! ! $Header$ ! MODULE cpl_mod ! ! This module excahanges and transforms all fields that should be recieved or sent to ! coupler. The transformation of the fields are done from the grid 1D-array in phylmd ! to the regular 2D grid accepted by the coupler. Cumulation of the fields for each ! timestep is done in here. ! ! Each type of surface that recevie fields from the coupler have a subroutine named ! cpl_receive_XXX_fields and each surface that have fields to be sent to the coupler ! have a subroutine named cpl_send_XXX_fields. ! !************************************************************************************* ! Use statements !************************************************************************************* USE dimphy, ONLY : klon, zmasq USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE ioipsl USE iophy ! The module oasis is always used. Without the cpp key CPP_COUPLE only the parameters ! in the module are compiled and not the subroutines. USE oasis USE write_field_phy ! Global attributes !************************************************************************************* IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE ! All subroutine are public except cpl_send_all and cpl_receive_all PUBLIC :: cpl_init, cpl_receive_ocean_fields, cpl_receive_seaice_fields, & cpl_send_ocean_fields, cpl_send_seaice_fields, cpl_send_land_fields, & cpl_send_landice_fields, gath2cpl ! Declaration of module variables !************************************************************************************* ! variable for coupling period INTEGER, SAVE :: nexca !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nexca) ! variables for cumulating fields during a coupling periode : REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_sols, cpl_nsol, cpl_rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_sols,cpl_nsol,cpl_rain) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_snow, cpl_evap, cpl_tsol !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_snow,cpl_evap,cpl_tsol) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_fder, cpl_albe, cpl_taux !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_fder,cpl_albe,cpl_taux) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_windsp !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_windsp) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_tauy !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_tauy) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_rriv2D, cpl_rcoa2D, cpl_rlic2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_rriv2D,cpl_rcoa2D,cpl_rlic2D) ! variables read from coupler : REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: read_sst ! sea surface temperature !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_sst) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: read_sit ! sea ice temperature !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_sit) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: read_sic ! sea ice fraction !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_sic) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: read_alb_sic ! albedo at sea ice !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_alb_sic) ! fraction for different surface, saved during whole coupling period REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: pctsrf_sav !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pctsrf_sav) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: zmasq2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zmasq2D) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: unity !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(unity) INTEGER, SAVE :: nidct, nidcs !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nidct,nidcs) ! variables to be sent to the coupler REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: cpl_sols2D, cpl_nsol2D, cpl_rain2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_sols2D, cpl_nsol2D, cpl_rain2D) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: cpl_snow2D, cpl_evap2D, cpl_tsol2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_snow2D, cpl_evap2D, cpl_tsol2D) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: cpl_fder2D, cpl_albe2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_fder2D, cpl_albe2D) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: cpl_taux2D, cpl_tauy2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_taux2D, cpl_tauy2D) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_windsp2D !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_windsp2D) CONTAINS ! !************************************************************************************ ! SUBROUTINE cpl_init(dtime, rlon, rlat) INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" INCLUDE "control.inc" INCLUDE "temps.inc" INCLUDE "iniprint.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlon, rlat ! Local variables !************************************************************************************* INTEGER :: error, sum_error, ig, i INTEGER :: jf, nhoridct INTEGER :: nhoridcs INTEGER :: idtime INTEGER :: idayref INTEGER :: npas ! only for OASIS2 REAL :: zjulian REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm+1) :: zx_lon, zx_lat CHARACTER(len = 20) :: modname = 'cpl_init' CHARACTER(len = 80) :: abort_message CHARACTER(len=80) :: clintocplnam, clfromcplnam !************************************************************************************* ! Calculate coupling period ! !************************************************************************************* npas = itaufin/ iphysiq nexca = 86400 / dtime WRITE(lunout,*)' ##### Ocean couple #####' WRITE(lunout,*)' Valeurs des pas de temps' WRITE(lunout,*)' npas = ', npas WRITE(lunout,*)' nexca = ', nexca !************************************************************************************* ! Allocate variables ! !