! radiation_spartacus_sw.F90 - SPARTACUS shortwave solver ! (C) Copyright 2014- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! Modifications ! 2017-04-11 R. Hogan Receive albedos at g-points ! 2017-04-22 R. Hogan Store surface fluxes at all g-points ! 2017-06-30 R. Hogan Reformulate to use total_albedo_direct not total_source ! 2017-07-03 R. Hogan Explicit calculation of encroachment ! 2017-10-23 R. Hogan Renamed single-character variables ! 2018-02-20 R. Hogan Corrected "computed" encroachment ! 2018-03-09 R. Hogan Security on computed encroachment, transmittance and reflectance ! 2018-08-29 R. Hogan Reformulate horizontal migration distances in step_migrations ! 2018-09-02 R. Hogan Bug fix in x_direct in step_migrations ! 2018-09-03 R. Hogan Security via min_cloud_effective_size ! 2018-09-04 R. Hogan Use encroachment_scaling and read encroachment edge_length from upper layer ! 2018-09-13 R. Hogan Added "Fractal" encroachment option ! 2018-09-14 R. Hogan Added "Zero" encroachment option ! 2018-10-08 R. Hogan Call calc_region_properties ! 2018-10-15 R. Hogan Added call to fast_expm_exchange instead of expm ! 2019-01-12 R. Hogan Use inv_inhom_effective_size if allocated ! 2019-02-10 R. Hogan Renamed "encroachment" to "entrapment" module radiation_spartacus_sw public contains ! Small routine for scaling cloud optical depth in the cloudy ! regions #include "radiation_optical_depth_scaling.h" ! This module contains just one exported subroutine, the shortwave ! solver using the Speedy Algorithm for Radiative Transfer through ! Cloud Sides (SPARTACUS), which can represent 3D effects using a ! matrix form of the two-stream equations. ! Sections: ! 1: Prepare general variables and arrays ! 2: Prepare column-specific variables and arrays ! 3: First loop over layers ! 3.1: Layer-specific initialization ! 3.2: Compute gamma variables ! 3.2a: Clear-sky case ! 3.2b: Cloudy case ! 3.3: Compute reflection, transmission and sources ! 3.3a: g-points with 3D effects ! 3.3b: g-points without 3D effects ! 4: Compute total albedos ! 4.1: Adding method ! 4.2: Overlap and entrapment ! 5: Compute fluxes subroutine solver_spartacus_sw(nlev,istartcol,iendcol, & & config, single_level, thermodynamics, cloud, & & od, ssa, g, od_cloud, ssa_cloud, g_cloud, & & albedo_direct, albedo_diffuse, incoming_sw, & & flux) use parkind1, only : jprb use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_io, only : nulout use radiation_config, only : config_type, IPdfShapeGamma, & & IEntrapmentZero, IEntrapmentEdgeOnly, IEntrapmentExplicit, & & IEntrapmentExplicitNonFractal, IEntrapmentMaximum use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radiation_thermodynamics, only : thermodynamics_type use radiation_cloud, only : cloud_type use radiation_regions, only : calc_region_properties use radiation_overlap, only : calc_overlap_matrices use radiation_flux, only : flux_type, & & indexed_sum, add_indexed_sum use radiation_matrix use radiation_two_stream, only : calc_two_stream_gammas_sw, & & calc_reflectance_transmittance_sw, calc_frac_scattered_diffuse_sw, & & SwDiffusivity use radiation_constants, only : Pi, GasConstantDryAir, & & AccelDueToGravity implicit none ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of model levels integer, intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol ! range of columns to process type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(single_level_type), intent(in) :: single_level type(thermodynamics_type),intent(in) :: thermodynamics type(cloud_type), intent(in) :: cloud ! Gas and aerosol optical depth, single-scattering albedo and ! asymmetry factor at each shortwave g-point real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: & & od, ssa, g ! Cloud and precipitation optical depth, single-scattering albedo and ! asymmetry factor in each shortwave band real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: & & od_cloud, ssa_cloud, g_cloud ! Direct and diffuse surface albedos, and the incoming shortwave ! flux into a plane perpendicular to the incoming radiation at ! top-of-atmosphere in each of the shortwave g points real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,istartcol:iendcol) :: & & albedo_direct, albedo_diffuse, incoming_sw ! Output type(flux_type), intent(inout):: flux integer :: nreg, ng integer :: nregactive ! =1 in clear layer, =nreg in a cloudy layer integer :: jcol, jlev, jg, jreg, iband, jreg2,jreg3 #ifdef EXPLICIT_EDGE_ENTRAPMENT integer :: jreg4 #endif integer :: ng3D ! Number of g-points with small enough gas optical ! depth that 3D effects need to be represented ! Ratio of gas constant for dry air to acceleration due to gravity real(jprb), parameter :: R_over_g = GasConstantDryAir / AccelDueToGravity real(jprb) :: mu0, one_over_mu0, tan_sza, transfer_scaling ! The tangent of the effective zenith angle for diffuse radiation ! that is appropriate for 3D transport real(jprb), parameter :: tan_diffuse_angle_3d = Pi * 0.5_jprb ! The minimum cosine of solar zenith angle to consider for 3D ! effects, equivalent to one solar radius (0.2615 degrees) real(jprb), parameter :: min_mu0_3d = 0.004625_jprb ! Optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor in ! each region and (except for asymmetry) at each g-point real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) & & :: od_region, ssa_region real(jprb), dimension(config%nregions) :: g_region ! Scattering optical depths of gases and clouds real(jprb) :: scat_od, scat_od_cloud ! The area fractions of each region real(jprb) :: region_fracs(1:config%nregions,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) ! The scaling used for the optical depth in the cloudy regions real(jprb) :: od_scaling(2:config%nregions,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) ! The length of the interface between regions jreg and jreg+1 per ! unit area of gridbox, equal to L_diff^ab in Hogan and Shonk ! (2013). When the first index is 3, this is the length of the ! interface between regions 3 and 1. This is actually the ! effective length oriented to a photon with random azimuth angle, ! so is the true edge length divided by pi. real(jprb) :: edge_length(3,nlev) ! Element i,j gives the rate of 3D transfer of diffuse/direct ! radiation from