! ! $Header$ ! SUBROUTINE readsulfate (r_day, first, sulfate_p) USE dimphy, ONLY : klev USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, klon=>klon_glo USE mod_phys_lmdz_para IMPLICIT none c Content: c -------- c This routine reads in monthly mean values of sulfate aerosols and c returns a linearly interpolated dayly-mean field. c c c Author: c ------- c Johannes Quaas (quaas@lmd.jussieu.fr) c 26/04/01 c c Modifications: c -------------- c 21/06/01: Make integrations of more than one year possible ;-) c ATTENTION!! runs are supposed to start with Jan, 1. 1930 c (rday=1) c c 27/06/01: Correction: The model always has 360 days per year! c 27/06/01: SO4 concentration rather than mixing ratio c 27/06/01: 10yr-mean-values to interpolate c 20/08/01: Correct the error through integer-values in interpolations c 21/08/01: Introduce flag to read in just one decade c c Include-files: c -------------- #include "YOMCST.h" #include "chem.h" #include "dimensions.h" cym#include "dimphy.h" #include "temps.h" c c Input: c ------ REAL r_day ! Day of integration LOGICAL first ! First timestep ! (and therefore initialization necessary) c c Output: c ------- REAL sulfate_p(klon_omp,klev) REAL sulfate (klon, klev) ! Mass of sulfate (monthly mean data, ! from file) [ug SO4/m3] c c Local Variables: c ---------------- INTEGER i, ig, k, it INTEGER j, iday, ny, iyr, iyr1, iyr2 parameter (ny=jjm+1) CJLD INTEGER idec1, idec2 ! The two decadal data read ini CHARACTER*4 cyear INTEGER im, day1, day2, im2 REAL so4_1(iim, jjm+1, klev, 12) REAL so4_2(iim, jjm+1, klev, 12) ! The sulfate distributions REAL, allocatable,save :: so4(:, :, :) ! SO4 in right dimension REAL, allocatable,save :: so4_out(:, :) c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(so4,so4_out) LOGICAL lnewday LOGICAL lonlyone PARAMETER (lonlyone=.FALSE.) logical,save :: first2=.true. c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first2) c$OMP MASTER if (first2) then allocate( so4(klon, klev, 12) ) allocate( so4_out(klon, klev)) first2=.false. endif if (is_mpi_root) then iday = INT(r_day) ! Get the year of the run iyr = iday/360 ! Get the day of the actual year: iday = iday-iyr*360 ! 0.02 is about 0.5/24, namly less than half an hour lnewday = (r_day-FLOAT(iday).LT.0.02) ! --------------------------------------------- ! All has to be done only, if a new day begins! ! --------------------------------------------- IF (lnewday.OR.first) THEN im = iday/30 +1 ! the actual month ! annee_ref is the initial year (defined in temps.h) iyr = iyr + annee_ref ! Do I have to read new data? (Is this the first day of a year?) IF (first.OR.iday.EQ.1.) THEN ! Initialize values DO it=1,12 DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon so4(i,k,it)=0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF (iyr .lt. 1850) THEN cyear='.nat' WRITE(*,*) 'getso4 iyr=', iyr,' ',cyear CALL getso4fromfile(cyear, so4_1) ELSE IF (iyr .ge. 2100) THEN cyear='2100' WRITE(*,*) 'getso4 iyr=', iyr,' ',cyear CALL getso4fromfile(cyear, so4_1) ELSE ! Read in data: ! a) from actual 10-yr-period IF (iyr.LT.1900) THEN iyr1 = 1850 iyr2 = 1900 ELSE IF (iyr.ge.1900.and.iyr.lt.1920) THEN iyr1 = 1900 iyr2 = 1920 ELSE iyr1 = INT(iyr/10)*10 iyr2 = INT(1+iyr/10)*10 ENDIF WRITE(cyear,'(I4)') iyr1 WRITE(*,*) 'getso4 iyr=', iyr,' ',cyear CALL getso4fromfile(cyear, so4_1) ! If to read two decades: IF (.NOT.lonlyone) THEN ! b) from the next following one WRITE(cyear,'(I4)') iyr2 WRITE(*,*) 'getso4 iyr=', iyr,' ',cyear CALL getso4fromfile(cyear, so4_2) ENDIF ! Interpolate linarily to the actual year: DO it=1,12 DO k=1,klev DO j=1,jjm DO i=1,iim