCL des thermiques |
202 | integer klcl(ngrid) ! Niveau du LCL |
203 | real interp(ngrid) ! Coef d'interpolation pour le LCL |
204 | !--Triggering |
205 | real Su ! Surface unité: celle d'un updraft élémentaire |
206 | parameter(Su=4e4) |
207 | real hcoef ! Coefficient directeur pour le calcul de s2 |
208 | parameter(hcoef=1) |
209 | real hmincoef ! Coefficient directeur pour l'ordonnée à l'origine pour le calcul de s2 |
210 | parameter(hmincoef=0.3) |
211 | real eps1 ! Fraction de surface occupée par la population 1 : eps1=n1*s1/(fraca0*Sd) |
212 | parameter(eps1=0.3) |
213 | real hmin(ngrid) ! Ordonnée à l'origine pour le calcul de s2 |
214 | real zmax_moy(ngrid) ! Hauteur moyenne des thermiques : zmax_moy = zlcl + 0.33 (zmax-zlcl) |
215 | real zmax_moy_coef |
216 | parameter(zmax_moy_coef=0.33) |
217 | real depth(ngrid) ! Epaisseur moyenne du cumulus |
218 | real w_max(ngrid) ! Vitesse max statistique |
219 | real s_max(ngrid) |
220 | !--Closure |
221 | real pbl_tke_max(ngrid,nlay) ! Profil de TKE moyenne |
222 | real pbl_tke_max0(ngrid) ! TKE moyenne au LCL |
223 | real w_ls(ngrid,nlay) ! Vitesse verticale grande échelle (m/s) |
224 | real coef_m ! On considère un rendement pour alp_bl_fluct_m |
225 | parameter(coef_m=1.) |
226 | real coef_tke ! On considère un rendement pour alp_bl_fluct_tke |
227 | parameter(coef_tke=1.) |
228 | |
229 | !!! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
230 | |
231 | ! |
232 | !nouvelles variables pour la convection |
233 | real Ale_bl(ngrid) |
234 | real Alp_bl(ngrid) |
235 | real alp_int(ngrid),dp_int(ngrid),zdp |
236 | real ale_int(ngrid) |
237 | integer n_int(ngrid) |
238 | real fm_tot(ngrid) |
239 | real wght_th(ngrid,nlay) |
240 | integer lalim_conv(ngrid) |
241 | !v1d logical therm |
242 | !v1d save therm |
243 | |
244 | character*2 str2 |
245 | character*10 str10 |
246 | |
247 | character (len=20) :: modname='thermcell_main' |
248 | character (len=80) :: abort_message |
249 | |
251 | ! |
252 | |
253 | ! Lluis |
254 | INTEGER :: llp |
255 | CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: lvarname, lfname |
256 | REAL :: largest |
257 | |
258 | llp = 734 |
259 | lfname = 'physiq' |
260 | largest = 10.e5 |
261 | |
262 | ! L. Fita, LMD July 2014. Initializing variables |
263 | zdthladj = 0. |
264 | pbl_tke_max0 = 0. |
265 | |
266 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
267 | ! initialisation: |
268 | ! --------------- |
269 | ! |
270 | |
271 | seuil=0.25 |
272 | |
273 | if (debut) then |
274 | ! call getin('dvdq',dvdq) |
275 | ! call getin('dqimpl',dqimpl) |
276 | |
277 | if (iflag_thermals==15.or.iflag_thermals==16) then |
278 | dvdq=0 |
279 | dqimpl=-1 |
280 | else |
281 | dvdq=1 |
282 | dqimpl=1 |
283 | endif |
284 | |
285 | fm0=0. |
286 | entr0=0. |
287 | detr0=0. |
288 | |
289 | |
290 | #undef wrgrads_thermcell |
291 | #ifdef wrgrads_thermcell |
292 | ! Initialisation des sorties grads pour les thermiques. |
293 | ! Pour l'instant en 1D sur le point igout. |
294 | ! Utilise par thermcell_out3d.h |
295 | str10='therm' |
296 | call inigrads(1,1,rlond(igout),1.,-180.,180.,jjm, & |
297 | & rlatd(igout),-90.,90.,1.,llm,pplay(igout,:),1., & |
298 | & ptimestep,str10,'therm ') |
299 | #endif |
300 | |
301 | |
302 | |
303 | endif |
304 | |
305 | fm=0. ; entr=0. ; detr=0. |
306 | |
307 | |
308 | icount=icount+1 |
309 | |
310 | !IM 090508 beg |
311 | !print*,'=====================================================================' |
312 | !print*,'=====================================================================' |
313 | !print*,' PAS ',icount,' PAS ',icount,' PAS ',icount,' PAS ',icount |
314 | !print*,'=====================================================================' |
315 | !print*,'=====================================================================' |
316 | !IM 090508 end |
317 | |
318 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main V4' |
319 | |
320 | sorties=.true. |
321 | IF(ngrid.NE.ngrid) THEN |
322 | PRINT* |
323 | PRINT*,'STOP dans convadj' |
324 | PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid |
325 | PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid |
326 | ENDIF |
327 | ! |
328 | ! write(lunout,*)'WARNING thermcell_main f0=max(f0,1.e-2)' |
329 | do ig=1,ngrid |
330 | f0(ig)=max(f0(ig),1.e-2) |
331 | zmax0(ig)=max(zmax0(ig),40.) |
332 | !IMmarche pas ?! if (f0(ig)<1.e-2) f0(ig)=1.e-2 |
333 | enddo |
334 | |
335 | if (prt_level.ge.20) then |
336 | do ig=1,ngrid |
337 | print*,'th_main ig f0',ig,f0(ig) |
338 | enddo |
339 | endif |
340 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
341 | ! Calcul de T,q,ql a partir de Tl et qT dans l environnement |
342 | ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
343 | ! |
344 | lfname='thermcell_main before thermcell_env' |
345 | lvarname = 'pt' |
346 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
347 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
348 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
349 | lvarname = 'pplev' |
350 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pplev, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
351 | |
352 | CALL thermcell_env(ngrid,nlay,po,pt,pu,pv,pplay, & |
353 | & pplev,zo,zh,zl,ztv,zthl,zu,zv,zpspsk,zqsat,lev_out) |
354 | |
355 | lfname='thermcell_main after thermcell_env' |
356 | lvarname = 'pt' |
357 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
358 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
359 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
360 | lvarname = 'pplev' |
361 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pplev, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
362 | |
363 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main apres thermcell_env' |
364 | |
365 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
366 | ! -------------------- |
367 | ! |
368 | ! |
369 | ! + + + + + + + + + + + |
370 | ! |
371 | ! |
372 | ! wa, fraca, wd, fracd -------------------- zlev(2), rhobarz |
373 | ! wh,wt,wo ... |
374 | ! |
375 | ! + + + + + + + + + + + zh,zu,zv,zo,rho |
376 | ! |
377 | ! |
378 | ! -------------------- zlev(1) |
379 | ! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
380 | ! |
381 | ! |
382 | |
383 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
384 | ! Calcul des altitudes des couches |
385 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
386 | |
387 | do l=2,nlay |
388 | zlev(:,l)=0.5*(pphi(:,l)+pphi(:,l-1))/RG |
389 | enddo |
390 | zlev(:,1)=0. |
391 | zlev(:,nlay+1)=(2.*pphi(:,nlay)-pphi(:,nlay-1))/RG |
392 | do l=1,nlay |
393 | zlay(:,l)=pphi(:,l)/RG |