************************************************************************************* error = 0 sum_error = 0 ALLOCATE(unity(klon), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(pctsrf_sav(klon,nbsrf), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_sols(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_nsol(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_rain(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_snow(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_evap(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_tsol(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_fder(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_albe(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_taux(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_windsp(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_tauy(klon,2), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_rriv2D(iim,jj_nb), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_rcoa2D(iim,jj_nb), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_rlic2D(iim,jj_nb), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(read_sst(iim, jj_nb), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(read_sic(iim, jj_nb), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(read_sit(iim, jj_nb), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(read_alb_sic(iim, jj_nb), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(zmasq2D(iim, jj_nb), stat = error) sum_error = sum_error + error IF (sum_error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation variables couplees' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !************************************************************************************* ! Initialize the allocated varaibles ! !************************************************************************************* DO ig = 1, klon unity(ig) = ig ENDDO pctsrf_sav = 0. cpl_sols = 0. ; cpl_nsol = 0. ; cpl_rain = 0. ; cpl_snow = 0. cpl_evap = 0. ; cpl_tsol = 0. ; cpl_fder = 0. ; cpl_albe = 0. cpl_taux = 0. ; cpl_tauy = 0. ; cpl_rriv2D = 0. ; cpl_rcoa2D = 0. cpl_rlic2D = 0. ; cpl_windsp = 0. !************************************************************************************* ! Transform the land-ocean mask into 2D grid. ! Colorize zmasq2D with 99 so that after gath2cpl points not valid can be recognized. ! !************************************************************************************* zmasq2D(:,:) = 99. CALL gath2cpl(zmasq, zmasq2D, klon, unity) !************************************************************************************* ! Initialize coupling ! !************************************************************************************* idtime = INT(dtime) #ifdef CPP_COUPLE CALL inicma #endif !************************************************************************************* ! initialize NetCDF output ! !************************************************************************************* IF (is_sequential) THEN idayref = day_ini CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, 0.0, zjulian) CALL gr_fi_ecrit(1,klon,iim,jjm+1,rlon,zx_lon) DO i = 1, iim zx_lon(i,1) = rlon(i+1) zx_lon(i,jjm+1) = rlon(i+1) ENDDO CALL gr_fi_ecrit(1,klon,iim,jjm+1,rlat,zx_lat) clintocplnam="cpl_atm_tauflx" CALL histbeg(clintocplnam, iim,zx_lon(:,1),jjm+1,zx_lat(1,:),& 1,iim,1,jjm+1, itau_phy,zjulian,dtime,nhoridct,nidct) ! no vertical axis CALL histdef(nidct, 'tauxe','tauxe', & "-",iim, jjm+1, nhoridct, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", dtime,dtime) CALL histdef(nidct, 'tauyn','tauyn', & "-",iim, jjm+1, nhoridct, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", dtime,dtime) CALL histdef(nidct, 'tmp_lon','tmp_lon', & "-",iim, jjm+1, nhoridct, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", dtime,dtime) CALL histdef(nidct, 'tmp_lat','tmp_lat', & "-",iim, jjm+1, nhoridct, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", dtime,dtime) DO jf=1,jpflda2o1 + jpflda2o2 CALL histdef(nidct, cl_writ(jf),cl_writ(jf), & "-",iim, jjm+1, nhoridct, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", dtime,dtime) END DO CALL histend(nidct) CALL histsync(nidct) clfromcplnam="cpl_atm_sst" CALL histbeg(clfromcplnam, iim,zx_lon(:,1),jjm+1,zx_lat(1,:),1,iim,1,jjm+1, & 0,zjulian,dtime,nhoridcs,nidcs) ! no vertical axis DO jf=1,jpfldo2a CALL histdef(nidcs, cl_read(jf),cl_read(jf), & "-",iim, jjm+1, nhoridcs, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", dtime,dtime) END DO CALL histend(nidcs) CALL histsync(nidcs) ENDIF ! is_sequential END SUBROUTINE cpl_init ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_receive_all(itime, dtime, pctsrf) ! This subroutine reads from coupler for both ocean and seaice ! 4 fields : read_sst, read_sic, read_sit and read_alb_sic. INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" INCLUDE "temps.inc" INCLUDE "iniprint.h" INCLUDE "YOMCST.inc" INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf), INTENT(IN) :: pctsrf ! Local variables !************************************************************************************ INTEGER :: j, ig, il_time_secs INTEGER :: itau_w INTEGER, DIMENSION(iim*(jjm+1)) :: ndexcs CHARACTER(len = 20) :: modname = 'cpl_receive_all' CHARACTER(len = 80) :: abort_message REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: read_sic1D REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb,jpfldo2a) :: tab_read_flds REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb) :: read_sic !************************************************************************************* ! Start calculation ! Get fields from coupler ! !