[592] | 1 | # Registry file, EM |
| 2 | |
| 3 | #INCLUDES |
| 4 | include registry.dimspec |
| 5 | include Registry.EM_COMMON |
| 6 | include registry.io_boilerplate |
| 7 | |
| 8 | include registry.fire |
| 9 | include registry.avgflx |
| 10 | include registry.stoch |
| 11 | include registry.les |
| 12 | include registry.cam |
| 13 | include registry.clm |
| 14 | include registry.ssib |
| 15 | include registry.lake |
| 16 | include registry.diags |
| 17 | include registry.afwa |
| 18 | include registry.sbm |
| 19 | include registry.bdy_perturb |
| 20 | |
| 21 | # added to output 5 for ESMF |
| 22 | state real landmask ij misc 1 - i0125rh05d=(interp_fcnm_imask)u=(copy_fcnm) "LANDMASK" "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)" "" |
| 23 | state real lakemask ij misc 1 - i012rhd=(interp_fcnm_imask)u=(copy_fcnm) "LAKEMASK" "LAKE MASK (1 FOR LAKE, 0 FOR NON-LAKE)" "" |
| 24 | |
| 25 | # Masked SST interpolation from the CG |
| 26 | #state real SST ij misc 1 - i01245rh05d=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)f=(p2c_mask:lu_index,tslb,num_soil_layers,iswater) "SST" "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K" |
| 27 | # Simple SST interpolation from the CG |
| 28 | #state real SST ij misc 1 - i01245rh05d=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)f=(p2c) "SST" "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K" |
| 29 | state real SST ij misc 1 - i01245rh05d=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater) "SST" "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K" |
| 31 | |
| 32 | |
| 33 | # Registry entries that are exclusive to Registry.EM |
| 34 | |
| 35 | # Chem Scalars |
| 36 | rconfig integer chem_opt namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "chem_opt" "" "" |
| 37 | state real - ikjftb chem 1 - - - |
| 38 | # |
| 39 | # Tracer Scalars: If you want full resolved and non-resolved dispersion, compile WRF-Chem |
| 40 | # |
| 41 | state real - ikjftb tracer 1 - - - |
| 42 | state real tr17_1 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_1" "tr17_1" - |
| 43 | state real tr17_2 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_2" "tr17_2" - |
| 44 | state real tr17_3 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_3" "tr17_3" - |
| 45 | state real tr17_4 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_4" "tr17_4" - |
| 46 | state real tr17_5 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_5" "tr17_5" - |
| 47 | state real tr17_6 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_6" "tr17_6" - |
| 48 | state real tr17_7 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_7" "tr17_7" - |
| 49 | state real tr17_8 ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_8" "tr17_8" |
| 50 | |
| 51 | package tracer_test1 tracer_opt==2 - tracer:tr17_1,tr17_2,tr17_3,tr17_4,tr17_5,tr17_6,tr17_7,tr17_8 |
| 52 | |
| 53 | # Lidar variables |
| 54 | state real lidar_hour {bflid}{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_HOUR" "Model integration time, hours" |
| 55 | state real lidar_z {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_Z" "Height (geopt/g)" |
| 56 | state real lidar_p {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_P" "pressure" |
| 57 | state real lidar_u {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_U" "wind U-component, earth-relative" |
| 58 | state real lidar_v {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_V" "wind V-component, earth-relative" |
| 59 | state real lidar_w {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_W" "wind Z-component, earth-relative" |
| 60 | state real lidar_t {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_T" "Potenatial temperature" |
| 61 | state real lidar_qv {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QV" "Water Vapor mixing ratio" |
| 62 | state real lidar_qc {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QC" "Cloud mixing ratio" |
| 63 | state real lidar_qr {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QR" "Rain Vapor mixing ratio" |
| 64 | state real lidar_qs {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QS" "Snow Vapor mixing ratio" |
| 65 | state real lidar_qh {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QH" "Hail Vapor mixing ratio" |
| 66 | state real lidar_qi {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QI" "Ice Vapor mixing ratio" |
| 67 | state real lidar_qg {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_QG" "Graupel Vapor mixing ratio" |
| 68 | state real lidar_dens {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_DENS" "Density" |
| 69 | state real lidar_cldfra {bflid}k{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_CLDFRA" "cloud fraction" |
| 70 | state real lidar_drydens {bflid}{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_DRYDENS" "total pressure dry air column" |
| 71 | state real lidar_psfc {bflid}{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_PSFC" "Surface pressure" |
| 72 | state real lidar_rainc {bflid}{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_RAINC" "Cumulus precip" |
| 73 | state real lidar_rainnc {bflid}{nlid} misc - - - "LIDAR_RAINNC" "Grid-scale precip" |
| 74 | |
| 75 | ## Namelist parameters |
| 76 | rconfig integer lidar_buf_size namelist,domains 1 200 - "lidar_buf_size" "Size of lidar buffer" |
| 77 | rconfig integer max_lidar_locs namelist,domains 1 5 - "max_lidar_locs" "Maximum number of lidar locations" |
| 78 | |
| 79 | |