394 | enddo |
395 | !calcul de l epaisseur des couches |
396 | do l=1,nlay |
397 | deltaz(:,l)=zlev(:,l+1)-zlev(:,l) |
398 | enddo |
399 | |
400 | ! print*,'2 OK convect8' |
401 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
402 | ! Calcul des densites |
403 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
404 | |
405 | rho(:,:)=pplay(:,:)/(zpspsk(:,:)*RD*ztv(:,:)) |
406 | |
407 | if (prt_level.ge.10)write(lunout,*) & |
408 | & 'WARNING thermcell_main rhobarz(:,1)=rho(:,1)' |
409 | rhobarz(:,1)=rho(:,1) |
410 | |
411 | do l=2,nlay |
412 | rhobarz(:,l)=0.5*(rho(:,l)+rho(:,l-1)) |
413 | enddo |
414 | |
415 | !calcul de la masse |
416 | do l=1,nlay |
417 | masse(:,l)=(pplev(:,l)-pplev(:,l+1))/RG |
418 | enddo |
419 | |
420 | lfname='thermcell_main after initialization' |
421 | lvarname = 'rhobarz' |
422 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, rhobarz, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
423 | lvarname = 'rho' |
424 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, rho, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
425 | lvarname = 'zpspsk' |
426 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zpspsk, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
427 | lvarname = 'pplay' |
428 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pplay, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
429 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
430 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
431 | lvarname = 'alim_star' |
432 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, alim_star, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
433 | |
434 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main apres initialisation' |
435 | |
436 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
437 | ! |
438 | ! /|\ |
439 | ! -------- | F_k+1 ------- |
440 | ! ----> D_k |
441 | ! /|\ <---- E_k , A_k |
442 | ! -------- | F_k --------- |
443 | ! ----> D_k-1 |
444 | ! <---- E_k-1 , A_k-1 |
445 | ! |
446 | ! |
447 | ! |
448 | ! |
449 | ! |
450 | ! --------------------------- |
451 | ! |
452 | ! ----- F_lmax+1=0 ---------- \ |
453 | ! lmax (zmax) | |
454 | ! --------------------------- | |
455 | ! | |
456 | ! --------------------------- | |
457 | ! | |
458 | ! --------------------------- | |
459 | ! | |
460 | ! --------------------------- | |
461 | ! | |
462 | ! --------------------------- | |
463 | ! | E |
464 | ! --------------------------- | D |
465 | ! | |
466 | ! --------------------------- | |
467 | ! | |
468 | ! --------------------------- \ | |
469 | ! lalim | | |
470 | ! --------------------------- | | |
471 | ! | | |
472 | ! --------------------------- | | |
473 | ! | A | |
474 | ! --------------------------- | | |
475 | ! | | |
476 | ! --------------------------- | | |
477 | ! lmin (=1 pour le moment) | | |
478 | ! ----- F_lmin=0 ------------ / / |
479 | ! |
480 | ! --------------------------- |
481 | ! ////////////////////////// |
482 | ! |
483 | ! |
484 | !============================================================================= |
485 | ! Calculs initiaux ne faisant pas intervenir les changements de phase |
486 | !============================================================================= |
487 | |
488 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
489 | ! 1. alim_star est le profil vertical de l'alimentation a la base du |
490 | ! panache thermique, calcule a partir de la flotabilite de l'air sec |
491 | ! 2. lmin et lalim sont les indices inferieurs et superieurs de alim_star |
492 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
493 | ! |
494 | entr_star=0. ; detr_star=0. ; alim_star=0. ; alim_star_tot=0. |
495 | lmin=1 |
496 | |
497 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
498 | ! 3. wmax_sec et zmax_sec sont les vitesses et altitudes maximum d'un |
499 | ! panache sec conservatif (e=d=0) alimente selon alim_star |
500 | ! Il s'agit d'un calcul de type CAPE |
501 | ! zmax_sec est utilise pour determiner la geometrie du thermique. |
502 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
503 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
504 | !calcul du melange et des variables dans le thermique |
505 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
506 | ! |
507 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'avant thermcell_plume ',lev_out |
508 | !IM 140508 CALL thermcell_plume(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,ztv,zthl,po,zl,rhobarz, & |
509 | |
510 | ! Gestion temporaire de plusieurs appels à thermcell_plume au travers |
511 | ! de la variable iflag_thermals |
512 | lfname='thermcell_main before plume' |
513 | lvarname = 'alim_star' |
514 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, alim_star, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
515 | |
516 | ! print*,'THERM thermcell_main iflag_thermals_ed=',iflag_thermals_ed |
517 | if (iflag_thermals_ed<=9) then |
518 | ! print*,'THERM NOUVELLE/NOUVELLE Arnaud' |
519 | CALL thermcell_plume(itap,ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,ztv,zthl,po,zl,rhobarz,& |
520 | & zlev,pplev,pphi,zpspsk,alim_star,alim_star_tot, & |
521 | & lalim,f0,detr_star,entr_star,f_star,csc,ztva, & |
522 | & ztla,zqla,zqta,zha,zw2,zw_est,ztva_est,zqsatth,lmix,lmix_bis,linter & |
523 | & ,lev_out,lunout1,igout) |
524 | |
525 | elseif (iflag_thermals_ed>9) then |
526 | ! print*,'THERM RIO et al 2010, version d Arnaud' |
527 | CALL thermcellV1_plume(itap,ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,ztv,zthl,po,zl,rhobarz,& |
528 | & zlev,pplev,pphi,zpspsk,alim_star,alim_star_tot, & |
529 | & lalim,f0,detr_star,entr_star,f_star,csc,ztva, & |
530 | & ztla,zqla,zqta,zha,zw2,zw_est,ztva_est,zqsatth,lmix,lmix_bis,linter & |
531 | & ,lev_out,lunout1,igout) |
532 | |
533 | endif |
534 | lfname='thermcell_main after thermcell_plume' |
535 | lvarname = 'pt' |
536 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
537 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
538 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
539 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
540 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
541 | lvarname = 'alim_star' |
542 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, alim_star, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
543 | |
544 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'apres thermcell_plume ',lev_out |
545 | |
546 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lalim,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_plum lalim ') |
