5 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
finished rewriting reevap.F90 with large arrays qx and d_qx_eva
5 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
added missing symlink libf/phylmdiso/phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90
5 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
add missing symlinks : phys_local_var_mod.F90 phys_output_mod.F90 …
5 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
substitute with symbolink link to phylmd routines : …
5 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Reverting to r4065. Updating fortran standard broke too much stuff. …
5 months |
abarral |
Missing bits of r5075 for lmdiso
5 months |
abarral |
[continued & end] replace netcdf by lmdz_netcdf.F90 wrapper
"use …
5 months |
abarral |
Remove all NC_DOUBLE uses outside of lmdz_netcdf.F90 (except in …
5 months |
abarral |
Transform gr_dyn_fi_p.F, gr_fi_dyn_p.F, calfis_loc.F into free-form …
5 months |
abarral |
repercute r5063 on phylmdiso
5 months |
evignon |
petit changement dans add_phys_tend suite au renommage des tendances …
5 months |
evignon |
renommage des tendances liees a la sublimation et sedimentation de …
5 months |
evignon |
petite correction commit precedent
5 months |
evignon |
ajout des tendances de tke de la routine ATKE dans les sorties
6 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
change pbl_surface and associated routines to symlinks towards phylmd …
6 months |
evignon |
ajout de la nouvelle paramétrisation du partitonnement de phase
dans …
6 months |
crisi |
correction bug
6 months |
crisi |
suppress isotope_params.def + update physiq_mod + proof of concept of …
7 months |
idelkadi |
Error correction introduced in previous version
8 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Apparently prevented convergence in isotopes
8 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Follow-up to revision r4889
9 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications from r4887 that were forgotten in phylmdiso
9 months |
evignon |
extraction plus propre de la dissipation de TKE
10 months |
fhourdin |
Complement aux modifications de Catherine
10 months |
evignon |
commission pour la suite du travail sur la mise a jour
de la param de …
10 months |
evignon |
correction pour les isotopes
10 months |
evignon |
changements suite à l'atelier nuage d'aujourd'hui.
10 months |
evignon |
reecriture de la routine de sublimation de neige soufflee en vue
du …
10 months |
evignon |
modifications du commit precedent a la suite de l'atelier nuages
10 months |
evignon |
modifications suite à l'atelier nuages du jour
le nouveau schema de …
10 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
modifications for using xios with LMDZISO and a minor bug in wxios.F90
11 months |
evignon |
implementation sous flag des premiers changements
concernant le …
11 months |
idelkadi |
Correction following the latest Ecrad update in phylmd.
12 months |
crisi |
fix bug in calwake: a use was in ISO and should be outside
12 months |
cagosta |
converge phylmdiso/cv3_routine to phylmd for debug
12 months |
idelkadi |
Correction: update of phylmdiso following modifications linked to the …
13 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Variable is defined twice
13 months |
Sebastien Nguyen |
bugfixes for isotopes in calwake.F90 and physiq_mod.f90
13 months |
lebasn |
Methox: Update comments to correct units + bugfix on output variable
13 months |
lfalletti |
Add d_q_emiss declaration for Reprobus, which was missing.
14 months |
evignon |
nettoyage et corrections dans les routines atke pour utilisation en 3D …
14 months |
oboucher |
Introduction of a flag ok_conserv_d_q_con to conserve water when …
14 months |
oboucher |
moving the calculation of wfbilo wfrain and wfsnow inside …
14 months |
oboucher |
Same correction as in phylmd. rain variable is intent IN only. Forgot …
15 months |
evignon |
debut du travail de replayisation des routines de neige soufflee
+ …
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot phylmdiso modifications
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Final (hopefully) commit from the newmicro replayisation workshop. The …
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Continuing on from the morning's poihl workshop: getting rid of the …
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Moving around some variable declarations to their right place
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
How did it pass previous test?
