1 | &time_control |
2 | run_days = 0, |
3 | run_hours = 0, |
4 | run_minutes = 0, |
5 | run_seconds = 5, |
6 | start_year = 2005, |
7 | start_month = 08, |
8 | start_day = 28, |
9 | start_hour = 12, |
10 | start_minute = 00, |
11 | start_second = 00, |
12 | end_year = 2005, |
13 | end_month = 08, |
14 | end_day = 28, |
15 | end_hour = 18, |
16 | end_minute = 00, |
17 | end_second = 00, |
18 | interval_seconds = 21600 |
19 | input_from_file = .true., |
20 | history_interval_s = 5, |
21 | frames_per_outfile = 1000, |
22 | restart = .false., |
23 | restart_interval = 100, |
24 | io_form_history = 2 |
25 | io_form_restart = 2 |
26 | io_form_input = 2 |
27 | io_form_boundary = 2 |
28 | debug_level = 0 |
29 | / |
30 | |
31 | &domains |
32 | time_step = 0, |
33 | time_step_fract_num = 5, |
34 | time_step_fract_den = 10, |
35 | max_dom = 1, |
36 | e_we = 43, |
37 | e_sn = 43, |
38 | e_vert = 41, |
39 | p_top_requested = 5000, |
40 | num_metgrid_levels = 27 |
41 | num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4, |
42 | dx = 60, |
43 | dy = 60, |
44 | grid_id = 1, |
45 | parent_id = 0, |
46 | i_parent_start = 0, |
47 | j_parent_start = 0, |
48 | parent_grid_ratio = 1, |
49 | parent_time_step_ratio = 1, |
50 | feedback = 1, |
51 | smooth_option = 0 |
52 | sr_x = 10, |
53 | sr_y = 10, |
54 | sfcp_to_sfcp = .true., |
55 | / |
56 | |
57 | &physics |
58 | mp_physics = 2, |
59 | ra_lw_physics = 1, |
60 | ra_sw_physics = 1, |
61 | radt = 10, |
62 | sf_sfclay_physics = 1, |
63 | sf_surface_physics = 1, |
64 | bl_pbl_physics = 1, |
65 | bldt = 0, |
66 | cu_physics = 1, |
67 | cudt = 5, |
68 | isfflx = 1, |
69 | ifsnow = 0, |
70 | icloud = 0, |
71 | surface_input_source = 1, |
72 | num_soil_layers = 5, |
73 | sf_urban_physics = 0, |
74 | mp_zero_out = 0, |
75 | / |
76 | |
77 | |
78 | &fdda |
79 | / |
80 | |
81 | &dynamics |
82 | rk_ord = 3, |
83 | w_damping = 0, |
84 | diff_opt = 2, |
85 | km_opt = 2, |
86 | damp_opt = 0, |
87 | base_temp = 290. |
88 | zdamp = 5000., |
89 | dampcoef = 0.2, |
90 | khdif = 0.05, |
91 | kvdif = 0.05, |
92 | smdiv = 0.1, |
93 | emdiv = 0.01, |
94 | epssm = 0.1, |
95 | time_step_sound = 20, |
96 | h_mom_adv_order = 5, |
97 | v_mom_adv_order = 3, |
98 | h_sca_adv_order = 5, |
99 | v_sca_adv_order = 3, |
100 | non_hydrostatic = .true., |
101 | pd_moist = .true. |
102 | pd_chem = .true. |
103 | pd_scalar = .true. |
104 | pd_tke = .true. |
105 | / |
106 | |
107 | &fire ! be sure to set sr_x,sr_y in domains-namelist (to set refinement in x,y) |
108 | ifire = 2, ! integer, = 0: no fire, = 1: CAWFE 2: SFIRE |
109 | ! |
110 | ! CAWFE variables (NOTE: may or may not work. I do not maintain the cawfe path any more. JM) |
111 | ! |
112 | !fire_lat_init = 40., ! real , initial fire latitude (deg) |
113 | !fire_lon_init = -105., ! real , initial fire longitude (deg) |
114 | fire_lat_init = 6.75e-3, ! real , initial fire latitude (deg) |
115 | fire_lon_init = 6.70e-3, ! real , initial fire longitude (deg) |
116 | fire_ign_time = 30., ! real , time of fire ignition (s) |
117 | fire_shape = 1, ! integer, initial fire shape |
118 | fire_sprd_mdl = 1, ! integer, = 0: Macarthur, = 1: BEHAVE |
119 | fire_crwn_hgt = 15., ! real , height of canopy crown (m) |
120 | fire_ext_grnd = 50., ! real , extinction coeff ground fire |
121 | fire_ext_crwn = 50., ! real , extinction coeff crown fire |
122 | fire_fuel_read = -1, ! integer, 0= use fire_fuel_cat, 1= by altitude 2= read from file |
123 | fire_fuel_cat = 3, ! integer, if specified which fuel category? |
124 | ! |
125 | ! SFIRE |
126 | ! |
127 | ! ignition |