547 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lmix ,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_plum lmix ') |
548 | |
549 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main apres thermcell_plume' |
550 | if (prt_level.ge.10) then |
551 | write(lunout1,*) 'Dans thermcell_main 2' |
552 | write(lunout1,*) 'lmin ',lmin(igout) |
553 | write(lunout1,*) 'lalim ',lalim(igout) |
554 | write(lunout1,*) ' ig l alim_star entr_star detr_star f_star ' |
555 | write(lunout1,'(i6,i4,4e15.5)') (igout,l,alim_star(igout,l),entr_star(igout,l),detr_star(igout,l) & |
556 | & ,f_star(igout,l+1),l=1,nint(linter(igout))+5) |
557 | endif |
558 | |
559 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
560 | ! Calcul des caracteristiques du thermique:zmax,zmix,wmax |
561 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
562 | ! |
563 | CALL thermcell_height(ngrid,nlay,lalim,lmin,linter,lmix,zw2, & |
564 | & zlev,lmax,zmax,zmax0,zmix,wmax,lev_out) |
565 | ! Attention, w2 est transforme en sa racine carree dans cette routine |
566 | ! Le probleme vient du fait que linter et lmix sont souvent égaux à 1. |
567 | wmax_tmp=0. |
568 | do l=1,nlay |
569 | wmax_tmp(:)=max(wmax_tmp(:),zw2(:,l)) |
570 | enddo |
571 | ! print*,"ZMAX ",lalim,lmin,linter,lmix,lmax,zmax,zmax0,zmix,wmax |
572 | |
573 | lfname='thermcell_main after thermcell_height' |
574 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
575 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
576 | |
577 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lalim,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_heig lalim ') |
578 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lmin ,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_heig lmin ') |
579 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lmix ,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_heig lmix ') |
580 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lmax ,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_heig lmax ') |
581 | |
582 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main apres thermcell_height' |
583 | |
584 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
585 | ! Fermeture,determination de f |
586 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
587 | ! |
588 | ! |
589 | !! write(lunout,*)'THERM NOUVEAU XXXXX' |
590 | CALL thermcell_dry(ngrid,nlay,zlev,pphi,ztv,alim_star, & |
591 | & lalim,lmin,zmax_sec,wmax_sec,lev_out) |
592 | |
593 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lmin,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_dry lmin ') |
594 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lalim,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_dry lalim ') |
595 | |
596 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main apres thermcell_dry' |
597 | if (prt_level.ge.10) then |
598 | write(lunout1,*) 'Dans thermcell_main 1b' |
599 | write(lunout1,*) 'lmin ',lmin(igout) |
600 | write(lunout1,*) 'lalim ',lalim(igout) |
601 | write(lunout1,*) ' ig l alim_star entr_star detr_star f_star ' |
602 | write(lunout1,'(i6,i4,e15.5)') (igout,l,alim_star(igout,l) & |
603 | & ,l=1,lalim(igout)+4) |
604 | endif |
605 | |
606 | lfname='thermcell_main after thermcell_dry' |
607 | lvarname = 'alim_star' |
608 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, alim_star, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
609 | |
610 | |
611 | |
612 | ! Choix de la fonction d'alimentation utilisee pour la fermeture. |
613 | ! Apparemment sans importance |
614 | alim_star_clos(:,:)=alim_star(:,:) |
615 | alim_star_clos(:,:)=entr_star(:,:)+alim_star(:,:) |
616 | |
617 | ! Appel avec la version seche |
618 | CALL thermcell_closure(ngrid,nlay,r_aspect_thermals,ptimestep,rho, & |
619 | & zlev,lalim,alim_star_clos,f_star,zmax_sec,wmax_sec,f,lev_out) |
620 | |
621 | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
622 | ! Appel avec les zmax et wmax tenant compte de la condensation |
623 | ! Semble moins bien marcher |
624 | ! CALL thermcell_closure(ngrid,nlay,r_aspect_thermals,ptimestep,rho, & |
625 | ! & zlev,lalim,alim_star,f_star,zmax,wmax,f,lev_out) |
626 | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
627 | |
628 | if(prt_level.ge.1)print*,'thermcell_closure apres thermcell_closure' |
629 | |
630 | if (tau_thermals>1.) then |
631 | lambda=exp(-ptimestep/tau_thermals) |
632 | f0=(1.-lambda)*f+lambda*f0 |
633 | else |
634 | f0=f |
635 | endif |
636 | |
637 | ! Test valable seulement en 1D mais pas genant |
638 | if (.not. (f0(1).ge.0.) ) then |
639 | abort_message = '.not. (f0(1).ge.0.)' |
640 | CALL abort_gcm (modname,abort_message,1) |
641 | endif |
642 | |
643 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
644 | !deduction des flux |
645 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
646 | lfname='thermcell_main before flux' |
647 | lvarname = 'fm' |
648 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, fm, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
649 | lvarname = 'entr' |
650 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, entr, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
651 | lvarname = 'detr' |
652 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, detr, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
653 | lvarname = 'zqla' |
654 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zqla, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
655 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
656 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
657 | lvarname = 'alim_star' |
658 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, alim_star, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
659 | |
660 | CALL thermcell_flux2(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,masse, & |
661 | & lalim,lmax,alim_star, & |
662 | & entr_star,detr_star,f,rhobarz,zlev,zw2,fm,entr, & |
663 | & detr,zqla,lev_out,lunout1,igout) |
664 | !IM 060508 & detr,zqla,zmax,lev_out,lunout,igout) |
665 | lfname='thermcell_main after flux' |
666 | lvarname = 'fm' |
667 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, fm, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
668 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
669 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
670 | lvarname = 'alim_star' |
671 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, alim_star, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
672 | |
673 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main apres thermcell_flux' |
674 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lalim,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_flux lalim ') |
