! $Id: integrd.F90 5159 2024-08-02 19:58:25Z ymeurdesoif $ SUBROUTINE integrd & (nq, vcovm1, ucovm1, tetam1, psm1, massem1, & dv, du, dteta, dq, dp, vcov, ucov, teta, q, ps, masse, phis & !,finvmaold ) USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi USE logic_mod, ONLY: leapf USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap, bp USE temps_mod, ONLY: dt USE lmdz_iniprint, ONLY: lunout, prt_level USE lmdz_ssum_scopy, ONLY: scopy, ssum USE lmdz_comgeom USE lmdz_dimensions, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm USE lmdz_paramet IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! Auteur: P. Le Van ! ------- ! objet: ! ------ ! Incrementation des tendances dynamiques !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Declarations: ! ------------- ! Arguments: ! ---------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nq ! number of tracers to handle in this routine REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: vcov(ip1jm, llm) ! covariant meridional wind REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: ucov(ip1jmp1, llm) ! covariant zonal wind REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: teta(ip1jmp1, llm) ! potential temperature REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: q(ip1jmp1, llm, nq) ! advected tracers REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: ps(ip1jmp1) ! surface pressure REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: masse(ip1jmp1, llm) ! atmospheric mass REAL, INTENT(IN) :: phis(ip1jmp1) ! ground geopotential !!! unused ! values at previous time step REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: vcovm1(ip1jm, llm) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: ucovm1(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: tetam1(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: psm1(ip1jmp1) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: massem1(ip1jmp1, llm) ! the tendencies to add REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dv(ip1jm, llm) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: du(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dteta(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dp(ip1jmp1) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dq(ip1jmp1, llm, nq) !!! unused ! REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: finvmaold(ip1jmp1,llm) !!! unused ! Local: ! ------ REAL :: vscr(ip1jm), uscr(ip1jmp1), hscr(ip1jmp1), pscr(ip1jmp1) REAL :: massescr(ip1jmp1, llm) ! REAL finvmasse(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL :: p(ip1jmp1, llmp1) REAL :: tpn, tps, tppn(iim), tpps(iim) REAL :: qpn, qps, qppn(iim), qpps(iim) REAL :: deltap(ip1jmp1, llm) INTEGER :: l, ij, iq, i, j !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO l = 1, llm DO ij = 1, iip1 ucov(ij, l) = 0. ucov(ij + ip1jm, l) = 0. uscr(ij) = 0. uscr(ij + ip1jm) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO ! ............ integration de ps .............. CALL SCOPY(ip1jmp1 * llm, masse, 1, massescr, 1) DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 pscr (ij) = ps(ij) ps (ij) = psm1(ij) + dt * dp(ij) ENDDO DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 IF(ps(ij)<0.) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) "integrd: negative surface pressure ", ps(ij) WRITE(lunout, *) " at node ij =", ij ! since ij=j+(i-1)*jjp1 , we have j = modulo(ij, jjp1) i = 1 + (ij - j) / jjp1 WRITE(lunout, *) " lon = ", rlonv(i) * 180. / pi, " deg", & " lat = ", rlatu(j) * 180. / pi, " deg" CALL abort_gcm("integrd", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO DO ij = 1, iim tppn(ij) = aire(ij) * ps(ij) tpps(ij) = aire(ij + ip1jm) * ps(ij + ip1jm) ENDDO tpn = SSUM(iim, tppn, 1) / apoln tps = SSUM(iim, tpps, 1) / apols DO ij = 1, iip1 ps(ij) = tpn ps(ij + ip1jm) = tps ENDDO ! ... Calcul de la nouvelle masse d'air au dernier temps integre t+1 ... CALL pression (ip1jmp1, ap, bp, ps, p) CALL massdair (p, masse) ! Ehouarn : we don't use/need finvmaold and finvmasse, ! so might as well not compute them ! CALL SCOPY( ijp1llm , masse, 1, finvmasse, 1 ) ! CALL filtreg( finvmasse, jjp1, llm, -2, 2, .TRUE., 1 ) ! ! ............ integration de ucov, vcov, h .............. DO l = 1, llm DO ij = iip2, ip1jm uscr(ij) = ucov(ij, l) ucov(ij, l) = ucovm1(ij, l) + dt * du(ij, l) ENDDO DO ij = 1, ip1jm vscr(ij) = vcov(ij, l) vcov(ij, l) = vcovm1(ij, l) + dt * dv(ij, l) ENDDO DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 hscr(ij) = teta(ij, l) teta (ij, l) = tetam1(ij, l) * massem1(ij, l) / masse(ij, l) & + dt * dteta(ij, l) / masse(ij, l) ENDDO ! .... Calcul de la valeur moyenne, unique aux poles pour teta ...... DO ij = 1, iim tppn(ij) = aire(ij) * teta(ij, l) tpps(ij) = aire(ij + ip1jm) * teta(ij + ip1jm, l) ENDDO tpn = SSUM(iim, tppn, 1) / apoln tps = SSUM(iim, tpps, 1) / apols DO ij = 1, iip1 teta(ij, l) = tpn teta(ij + ip1jm, l) = tps ENDDO ! IF(leapf) THEN CALL SCOPY (ip1jmp1, uscr(1), 1, ucovm1(1, l), 1) CALL SCOPY (ip1jm, vscr(1), 1, vcovm1(1, l), 1) CALL SCOPY (ip1jmp1, hscr(1), 1, tetam1(1, l), 1) END IF ENDDO ! of DO l = 1,llm ! ....... integration de q ...... !$$$ IF( iadv(1).NE.3.AND.iadv(2).NE.3 ) THEN !$$$c !$$$ IF( forward .OR. leapf ) THEN !$$$ DO iq = 1,2 !$$$ DO l = 1,llm !$$$ DO ij = 1,ip1jmp1 !$$$ q(ij,l,iq) = ( q(ij,l,iq)*finvmaold(ij,l) + dtvr *dq(ij,l,iq) )/ !$$$ $ finvmasse(ij,l) !$$$ ENDDO !$$$ ENDDO !$$$ ENDDO !$$$ ELSE !$$$ DO iq = 1,2 !$$$ DO l = 1,llm !$$$ DO ij = 1,ip1jmp1 !$$$ q( ij,l,iq ) = q( ij,l,iq ) * finvmaold(ij,l) / finvmasse(ij,l) !$$$ ENDDO !$$$ ENDDO !$$$ ENDDO !$$$ !$$$ END IF !$$$c !$$$ ENDIF IF (planet_type=="earth") THEN ! Earth-specific treatment of first 2 tracers (water) DO l = 1, llm DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 deltap(ij, l) = p(ij, l) - p(ij, l + 1) ENDDO ENDDO CALL qminimum(q, nq, deltap) ! ..... Calcul de la valeur moyenne, unique aux poles pour q ..... ! DO iq = 1, nq DO l = 1, llm DO ij = 1, iim qppn(ij) = aire(ij) * q(ij, l, iq) qpps(ij) = aire(ij + ip1jm) * q(ij + ip1jm, l, iq) ENDDO qpn = SSUM(iim, qppn, 1) / apoln qps = SSUM(iim, qpps, 1) / apols DO ij = 1, iip1 q(ij, l, iq) = qpn q(ij + ip1jm, l, iq) = qps ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Ehouarn: forget about finvmaold ! CALL SCOPY( ijp1llm , finvmasse, 1, finvmaold, 1 ) ENDIF ! of if (planet_type.EQ."earth") ! ..... FIN de l'integration de q ....... ! ................................................................. IF(leapf) THEN CALL SCOPY (ip1jmp1, pscr, 1, psm1, 1) CALL SCOPY (ip1jmp1 * llm, massescr, 1, massem1, 1) END IF END SUBROUTINE integrd