************************************************************************************* #ifdef CPP_COUPLE il_time_secs=(itime-1)*dtime CALL fromcpl(il_time_secs, tab_read_flds) #endif ! NetCDF output of received fields IF (is_sequential) THEN ndexcs(:) = 0 itau_w = itau_phy + itime DO ig = 1, jpfldo2a CALL histwrite(nidcs,cl_read(ig),itau_w,tab_read_flds(:,:,ig),iim*(jjm+1),ndexcs) END DO ENDIF ! Save each field in a 2D array. read_sst(:,:) = tab_read_flds(:,:,1) ! Sea surface temperature read_sic(:,:) = tab_read_flds(:,:,2) ! Sea ice concentration read_alb_sic(:,:) = tab_read_flds(:,:,3) ! Albedo at sea ice read_sit(:,:) = tab_read_flds(:,:,4) ! Sea ice temperature !************************************************************************************* ! Temperature and albedo are weighted with the fraction of sea-ice(read-sic) ! !************************************************************************************* DO j = 1, jj_nb DO ig = 1, iim IF (ABS(1. - read_sic(ig,j)) < 0.00001) THEN read_sst(ig,j) = RTT - 1.8 read_sit(ig,j) = read_sit(ig,j) / read_sic(ig,j) read_alb_sic(ig,j) = read_alb_sic(ig,j) / read_sic(ig,j) ELSE IF (ABS(read_sic(ig,j)) < 0.00001) THEN read_sst(ig,j) = read_sst(ig,j) / (1. - read_sic(ig,j)) read_sit(ig,j) = read_sst(ig,j) read_alb_sic(ig,j) = 0.6 ELSE read_sst(ig,j) = read_sst(ig,j) / (1. - read_sic(ig,j)) read_sit(ig,j) = read_sit(ig,j) / read_sic(ig,j) read_alb_sic(ig,j) = read_alb_sic(ig,j) / read_sic(ig,j) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !************************************************************************************* ! Transform seaice fraction, read_sic into pctsrf_sav ! !************************************************************************************* CALL cpl2gath(read_sic, read_sic1D, klon, unity) DO ig = 1, klon ! treatment only of ocean and/or seaice points IF (pctsrf(ig,is_oce) > epsfra .OR. & pctsrf(ig,is_sic) > epsfra) THEN pctsrf_sav(ig,is_sic) = (pctsrf(ig,is_oce) + pctsrf(ig,is_sic)) & * read_sic1D(ig) pctsrf_sav(ig,is_oce) = (pctsrf(ig,is_oce) + pctsrf(ig,is_sic)) & - pctsrf_sav(ig,is_sic) ENDIF ENDDO !************************************************************************************* ! To avoid round up problems ! !************************************************************************************* WHERE (ABS(pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic)) .LE. 2.*EPSILON(pctsrf_sav(1,is_sic))) pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic) = 0. pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce) = pctsrf(:,is_oce) + pctsrf(:,is_sic) ENDWHERE WHERE (ABS(pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce)) .LE. 2.*EPSILON(pctsrf_sav(1,is_oce))) pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic) = pctsrf(:,is_oce) + pctsrf(:,is_sic) pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce) = 0. ENDWHERE IF (MINVAL(pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce)) < 0.) THEN WRITE(*,*)'Pb fraction ocean inferieure a 0' WRITE(*,*)'au point ',MINLOC(pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce)) WRITE(*,*)'valeur = ',MINVAL(pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce)) abort_message = 'voir ci-dessus' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF IF (MINVAL(pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic)) < 0.) THEN WRITE(*,*)'Pb fraction glace inferieure a 0' WRITE(*,*)'au point ',MINLOC(pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic)) WRITE(*,*)'valeur = ',MINVAL(pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic)) abort_message = 'voir ci-dessus' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_receive_all ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_receive_ocean_fields(itime, dtime, knon, knindex, pctsrf, & tsurf_new, pctsrf_oce) ! ! This routine reads, if first time step in a coupling period, all fields reveived from ! coupler for all types of surfaces. It returns the fields for the ocean surface which ! are the sea surface temperature and the fraction of ocean. ! The fields are transformed into 1D arrays with valid points : ! tsurf_new(1:knon), pctsrf(1:klon). ! INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf), INTENT(IN) :: pctsrf ! Output arguments !************************************************************************************* REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: tsurf_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: pctsrf_oce !************************************************************************************* ! If first time step in a coupling period receive all fields for all types ! of surfaces from coupler : read_sst, read_sit, read_alb_sic and pctsrf_sav. ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 1) CALL cpl_receive_all(itime, dtime, pctsrf) !************************************************************************************* ! Transform read_sst into compressed 1D variable tsurf_new ! !************************************************************************************* CALL cpl2gath(read_sst, tsurf_new, knon, knindex) pctsrf_oce(:) = pctsrf_sav(:,is_oce) END SUBROUTINE cpl_receive_ocean_fields ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_receive_seaice_fields(knon, knindex, & tsurf_new, alb_new, pctsrf_sic) ! ! This routine returns the fields for the seaice that have been read from the coupler ! (done earlier with cpl_receive_ocean_fields). These fields are the temperature and ! albedo at sea ice surface and fraction of sea ice. ! The fields are transformed into 1D arrays with valid points : ! tsurf_new(1:knon), alb_new(1:knon), pctsrf(1:klon). ! INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex ! Output arguments !************************************************************************************* REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: tsurf_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: alb_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: pctsrf_sic !************************************************************************************* ! Transform fields read from coupler from 2D into compressed 1D variables ! !