675 | call test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,lmax ,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,'thermcell_flux lmax ') |
676 | |
677 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
678 | ! On ne prend pas directement les profils issus des calculs precedents |
679 | ! mais on s'autorise genereusement une relaxation vers ceci avec |
680 | ! une constante de temps tau_thermals (typiquement 1800s). |
681 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
682 | |
683 | if (tau_thermals>1.) then |
684 | lambda=exp(-ptimestep/tau_thermals) |
685 | fm0=(1.-lambda)*fm+lambda*fm0 |
686 | entr0=(1.-lambda)*entr+lambda*entr0 |
687 | detr0=(1.-lambda)*detr+lambda*detr0 |
688 | else |
689 | fm0=fm |
690 | entr0=entr |
691 | detr0=detr |
692 | endif |
693 | |
694 | !c------------------------------------------------------------------ |
695 | ! calcul du transport vertical |
696 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
697 | |
698 | lfname='thermcell_main before transport_vertical' |
699 | lvarname = 'zdthladj' |
700 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zdthladj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
701 | |
702 | call thermcell_dq(ngrid,nlay,dqimpl,ptimestep,fm0,entr0,masse, & |
703 | & zthl,zdthladj,zta,lev_out) |
704 | call thermcell_dq(ngrid,nlay,dqimpl,ptimestep,fm0,entr0,masse, & |
705 | & po,pdoadj,zoa,lev_out) |
706 | lfname='thermcell_main after transport_vertical' |
707 | lvarname = 'zdthladj' |
708 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zdthladj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
709 | lvarname = 'masse' |
710 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, masse, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
711 | |
712 | lfname='thermcell_main before fraction ascendance' |
713 | lvarname = 'fm' |
714 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, fm, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
715 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
716 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
717 | |
718 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
719 | ! Calcul de la fraction de l'ascendance |
720 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
721 | do ig=1,ngrid |
722 | fraca(ig,1)=0. |
723 | fraca(ig,nlay+1)=0. |
724 | enddo |
725 | do l=2,nlay |
726 | do ig=1,ngrid |
727 | if (zw2(ig,l).gt.1.e-10) then |
728 | fraca(ig,l)=fm(ig,l)/(rhobarz(ig,l)*zw2(ig,l)) |
729 | else |
730 | fraca(ig,l)=0. |
731 | endif |
732 | enddo |
733 | enddo |
734 | |
735 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
736 | ! calcul du transport vertical du moment horizontal |
737 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
738 | lfname='before thermcell_dv2' |
739 | lvarname = 'pt' |
740 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
741 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
742 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
743 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
744 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay+1, largest, .FALSE.) |
745 | |
746 | !IM 090508 |
747 | if (dvdq == 0 ) then |
748 | |
749 | ! Calcul du transport de V tenant compte d'echange par gradient |
750 | ! de pression horizontal avec l'environnement |
751 | |
752 | call thermcell_dv2(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,fm0,entr0,masse & |
753 | ! & ,fraca*dvdq,zmax & |
754 | & ,fraca,zmax & |
755 | & ,zu,zv,pduadj,pdvadj,zua,zva,lev_out) |
756 | |
757 | else |
758 | |
759 | ! calcul purement conservatif pour le transport de V |
760 | call thermcell_dq(ngrid,nlay,dqimpl,ptimestep,fm0,entr0,masse & |
761 | & ,zu,pduadj,zua,lev_out) |
762 | call thermcell_dq(ngrid,nlay,dqimpl,ptimestep,fm0,entr0,masse & |
763 | & ,zv,pdvadj,zva,lev_out) |
764 | |
765 | endif |
766 | |
767 | ! print*,'13 OK convect8' |
768 | do l=1,nlay |
769 | do ig=1,ngrid |
770 | pdtadj(ig,l)=zdthladj(ig,l)*zpspsk(ig,l) |
771 | enddo |
772 | enddo |
773 | lfname='after thermcell_dv2' |
774 | lvarname = 'pt' |
775 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
776 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
777 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
778 | lvarname = 'zdthladj' |
779 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zdthladj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
780 | lvarname = 'zpspsk' |
781 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zpspsk, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
782 | |
783 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14 OK convect8' |
784 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
785 | ! Calculs de diagnostiques pour les sorties |
786 | !------------------------------------------------------------------ |
787 | !calcul de fraca pour les sorties |
788 | |
789 | if (sorties) then |
790 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14a OK convect8' |
791 | ! calcul du niveau de condensation |
792 | ! initialisation |
793 | do ig=1,ngrid |
794 | nivcon(ig)=0 |
795 | zcon(ig)=0. |
796 | enddo |
797 | !nouveau calcul |
798 | do ig=1,ngrid |
799 | CHI=zh(ig,1)/(1669.0-122.0*zo(ig,1)/zqsat(ig,1)-zh(ig,1)) |
800 | pcon(ig)=pplay(ig,1)*(zo(ig,1)/zqsat(ig,1))**CHI |
801 | enddo |
802 | !IM do k=1,nlay |
803 | do k=1,nlay-1 |
804 | do ig=1,ngrid |
805 | if ((pcon(ig).le.pplay(ig,k)) & |
806 | & .and.(pcon(ig).gt.pplay(ig,k+1))) then |
807 | zcon2(ig)=zlay(ig,k)-(pcon(ig)-pplay(ig,k))/(RG*rho(ig,k))/100. |
808 | endif |
809 | enddo |
810 | enddo |
811 | !IM |
812 | ierr=0 |
813 | do ig=1,ngrid |
814 | if (pcon(ig).le.pplay(ig,nlay)) then |
815 | zcon2(ig)=zlay(ig,nlay)-(pcon(ig)-pplay(ig,nlay))/(RG*rho(ig,nlay))/100. |
816 | ierr=1 |
817 | endif |
818 | enddo |
819 | if (ierr==1) then |
820 | abort_message = 'thermcellV0_main: les thermiques vont trop haut ' |
821 | CALL abort_gcm (modname,abort_message,1) |
822 | endif |
823 | |
824 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14b OK convect8' |
825 | do k=nlay,1,-1 |
826 | do ig=1,ngrid |
827 | if (zqla(ig,k).gt.1e-10) then |
828 | nivcon(ig)=k |
829 | zcon(ig)=zlev(ig,k) |
830 | endif |
831 | enddo |
832 | enddo |
833 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14c OK convect8' |
834 | !calcul des moments |
835 | !initialisation |
836 | do l=1,nlay |
837 | do ig=1,ngrid |
838 | q2(ig,l)=0. |
839 | wth2(ig,l)=0. |
840 | wth3(ig,l)=0. |
841 | ratqscth(ig,l)=0. |
842 | ratqsdiff(ig,l)=0. |
843 | enddo |
844 | enddo |