so4_1(i,j,k,it)=so4_1(i,j,k,it) . - FLOAT(iyr-iyr1)/FLOAT(iyr2-iyr1) . * (so4_1(i,j,k,it) - so4_2(i,j,k,it)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF !lonlyone ! Transform the horizontal 2D-field into the physics-field ! (Also the levels and the latitudes have to be inversed) DO it=1,12 DO k=1, klev ! a) at the poles, use the zonal mean: DO i=1,iim ! North pole so4(1,k,it)=so4(1,k,it)+so4_1(i,jjm+1,klev+1-k,it) ! South pole so4(klon,k,it)=so4(klon,k,it)+so4_1(i,1,klev+1-k,it) ENDDO so4(1,k,it)=so4(1,k,it)/FLOAT(iim) so4(klon,k,it)=so4(klon,k,it)/FLOAT(iim) ! b) the values between the poles: ig=1 DO j=2,jjm DO i=1,iim ig=ig+1 if (ig.gt.klon) write (*,*) 'shit' so4(ig,k,it) = so4_1(i,jjm+1-j,klev+1-k,it) ENDDO ENDDO IF (ig.NE.klon-1) STOP 'Error in readsulfate (var conversion)' ENDDO ! Loop over k (vertical) ENDDO ! Loop over it (months) ENDIF ! Had to read new data? ! Interpolate to actual day: IF (iday.LT.im*30-15) THEN ! in the first half of the month use month before and actual month im2=im-1 day2 = im2*30-15 day1 = im2*30+15 IF (im2.LE.0) THEN ! the month is january, thus the month before december im2=12 ENDIF DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon sulfate(i,k) = so4(i,k,im2) . - FLOAT(iday-day2)/FLOAT(day1-day2) . * (so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im)) IF (sulfate(i,k).LT.0.) THEN IF (iday-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'iday-day2',iday-day2 IF (so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im).LT.0.) . write(*,*) 'so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im)', . so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im) IF (day1-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'day1-day2',day1-day2 stop 'sulfate' endif ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! the second half of the month im2=im+1 IF (im2.GT.12) THEN ! the month is december, the following thus january im2=1 ENDIF day2 = im*30-15 day1 = im*30+15 DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon sulfate(i,k) = so4(i,k,im2) . - FLOAT(iday-day2)/FLOAT(day1-day2) . * (so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im)) IF (sulfate(i,k).LT.0.) THEN IF (iday-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'iday-day2',iday-day2 IF (so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im).LT.0.) . write(*,*) 'so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im)', . so4(i,k,im2) - so4(i,k,im) IF (day1-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'day1-day2',day1-day2 stop 'sulfate' endif ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CJLD ! The sulfate concentration [molec cm-3] is read in. CJLD ! Convert it into mass [ug SO4/m3] CJLD ! masse_so4 in [g/mol], n_avogadro in [molec/mol] ! The sulfate mass [ug SO4/m3] is read in. DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon CJLD sulfate(i,k) = sulfate(i,k)*masse_so4 CJLD . /n_avogadro*1.e+12 so4_out(i,k) = sulfate(i,k) IF (so4_out(i,k).LT.0) . stop 'WAS SOLL DER SCHEISS ? ' ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! if no new day, use old data: DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon sulfate(i,k) = so4_out(i,k) IF (so4_out(i,k).LT.0) . stop 'WAS SOLL DER SCHEISS ? ' ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Did I have to do anything (was it a new day?) endif ! phy_rank==0 c$OMP END MASTER call Scatter(sulfate,sulfate_p) RETURN END c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in /calculate pre-industrial values of sulfate c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE readsulfate_preind (r_day, first, pi_sulfate_p) USE dimphy, ONLY : klev USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, klon=>klon_glo USE mod_phys_lmdz_para