************************************************************************************* CALL cpl2gath(read_sit, tsurf_new, knon, knindex) CALL cpl2gath(read_alb_sic, alb_new, knon, knindex) pctsrf_sic(:) = pctsrf_sav(:,is_sic) END SUBROUTINE cpl_receive_seaice_fields ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_send_ocean_fields(itime, knon, knindex, & swdown, lwdown, fluxlat, fluxsens, & precip_rain, precip_snow, evap, tsurf, fder, albsol, taux, tauy, windsp) ! ! This subroutine cumulates some fields for each time-step during a coupling ! period. At last time-step in a coupling period the fields are transformed to the ! grid accepted by the coupler. No sending to the coupler will be done from here ! (it is done in cpl_send_seaice_fields). ! INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: swdown, lwdown REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: fluxlat, fluxsens REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: precip_rain, precip_snow REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: evap, tsurf, fder, albsol REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: taux, tauy, windsp ! Local variables !************************************************************************************* INTEGER :: cpl_index, ig INTEGER :: error, sum_error CHARACTER(len = 25) :: modname = 'cpl_send_ocean_fields' CHARACTER(len = 80) :: abort_message !************************************************************************************* ! Start calculation ! The ocean points are saved with second array index=1 ! !************************************************************************************* cpl_index = 1 !************************************************************************************* ! Reset fields to zero in the beginning of a new coupling period ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 1) THEN cpl_sols(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_nsol(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_rain(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_snow(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_evap(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_tsol(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_fder(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_albe(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_taux(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_tauy(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_windsp(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 ENDIF !************************************************************************************* ! Cumulate at each time-step ! !************************************************************************************* DO ig = 1, knon cpl_sols(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_sols(ig,cpl_index) + & swdown(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_nsol(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_nsol(ig,cpl_index) + & (lwdown(ig) + fluxlat(ig) +fluxsens(ig)) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_rain(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_rain(ig,cpl_index) + & precip_rain(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_snow(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_snow(ig,cpl_index) + & precip_snow(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_evap(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_evap(ig,cpl_index) + & evap(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_tsol(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_tsol(ig,cpl_index) + & tsurf(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_fder(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_fder(ig,cpl_index) + & fder(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_albe(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_albe(ig,cpl_index) + & albsol(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_taux(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_taux(ig,cpl_index) + & taux(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_tauy(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_tauy(ig,cpl_index) + & tauy(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_windsp(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_windsp(ig,cpl_index) + & windsp(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) ENDDO !************************************************************************************* ! If the time-step corresponds to the end of coupling period the ! fields are transformed to the 2D grid. ! No sending to the coupler (it is done from cpl_send_seaice_fields). ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 0) THEN IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cpl_sols2D)) THEN sum_error = 0 ALLOCATE(cpl_sols2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_nsol2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_rain2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_snow2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_evap2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_tsol2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_fder2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_albe2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_taux2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_tauy2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_windsp2D(iim,jj_nb), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error IF (sum_error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation variables couplees pour l''ecriture' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF CALL gath2cpl(cpl_sols(1,cpl_index), cpl_sols2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_nsol(1,cpl_index), cpl_nsol2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_rain(1,cpl_index), cpl_rain2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_snow(1,cpl_index), cpl_snow2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_evap(1,cpl_index), cpl_evap2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) ! cpl_tsol2D(:,:,:) not