845 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14d OK convect8' |
846 | if (prt_level.ge.10)write(lunout,*) & |
847 | & 'WARNING thermcell_main wth2=0. si zw2 > 1.e-10' |
848 | do l=1,nlay |
849 | do ig=1,ngrid |
850 | zf=fraca(ig,l) |
851 | zf2=zf/(1.-zf) |
852 | ! |
853 | thetath2(ig,l)=zf2*(ztla(ig,l)-zthl(ig,l))**2 |
854 | if(zw2(ig,l).gt.1.e-10) then |
855 | wth2(ig,l)=zf2*(zw2(ig,l))**2 |
856 | else |
857 | wth2(ig,l)=0. |
858 | endif |
859 | wth3(ig,l)=zf2*(1-2.*fraca(ig,l))/(1-fraca(ig,l)) & |
860 | & *zw2(ig,l)*zw2(ig,l)*zw2(ig,l) |
861 | q2(ig,l)=zf2*(zqta(ig,l)*1000.-po(ig,l)*1000.)**2 |
862 | !test: on calcul q2/po=ratqsc |
863 | ratqscth(ig,l)=sqrt(max(q2(ig,l),1.e-6)/(po(ig,l)*1000.)) |
864 | enddo |
865 | enddo |
866 | lfname='thermcell_main calculation of wth3' |
867 | lvarname = 'wth3' |
868 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, wth3, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
869 | lvarname = 'fraca' |
870 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, fraca, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
871 | lvarname = 'zw2' |
872 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, zw2, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
873 | lvarname = '1-fraca' |
874 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, 1./(1.-fraca), ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
875 | !calcul des flux: q, thetal et thetav |
876 | do l=1,nlay |
877 | do ig=1,ngrid |
878 | wq(ig,l)=fraca(ig,l)*zw2(ig,l)*(zqta(ig,l)*1000.-po(ig,l)*1000.) |
879 | wthl(ig,l)=fraca(ig,l)*zw2(ig,l)*(ztla(ig,l)-zthl(ig,l)) |
880 | wthv(ig,l)=fraca(ig,l)*zw2(ig,l)*(ztva(ig,l)-ztv(ig,l)) |
881 | enddo |
882 | enddo |
883 | ! |
884 | |
885 | !!! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
886 | |
887 | !------------Test sur le LCL des thermiques |
888 | do ig=1,ngrid |
889 | ok_lcl(ig)=.false. |
890 | if ( (pcon(ig) .gt. pplay(ig,nlay-1)) .and. (pcon(ig) .lt. pplay(ig,1)) ) ok_lcl(ig)=.true. |
891 | enddo |
892 | |
893 | !------------Localisation des niveaux entourant le LCL et du coef d'interpolation |
894 | do l=1,nlay-1 |
895 | do ig=1,ngrid |
896 | if (ok_lcl(ig)) then |
897 | if ((pplay(ig,l) .ge. pcon(ig)) .and. (pplay(ig,l+1) .le. pcon(ig))) then |
898 | klcl(ig)=l |
899 | interp(ig)=(pcon(ig)-pplay(ig,klcl(ig)))/(pplay(ig,klcl(ig)+1)-pplay(ig,klcl(ig))) |
900 | endif |
901 | endif |
902 | enddo |
903 | enddo |
904 | |
905 | !------------Hauteur des thermiques |
906 | !!jyg le 27/04/2012 |
907 | !! do ig =1,ngrid |
908 | !! rhobarz0(ig)=rhobarz(ig,klcl(ig))+(rhobarz(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
909 | !! & -rhobarz(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
910 | !! zlcl(ig)=(pplev(ig,1)-pcon(ig))/(rhobarz0(ig)*RG) |
911 | !! zmax(ig)=pphi(ig,lmax(ig))/rg |
912 | !! if ( (.not.ok_lcl(ig)) .or. (zlcl(ig).gt.zmax(ig)) ) zlcl(ig)=zmax(ig) ! Si zclc > zmax alors on pose zlcl = zmax |
913 | !! enddo |
914 | do ig =1,ngrid |
915 | zmax(ig)=pphi(ig,lmax(ig))/rg |
916 | if (ok_lcl(ig)) then |
917 | rhobarz0(ig)=rhobarz(ig,klcl(ig))+(rhobarz(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
918 | & -rhobarz(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
919 | zlcl(ig)=(pplev(ig,1)-pcon(ig))/(rhobarz0(ig)*RG) |
920 | zlcl(ig)=min(zlcl(ig),zmax(ig)) ! Si zlcl > zmax alors on pose zlcl = zmax |
921 | else |
922 | rhobarz0(ig)=0. |
923 | zlcl(ig)=zmax(ig) |
924 | endif |
925 | enddo |
926 | !!jyg fin |
927 | |
928 | !------------Calcul des propriétés du thermique au LCL |
929 | IF ( (iflag_trig_bl.ge.1) .or. (iflag_clos_bl.ge.1) ) THEN |
930 | |
931 | !-----Initialisation de la TKE moyenne |
932 | do l=1,nlay |
933 | do ig=1,ngrid |
934 | pbl_tke_max(ig,l)=0. |
935 | enddo |
936 | enddo |
937 | |
938 | !-----Calcul de la TKE moyenne |
939 | do nsrf=1,nbsrf |
940 | do l=1,nlay |
941 | do ig=1,ngrid |
942 | pbl_tke_max(ig,l)=pctsrf(ig,nsrf)*pbl_tke(ig,l,nsrf)+pbl_tke_max(ig,l) |
943 | enddo |
944 | enddo |
945 | enddo |
946 | |
947 | !-----Initialisations des TKE dans et hors des thermiques |
948 | do l=1,nlay |
949 | do ig=1,ngrid |
950 | therm_tke_max(ig,l)=pbl_tke_max(ig,l) |
951 | env_tke_max(ig,l)=pbl_tke_max(ig,l) |
952 | enddo |
953 | enddo |
954 | |
955 | !-----Calcul de la TKE transportée par les thermiques : therm_tke_max |
956 | call thermcell_tke_transport(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,fm0,entr0, & |
957 | & rg,pplev,therm_tke_max) |
958 | ! print *,' thermcell_tke_transport -> ' !!jyg |
959 | |
960 | !-----Calcul des profils verticaux de TKE hors thermiques : env_tke_max, et de la vitesse verticale grande échelle : W_ls |
961 | do l=1,nlay |
962 | do ig=1,ngrid |
963 | pbl_tke_max(ig,l)=fraca(ig,l)*therm_tke_max(ig,l)+(1.-fraca(ig,l))*env_tke_max(ig,l) ! Recalcul de TKE moyenne aprés transport de TKE_TH |
964 | env_tke_max(ig,l)=(pbl_tke_max(ig,l)-fraca(ig,l)*therm_tke_max(ig,l))/(1.-fraca(ig,l)) ! Recalcul de TKE dans l'environnement aprés transport de TKE_TH |
965 | w_ls(ig,l)=-1.*omega(ig,l)/(RG*rhobarz(ig,l)) ! Vitesse verticale de grande échelle |
966 | enddo |
967 | enddo |
968 | ! print *,' apres w_ls = ' !!jyg |
969 | |
970 | do ig=1,ngrid |
971 | if (ok_lcl(ig)) then |
972 | fraca0(ig)=fraca(ig,klcl(ig))+(fraca(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
973 | & -fraca(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
974 | w0(ig)=zw2(ig,klcl(ig))+(zw2(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
975 | & -zw2(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
976 | w_conv(ig)=w_ls(ig,klcl(ig))+(w_ls(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
977 | & -w_ls(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
978 | therm_tke_max0(ig)=therm_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)) & |
979 | & +(therm_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)+1)-therm_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
980 | env_tke_max0(ig)=env_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig))+(env_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
981 | & -env_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
982 | pbl_tke_max0(ig)=pbl_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig))+(pbl_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)+1) & |
983 | & -pbl_tke_max(ig,klcl(ig)))*interp(ig) |
984 | if (therm_tke_max0(ig).ge.20.) therm_tke_max0(ig)=20. |
985 | if (env_tke_max0(ig).ge.20.) env_tke_max0(ig)=20. |
986 | if (pbl_tke_max0(ig).ge.20.) pbl_tke_max0(ig)=20. |
987 | else |
988 | fraca0(ig)=0. |
989 | w0(ig)=0. |
990 | !!jyg le 27/04/2012 |
991 | !! zlcl(ig)=0. |
992 | !! |
