3 weeks |
evignon |
correction de l'advection verticale de temperature suite a des modifs …
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Concering replay
7 weeks |
evignon |
modification et correction de la prise en compte de l'advection …
2 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Wrong place for END SUBROUTINE statement
END FUNCTION statement missing
2 months |
yann meurdesoif |
- Remove UTF8 character that inihibit fortran parsing with GPU …
2 months |
abarral |
(WIP) Turn implicit into explicit declarations
Turn 1dconv.h into a …
2 months |
abarral |
(WIP) Turn implicit into explicit declarations
2 months |
abarral |
Merged from Amaury_posttrusting
Unify paramet_mod_h.f90
Removed unused …
3 months |
abarral |
unify abort_gcm
rename wxios -> wxios_mod
3 months |
abarral |
Turn compar1d.h date_cas.h into module
Move fcg_racmo.h to obsolete
3 months |
abarral |
Turn tsoilnudge.h fcg_gcssold.h flux_arp.h into module
3 months |
abarral |
Turn compbl.h into a module
Move calcul_REGDYN.h to obsolete
Create …
3 months |
abarral |
As discussed internally, remove generic ONLY: ... for new _mod_h modules
3 months |
abarral |
Turn alpale.h alpale.f90 YOETHF.h into modules
3 months |
abarral |
Turn tracstoke.h conema3.h cv30_routines.f90 cv30param.h into modules
3 months |
abarral |
Turn iniprint.h clesphys.h into modules
Remove unused description.h
3 months |
abarral |
Turn comgeom.h comgeom2.h into modules
3 months |
abarral |
Turn comdissip.h, comdissipn.h, comdissnew.h into modules
3 months |
abarral |
Replace yomcst.h by existing module
4 months |
abarral |
Turn dimsoil.h into a module
4 months |
abarral |
Turn paramet.h into a module
4 months |
abarral |
Move dimensions.h into a module
Nb: doesn't compile yet
4 months |
abarral |
Replace F77 netcdf library by F90 netcdf library
4 months |
abarral |
.f90 <-> .F90 depending on cpp key use
4 months |
abarral |
Remove CPP_IOIPSL cpp keys uses
4 months |
abarral |
Wrap uses of cpp key OUTPUTPHYSSCM
4 months |
abarral |
Replace uses of cpp key NC_DOUBLE
5 months |
evignon |
petits ajustements du 1d pour inclure proprement la neige soufflee
5 months |
evignon |
nettoyage 1d suite à l'ajout de lanouvelle param de cirrus d'Audran Borella
5 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Corrections to previous commit
7 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Reverting to r4065. Updating fortran standard broke too much stuff. …
7 months |
abarral |
[continued & end] replace netcdf by lmdz_netcdf.F90 wrapper
"use …
7 months |
abarral |
Remove all NC_DOUBLE uses outside of lmdz_netcdf.F90 (except in …
9 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Putting the initialisation in a more judicious place
15 months |
jyg |
Implementation of a two radii model for wake population dynamics.