IMPLICIT none c Content: c -------- c This routine reads in monthly mean values of sulfate aerosols and c returns a linearly interpolated dayly-mean field. c c It does so for the preindustriel values of the sulfate, to a large part c analogous to the routine readsulfate above. c c Only Pb: Variables must be saved and don t have to be overwritten! c c Author: c ------- c Johannes Quaas (quaas@lmd.jussieu.fr) c 26/06/01 c c Modifications: c -------------- c see above c c Include-files: c -------------- #include "YOMCST.h" #include "chem.h" #include "dimensions.h" #include "temps.h" c c Input: c ------ REAL r_day ! Day of integration LOGICAL first ! First timestep ! (and therefore initialization necessary) c c Output: c ------- REAL pi_sulfate_p (klon_omp, klev) REAL pi_sulfate (klon, klev) ! Number conc. sulfate (monthly mean data, ! from fil c c Local Variables: c ---------------- INTEGER i, ig, k, it INTEGER j, iday, ny, iyr parameter (ny=jjm+1) INTEGER im, day1, day2, im2 REAL pi_so4_1(iim, jjm+1, klev, 12) REAL, allocatable,save :: pi_so4(:, :, :) ! SO4 in right dimension REAL, allocatable,save :: pi_so4_out(:, :) c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pi_so4,pi_so4_out) CHARACTER*4 cyear LOGICAL lnewday logical,save :: first2=.true. c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first2) c$OMP MASTER if (first2) then allocate( pi_so4(klon, klev, 12) ) allocate( pi_so4_out(klon, klev)) first2=.false. endif if (is_mpi_root) then iday = INT(r_day) ! Get the year of the run iyr = iday/360 ! Get the day of the actual year: iday = iday-iyr*360 ! 0.02 is about 0.5/24, namly less than half an hour lnewday = (r_day-FLOAT(iday).LT.0.02) ! --------------------------------------------- ! All has to be done only, if a new day begins! ! --------------------------------------------- IF (lnewday.OR.first) THEN im = iday/30 +1 ! the actual month ! annee_ref is the initial year (defined in temps.h) iyr = iyr + annee_ref IF (first) THEN cyear='.nat' CALL getso4fromfile(cyear,pi_so4_1) ! Transform the horizontal 2D-field into the physics-field ! (Also the levels and the latitudes have to be inversed) ! Initialize field DO it=1,12 DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon pi_so4(i,k,it)=0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO write (*,*) 'preind: finished reading', FLOAT(iim) DO it=1,12 DO k=1, klev ! a) at the poles, use the zonal mean: DO i=1,iim ! North pole pi_so4(1,k,it)=pi_so4(1,k,it)+pi_so4_1(i,jjm+1,klev+1-k,it) ! South pole pi_so4(klon,k,it)=pi_so4(klon,k,it)+pi_so4_1(i,1,klev+1-k,it) ENDDO pi_so4(1,k,it)=pi_so4(1,k,it)/FLOAT(iim) pi_so4(klon,k,it)=pi_so4(klon,k,it)/FLOAT(iim) ! b) the values between the poles: ig=1 DO j=2,jjm DO i=1,iim ig=ig+1 if (ig.gt.klon) write (*,*) 'shit' pi_so4(ig,k,it) = pi_so4_1(i,jjm+1-j,klev+1-k,it) ENDDO ENDDO IF (ig.NE.klon-1) STOP 'Error in readsulfate (var conversion)' ENDDO ! Loop over k (vertical) ENDDO ! Loop over it (months) ENDIF ! Had to read new data? ! Interpolate to actual day: IF (iday.LT.im*30-15) THEN ! in the first half of the month use month before and actual month im2=im-1 day1 = im2*30+15 day2 = im2*30-15 IF (im2.LE.0) THEN ! the month is january, thus the month before december im2=12 ENDIF DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon pi_sulfate(i,k) = pi_so4(i,k,im2) . - FLOAT(iday-day2)/FLOAT(day1-day2) . * (pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im)) IF (pi_sulfate(i,k).LT.0.) THEN IF (iday-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'iday-day2',iday-day2 IF (pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im).LT.0.) . write(*,*) 'pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im)', . pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im) IF (day1-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'day1-day2',day1-day2 stop 'pi_sulfate' endif ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! the second half of the month im2=im+1 day1 = im*30+15 IF (im2.GT.12) THEN ! the month is december, the following thus january im2=1 ENDIF day2 = im*30-15 DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon pi_sulfate(i,k) = pi_so4(i,k,im2) . - FLOAT(iday-day2)/FLOAT(day1-day2) . * (pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im)) IF (pi_sulfate(i,k).LT.0.) THEN IF (iday-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'iday-day2',iday-day2 IF (pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im).LT.0.) . write(*,*) 'pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im)', . pi_so4(i,k,im2) - pi_so4(i,k,im) IF (day1-day2.LT.0.) write(*,*) 'day1-day2',day1-day2 stop 'pi_sulfate' endif ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CJLD ! The sulfate concentration [molec cm-3] is read in. CJLD ! Convert it into mass [ug SO4/m3] CJLD ! masse_so4 in [g/mol], n_avogadro in [molec/mol] DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon CJLD pi_sulfate(i,k) = pi_sulfate(i,k)*masse_so4 CJLD . /n_avogadro*1.e+12 pi_so4_out(i,k) = pi_sulfate(i,k) ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! If no new day, use old data: DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon pi_sulfate(i,k) = pi_so4_out(i,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Was this the beginning of a new day? endif ! is_mpi_root==0 c$OMP END MASTER call Scatter(pi_sulfate,pi_sulfate_p) RETURN END c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Routine for reading SO4 data from files c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getso4fromfile (cyr, so4) #include "netcdf.inc" #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphy.h" CHARACTER*15 fname CHARACTER*4 cyr CHARACTER*6 cvar INTEGER START(3), COUNT(3) INTEGER STATUS, NCID, VARID INTEGER imth, i, j, k, ny PARAMETER (ny=jjm+1) REAL so4mth(iim, ny, klev) REAL so4(iim, ny, klev, 12) fname = 'so4.run'//cyr//'.cdf' write (*,*) 'reading ', fname STATUS = NF_OPEN (fname, NF_NOWRITE, NCID) IF (STATUS .NE. NF_NOERR) write (*,*) 'err in open ',status DO imth=1, 12 IF (imth.eq.1) THEN cvar='SO4JAN' ELSEIF (imth.eq.2) THEN cvar='SO4FEB' ELSEIF (imth.eq.3) THEN cvar='SO4MAR' ELSEIF (imth.eq.4) THEN cvar='SO4APR' ELSEIF (imth.eq.5) THEN cvar='SO4MAY' ELSEIF (imth.eq.6) THEN cvar='SO4JUN' ELSEIF (imth.eq.7) THEN cvar='SO4JUL' ELSEIF (imth.eq.8) THEN cvar='SO4AUG' ELSEIF (imth.eq.9) THEN cvar='SO4SEP' ELSEIF (imth.eq.10) THEN cvar='SO4OCT' ELSEIF (imth.eq.11) THEN cvar='SO4NOV' ELSEIF (imth.eq.12) THEN cvar='SO4DEC' ENDIF start(1)=1 start(2)=1 start(3)=1 count(1)=iim count(2)=ny count(3)=klev c write(*,*) 'here i am' STATUS = NF_INQ_VARID (NCID, cvar, VARID) write (*,*) ncid,imth,cvar, varid IF (STATUS .NE. NF_NOERR) write (*,*) 'err in read ',status #ifdef NC_DOUBLE status = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(NCID, VARID, START, COUNT, so4mth) #else status = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(NCID, VARID, START, COUNT, so4mth) #endif IF (STATUS .NE. NF_NOERR) write (*,*) 'err in read data',status DO k=1,klev DO j=1,jjm+1 DO i=1,iim IF (so4mth(i,j,k).LT.0.) then write(*,*) 'this is shit' write(*,*) 'so4(',i,j,k,') =',so4mth(i,j,k) endif so4(i,j,k,imth)=so4mth(i,j,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO STATUS = NF_CLOSE(NCID) IF (STATUS .NE. NF_NOERR) write (*,*) 'err in closing file',status END ! subroutine getso4fromfile