1 | MODULE module_wind_generic |
2 | |
4 | |
5 | TYPE windturbine_specs |
6 | INTEGER id ! grid id |
7 | REAL lat, lon ! lat/lon of the individual turbine |
8 | REAL i, j ! x and y coords of turbines (set by packages themselves) |
9 | REAL hubheight ! hieght of the turbine hub |
10 | REAL diameter ! diameter of the rotor |
11 | REAL stdthrcoef ! standing thrust coefficient |
12 | REAL power ! turbine power in MW |
13 | REAL cutinspeed ! cut-in speed |
14 | REAL cutoutspeed ! cut-out speed |
15 | END TYPE windturbine_specs |
16 | |
17 | TYPE(windturbine_specs), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: windturbines |
18 | INTEGER :: nwindturbines |
19 | |
23 | |
24 | INTEGER windspec |
25 | |
26 | LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor |
27 | |
29 | |
30 | SUBROUTINE read_windturbines_in |
31 | ! Check the namelist variable nl_get_windturbines_spec. If it is set to none, |
32 | ! which is the default value, then do nothing. If it is set to ideal, then |
33 | ! a wind scheme is active but no extra information beyond what is in the namelist |
34 | ! is needed. If it is set to the name of a file, read the file to get position |
35 | ! and characteristics of each turbine and store that in a datastructure here |
36 | ! (the array turbinespec) that the parameterizations can refer to when initializing |
37 | ! themselves. |
38 | |
40 | ! Local |
41 | CHARACTER*256 fname, message |
42 | CHARACTER*512 inline |
43 | INTEGER i,istat |
44 | INTEGER id |
45 | INTEGER n,lineno,ig,jg |
46 | REAL lat,lon,hubheight,diameter,stdthrcoef,power,cutinspeed,cutoutspeed |
47 | ! |
48 | CALL nl_get_windturbines_spec( 1, fname ) |
49 | windspec = WIND_TURBINES_OFF |
50 | IF ( TRIM(fname) .EQ. "none" ) THEN |
51 | RETURN |
52 | ELSE IF ( TRIM(fname) .EQ. "ideal" ) THEN |
53 | ! get the turbine specs from the namelist and initialize in |
54 | ! the specific turbine parameterization |
55 | windspec = WIND_TURBINES_IDEAL |
56 | ELSE |
57 | !info is contained in a file named by fname |
58 | !read in and distributed between processors here (if dmpar or dm+sm) but |
59 | !the parameterizations themselves must initialize themselves |
60 | IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN |
61 | OPEN(file=TRIM(fname),unit=19,FORM='FORMATTED',STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=istat) |
62 | IF ( istat .EQ. 0 ) THEN |
63 | ! first time count things up |
64 | n = 0 |
65 | DO WHILE (.true.) |
66 | READ(19,'(A256)',END=30)inline |
67 | IF ( index(inline,'!') .EQ. 0 ) n = n + 1 |
68 | ENDDO |
69 | 30 CONTINUE |
70 | nwindturbines = n |
71 | IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(windturbines) ) ALLOCATE(windturbines(nwindturbines)) |
72 | REWIND(19) |
73 | i = 1 |
74 | lineno = 0 |
75 | DO WHILE (.true.) |
76 | lineno = lineno + 1 |
77 | READ(19,'(A256)',END=120)inline |
78 | IF ( i .LE. nwindturbines .AND. index(inline,'!') .EQ. 0 ) THEN |
79 | READ(inline,*,ERR=130)id,lat,lon,hubheight,diameter,stdthrcoef,power,cutinspeed,cutoutspeed |
80 | windturbines(i)%id = id |
81 | windturbines(i)%lat = lat |
82 | windturbines(i)%lon = lon |
83 | windturbines(i)%i = -999 ! set to invalid |
84 | windturbines(i)%j = -999 ! set to invalid |
85 | windturbines(i)%hubheight = hubheight |
86 | windturbines(i)%diameter = diameter |
87 | windturbines(i)%stdthrcoef = stdthrcoef |
88 | windturbines(i)%power = power |
89 | windturbines(i)%cutinspeed = cutinspeed |
90 | windturbines(i)%cutoutspeed = cutoutspeed |
91 | i = i + 1 |
92 | ENDIF |
93 | ENDDO |
94 | 120 CONTINUE |
95 | CLOSE(19) |
96 | GOTO 150 |
97 | 130 CONTINUE |
98 | CLOSE(19) ! in case of error, close the unit |
99 | istat = 150150 |
100 | GOTO 150 |
101 | ENDIF |
102 | ENDIF |
103 | 150 CONTINUE |
104 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer(istat,1) |
105 | IF ( istat .NE. 0 ) THEN |
106 | WRITE(message,*)'Unable to open or read ',TRIM(fname),'. Proceeding without wind-turbine parameterization.' |
107 | CALL wrf_message(message) |
108 | IF ( istat .EQ. 150150 ) THEN |
109 | WRITE(message,*)'Perhaps bad syntax at line ',lineno,' of ',TRIM(fname) |
110 | CALL wrf_message(message) |
111 | ENDIF |
112 | IF ( ALLOCATED(windturbines) ) DEALLOCATE(windturbines) |
113 | RETURN |
114 | ENDIF |
115 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer(nwindturbines,1) |
116 | IF ( .NOT. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN |
117 | IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(windturbines) ) ALLOCATE(windturbines(nwindturbines)) |
118 | ENDIF |
119 | DO i = 1, nwindturbines |
120 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer(windturbines(i)%id,1) |
121 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%lat,1) |
122 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%lon,1) |
123 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%hubheight,1) |
124 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%diameter,1) |
125 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%stdthrcoef,1) |
126 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%power,1) |
127 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%cutinspeed,1) |
128 | CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real(windturbines(i)%cutoutspeed,1) |
129 | ENDDO |
130 | windspec = WIND_TURBINES_FROMLIST |
131 | RETURN |
132 | ENDIF |
133 | END SUBROUTINE read_windturbines_in |
134 | |
135 | SUBROUTINE init_module_wind_generic |
137 | CALL read_windturbines_in |
138 | END SUBROUTINE init_module_wind_generic |
139 | |
140 | END MODULE module_wind_generic |