It …
17 months |
fhourdin |
Errer identiques sur le format standard
17 months |
fhourdin |
Correction bug lecture 1D ancien format
18 months |
evignon |
petite correction de l'initialisation de la Ts forcee dans les cas au …
19 months |
fhourdin |
Retour partiel include -> #include en 1D
20 months |
yann meurdesoif |
Replace #include (c preprocessor) by INCLUDE (fortran keyword)
in …
20 months |
fhourdin |
Commissions pour le nouveau replay
21 months |
fhourdin |
Supressions de print dans le 1D ancien format
21 months |
fhourdin |
Details pour phyex
21 months |
fhourdin |
Travail preparatoire au couplage avec mesoNH
Travail preparatoire aux …
21 months |
fhourdin |
Correction : rneb_ancien non initialise en SCM
2 years |
lguez |
Change calendar attribute "360d" to "360_day"
"360_day" is the …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Details pour la fonctionalie Replay
2 years |
dcugnet |
* simplify the parser usage:
- the getKey_init routine is now …
2 years |
evignon |
technical corrections (+cleaning) to make standard BOMEX case work
2 years |
fhourdin |
Suppression de print
2 years |
evignon |
add initialisation of ice specific content for 1D cases (missing so far)
2 years |
evignon |
fix bug of SANDU/FAST (vertical interpolation of initial tke)
2 years |
fhourdin |
Une derniere correction pour le 1D
2 years |
lguez |
Bug fix: add count argument to nf90_get_var
Because, in the rico …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Bug fix lecture format standard 1D
2 years |
lguez |
Bug fix: remove comma before i/o item list
This was accepted by …
2 years |
lguez |
Replace nf_get_var_type by nf90_get_var
The immediate motivation …
2 years |
lguez |
Bug fix: split too long lines
The Fortran 2003 standard says a line …
2 years |
lguez |
Indent the files
2 years |
lguez |
Remove useless & at beginning of continued line
3 years |
fhourdin |
Supression de sorties qui faisaient panter avec des compilos recents
3 years |
fhourdin |
replay, suite
3 years |
fhourdin |
Pour la capacité "replay" des paramétrisations
3 years |
jyg |
Bug fix in dyn1d/old_lmdz1d.F90: compute the geopotential before it is used
3 years |
evignon |
modification des routines pour lecture de la v1 des cas 1D
au format …
3 years |
fhourdin |
Nettoyage thermiques (suite) et replay1d
3 years |
dcugnet |
First commit for new tracers.
* parser routines readTracFiles, …
3 years |
fhourdin |
Modification des routines iotd* pour mieux gerer les coordonnees. …
4 years |
jyg |
Bug fixes concerning various variables ill-initialized, ill-used, …
4 years |
jyg |
update to commit 3888
4 years |
jyg |
New provisional version of the splitting of the
diffusive boundary …
4 years |
evignon |
Initialisation de la TKE pour les cas 1D (important pour GABLS1), Etienne
4 years |
evignon |
Premiere comission Etienne: changements pour le 1D (forcage en Ts au …
5 years |
fhourdin |
Corrections on the standard SCM format.
5 years |
fhourdin |
1D standard format
Fredho pour Marie-Pierre
5 years |
fhourdin |
Retropedalage sur le 1D.
Annulation de toutes les modifs de la veille. …
5 years |
fhourdin |
Correction format standard
5 years |
fhourdin |
rad_t* changed from integer to character (0/1/"adv")
5 years |
fhourdin |
Ajouter pour le format 1D standard.
Frédéric pour Marie-Pierre
5 years |
fhourdin |
Modifications pour le format standard.
Frédéric pour Marie-Pierre
5 years |
fhourdin |
Some cleaning for the SCM
5 years |
fhourdin |
Traitement du guidage pour le format standard
Marie-Pierre et Frédéric
5 years |
fhourdin |
Lecture de z0 au lieu de rugos pour le format standard DEPHY
5 years |
jyg |
bug fix in mod_1D_cases_read_std.F90
5 years |
fhourdin |
Corrections pour le format standard 1D.
5 years |
fhourdin |
Details SCM standard format
5 years |
fhourdin |
Improvement for SCM standard format
5 years |
fhourdin |
Significant progress for the SCM standard format
5 years |
fhourdin |
Plein de petites corrections pour le format commun.
Semble fonctionner …
5 years |
fhourdin |
Correction suite a la detections de problemes en 1D avec le mode
debug …
5 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Missing variable in common
6 years |
fhourdin |
Gros nettoyage en cours sur le 1D.
Le nouveau lmdz1d.F90 est une …
6 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications needed for "real" calendar in 1D model
6 years |
fhourdin |
Petite modif pour le format standard 1D
6 years |
fhourdin |
Modification pour la derniere version du format standard 1D.
Catherine …
6 years |
fhourdin |
Correction pour le cas fire, salle en attendant le format commun ... …
6 years |
fhourdin |
Correction pour le 1D
6 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Following merging of DYNAMICO/LMDZ branches, modifications needed for …
7 years |
musat |
Corrections de bugs pour gfortran72
7 years |
fhourdin |
Corrections forcages cas 1D sandu