used! CALL gath2cpl(cpl_tsol(1,cpl_index), cpl_tsol2D(1,1, cpl_index), & knon, knindex) ! cpl_fder2D(:,:,1) not used, only cpl_fder(:,:,2)! CALL gath2cpl(cpl_fder(1,cpl_index), cpl_fder2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) ! cpl_albe2D(:,:,:) not used! CALL gath2cpl(cpl_albe(1,cpl_index), cpl_albe2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_taux(1,cpl_index), cpl_taux2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_tauy(1,cpl_index), cpl_tauy2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_windsp(1,cpl_index), cpl_windsp2D(1,1), & knon, knindex) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_send_ocean_fields ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_send_seaice_fields(itime, dtime, knon, knindex, & pctsrf, lafin, rlon, rlat, & swdown, lwdown, fluxlat, fluxsens, & precip_rain, precip_snow, evap, tsurf, fder, albsol, taux, tauy) ! ! This subroutine cumulates some fields for each time-step during a coupling ! period. At last time-step in a coupling period the fields are transformed to the ! grid accepted by the coupler. All fields for all types of surfaces are sent to ! the coupler. ! INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlon, rlat REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: swdown, lwdown REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: fluxlat, fluxsens REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: precip_rain, precip_snow REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: evap, tsurf, fder REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: albsol, taux, tauy REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf), INTENT(IN) :: pctsrf LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lafin ! Local variables !************************************************************************************* INTEGER :: cpl_index, ig INTEGER :: error, sum_error CHARACTER(len = 25) :: modname = 'cpl_send_seaice_fields' CHARACTER(len = 80) :: abort_message !************************************************************************************* ! Start calulation ! The sea-ice points are saved with second array index=2 ! !************************************************************************************* cpl_index = 2 !************************************************************************************* ! Reset fields to zero in the beginning of a new coupling period ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 1) THEN cpl_sols(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_nsol(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_rain(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_snow(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_evap(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_tsol(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_fder(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_albe(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_taux(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 cpl_tauy(:,cpl_index) = 0.0 ENDIF !************************************************************************************* ! Cumulate at each time-step ! !************************************************************************************* DO ig = 1, knon cpl_sols(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_sols(ig,cpl_index) + & swdown(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_nsol(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_nsol(ig,cpl_index) + & (lwdown(ig) + fluxlat(ig) +fluxsens(ig)) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_rain(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_rain(ig,cpl_index) + & precip_rain(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_snow(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_snow(ig,cpl_index) + & precip_snow(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_evap(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_evap(ig,cpl_index) + & evap(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_tsol(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_tsol(ig,cpl_index) + & tsurf(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_fder(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_fder(ig,cpl_index) + & fder(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_albe(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_albe(ig,cpl_index) + & albsol(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_taux(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_taux(ig,cpl_index) + & taux(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_tauy(ig,cpl_index) = cpl_tauy(ig,cpl_index) + & tauy(ig) / FLOAT(nexca) ENDDO !************************************************************************************* ! If the time-step corresponds to the end of coupling period the ! fields are transformed to the 2D grid and all fields are sent to coupler. ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 0) THEN IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cpl_sols2D)) THEN sum_error = 0 ALLOCATE(cpl_sols2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_nsol2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_rain2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_snow2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_evap2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_tsol2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_fder2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_albe2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_taux2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_tauy2D(iim,jj_nb,2), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error ALLOCATE(cpl_windsp2D(iim,jj_nb), stat=error) sum_error = sum_error + error IF (sum_error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation variables couplees pour l''ecriture' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF CALL gath2cpl(cpl_sols(1,cpl_index), cpl_sols2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_nsol(1,cpl_index), cpl_nsol2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_rain(1,cpl_index), cpl_rain2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_snow(1,cpl_index), cpl_snow2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_evap(1,cpl_index), cpl_evap2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) ! cpl_tsol2D(:,:,:) not used! CALL gath2cpl(cpl_tsol(1,cpl_index), cpl_tsol2D(1,1, cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_fder(1,cpl_index), cpl_fder2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) ! cpl_albe2D(:,:,:) not used! CALL gath2cpl(cpl_albe(1,cpl_index), cpl_albe2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_taux(1,cpl_index), cpl_taux2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(cpl_tauy(1,cpl_index), cpl_tauy2D(1,1,cpl_index), & knon, knindex) ! Send all fields CALL cpl_send_all(itime, dtime, pctsrf, lafin, rlon, rlat) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_send_seaice_fields ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_send_land_fields(itime, knon, knindex, rriv_in, rcoa_in) ! ! This subroutine cumulates some fields for each time-step during a coupling ! period. At last time-step in a coupling period the fields are transformed to the ! grid accepted by the coupler. No sending to the coupler will be done from here ! (it is done in cpl_send_seaice_fields). ! INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rriv_in REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rcoa_in ! Local variables !************************************************************************************* REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb) :: rriv2D REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb) :: rcoa2D !************************************************************************************* ! Rearrange fields in 2D variables ! First initialize to zero to avoid unvalid points causing problems ! !************************************************************************************* rriv2D(:,:) = 0.0 rcoa2D(:,:) = 0.0 CALL gath2cpl(rriv_in, rriv2D, knon, knindex) CALL gath2cpl(rcoa_in, rcoa2D, knon, knindex) !************************************************************************************* ! Reset cumulated fields to zero in the beginning of a new coupling period ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 1) THEN cpl_rriv2D(:,:) = 0.0 cpl_rcoa2D(:,:) = 0.0 ENDIF !************************************************************************************* ! Cumulate : Following fields should be cumulated at each time-step ! !************************************************************************************* cpl_rriv2D(:,:) = cpl_rriv2D(:,:) + rriv2D(:,:) / FLOAT(nexca) cpl_rcoa2D(:,:) = cpl_rcoa2D(:,:) + rcoa2D(:,:) / FLOAT(nexca) END SUBROUTINE cpl_send_land_fields ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_send_landice_fields(itime, knon, knindex, rlic_in) ! This subroutine cumulates the field for melting ice for each time-step ! during a coupling period. This routine will not send to coupler. Sending ! will be done in cpl_send_seaice_fields. ! INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input varibales !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlic_in ! Local varibales !************************************************************************************* REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb) :: rlic2D !************************************************************************************* ! Rearrange field in a 2D variable ! First initialize to zero to avoid unvalid points causing problems ! !************************************************************************************* rlic2D(:,:) = 0.0 CALL gath2cpl(rlic_in, rlic2D, knon, knindex) !************************************************************************************* ! Reset field to zero in the beginning of a new coupling period ! !************************************************************************************* IF (MOD(itime, nexca) == 1) THEN cpl_rlic2D(:,:) = 0.0 ENDIF !************************************************************************************* ! Cumulate : Melting ice should be cumulated at each time-step ! !************************************************************************************* cpl_rlic2D(:,:) = cpl_rlic2D(:,:) + rlic2D(:,:) / FLOAT(nexca) END SUBROUTINE cpl_send_landice_fields ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl_send_all(itime, dtime, pctsrf, lafin, rlon, rlat) ! This routine will send fields for all different surfaces to the coupler. ! This subroutine should be executed after calculations by the last surface(sea-ice), ! all calculations at the different surfaces have to be done before. ! ! Some includes !************************************************************************************* INCLUDE "indicesol.inc" INCLUDE "temps.inc" INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlon, rlat REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf), INTENT(IN) :: pctsrf LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lafin ! Local variables !************************************************************************************* INTEGER :: error, sum_error, j INTEGER :: itau_w INTEGER :: il_time_secs INTEGER, DIMENSION(iim*(jjm+1)) :: ndexct REAL :: Up, Down REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb) :: tmp_lon, tmp_lat REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb, 4) :: pctsrf2D REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb) :: deno CHARACTER(len = 20) :: modname = 'cpl_send_all' CHARACTER(len = 80) :: abort_message ! Variables with fields to coupler REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb) :: tmp_taux REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb) :: tmp_tauy REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb) :: tmp_calv ! Table with all fields to send to coupler REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb, jpflda2o1+jpflda2o2) :: tab_flds #ifdef CPP_PARA INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: status #endif ! End definitions !