7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Cleanup in ping files
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Cleaning up ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot declaration in xml files
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Corrections for Data request
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Syntax error
7 years |
jyg |
xml files related to commits 3208 and 3209
7 years |
oboucher |
Bad diagnostic, duplicating o3 in atmos
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Revert to previous revision; these variables were already defined.
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Add missing field definitions in field_def_lmdz.xml
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial import of landIce ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot to include new output variable ftime_deepcv in xml files
7 years |
idelkadi |
Rajout dans le fichier de definition des variables pour XIOS …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
New ping file: pr* variables checked
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update to DR 1.00.21 and modifications following IPSCL6.0.15 workflow tests
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Official physiq.def files for IPSLCM6.0.14 configuration
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update to ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
New definition for CMIP6_mcd field
7 years |
idelkadi |
Mise a jour sorties Cosp
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial commit of aerosol and atmoschem ping files
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Errors in grid definitions for xios
7 years |
idelkadi |
Rajout dans les fichiers *.xml des sorties de fractions nuageuses …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Corrections and modifications following CMIP6 WorkFlow? tests.
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Removed rsdsdiff and rsdscsdiff from output, as they are not defined.
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adjustments to ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Few more variables from the gravity wave drag parametrisation
7 years |
oboucher |
Various corrections to the ping file to bring LMDz variables in line …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Added two dynamic variables to ping file
7 years |
musat |
Add CMIP6' variables cldicemxrat, cldwatmxrat
7 years |
musat |
Correct CMIP6_parasolRefl_sea diag
7 years |
musat |
Add LMDZ outputs: icc3dcon, icc3dstra corresponding to
CMIP6' clic, clis
7 years |
musat |
Back to the 3111 svn for the moment..
Keep 2corrections in …
7 years |
musat |
7 years |
musat |
Add CMIP6' variables cldicemxrat, cldwatmxrat
7 years |
musat |
Add LMDZ outputs: icc3dcon, icc3dstra
Add CMIP6 outputs : clic, clis, …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Added sza, solar zenithal angle, to outputs for CMIP6 dataresquest
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Some more CMIP6 variables we will not be providing
7 years |
oboucher |
Adding clear-sky clean (no aerosol) LW radiative fluxes at TOA and SFC …
7 years |
oboucher |
Adding some diags for the StratAer? configuration
7 years |
musat |
Adding variables for the CMIP6 Data Request v18
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adding some further variables for the CMIP6 Data Request v18
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update CMIP6 LMDZ ping file to Data Request 01.00.18. Some variables …
7 years |
oboucher |
Adding new diagnostics for clean (no aerosol) clear sky SW radiative fluxes
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Updating files for CMIP6 DataRequest?
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Updated ping file following 6.0.13 tests
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adding longitude and latitude as output variables as per CMIP6 Data …
7 years |
musat |
Set up lwoff configuration : add ok_lwoff=y to activate it.
Add solbnd …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Annotating variables that we will not be providing
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Updated to version 1.00.16 of CMIP6 DR
7 years |
fhourdin |
Nettoyage suite
7 years |
fhourdin |
Nettoyage supplementaire
7 years |
fhourdin |
On enleve le nombre de niveaux du physiq.def par soucis de coherence
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Rajout de quelques variables
7 years |
musat |
Bug correction to context_lmdz.xml:
add Ahyb_inter, Bhyb_inter too..
7 years |
musat |
Bug correction to context_lmdz.xml:
add klev and klev_bnds
7 years |
idelkadi |
Passage aux nouvelles definitions XIOS de grilles pour les …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Correction et ajout
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
A few more variables in the ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial import of new LMDZ6 version of the LMDZ model
copied from LMDZ5/trunk/DefLists:
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications to the code and xml files to output Ap and B, the …