993 | endif |
994 | enddo |
995 | |
996 | ENDIF ! IF ( (iflag_trig_bl.ge.1) .or. (iflag_clos_bl.ge.1) ) |
997 | ! print *,'ENDIF ( (iflag_trig_bl.ge.1) .or. (iflag_clos_bl.ge.1) ) ' !!jyg |
998 | |
999 | !------------Triggering------------------ |
1000 | IF (iflag_trig_bl.ge.1) THEN |
1001 | |
1002 | !-----Initialisations |
1003 | depth(:)=0. |
1004 | n2(:)=0. |
1005 | s2(:)=0. |
1006 | s_max(:)=0. |
1007 | |
1008 | !-----Epaisseur du nuage (depth) et détermination de la queue du spectre de panaches (n2,s2) et du panache le plus gros (s_max) |
1009 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1010 | zmax_moy(ig)=zlcl(ig)+zmax_moy_coef*(zmax(ig)-zlcl(ig)) |
1011 | depth(ig)=zmax_moy(ig)-zlcl(ig) |
1012 | hmin(ig)=hmincoef*zlcl(ig) |
1013 | if (depth(ig).ge.10.) then |
1014 | s2(ig)=(hcoef*depth(ig)+hmin(ig))**2 |
1015 | n2(ig)=(1.-eps1)*fraca0(ig)*airephy(ig)/s2(ig) |
1016 | !! |
1017 | !!jyg le 27/04/2012 |
1018 | !! s_max(ig)=s2(ig)*log(n2(ig)) |
1019 | !! if (n2(ig) .lt. 1) s_max(ig)=0. |
1020 | s_max(ig)=s2(ig)*log(max(n2(ig),1.)) |
1021 | !!fin jyg |
1022 | else |
1023 | s2(ig)=0. |
1024 | n2(ig)=0. |
1025 | s_max(ig)=0. |
1026 | endif |
1027 | enddo |
1028 | ! print *,'avant Calcul de Wmax ' !!jyg |
1029 | |
1030 | !-----Calcul de Wmax et ALE_BL_STAT associée |
1031 | !!jyg le 30/04/2012 |
1032 | !! do ig=1,ngrid |
1033 | !! if ( (depth(ig).ge.10.) .and. (s_max(ig).gt.1.) ) then |
1034 | !! w_max(ig)=w0(ig)*(1.+sqrt(2.*log(s_max(ig)/su)-log(2.*3.14)-log(2.*log(s_max(ig)/su)-log(2.*3.14)))) |
1035 | !! ale_bl_stat(ig)=0.5*w_max(ig)**2 |
1036 | !! else |
1037 | !! w_max(ig)=0. |
1038 | !! ale_bl_stat(ig)=0. |
1039 | !! endif |
1040 | !! enddo |
1041 | susqr2pi=su*sqrt(2.*Rpi) |
1042 | Reuler=exp(1.) |
1043 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1044 | if ( (depth(ig).ge.10.) .and. (s_max(ig).gt.susqr2pi*Reuler) ) then |
1045 | w_max(ig)=w0(ig)*(1.+sqrt(2.*log(s_max(ig)/susqr2pi)-log(2.*log(s_max(ig)/susqr2pi)))) |
1046 | ale_bl_stat(ig)=0.5*w_max(ig)**2 |
1047 | else |
1048 | w_max(ig)=0. |
1049 | ale_bl_stat(ig)=0. |
1050 | endif |
1051 | enddo |
1052 | |
1053 | ENDIF ! iflag_trig_bl |
1054 | ! print *,'ENDIF iflag_trig_bl' !!jyg |
1055 | lfname='thermcell_main before closure' |
1056 | lvarname = 'pt' |
1057 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1058 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
1059 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1060 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_det' |
1061 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_det,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1062 | lvarname = 'rhobarz0' |
1063 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, rhobarz0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1064 | lvarname = 'fraca0' |
1065 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, fraca0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1066 | lvarname = 'w_conv' |
1067 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, w_conv,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1068 | lvarname = 'w0' |
1069 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, w0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1070 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_fluct_m' |
1071 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_fluct_m,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1072 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_fluct_tke' |
1073 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_fluct_tke,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1074 | lvarname = 'therm_tke_max0' |
1075 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, therm_tke_max0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1076 | lvarname = 'env_tke_max0' |
1077 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, env_tke_max0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1078 | lvarname = 'pbl_tke_max0' |
1079 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, pbl_tke_max0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1080 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_conv' |
1081 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_conv,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1082 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_stat' |
1083 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_stat,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1084 | !------------Closure------------------ |
1085 | |
1086 | IF (iflag_clos_bl.ge.1) THEN |
1087 | |
1088 | !-----Calcul de ALP_BL_STAT |
1089 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1090 | alp_bl_det(ig)=0.5*coef_m*rhobarz0(ig)*(w0(ig)**3)*fraca0(ig)*(1.-2.*fraca0(ig))/((1.-fraca0(ig))**2) |
1091 | alp_bl_fluct_m(ig)=1.5*rhobarz0(ig)*fraca0(ig)*(w_conv(ig)+coef_m*w0(ig))* & |
1092 | & (w0(ig)**2) |
1093 | alp_bl_fluct_tke(ig)=3.*coef_m*rhobarz0(ig)*w0(ig)*fraca0(ig)*(therm_tke_max0(ig)-env_tke_max0(ig)) & |
1094 | & +3.*rhobarz0(ig)*w_conv(ig)*pbl_tke_max0(ig) |
1095 | if (iflag_clos_bl.ge.2) then |
1096 | alp_bl_conv(ig)=1.5*coef_m*rhobarz0(ig)*fraca0(ig)*(fraca0(ig)/(1.-fraca0(ig)))*w_conv(ig)* & |
1097 | & (w0(ig)**2) |
1098 | else |
1099 | alp_bl_conv(ig)=0. |
1100 | endif |
1101 | alp_bl_stat(ig)=alp_bl_det(ig)+alp_bl_fluct_m(ig)+alp_bl_fluct_tke(ig)+alp_bl_conv(ig) |
1102 | enddo |
1103 | |
1104 | !-----Sécurité ALP infinie |
1105 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1106 | if (fraca0(ig).gt.0.98) alp_bl_stat(ig)=2. |
1107 | enddo |
1108 | |
1109 | ENDIF ! (iflag_clos_bl.ge.1) |
1110 | lfname='after closure' |
1111 | lvarname = 'pt' |
1112 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1113 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
1114 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1115 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_det' |
1116 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_det,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1117 | lvarname = 'rhobarz0' |
1118 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, rhobarz0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1119 | lvarname = 'fraca0' |
1120 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, fraca0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1121 | lvarname = 'w_conv' |
1122 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, w_conv,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1123 | lvarname = 'w0' |
1124 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, w0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1125 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_fluct_m' |