************************************************************************************* !************************************************************************************* ! All fields are stored in a table tab_flds(:,:,:) ! First store the fields 7 to 18 which are already on the right format ! !************************************************************************************* tab_flds(:,:,7) = cpl_windsp2D(:,:) tab_flds(:,:,8) = cpl_sols2D(:,:,2) tab_flds(:,:,9) = cpl_sols2D(:,:,1) tab_flds(:,:,10) = cpl_nsol2D(:,:,2) tab_flds(:,:,11) = cpl_nsol2D(:,:,1) tab_flds(:,:,12) = cpl_fder2D(:,:,2) tab_flds(:,:,13) = cpl_evap2D(:,:,2) tab_flds(:,:,14) = cpl_evap2D(:,:,1) tab_flds(:,:,17) = cpl_rcoa2D(:,:) tab_flds(:,:,18) = cpl_rriv2D(:,:) !************************************************************************************* ! Transform the fraction of sub-surfaces from 1D to 2D array ! !************************************************************************************* pctsrf2D(:,:,:) = 0. CALL gath2cpl(pctsrf(:,is_oce), pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce), klon, unity) CALL gath2cpl(pctsrf(:,is_sic), pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic), klon, unity) CALL gath2cpl(pctsrf(:,is_lic), pctsrf2D(:,:,is_lic), klon, unity) !************************************************************************************* ! Calculate the average calving per latitude ! Store calving in tab_flds(:,:,19) ! !************************************************************************************* DO j = 1, jj_nb tmp_calv(:,j) = DOT_PRODUCT (cpl_rlic2D(1:iim,j), & pctsrf2D(1:iim,j,is_lic)) / REAL(iim) ENDDO IF (is_parallel) THEN IF (.NOT. is_north_pole) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL MPI_RECV(Up,1,MPI_REAL_LMDZ,mpi_rank-1,1234,COMM_LMDZ_PHY,status,error) CALL MPI_SEND(tmp_calv(1,1),1,MPI_REAL_LMDZ,mpi_rank-1,1234,COMM_LMDZ_PHY,error) #endif ENDIF IF (.NOT. is_south_pole) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL MPI_SEND(tmp_calv(1,jj_nb),1,MPI_REAL_LMDZ,mpi_rank+1,1234,COMM_LMDZ_PHY,error) CALL MPI_RECV(down,1,MPI_REAL_LMDZ,mpi_rank+1,1234,COMM_LMDZ_PHY,status,error) #endif ENDIF IF (.NOT. is_north_pole .AND. ii_begin /=1) THEN Up=Up+tmp_calv(iim,1) tmp_calv(:,1)=Up ENDIF IF (.NOT. is_south_pole .AND. ii_end /= iim) THEN Down=Down+tmp_calv(1,jj_nb) tmp_calv(:,jj_nb)=Down ENDIF ENDIF tab_flds(:,:,19) = tmp_calv(:,:) !************************************************************************************* ! Calculate total flux for snow, rain and wind with weighted addition using the ! fractions of ocean and seaice. ! ! Store the fields for rain and snow directly in tab_flds(:,:,15) and ! tab_flds(:,:,16) respectively. ! !************************************************************************************* tab_flds(:,:,15) = 0.0 tab_flds(:,:,16) = 0.0 tmp_taux(:,:) = 0.0 tmp_tauy(:,:) = 0.0 ! For all valid grid cells not entier land WHERE (zmasq2D /= 1. .AND. zmasq2D /=99. ) deno = pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce) + pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic) ! fraction oce+seaice tab_flds(:,:,15) = cpl_rain2D(:,:,1) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce) / deno + & cpl_rain2D(:,:,2) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic) / deno tab_flds(:,:,16) = cpl_snow2D(:,:,1) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce) / deno + & cpl_snow2D(:,:,2) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic) / deno tmp_taux = cpl_taux2D(:,:,1) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce) / deno + & cpl_taux2D(:,:,2) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic) / deno tmp_tauy = cpl_tauy2D(:,:,1) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce) / deno + & cpl_tauy2D(:,:,2) * pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic) / deno ENDWHERE !************************************************************************************* ! Transform the wind components from local atmospheric 2D coordinates to geocentric ! 3D coordinates. ! Store the resulting wind components in tab_flds(:,:,1:6) !************************************************************************************* ! Transform the longitudes and latitudes on 2D arrays CALL Grid1DTo2D_mpi(rlon,tmp_lon) CALL Grid1DTo2D_mpi(rlat,tmp_lat) IF (is_sequential) THEN IF (is_north_pole) tmp_lon(:,1) = tmp_lon(:,2) IF (is_south_pole) tmp_lon(:,jjm+1) = tmp_lon(:,jjm) ENDIF ! NetCDF output of the wind before transformation of coordinate system IF (is_sequential) THEN ndexct(:) = 0 itau_w = itau_phy + itime CALL histwrite(nidct,'tauxe',itau_w,tmp_taux,iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,'tauyn',itau_w,tmp_tauy,iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,'tmp_lon',itau_w,tmp_lon,iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,'tmp_lat',itau_w,tmp_lat,iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) ENDIF ! Transform the wind from local atmospheric 2D coordinates to geocentric ! 3D coordinates CALL atm2geo (iim, jj_nb, tmp_taux, tmp_tauy, tmp_lon, tmp_lat, & tab_flds(:,:,1), tab_flds(:,:,2), tab_flds(:,:,3) ) tab_flds(:,:,4) = tab_flds(:,:,1) tab_flds(:,:,5) = tab_flds(:,:,2) tab_flds(:,:,6) = tab_flds(:,:,3) !************************************************************************************* ! NetCDF output of all fields just before sending to coupler. ! !