! radsurf_save.f90 - Save surface data to NetCDF files ! (C) Copyright 2017- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! module radsurf_save public :: save_surface_fluxes contains !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Save fluxes in "surface_flux" to NetCDF file_name subroutine save_surface_fluxes(file_name, config, surface_flux, iverbose) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use easy_netcdf use radiation_io, only : nulout use radiation_config, only : config_type, IGasModelMonochromatic use radsurf_flux, only : surface_flux_type character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_flux_type), intent(in) :: surface_flux type(netcdf_file) :: out_file integer :: ncol character(5), parameter :: default_lw_units_str = 'W m-2' character(5) :: lw_units_str integer, optional, intent(in) :: iverbose integer :: i_local_verbose integer :: nfacet, ntile real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_save:save_surface_fluxes',0,hook_handle) if (present(iverbose)) then i_local_verbose = iverbose else i_local_verbose = config%iverbose end if ncol = 0 ntile = 0 nfacet = 0 if (allocated(surface_flux%lw_dn_facet)) then ncol = size(surface_flux%lw_dn_facet,1) nfacet = size(surface_flux%lw_dn_facet,2) ntile = size(surface_flux%lw_abs_canopy,2) else if (allocated(surface_flux%sw_dn_facet)) then ncol = size(surface_flux%sw_dn_facet,1) nfacet = size(surface_flux%sw_dn_facet,2) ntile = size(surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy,2) end if if (ncol == 0) then write(nulout,'(a)') 'Warning: surface-flux structure contains no data to write' else if (config%i_gas_model == IGasModelMonochromatic & .AND. config%mono_lw_wavelength > 0.0_jprb) then lw_units_str = 'W m-3' else lw_units_str = default_lw_units_str end if ! Open the file call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=i_local_verbose) ! Variables stored internally with column varying fastest, but in ! output file column varies most slowly so need to transpose call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.) ! Define dimensions call out_file%define_dimension("column", ncol) if (ntile > 0) then call out_file%define_dimension("tile", ntile) call out_file%define_dimension("facet", nfacet) end if if (allocated(surface_flux%lw_dn_facet)) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_lw_facet", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="facet", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Longwave flux into facet of surface") call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_lw_facet", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="facet", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Longwave flux out of facet of surface") call out_file%define_variable("absorption_lw_canopy", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="tile", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Longwave absorption by tile canopy") end if if (allocated(surface_flux%sw_dn_facet)) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_sw_facet", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="facet", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Shortwave flux into facet of surface") call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_direct_sw_facet", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="facet", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Shortwave direct flux into facet of surface") call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_sw_facet", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="facet", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Shortwave flux out of facet of surface") call out_file%define_variable("absorption_sw_canopy", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="tile", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Shortwave absorption by tile canopy") end if if (allocated(surface_flux%lw_dn_facet)) then call out_file%put("flux_dn_lw_facet", surface_flux%lw_dn_facet) call out_file%put("flux_up_lw_facet", surface_flux%lw_up_facet) call out_file%put("absorption_lw_canopy", surface_flux%lw_abs_canopy) end if if (allocated(surface_flux%sw_dn_facet)) then call out_file%put("flux_dn_sw_facet", surface_flux%sw_dn_facet) call out_file%put("flux_dn_direct_sw_facet", surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet) call out_file%put("flux_up_sw_facet", surface_flux%sw_up_facet) call out_file%put("absorption_sw_canopy", surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy) end if ! Close file call out_file%close() end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_save:save_surface_fluxes',1,hook_handle) end subroutine save_surface_fluxes end module radsurf_save