23 months |
fhourdin |
preff : un pas en avant, un pas en arriere
23 months |
fhourdin |
Modification pour eviter la recompilation
23 months |
fhourdin |
Modification replay et thermcell_down (atelier)
2 years |
fhourdin |
Imposing surface pressure from .def with iniacademic
2 years |
asima |
Update LMDZ rev
2 years |
lguez |
Report modifications from phylmd into phylmdiso
Report modifications …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Adding thermcell_updown_dq
2 years |
fhourdin |
Ajout d'un Readme dans le tar contenant la svn
La nouvelle version de …
2 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Bug fix for xios writing in the dynamics. Problem was that a variable …
2 years |
lguez |
Merge branch Ocean_skin back into trunk
2 years |
lguez |
Sync latest trunk changes to branch Ocean_skin
2 years |
lguez |
Sync latest trunk changes to Ocean_skin
2 years |
dcugnet |
* adding missing SAVE attribute for that in check_isotopes
* move …
2 years |
idelkadi |
Continued work on the implementation of the Ecrad radiative transfer …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Poursuite codage des subsidences des thermiques
sous clé cpp
2 years |
fhourdin |
Details sur le nettoyage du replay
2 years |
dcugnet |
Cleaning: remove unused variables
2 years |
lguez |
Revert part of commit 4361
The modifications on …
2 years |
lguez |
Change calendar attribute "360d" to "360_day"
"360_day" is the …
2 years |
fhourdin |
replay tool details
2 years |
dcugnet |
Fix for a gfortran specific byg. In the following expression:
nam = …
2 years |
dcugnet |
* remove "config_inca" variable from "control_mod" and "infotrac_phy" …
2 years |
asima |
Tidying code & grilles_gcm.nc.
In grilles_gcm.nc :
- some variable …
2 years |
asima |
Bug fix: out_dim(2) instead of out_dim(3).
And a nice story:
The bug …
2 years |
idelkadi |
Hexadecimal constant Z"3FFFFFFF" can appear in a "data" statement but …
2 years |
idelkadi |
Hexadecimal constant Z"3FFFFFFF" can appear in a "data" statement but …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Correction de l'otpion inout
2 years |
evignon |
option pour conditionner l'activation des params SSO a un critere
sur …
2 years |
evignon |
legeres modifis suite a l'atelier sur les downdrafts
2 years |
fhourdin |
Details pour la fonctionalie Replay
2 years |
dcugnet |
Fix in strinngs_mod + few more comments in this module.
2 years |
dcugnet |
Fix for the backward compatibility with "traceur.def" description …
2 years |
fhourdin |
New functionalities, multi-routine netcdf output
The -nconly option …
2 years |
fhourdin |
New version with -nconly option
Allows to output all the variables of …
2 years |
musat |
Plusieurs appels climaf et tracers moyennes
zonales par climaf …
2 years |
fhourdin |
2 years |
musat |
Some cleanning
2 years |
musat |
Inclut environnement spirit et dernieres corrections (3/3)
2 years |
musat |
Inclut environnement spirit et dernieres corrections (2/3)
2 years |
musat |
Inclut environnement spirit et dernieres corrections (1/3)
2 years |
musat |
New environment file
2 years |
musat |
Delete env.sh
2 years |
fhourdin |
Import initial des outils Replay
2 years |
fhourdin |
Import initial des outils Replay
2 years |
musat |
Autre oubli
2 years |
dcugnet |
Fix the traceur.def backward compatibility issue.
2 years |
dcugnet |
Bug correction for generation computation.
2 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Remove "-qopenmp-threadprivate=compat" which causes crashes in OpenMP …
2 years |
musat |
Ajout epstopdf
2 years |
musat |
Ajout environnement et corrections
- champ eva(poration) moyennes …
2 years |
musat |
Ajout fichier environnement
2 years |
dcugnet |
* rewrite few routines from "readTracFiles_mod" to avoid crashes with …
2 years |
dcugnet |
Missing modifications in the previous commit.
2 years |
dcugnet |
Modification to solve a gfortran specific bug ; this compiler wrongly …
2 years |
dcugnet |
* simplify the parser usage:
- the getKey_init routine is now …
2 years |
musat |
Ajout descriptions MAM & SON
2 years |
musat |
Clear last.out
2 years |
musat |
Clear climaf.log
2 years |
asima |
Updating LMDZ version from 20220131 to 20221028
2 years |
musat |
Correction prints et alignements cf. python 3.
2 years |
Sebastien Nguyen |
corrected call to bcast in get_in from isotopes_mod.F90
2 years |
fhourdin |
Ajout d'un panache descendant sous clef cpp (en developpement)
2 years |
musat |
Ajout environnement ciclad pour compte perso
2 years |
musat |
Environnement fabric/ciclad
2 years |
musat |
Script images png
2 years |
musat |
Correction login
2 years |
musat |
Correction ajouter entete une fois
2 years |
musat |
Mise a jour du runs.txt
2 years |
musat |
Suite et fin de la fusion entre la version commune (compte fabric) et …
2 years |
musat |
Ajout sous-repertoire html
2 years |
musat |
Suite fusion de la fusion entre la version commune (compte fabric) et …
2 years |
musat |
Suite de la fusion entre la version commune (compte fabric) et la …
2 years |
musat |
Fusion entre la version commune (compte fabric) et la version perso
du …
2 years |
musat |
Utilisation des memes couleurs que pour les moyennes zonales
2 years |
jghattas |
Added arch.env file used at Spirit and Spiritx.
Note that for the …
2 years |
musat |
Ajout adresse svn et changement $PATH sur ciclad-ng/spirit
2 years |
jghattas |
Added arch files for Spirti and Spiritx new cluster at MESO IPSL center.
2 years |
fhourdin |
Initialisations à 0 pour la fonctionalité replay
2 years |
dcugnet |
- for REPROBUS: simplify (and fix) the handling of exceptions for old …
2 years |
crisi |
correction d'un bug qui empechait la compil avec -isotrac true. C'est …
2 years |
lguez |
Require m4 because it is needed for installation of NetCDF
2 years |
pcadule |
modifications to ensure restartability of the model when CO2 tracer is …
2 years |
evignon |
technical corrections (+cleaning) to make standard BOMEX case work
2 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Add "clean" initializations of coefh and coefm which are defined on …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Supression d'impressions
2 years |
fhourdin |
Nouvelle version des wake / Jean-Yves et Lamine
2 years |
dcugnet |
Commit for Nicolas: fixes for StratAer?.
2 years |
fhourdin |
Suppression de print
2 years |
evignon |
add initialisation of ice specific content for 1D cases (missing so far)
2 years |
evignon |
fix bug of SANDU/FAST (vertical interpolation of initial tke)
2 years |
evignon |
ajoute de la dissipation de tke par les arbres pour l'option …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Une derniere correction pour le 1D
2 years |
lguez |
Bug fix: add count argument to nf90_get_var
Because, in the rico …
2 years |
lguez |
Remove verbose option of tar
This printed thousands of not very …
2 years |
jghattas |
Reported modifications done in rev [4283] into phydlmdiso which now …
2 years |
musat |
Removed iflag_wk_act and iflag_inertie (to be added in the config.def) …
2 years |
jghattas |
Added landice_opt=2 : Treat continental land ice fractions in ORCHIDEE …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Bug fix lecture format standard 1D
2 years |
musat |
Changing lmixmin cf. Etienne Vignon and rearranging last flags added. …
2 years |
musat |
CMIP6 physic with Etienne routines activated:
using *lscp* routines …