************************************************************************************* IF (is_sequential) THEN CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(8), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,8), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(9), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,9), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(10),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,10),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(11),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,11),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(12),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,12),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(13),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,13),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(14),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,14),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(15),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,15),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(16),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,16),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(17),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,17),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(18),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,18),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(19),itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,19),iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(1), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,1), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(2), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,2), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(3), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,3), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(4), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,4), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(5), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,5), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(6), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,6), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histwrite(nidct,cl_writ(7), itau_w,tab_flds(:,:,7), iim*(jjm+1),ndexct) CALL histsync(nidct) ENDIF !************************************************************************************* ! Send the table of all fields ! !************************************************************************************* #ifdef CPP_COUPLE il_time_secs=(itime-1)*dtime CALL intocpl(il_time_secs, lafin, tab_flds(:,:,:)) #endif !************************************************************************************* ! Finish with some dellocate ! !************************************************************************************* sum_error=0 DEALLOCATE(cpl_sols2D, cpl_nsol2D, cpl_rain2D, cpl_snow2D, stat=error ) sum_error = sum_error + error DEALLOCATE(cpl_evap2D, cpl_tsol2D, cpl_fder2D, cpl_albe2D, stat=error ) sum_error = sum_error + error DEALLOCATE(cpl_taux2D, cpl_tauy2D, cpl_windsp2D, stat=error ) sum_error = sum_error + error IF (sum_error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb in deallocation of cpl_xxxx2D coupling variables' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_send_all ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE cpl2gath(champ_in, champ_out, knon, knindex) ! Cette routine ecrit un champ 'gathered' sur la grille 2D pour le passer ! au coupleur. ! ! ! input: ! champ_in champ sur la grille gathere ! knon nombre de points dans le domaine a traiter ! knindex index des points de la surface a traiter ! ! output: ! champ_out champ sur la grille 2D ! INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb), INTENT(IN) :: champ_in INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex ! Output REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: champ_out ! Local INTEGER :: i, ig REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: tamp !************************************************************************************* ! ! Transform from 2 dimensions (iim,jj_nb) to 1 dimension (klon) CALL Grid2Dto1D_mpi(champ_in,tamp) ! Compress from klon to knon DO i = 1, knon ig = knindex(i) champ_out(i) = tamp(ig) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE cpl2gath ! !************************************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE gath2cpl(champ_in, champ_out, knon, knindex) ! Cette routine ecrit un champ 'gathered' sur la grille 2D pour le passer ! au coupleur. ! ! input: ! champ_in champ sur la grille gathere ! knon nombre de points dans le domaine a traiter ! knindex index des points de la surface a traiter ! ! output: ! champ_out champ sur la grille 2D ! INCLUDE "dimensions90.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************* INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: champ_in INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex ! Output arguments !************************************************************************************* REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jj_nb), INTENT(OUT) :: champ_out ! Local variables !************************************************************************************* INTEGER :: i, ig REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: tamp !************************************************************************************* ! Decompress from knon to klon tamp = 0. DO i = 1, knon ig = knindex(i) tamp(ig) = champ_in(i) ENDDO ! Transform from 1 dimension (klon) to 2 dimensions (iim,jj_nb) CALL Grid1Dto2D_mpi(tamp,champ_out) IF (is_north_pole) champ_out(:,1)=tamp(1) IF (is_south_pole) champ_out(:,jj_nb)=tamp(klon) END SUBROUTINE gath2cpl ! !************************************************************************************* ! END MODULE cpl_mod