! $Id: change_srf_frac_mod.F90 5144 2024-07-29 21:01:04Z jyg $ MODULE change_srf_frac_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS ! Change Surface Fractions ! Author J Ghattas 2008 SUBROUTINE change_srf_frac(itime, dtime, jour, & pctsrf, evap, z0m, z0h, agesno, & alb_dir, alb_dif, tsurf, ustar, u10m, v10m, pbl_tke) ! This SUBROUTINE is called from physiq.F at each timestep. ! 1- For each type of ocean (force, slab, couple) receive new fractions only if ! it's time to modify (is_modified=true). Otherwise nothing is done (is_modified=false). ! If received new fraction : ! 2- Tests and ajustements are done on the fractions ! 3- Initialize variables where a new fraction(new or melted ice) has appered, USE dimphy USE surface_data, ONLY: type_ocean, version_ocean USE limit_read_mod USE pbl_surface_mod, ONLY: pbl_surface_newfrac USE cpl_mod, ONLY: cpl_receive_frac USE ocean_slab_mod, ONLY: fsic, ocean_slab_frac USE indice_sol_mod USE lmdz_print_control, ONLY: lunout USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic USE lmdz_clesphys ! albedo SB USE lmdz_yomcst ! Input arguments !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime ! current time step INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: jour ! day of the year REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime ! length of time step (s) ! In-Output arguments !**************************************************************************************** REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: pctsrf ! sub-surface fraction REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: evap, agesno ! sub-surface fraction REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf + 1), INTENT(INOUT) :: z0m, z0h ! sub-surface fraction !albedo SB >>> REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nsw, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: alb_dir, alb_dif !albedo SB <<< REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: tsurf REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: ustar REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: u10m REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: v10m !jyg< !! REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev+1,nbsrf), INTENT(INOUT) :: pbl_tke REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev + 1, nbsrf + 1), INTENT(INOUT) :: pbl_tke !>jyg ! Loccal variables !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER :: i, nsrf LOGICAL :: is_modified ! true if pctsrf is modified at this time step LOGICAL :: test_sum = .FALSE. LOGICAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf) :: new_surf REAL, DIMENSION(klon, nbsrf) :: pctsrf_old ! fraction from previous time-step REAL :: tmpsum pctsrf_old(:, :) = pctsrf(:, :) !**************************************************************************************** ! 1) ! For each type of ocean (force, slab, couple) receive new fractions only if it's time ! to modify (is_modified=true). Otherwise nothing is done (is_modified=false). !**************************************************************************************** SELECT CASE (type_ocean) CASE ('force') ! Read fraction from limit.nc CALL limit_read_frac(itime, dtime, jour, pctsrf, is_modified) CASE ('slab') IF (version_ocean == 'sicOBS'.OR. version_ocean == 'sicNO') THEN ! Read fraction from limit.nc CALL limit_read_frac(itime, dtime, jour, pctsrf, is_modified) ELSE ! Get fraction from slab module CALL ocean_slab_frac(itime, dtime, jour, pctsrf, is_modified) ENDIF CASE ('couple') ! Get fraction from the coupler CALL cpl_receive_frac(itime, dtime, pctsrf, is_modified) END SELECT !**************************************************************************************** ! 2) ! Tests and ajustements on the new fractions : ! - Put to zero fractions that are too small ! - Test total fraction sum is one for each grid point !**************************************************************************************** IF (is_modified) THEN ! Test and exit if a fraction is negative IF (MINVAL(pctsrf(:, :)) < 0.) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'Warning! One or several fractions are negative, itime=', itime WRITE(lunout, *)'at point = ', MINLOC(pctsrf(:, :)) WRITE(lunout, *)'value = ', MINVAL(pctsrf(:, :)) CALL abort_physic('change_srf_frac', 'Negative fraction', 1) END IF ! Optional test on the incoming fraction IF (test_sum) THEN DO i = 1, klon tmpsum = SUM(pctsrf(i, :)) IF (ABS(1. - tmpsum) > 0.05) CALL abort_physic('change_srf_frac', 'Total fraction not equal 1.', 1) END DO END IF ! Test for too small fractions of the sum land+landice and ocean+sea-ice WHERE ((pctsrf(:, is_ter) + pctsrf(:, is_lic)) < 2 * EPSFRA) pctsrf(:, is_ter) = 0. pctsrf(:, is_lic) = 0. END WHERE WHERE ((pctsrf(:, is_oce) + pctsrf(:, is_sic)) < 2 * EPSFRA) pctsrf(:, is_oce) = 0. pctsrf(:, is_sic) = 0. END WHERE ! Normalize to force total fraction to be equal one DO i = 1, klon tmpsum = SUM(pctsrf(i, :)) DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf pctsrf(i, nsrf) = pctsrf(i, nsrf) / tmpsum END DO END DO ! Test for too small fractions at each sub-surface WHERE (pctsrf(:, is_ter) < EPSFRA) pctsrf(:, is_lic) = pctsrf(:, is_ter) + pctsrf(:, is_lic) pctsrf(:, is_ter) = 0. END WHERE WHERE (pctsrf(:, is_lic) < EPSFRA) pctsrf(:, is_ter) = pctsrf(:, is_ter) + pctsrf(:, is_lic) pctsrf(:, is_lic) = 0. END WHERE WHERE (pctsrf(:, is_oce) < EPSFRA) pctsrf(:, is_sic) = pctsrf(:, is_oce) + pctsrf(:, is_sic) pctsrf(:, is_oce) = 0. END WHERE WHERE (pctsrf(:, is_sic) < EPSFRA) pctsrf(:, is_oce) = pctsrf(:, is_oce) + pctsrf(:, is_sic) pctsrf(:, is_sic) = 0. END WHERE ! Send fractions back to slab ocean if needed IF (type_ocean == 'slab'.AND. version_ocean/='sicINT') THEN WHERE (1. - zmasq(:)>EPSFRA) fsic(:) = pctsrf(:, is_sic) / (1. - zmasq(:)) END WHERE END IF !**************************************************************************************** ! 3) ! Initialize variables where a new fraction has appered, ! i.e. where new sea ice has been formed ! or where ice free ocean has appread in a grid cell !**************************************************************************************** CALL pbl_surface_newfrac(itime, pctsrf, pctsrf_old, & evap, z0m, z0h, agesno, & tsurf, alb_dir, alb_dif, ustar, u10m, v10m, pbl_tke) ELSE ! No modifcation should be done pctsrf(:, :) = pctsrf_old(:, :) END IF ! is_modified END SUBROUTINE change_srf_frac END MODULE change_srf_frac_mod