1126 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_fluct_m,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1127 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_fluct_tke' |
1128 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_fluct_tke,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1129 | lvarname = 'therm_tke_max0' |
1130 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, therm_tke_max0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1131 | lvarname = 'env_tke_max0' |
1132 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, env_tke_max0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1133 | lvarname = 'pbl_tke_max0' |
1134 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, pbl_tke_max0,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1135 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_conv' |
1136 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_conv,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1137 | lvarname = 'alp_bl_stat' |
1138 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_bl_stat,ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1139 | |
1140 | !!! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
1141 | |
1142 | if (prt_level.ge.10) then |
1143 | ig=igout |
1144 | do l=1,nlay |
1145 | print*,'14f OK convect8 ig,l,zha zh zpspsk ',ig,l,zha(ig,l),zh(ig,l),zpspsk(ig,l) |
1146 | print*,'14g OK convect8 ig,l,po',ig,l,po(ig,l) |
1147 | enddo |
1148 | endif |
1149 | |
1150 | ! print*,'avant calcul ale et alp' |
1151 | !calcul de ALE et ALP pour la convection |
1152 | Alp_bl(:)=0. |
1153 | Ale_bl(:)=0. |
1154 | ! print*,'ALE,ALP ,l,zw2(ig,l),Ale_bl(ig),Alp_bl(ig)' |
1155 | do l=1,nlay |
1156 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1157 | Alp_bl(ig)=max(Alp_bl(ig),0.5*rhobarz(ig,l)*wth3(ig,l) ) |
1158 | Ale_bl(ig)=max(Ale_bl(ig),0.5*zw2(ig,l)**2) |
1159 | ! print*,'ALE,ALP',l,zw2(ig,l),Ale_bl(ig),Alp_bl(ig) |
1160 | enddo |
1161 | enddo |
1162 | |
1163 | !test:calcul de la ponderation des couches pour KE |
1164 | !initialisations |
1165 | |
1166 | fm_tot(:)=0. |
1167 | wght_th(:,:)=1. |
1168 | lalim_conv(:)=lalim(:) |
1169 | |
1170 | do k=1,nlay |
1171 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1172 | if (k<=lalim_conv(ig)) fm_tot(ig)=fm_tot(ig)+fm(ig,k) |
1173 | enddo |
1174 | enddo |
1175 | lfname='after calculation of Al[p/e]_bl' |
1176 | lvarname = 'fm' |
1177 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, fm, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1178 | lvarname = 'rhobarz' |
1179 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, rhobarz, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1180 | lvarname = 'wth3' |
1181 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, wth3, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1182 | lvarname = 'Alp_bl' |
1183 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, Alp_bl, ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1184 | lvarname = 'Ale_bl' |
1185 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, Ale_bl, ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1186 | |
1187 | ! assez bizarre car, si on est dans la couche d'alim et que alim_star et |
1188 | ! plus petit que 1.e-10, on prend wght_th=1. |
1189 | do k=1,nlay |
1190 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1191 | if (k<=lalim_conv(ig).and.alim_star(ig,k)>1.e-10) then |
1192 | wght_th(ig,k)=alim_star(ig,k) |
1193 | endif |
1194 | enddo |
1195 | enddo |
1196 | |
1197 | ! print*,'apres wght_th' |
1198 | !test pour prolonger la convection |
1199 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1200 | !v1d if ((alim_star(ig,1).lt.1.e-10).and.(therm)) then |
1201 | if ((alim_star(ig,1).lt.1.e-10)) then |
1202 | lalim_conv(ig)=1 |
1203 | wght_th(ig,1)=1. |
1204 | ! print*,'lalim_conv ok',lalim_conv(ig),wght_th(ig,1) |
1205 | endif |
1206 | enddo |
1207 | |
1208 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1209 | ! Modif CR/FH 20110310 : Alp integree sur la verticale. |
1210 | ! Integrale verticale de ALP. |
1211 | ! wth3 etant aux niveaux inter-couches, on utilise d play comme masse des |
1212 | ! couches |
1213 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1214 | |
1215 | alp_int(:)=0. |
1216 | dp_int(:)=0. |
1217 | do l=2,nlay |
1218 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1219 | if(l.LE.lmax(ig)) THEN |
1220 | zdp=pplay(ig,l-1)-pplay(ig,l) |
1221 | alp_int(ig)=alp_int(ig)+0.5*rhobarz(ig,l)*wth3(ig,l)*zdp |
1222 | dp_int(ig)=dp_int(ig)+zdp |
1223 | endif |
1224 | enddo |
1225 | enddo |
1226 | |
1227 | if (iflag_coupl>=3 .and. iflag_coupl<=5) then |
1228 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1229 | !valeur integree de alp_bl * 0.5: |
1230 | if (dp_int(ig)>0.) then |
1231 | Alp_bl(ig)=alp_int(ig)/dp_int(ig) |
1232 | endif |
1233 | enddo! |
1234 | endif |
1235 | |
1236 | |
1237 | ! Facteur multiplicatif sur Alp_bl |
1238 | Alp_bl(:)=alp_bl_k*Alp_bl(:) |
1239 | |
1240 | lfname='thermcell_main last computations on Alp_bl' |
1241 | lvarname = 'pplay' |
1242 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pplay, ngrid, nlay, largest*10.e4, .FALSE.) |
1243 | lvarname = 'alp_int' |
1244 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, alp_int, ngrid, largest*10.e4, .FALSE.) |
1245 | lvarname = 'dp_int' |
1246 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, dp_int, ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1247 | lvarname = 'Alp_bl' |
1248 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, Alp_bl, ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1249 | |
1250 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1251 | |
1252 | |
1253 | !calcul du ratqscdiff |
1254 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14e OK convect8' |
1255 | var=0. |
1256 | vardiff=0. |
1257 | ratqsdiff(:,:)=0. |
1258 | |
1259 | do l=1,nlay |
1260 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1261 | if (l<=lalim(ig)) then |
1262 | var=var+alim_star(ig,l)*zqta(ig,l)*1000. |
1263 | endif |
1264 | enddo |
1265 | enddo |
1266 | |
1267 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14f OK convect8' |
1268 | |
1269 | do l=1,nlay |
1270 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1271 | if (l<=lalim(ig)) then |
1272 | zf=fraca(ig,l) |
1273 | zf2=zf/(1.-zf) |
1274 | vardiff=vardiff+alim_star(ig,l)*(zqta(ig,l)*1000.-var)**2 |
1275 | endif |
1276 | enddo |
1277 | enddo |
1278 | |
1279 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'14g OK convect8' |
