
May 30, 2020:

5:37 PM Changeset [3691] by oboucher
Addition of two diagnostics for load factors for onshore and offshore …
4:14 PM Changeset [3690] by oboucher
more of the same
3:39 PM Changeset [3689] by oboucher
correcting a minor non-compliance on multiplication by negative numbers

May 29, 2020:

12:20 PM Changeset [3688] by fhourdin
1D standard format Fredho pour Marie-Pierre

May 27, 2020:

4:52 PM Changeset [3687] by lguez
Modify sensible heat due to rain sent to the ocean Modify the …
2:59 PM Changeset [3686] by fhourdin
Retropedalage sur le 1D. Annulation de toutes les modifs de la veille. …
1:24 PM Changeset [3685] by idelkadi
Deletion of unnecessary files and directories (household)
12:28 PM Changeset [3684] by idelkadi
Repository under svn of a first version of Multiatlas diagnostics for …

May 26, 2020:

11:31 AM Changeset [3683] by fhourdin
Correction format standard Frédéric
10:03 AM Changeset [3682] by fhourdin
rad_t* changed from integer to character (0/1/"adv") Frédéric
9:05 AM Changeset [3681] by fhourdin
Ajouter pour le format 1D standard. Frédéric pour Marie-Pierre
8:10 AM Changeset [3680] by fhourdin
Modifications pour le format standard. Frédéric pour Marie-Pierre Frédéric

May 18, 2020:

10:18 PM Ticket #116 (noms des executables dans install_lmdz.sh) created by Laurent Fairhead
Il faut mieux gérer le rename des executables issus de la compilation …
7:08 PM Ticket #115 (upgrade the implementation of arch.path files) created by Ehouarn Millour
To better match with other models (ORCHIDEE, NEMO, ...), it would make …
6:58 PM AquaplaneteDynamicoJeanZay edited by Ehouarn Millour
6:44 PM AquaplaneteDynamicoJeanZay edited by Ehouarn Millour
6:42 PM AquaplaneteDynamicoJeanZay created by Ehouarn Millour
6:09 PM IndexPages edited by Ehouarn Millour

May 15, 2020:

5:40 PM Ticket #114 (Interaction raz_date / IOIPSL) created by Laurent Fairhead
Dans différentes sessions de la formation, il a été remarqué que les …

May 12, 2020:

6:27 PM WikiStart edited by Laurent Fairhead

May 8, 2020:

8:51 AM Changeset [3679] by fhourdin
Some cleaning for the SCM

May 7, 2020:

7:13 PM Changeset [3678] by Laurent Fairhead
JB found some mismatched variable names

May 6, 2020:

5:18 PM Changeset [3677] by oboucher
Changed the way to initialise nbtr_bin and other dimensions and …

May 5, 2020:

2:20 PM Changeset [3676] by Laurent Fairhead
Pour pallier un bug dans le workflow A.Cozic
2:19 PM Changeset [3675] by Laurent Fairhead
Pour pallier un bug dans le workflow A. Cozic
12:42 PM Changeset [3674] by Laurent Fairhead
Introduction of new variable A. Cozic
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.