! $Id: $ MODULE infotrac_phy USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen ! PUBLIC :: tracers, type_trac !--- Full tracers database, tracers type keyword ! PUBLIC :: nqtot, nbtr, nqo, nqCO2, nqtottr !--- Main dimensions INTEGER,SAVE :: nqtot, nbtr, nqo, nqCO2, nqtottr !--- Main dimensions INTEGER,SAVE :: niso,ntiso CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), SAVE :: type_trac !--- Keyword for tracers type(s) TYPE :: keys_type !=== TYPE FOR A SET OF KEYS ASSOCIATED TO AN ELEMENT CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: name !--- Tracer name CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: key(:) !--- Keys string list CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: val(:) !--- Corresponding values string list END TYPE keys_type TYPE :: trac_type !=== TYPE FOR A SINGLE TRACER NAMED "name" CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: name = '' !--- Name of the tracer CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: gen0Name = '' !--- First generation ancestor name CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: parent = '' !--- Parent name CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: longName = '' !--- Long name (with advection scheme suffix) CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: type = 'tracer' !--- Type (so far: 'tracer' / 'tag') CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: phase = 'g' !--- Phase ('g'as / 'l'iquid / 's'olid) CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: component = '' !--- Coma-separated list of components (Ex: lmdz,inca) INTEGER :: iGeneration = -1 !--- Generation number (>=0) INTEGER :: iqParent = 0 !--- Parent index INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: iqDescen(:) !--- Descendants index (in growing generation order) INTEGER :: nqDescen = 0 !--- Number of descendants (all generations) INTEGER :: nqChildren = 0 !--- Number of children (first generation) TYPE(keys_type) :: keys !--- = pairs vector INTEGER :: iadv = 10 !--- Advection scheme used LOGICAL :: isInPhysics = .TRUE. !--- "true" tracers: in tr_seri. COUNT(isInPhysics)=nqtottr INTEGER :: iso_iGroup = 0 !--- Isotopes group index in isotopes(:) INTEGER :: iso_iName = 0 !--- Isotope name index in isotopes(iso_iGroup)%trac(:) INTEGER :: iso_iZone = 0 !--- Isotope zone index in isotopes(iso_iGroup)%zone(:) INTEGER :: iso_iPhase = 0 !--- Isotope phase index in isotopes(iso_iGroup)%phase END TYPE trac_type TYPE(trac_type), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET, SAVE :: tracers(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot, nbtr, nqo, nqtottr, nqCO2, type_trac) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(niso,ntiso) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(trac_type,tracers) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy(nqtot_, type_trac_) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nqtot_ CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: type_trac_ CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: modname='init_infotrac_phy' nqtot = nqtot_ type_trac = type_trac_ END SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy END MODULE infotrac_phy