128 | fire_num_ignitions = 3, ! integer, only the first fire_num_ignition used, up to 5 allowed |
129 | fire_ignition_start_long1=-107.293664, ! start points of ignition lines, longitude |
130 | fire_ignition_start_lat1 = 39.698696, ! start points of ignition lines,latitude |
131 | fire_ignition_end_long1 = -107.293664, ! end points of ignition lines |
132 | fire_ignition_end_lat1 = 39.710990, ! end points of ignition lines |
133 | fire_ignition_radius1 = 18, ! all within this radius (m) will ignite, > fire mesh step |
134 | fire_ignition_time1 = 2, ! sec for ignition from the start |
135 | fire_ignition_start_long2=-107.287954, ! start points of ignition lines, |
136 | fire_ignition_start_lat2 = 39.698696, ! start points of ignition lines, |
137 | fire_ignition_end_long2 = -107.287954,! end points of ignition lines, |
138 | fire_ignition_end_lat2 = 39.71099, ! end points of ignition lines, |
139 | fire_ignition_radius2 = 18, ! all within this radius (m) will ignite, > fire mesh step |
140 | fire_ignition_time2 = 3, ! sec for ignition from the start! end ignition for sfire |
141 | fire_ignition_start_long3=-107.289096, ! start points of ignition lines, |
142 | fire_ignition_start_lat3 = 39.706599, ! start points of ignition lines, |
143 | fire_ignition_end_long3 = 0, ! end points of ignition lines, 0 for same as start |
144 | fire_ignition_end_lat3 = 0, ! end points of ignition lines, 0 for same as start |
145 | fire_ignition_radius3 = 50, ! all within this radius (m) will ignite, > fire mesh step |
146 | fire_ignition_time3 = 4, ! sec for ignition from the start! end ignition for sfire |
147 | ! |
148 | ! verbosity |
149 | fire_print_msg = 0, ! 1 to print fire debugging/progress messages (compile with DEBUG OUT in the sf sources) |
150 | fire_print_file = 0, ! 1 to write text output files for matlab |
151 | ! |
152 | ! method selections for experiments, *do not change* |
153 | fire_boundary_guard = -1, ! integer, number of cells to stop when fire close to the domain boundary, -1 turn off |
154 | fire_fuel_left_method=1, ! 1=simple algebraic, 2=exact quadrature and least squares |
155 | fire_fuel_left_irl=2, ! refinement to integrate fuel_left, must be even |
156 | fire_fuel_left_jrl=2, ! refinement to integrate fuel_left, must be even |
157 | fire_atm_feedback=1., ! real, multiplier for heat fluxes, 1.=normal, 0.=turn off two-way coupling |
158 | fire_grows_only=1, ! if >0 level set function cannot increase = fire can only grow |
159 | fire_viscosity=0.4, ! artificial viscosity in level set method (max 1, needed with fire_upwinding=0) |
160 | fire_upwinding=3, ! 0=none, 1=standard, 2=godunov, 3=eno, 4=sethian |
161 | fire_lfn_ext_up=1.0, ! 0.=extend level set function at boundary by reflection, 1.=always up |
162 | fire_test_steps=0, ! >0 = on first call, do specified number of steps and terminate (testing only) |
163 | fire_topo_from_atm=1, ! 0 = expect fire mesh topo set correctly on entry, 1 = populate by interpolating from atmosphere |
164 | / |
165 | |
166 | &bdy_control |
167 | spec_bdy_width = 5, |
168 | spec_zone = 1, |
169 | relax_zone = 4, |
170 | specified = .true., |
171 | periodic_x = .false., |
172 | symmetric_xs = .false., |
173 | symmetric_xe = .false., |
174 | open_xs = .false., |
175 | open_xe = .false., |
176 | periodic_y = .false., |
177 | symmetric_ys = .false., |
178 | symmetric_ye = .false., |
179 | open_ys = .false., |
180 | open_ye = .false., |
181 | nested = .false., |
182 | / |
183 | |
184 | &grib2 |
185 | / |
186 | |
187 | &namelist_quilt |
188 | nio_tasks_per_group = 0, |
189 | nio_groups = 1, |
190 | / |