SUBROUTINE cv3_inicp(iflag_clos,iflag_mix) * *************************************************************** * * * CV3_INIP Lecture des choix de lois de probabilité de mélange* * et calcul de leurs coefficients normalisés. * * * * written by : Jean-Yves Grandpeix, 06/06/2006, 19.39.27 * * modified by : * *************************************************************** * #include "YOMCST2.h" c INTEGER iflag_clos,iflag_mix c c -- Mixing probability distribution functions c real Qcoef1,Qcoef2,QFF,QFFF,Qmix,Rmix,Qmix1,Rmix1,Qmix2,Rmix2,F Qcoef1(F) = tanh(F/gammas) Qcoef2(F) = ( tanh(F/gammas) + gammas * $ log(cosh((1.- F)/gammas)/cosh(F/gammas))) QFF(F) = Max(Min(F,1.),0.) QFFF(F) = Min(QFF(F),scut) Qmix1(F) = ( tanh((QFF(F) - Fmax)/gammas)+Qcoef1max )/ $ Qcoef2max Rmix1(F) = ( gammas*log(cosh((QFF(F)-Fmax)/gammas)) 1 +QFF(F)*Qcoef1max ) / Qcoef2max Qmix2(F) = -Log(1.-QFFF(F))/scut Rmix2(F) = (QFFF(F)+(1.-QFF(F))*Log(1.-QFFF(F)))/scut Qmix(F) = qqa1*Qmix1(F) + qqa2*Qmix2(F) Rmix(F) = qqa1*Rmix1(F) + qqa2*Rmix2(F) C ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c C C=========================================================================== C READ IN PARAMETERS FOR THE MIXING DISTRIBUTION C AND PASS THESE THROUGH A COMMON BLOCK TO SUBROUTINE CONVECT etc. C (Written by V.T.J. Phillips, 20-30/Jan/99) C=========================================================================== C C line 1: a flag (0 or 1) to decide whether P(F) = 1 or the general P(F) is to be C used, followed by SCUT, which is the cut-off value of F in CONVECT C line 2: blank C line 3: the coefficients for the linear combination of P(F)s to C make the general P(F) C line 4: blank C line 5: gammas, Fmax for the cosh^2 component of P(F) C line 6: blank C line 7: alphas for the 1st irrational P(F) C line 8: blank C line 9: betas for the 2nd irrational P(F) C open(57,file='') read(57,*) iflag_clos read(57,*) iflag_mix, scut read(57,*) if(iflag_mix .gt. 0) then read(57,*) qqa1, qqa2 read(57,*) read(57,*) gammas, Fmax read(57,*) read(57,*) alphas endif close(57) c if(iflag_mix .gt. 0) then c c-- Normalize Pdf weights c sumcoef=qqa1+qqa2 qqa1=qqa1/sumcoef qqa2=qqa2/sumcoef c Qcoef1max = Qcoef1(Fmax) Qcoef2max = Qcoef2(Fmax) c sigma = 0. aire=0.0 pdf=0.0 mu=0.0 df = 0.0001 c c do ff = 0.0 + df, 1.0 - 2.*df, df ff=df dowhile ( ff .le. 1.0 - 2.*df ) pdf = (Qmix(ff+df) - Qmix(ff)) * (1.-ff) / df aire=aire+(Qmix(ff+df) - Qmix(ff)) * (1.-ff) mu = mu + pdf * ff * df cc write(*,*) pdf, Qmix(ff), aire, ff ff=ff+df enddo c c do ff=0.0+df,1.0 - 2.*df,df ff=df dowhile ( ff .le. 1.0 - 2.*df ) pdf = (Qmix(ff+df)- Qmix(ff)) * (1.-ff) / df sigma = sigma+pdf*(ff - mu)*(ff - mu)*df ff=ff+df enddo sigma = sqrt(sigma) c if (abs(aire-1.0) .gt. 0.02) then print *,'WARNING:: AREA OF MIXING PDF IS::', aire stop else print *,'Area, mean & std deviation are ::', aire,mu,sigma endif endif ! (iflag_mix .gt. 0) RETURN END