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot modifications to phylmdiso for lmdz_cloud_optics_prop
15 months |
fhourdin |
15 months |
fhourdin |
Preparation/test de convergence num en temps
16 months |
evignon |
je renomme les routines atke suivant la convention decidee
pour la …
16 months |
evignon |
correction commit de ce matin pour les isotopes
16 months |
fhourdin |
Declarations intent pour replayisation
16 months |
evignon |
correction commit precedent
16 months |
evignon |
inclusion des recents developpements sur la neige soufflee
16 months |
fhourdin |
Pour les isotopes
16 months |
fhourdin |
standardisatio des noms pour lscp et fisrtilp
fisrtilp passe dans le …
16 months |
evignon |
prise en compte de l'humidite pour le calcul du flux de flottabilite …
16 months |
fhourdin |
Pre-replayisation pour cloudth
Cration de lmdz_cloudth_ini …
17 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Somebody forgot to link in the new routine
17 months |
evignon |
modification de Lea pour inclure une dependance de la phase a la …
17 months |
evignon |
fix bug in phylmdiso
17 months |
dcugnet |
Fix for StratAer?: dead link removed, link to phylmd/StratAer added in …
18 months |
dcugnet |
Fix for r4625
18 months |
acozic |
same commit than rev [4627] (I forgot phylmdiso in the previous commit)
18 months |
dcugnet |
StratAer? fix: stratH2O_methox needs aerophys, located in the StratAer? …
18 months |
dcugnet |
StratAer? commit, N. Lebas
18 months |
fhourdin |
Changement de nom dans phylmdiso
18 months |
yann meurdesoif |
Suppress usage of preprocessing key CPP_XIOS.
Wrapper file is used to …
18 months |
fhourdin |
Integration/replay_isation travail Louis (ratqs)
18 months |
fhourdin |
Correction isotopes
18 months |
dcugnet |
StratAer? commit, N. Lebas
18 months |
fhourdin |
Correction pour phylmdiso
18 months |
evignon |
(derni?) ajustement et correction de l'initialisation de la neige …
18 months |
evignon |
correction de la précédente commission sur les modifs liées à la neige …
18 months |
evignon |
commission suite au controle qualite: ajout de variables propres a la …
18 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot modifications in phylmdiso
19 months |
evignon |
nettoyage et reecriture propre de icefrac_lscp_mod
+ ajoute d'une …
19 months |
evignon |
modifications suite au dernier atelier TKE. Ajout de la routine …
19 months |
evignon |
suppression de l'utilisation de fisrtilp.h (devenu obsolete puis …
19 months |
evignon |
fix bug in surf_landice_mod
20 months |
evignon |
poursuite de la replay-isation de lscp en vue de la session
de …
20 months |
evignon |
petite reecriture pour neige soufflee dans pbl_surface
20 months |
evignon |
commission suite a l'atelier nuages du 10 mai 2023:
ajouter les …
20 months |
evignon |
nouvelle formulation du flux d'emission de neige soufflee
20 months |
evignon |
fix issue in phylmdiso from commit 4526 in phylmd
20 months |
crisi |
adding isotopes in sub-surface outputs
20 months |
evignon |
merge de la branche blowing snow vers la trunk
premiere tentative
20 months |
evignon |
missing modif in phylmdiso in previous commit
21 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
The routine is out of sync with the one in phylmd and some …
21 months |
crisi |
faire planter avec un abort quand probleme d'option de water tagging
21 months |
crisi |
Bug corrections in LMDZiso, especially for water tagging
21 months |
evignon |
correction dans phylmdiso suite au precedent commit
21 months |
evignon |
commission sur le melange turbulent et les cdrag suite au dernier …
22 months |
evignon |
fixing bug about previous commit on SSO activation
22 months |
evignon |
mise des seuils d'activation des params de SSO sous flag
pour …
22 months |
crisi |
quelques corrections dans les verifs isotopiques