1 | SUBROUTINE wrf_tsin ( grid , ierr ) |
2 | |
3 | USE module_domain |
4 | USE module_utility |
5 | |
7 | |
8 | #include <wrf_io_flags.h> |
9 | #include <wrf_status_codes.h> |
10 | |
11 | TYPE(domain), INTENT(INOUT) :: grid |
12 | INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr |
13 | |
14 | LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor |
15 | INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: get_unused_unit |
16 | |
17 | REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lattslocs, lontslocs |
18 | INTEGER :: istatus, iunit |
19 | LOGICAL :: exists |
20 | CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: errmess |
21 | |
22 | ierr = 0 |
23 | |
24 | #if ((EM_CORE == 1) && (DA_CORE != 1)) |
25 | IF ( grid%dfi_opt == DFI_NODFI .OR. (grid%dfi_opt /= DFI_NODFI .AND. grid%dfi_stage == DFI_SETUP) ) THEN |
26 | #endif |
27 | |
28 | grid%ntsloc = 0 |
29 | grid%have_calculated_tslocs = .FALSE. |
30 | |
31 | IF ( grid%max_ts_locs <= 0 ) RETURN |
32 | |
33 | IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN |
34 | |
35 | INQUIRE(FILE='tslist', EXIST=exists) |
36 | |
37 | IF (exists) THEN |
38 | |
39 | iunit = get_unused_unit() |
40 | IF ( iunit <= 0 ) THEN |
41 | CALL wrf_error_fatal('Error in wrf_tsin: could not find a free Fortran unit.') |
42 | END IF |
43 | |
44 | ! Input time series locations |
45 | OPEN(UNIT=iunit, FILE='tslist', FORM='formatted', STATUS='old', IOSTAT=istatus) |
46 | |
47 | IF (istatus == 0) THEN |
48 | |
49 | ! Ignore first three lines, which constitute a header |
50 | READ(UNIT=iunit, FMT='(1X)') |
51 | READ(UNIT=iunit, FMT='(1X)') |
52 | READ(UNIT=iunit, FMT='(1X)') |
53 | |
54 | ! Read in time series locations |
55 | istatus = 0 |
56 | DO WHILE (istatus == 0) |
57 | READ(UNIT=iunit, FMT='(A25,1X,A5,1X,F7.3,1X,F8.3)', IOSTAT=istatus) & |
58 | grid%desctsloc(grid%ntsloc+1), grid%nametsloc(grid%ntsloc+1), & |
59 | grid%lattsloc(grid%ntsloc+1), grid%lontsloc(grid%ntsloc+1) |
60 | IF (istatus == 0) grid%ntsloc = grid%ntsloc + 1 |
61 | IF (istatus > 0) THEN |
62 | WRITE(errmess, FMT='(I4)') grid%ntsloc + 3 ! Three extra for the header of the file |
63 | CALL wrf_message('Error in tslist, line '//trim(errmess)) |
64 | EXIT ! (technically unecessary, as we will exit the loop anyway) |
65 | END IF |
66 | IF ( grid%ntsloc >= grid%max_ts_locs ) THEN |
67 | IF ( istatus == 0 ) THEN ! Assume there were more lines in the file |
68 | WRITE(errmess, FMT='(A,I4,A)') 'Ignoring all time series locations beyond #', & |
69 | grid%ntsloc,'. Increase max_ts_locs in namelist.input' |
70 | CALL wrf_message(trim(errmess)) |
71 | END IF |
72 | EXIT |
73 | END IF |
74 | END DO |
75 | |
76 | CLOSE(iunit) |
77 | |
78 | END IF |
79 | |
80 | END IF ! tslist file exists |
81 | |
82 | END IF |
83 | |
84 | #ifdef DM_PARALLEL |
85 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer(grid%ntsloc, 1) |
86 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(grid%lattsloc, grid%max_ts_locs) |
87 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(grid%lontsloc, grid%max_ts_locs) |
88 | #endif |
89 | #if ((EM_CORE == 1) && (DA_CORE != 1)) |
90 | END IF |
91 | #endif |
92 | |
93 | END SUBROUTINE wrf_tsin |
94 | |
95 | |
96 | INTEGER FUNCTION get_unused_unit() |
97 | |
99 | |
100 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: min_unit_number = 30 |
101 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_unit_number = 99 |
102 | |
103 | LOGICAL :: opened |
104 | |
105 | DO get_unused_unit = min_unit_number, max_unit_number |
106 | INQUIRE(UNIT=get_unused_unit, OPENED=opened) |
107 | IF ( .NOT. opened ) RETURN |
108 | END DO |
109 | |
110 | get_unused_unit = -1 |
111 | |
112 | RETURN |
113 | |
114 | END FUNCTION get_unused_unit |