10 years |
fhourdin |
Revisite de la formule des flux de surface
(en priorité sur l'océan) …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Further reorganizing of the physics-dynamics interface.
Things related …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Nettoyage des anciens albedo. Elimination de alb1 et alb2
dans …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Revisite de la formule des flux de surface
(en priorité sur l'océan) …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Reorganizing physics/dynamics interface:
- what is related to …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Update of "makelmdz" and "create_make_gcm" scripts so that only …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Prise en compte des nouveaux alebedo dans les fichiers de redémarrage. …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Changement du drapeau iflag_cldth en iflag_cld_th
et du défaut de …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Modification de la façon d'arrêter le modèle en cas de plantage …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Correction d'un bug
Bug fixing
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Fix missing declarations for iniphysiq in "phydev" and "phymar".
10 years |
fhourdin |
1) Fusion des procédures clcdrag.F90 et coefcdrag.F90
dans une …
10 years |
oboucher |
Putting minimum values for SW and LW aerosol optical depth values …
10 years |
lguez |
10 years |
lguez |
For a real calendar in gcm, the variable calend in *.def must now be …
10 years |
lguez |
Correcting a problem from revision 2218. The type double precision …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
New ocean albedo.
To activate the new scheme, put iflag_albedo=1 in …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
correction sur le niveau de detrainement
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Some cleanup and tidying up in the dynamics/physics interface.
10 years |
crio |
cv3p1_closure: Bug fix in the toothpaste closure computation …
10 years |
crio |
Variation de qsat avec la température lors de la condensation …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Bug fix: Poles are single points on physics grid. True mesh area there …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Some cleanup: remove (unused) clesph0 from dynamics.
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2186:2216 into testing branch
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Manip nécessaire pour pouvoir commiter la prochaine testing
10 years |
lguez |
Bug fix in fxhyp. There was some bad logic for the shifting of …
10 years |
jescribano |
Bugs corrections. Included a correction/tunning factor for the …
10 years |
oboucher |
Olivier Boucher: updating sea-salt aerosol optical properties
with …
10 years |
oboucher |
Olivier Boucher: updating sea-salt aerosol optical properties
with …
10 years |
oboucher |
Olivier Boucher: adding routine for initializing aerosol LW optical …
10 years |
oboucher |
Olivier: Adding call to aeropt_lw_rrtm to initialize LW aerosol properties
10 years |
oboucher |
Adding initialization of LW aerosol properties to 0.
10 years |
oboucher |
Olivier: update on sea-salt aerosol optical properties
using new …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Control of convective scavenging by .def files
Conrôle du lessivage …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Update of the slab ocean by Francis Codron. There are now 3 …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Suppression d'un print.
10 years |
fhourdin |
Bi-gauussienne, suite.
10 years |
fhourdin |
Nouvelle routine pour le schéma bi gaussien
10 years |
fhourdin |
Introduction of a bi-gausian descrption of the subgrid scale …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Correction pour le 1D :
Ne marchait plus en 1D depuis le test sur iim …
10 years |
lguez |
Added tests in the compilation scripts: iim should be a multiple of 8 …
10 years |
crio |
Expérience du tube de dentifrice: Ajout d'un terme de grande-échelle …
10 years |
acozic |
Aco : add some variable in inca routine call to correct a bug on …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Follow-up of r2197; some compilers (e.g. ifort) impose that parameter …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Bug fix for aquaplanets: definition of limit.nc file variable types …
10 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Added 'implicit none' statements and proper variable definitions where …
10 years |
jescribano |
Dust emission scheme changes: (1) Included possibility of use previous …
10 years |
jyg |
Inclusion of IMPLICIT NONE and some cleaning in cv3_inip.F90
10 years |
fhourdin |
Use of add_phys_tend to add the tendencies from radiation.
In order to …
10 years |
fhourdin |
New option iflag_trig_bl for triggering :
1 : ALE computed from the …
10 years |
musat |
Suppression print superflus
Deleting some superfluous prints
10 years |
fhourdin |
Ajout du cas 1D CINDY-DYNAMO, utilisant le nouveau format standard, …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Correction lecture flux descendant LW
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Suppression print superflus
Deleting some …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Modification of the numerical scheme for coupling of surface …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2158:2186 into testing branch.
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Need to have a rethink
10 years |
acozic |
Add call to finalize inca to close inca context (in xios_mode)
10 years |
jghattas |
Changed to use netcdf4p instead of default 3.6.2 at obelix/LSCE. Also …
10 years |
acozic |
-This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Suite aux commissions de Jean-Yves, la mise en commentaire n'est plus …
10 years |
jyg |
1/ Update of the loop on sub-surfaces in pbl_surface_mod.F90 : all …
10 years |
acozic |
After checking I reload commit 2169 and 2170
10 years |
fhourdin |
Désactivation des ondes de gravité non orographique en mode uni …
10 years |
lguez |
Bug fix. This modification should have been done in revision 1068. The …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modification pour retrouver l'exécution en OpenMP
10 years |
jescribano |
SPLA output in hist files
10 years |
jescribano |
SPLA code included for first time
10 years |
jescribano |
Creating SPLA branch with r2041
10 years |
jescribano |
moving to r2041_ deleting
10 years |
jescribano |
Creating SPLA branch
10 years |
acozic |
There are some commits that we must not do just before holiday .... so …
10 years |
acozic |
Add modification to manage xios with inca model
10 years |
acozic |
1- correct a missing in commit 2146 in infotrac
2- modify the …
10 years |
lguez |
As in revision 2159.
10 years |
musat |
Correction sorties fichier 6heures en "inst" au lieu de "ave". …
10 years |
musat |
Initialisation NSW a 6 pour les aerosols dans rrtm
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Pour pallier une idiosyncracie de gfortran (je ne suis pas pour)
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications needed for IPSLCM6 Xios
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications for IPSLCM6
(straight on the testing branch, bad, I know …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2070:2158 into testing branch. Compilation …
10 years |
jyg |
1/ Splitting of the boundary layer : the climbing down and up of …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modification pour éviter de faire des calculs avec un q négatif qui …
10 years |
acaubel |
Modified to have xml files coherent with sources files.
10 years |
acaubel |
Modified to have xml field coherent with sources files.
10 years |
jyg |
wake.F90 : differential effect of PBL set to zero ; it is assumed to …
10 years |
acozic |
To create limit.nc add the possibility to read sst and sic from erai …
10 years |
lguez |
Corrected a comment. See discussion on POIHL mailing list, June 30th
10 years |
fhourdin |
Corrections cosmétiques pour RRTM
Bug fixing for RRTM
10 years |
fhourdin |
Corrections pour le 1D.
Le test recemment introduit sur le fait que …
10 years |
fhourdin |
Correction d'un bug de RRTM par l'équipe RRTM suite à nos problèmes
10 years |
fhourdin |
Bug fixing in arguments of thermcell_plumeV1
10 years |
fhourdin |
Repliement de lignes trop longues pour gfortran.
10 years |
idelkadi |
Les modifications introduites ont pour but :
1/ d'autoriser le …
10 years |
idelkadi |
Les modifications introduites ont pour but :
1/ d'autoriser le …
10 years |
idelkadi |
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Du ménage dans les *xml de contrôle de xios pour la première version …
10 years |
lguez |
Forgot deletion of fixed source form files.
10 years |
lguez |
dyn3d/conf_gcm.F, fixed source form, was included in lmdz1d.F90, free …
10 years |
lguez |
iphysiq must be a multiple of iperiod: added the test.