1280 | do l=1,nlay |
1281 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1282 | ratqsdiff(ig,l)=sqrt(vardiff)/(po(ig,l)*1000.) |
1283 | ! write(11,*)'ratqsdiff=',ratqsdiff(ig,l) |
1284 | enddo |
1285 | enddo |
1286 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1287 | ! |
1288 | !ecriture des fichiers sortie |
1289 | ! print*,'15 OK convect8 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc' |
1290 | |
1291 | #ifdef wrgrads_thermcell |
1292 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main sorties 3D' |
1293 | #include "thermcell_out3d.h" |
1294 | #endif |
1295 | |
1296 | endif |
1297 | |
1298 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'thermcell_main FIN OK' |
1299 | |
1300 | lfname='before leaving thermcell_main' |
1301 | lvarname = 'pt' |
1302 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pt, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1303 | lvarname = 'pdtadj' |
1304 | CALL check_var3D(lfname, lvarname, pdtadj, ngrid, nlay, largest, .FALSE.) |
1305 | lvarname = 'Alp_bl' |
1306 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, Alp_bl, ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1307 | lvarname = 'Ale_bl' |
1308 | CALL check_var(lfname, lvarname, Ale_bl, ngrid, largest, .FALSE.) |
1309 | |
1310 | |
1311 | return |
1312 | end |
1313 | |
1314 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1315 | |
1316 | subroutine test_ltherm(ngrid,nlay,pplev,pplay,long,seuil,ztv,po,ztva,zqla,f_star,zw2,comment) |
1318 | #include "iniprint.h" |
1319 | |
1320 | integer i, k, ngrid,nlay |
1321 | real pplev(ngrid,nlay+1),pplay(ngrid,nlay) |
1322 | real ztv(ngrid,nlay) |
1323 | real po(ngrid,nlay) |
1324 | real ztva(ngrid,nlay) |
1325 | real zqla(ngrid,nlay) |
1326 | real f_star(ngrid,nlay) |
1327 | real zw2(ngrid,nlay) |
1328 | integer long(ngrid) |
1329 | real seuil |
1330 | character*21 comment |
1331 | |
1332 | if (prt_level.ge.1) THEN |
1333 | print*,'WARNING !!! TEST ',comment |
1334 | endif |
1335 | return |
1336 | |
1337 | ! test sur la hauteur des thermiques ... |
1338 | do i=1,ngrid |
1339 | !IMtemp if (pplay(i,long(i)).lt.seuil*pplev(i,1)) then |
1340 | if (prt_level.ge.10) then |
1341 | print*,'WARNING ',comment,' au point ',i,' K= ',long(i) |
1342 | print*,' K P(MB) THV(K) Qenv(g/kg)THVA QLA(g/kg) F* W2' |
1343 | do k=1,nlay |
1344 | write(6,'(i3,7f10.3)') k,pplay(i,k),ztv(i,k),1000*po(i,k),ztva(i,k),1000*zqla(i,k),f_star(i,k),zw2(i,k) |
1345 | enddo |
1346 | endif |
1347 | enddo |
1348 | |
1349 | |
1350 | return |
1351 | end |
1352 | |
1353 | !!! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 Transport de la TKE par le thermique moyen pour la fermeture en ALP |
1354 | ! On transporte pbl_tke pour donner therm_tke |
1355 | ! Copie conforme de la subroutine DTKE dans physiq.F écrite par Frederic Hourdin |
1356 | subroutine thermcell_tke_transport(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,fm0,entr0, & |
1357 | & rg,pplev,therm_tke_max) |
1358 | implicit none |
1359 | |
1360 | #include "iniprint.h" |
1361 | !======================================================================= |
1362 | ! |
1363 | ! Calcul du transport verticale dans la couche limite en presence |
1364 | ! de "thermiques" explicitement representes |
1365 | ! calcul du dq/dt une fois qu'on connait les ascendances |
1366 | ! |
1367 | !======================================================================= |
1368 | |
1369 | integer ngrid,nlay,nsrf |
1370 | |
1371 | real ptimestep |
1372 | real masse0(ngrid,nlay),fm0(ngrid,nlay+1),pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) |
1373 | real entr0(ngrid,nlay),rg |
1374 | real therm_tke_max(ngrid,nlay) |
1375 | real detr0(ngrid,nlay) |
1376 | |
1377 | |
1378 | real masse(ngrid,nlay),fm(ngrid,nlay+1) |
1379 | real entr(ngrid,nlay) |
1380 | real q(ngrid,nlay) |
1381 | integer lev_out ! niveau pour les print |
1382 | |
1383 | real qa(ngrid,nlay),detr(ngrid,nlay),wqd(ngrid,nlay+1) |
1384 | |
1385 | real zzm |
1386 | |
1387 | integer ig,k |
1388 | integer isrf |
1389 | |
1390 | |
1391 | lev_out=0 |
1392 | |
1393 | |
1394 | if (prt_level.ge.1) print*,'Q2 THERMCEL_DQ 0' |
1395 | |
1396 | ! calcul du detrainement |
1397 | do k=1,nlay |
1398 | detr0(:,k)=fm0(:,k)-fm0(:,k+1)+entr0(:,k) |
1399 | masse0(:,k)=(pplev(:,k)-pplev(:,k+1))/RG |
1400 | enddo |
1401 | |
1402 | |
1403 | ! Decalage vertical des entrainements et detrainements. |
1404 | masse(:,1)=0.5*masse0(:,1) |
1405 | entr(:,1)=0.5*entr0(:,1) |
1406 | detr(:,1)=0.5*detr0(:,1) |
1407 | fm(:,1)=0. |
1408 | do k=1,nlay-1 |
1409 | masse(:,k+1)=0.5*(masse0(:,k)+masse0(:,k+1)) |
1410 | entr(:,k+1)=0.5*(entr0(:,k)+entr0(:,k+1)) |
1411 | detr(:,k+1)=0.5*(detr0(:,k)+detr0(:,k+1)) |
1412 | fm(:,k+1)=fm(:,k)+entr(:,k)-detr(:,k) |
1413 | enddo |
1414 | fm(:,nlay+1)=0. |
1415 | |
1416 | !!! nrlmd le 16/09/2010 |
1417 | ! calcul de la valeur dans les ascendances |
1418 | ! do ig=1,ngrid |
1419 | ! qa(ig,1)=q(ig,1) |
1420 | ! enddo |
1421 | !!! |
1422 | |
1423 | !do isrf=1,nsrf |
1424 | |
1425 | ! q(:,:)=therm_tke(:,:,isrf) |
1426 | q(:,:)=therm_tke_max(:,:) |
1427 | !!! nrlmd le 16/09/2010 |
1428 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1429 | qa(ig,1)=q(ig,1) |
1430 | enddo |
1431 | !!! |
1432 | |
1433 | if (1==1) then |
1434 | do k=2,nlay |
1435 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1436 | if ((fm(ig,k+1)+detr(ig,k))*ptimestep.gt. & |
1437 | & 1.e-5*masse(ig,k)) then |
1438 | qa(ig,k)=(fm(ig,k)*qa(ig,k-1)+entr(ig,k)*q(ig,k)) & |
1439 | & /(fm(ig,k+1)+detr(ig,k)) |
1440 | else |
1441 | qa(ig,k)=q(ig,k) |
1442 | endif |
1443 | if (qa(ig,k).lt.0.) then |
1444 | ! print*,'qa<0!!!' |
1445 | endif |
1446 | if (q(ig,k).lt.0.) then |
1447 | ! print*,'q<0!!!' |
1448 | endif |
1449 | enddo |
1450 | enddo |
1451 | |
1452 | ! Calcul du flux subsident |
1453 | |
1454 | do k=2,nlay |
1455 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1456 | wqd(ig,k)=fm(ig,k)*q(ig,k) |
1457 | if (wqd(ig,k).lt.0.) then |
1458 | ! print*,'wqd<0!!!' |
1459 | endif |
1460 | enddo |
1461 | enddo |
1462 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1463 | wqd(ig,1)=0. |
1464 | wqd(ig,nlay+1)=0. |
1465 | enddo |
1466 | |
1467 | ! Calcul des tendances |
1468 | do k=1,nlay |
1469 | do ig=1,ngrid |
1470 | q(ig,k)=q(ig,k)+(detr(ig,k)*qa(ig,k)-entr(ig,k)*q(ig,k) & |
1471 | & -wqd(ig,k)+wqd(ig,k+1)) & |
1472 | & *ptimestep/masse(ig,k) |
1473 | enddo |
1474 | enddo |
1475 | |
1476 | endif |
1477 | |
1478 | therm_tke_max(:,:)=q(:,:) |
1479 | |
1480 | return |
1481 | !!! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 |
1482 | end |
1483 | |