region i to region j, multiplied by the thickness ! of the layer in m real(jprb) :: transfer_rate_diffuse(config%nregions,config%nregions) real(jprb) :: transfer_rate_direct(config%nregions,config%nregions) ! Directional overlap matrices defined at all layer interfaces ! including top-of-atmosphere and the surface real(jprb), dimension(config%nregions,config%nregions,nlev+1, & & istartcol:iendcol) :: u_matrix, v_matrix ! Two-stream variables real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) & & :: gamma1, gamma2, gamma3 ! Matrix Gamma multiplied by the layer thickness z1, so units ! metres. After calling expm, this array contains the matrix ! exponential of the original. real(jprb) :: Gamma_z1(config%n_g_sw,3*config%nregions,3*config%nregions) ! Diffuse reflection and transmission matrices of each layer real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions, & & config%nregions, nlev) :: reflectance, transmittance ! Clear-sky diffuse reflection and transmission matrices of each ! layer real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, nlev) :: ref_clear, trans_clear ! Matrices translating the direct flux entering the layer from ! above to the reflected radiation exiting upwards (ref_dir) and ! the scattered radiation exiting downwards (trans_dir_diff), ! along with the direct unscattered transmission matrix ! (trans_dir_dir). real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions, config%nregions, nlev) & & :: ref_dir, trans_dir_diff, trans_dir_dir ! ...clear-sky equivalents real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, nlev) & & :: ref_dir_clear, trans_dir_diff_clear, trans_dir_dir_clear ! The fluxes downwelling from the bottom of the layer due to ! scattering by the direct beam within the layer real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) :: source_dn ! ...clear-sky equivalent real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw) :: source_dn_clear ! The fluxes upwelling just above the base of a layer due to ! reflection of the direct downwelling beam; this is just used as ! a temporary variable real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) :: total_source ! Direct downwelling flux below and above an interface between ! layers into a plane perpendicular to the direction of the sun real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) & & :: direct_dn_below, direct_dn_above ! ...clear-sky equivalent (no distinction between "above/below") real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw) :: direct_dn_clear ! Total albedo of the atmosphere/surface just above a layer ! interface with respect to downwelling diffuse and direct ! radiation at that interface, where level index = 1 corresponds ! to the top-of-atmosphere real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions, & & config%nregions, nlev+1) :: total_albedo, total_albedo_direct ! ...clear-sky equivalent real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, nlev+1) & & :: total_albedo_clear, total_albedo_clear_direct ! As total_albedo, but just below a layer interface real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions, config%nregions) & & :: total_albedo_below, total_albedo_below_direct ! Temporary array for applying adding method with entrapment to ! albedo matrices real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions, config%nregions) & & :: albedo_part ! Horizontal migration distance (m) of reflected light real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) & & :: x_diffuse, x_direct ! Temporary variables when applying overlap rules real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) & & :: x_diffuse_above, x_direct_above real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions, config%nregions) & & :: entrapment ! The following is used to store matrices of the form I-A*B that ! are used on the denominator of some expressions real(jprb) :: denominator(config%n_g_sw,config%nregions,config%nregions) ! Clear-sky equivalent, but actually its reciprocal to replace ! some divisions by multiplications real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw) :: inv_denom_scalar ! Final step in working out how much transport between regions ! above occurs real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw) :: fractal_factor ! Inverse of cloud effective size (m^-1) real(jprb) :: inv_effective_size ! Layer depth (m) real(jprb) :: dz, layer_depth(nlev) ! Upwelling and downwelling fluxes above/below layer interfaces real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw, config%nregions) & & :: flux_up_above, flux_dn_above, flux_dn_below ! Clear-sky upwelling and downwelling fluxes (which don't ! distinguish between whether they are above/below a layer ! interface) real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw) :: flux_up_clear, flux_dn_clear ! Index of top-most cloudy layer, or nlev+1 if no cloud integer :: i_cloud_top ! Keep a count of the number of calls to the two ways of computing ! reflectance/transmittance matrices integer :: n_calls_expm, n_calls_meador_weaver ! Identify clear-sky layers, with pseudo layers for outer space ! and below the ground, both treated as single-region clear skies logical :: is_clear_sky_layer(0:nlev+1) ! Used in computing rates of lateral radiation transfer real(jprb), parameter :: four_over_pi = 4.0_jprb / Pi ! Maximum entrapment coefficient real(jprb) :: max_entr real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_spartacus_sw:solver_spartacus_sw',0,hook_handle) ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 1: Prepare general variables and arrays ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy array dimensions to local variables for convenience nreg = config%nregions ng = config%n_g_sw ! Reset count of number of calls to the two ways to compute ! reflectance/transmission matrices n_calls_expm = 0 n_calls_meador_weaver = 0 ! Compute the wavelength-independent region fractions and ! optical-depth scalings call calc_region_properties(nlev,nreg,istartcol,iendcol, & & config%i_cloud_pdf_shape == IPdfShapeGamma, & & cloud%fraction, cloud%fractional_std, region_fracs, & & od_scaling, config%cloud_fraction_threshold) ! Compute wavelength-independent overlap matrices u_matrix and v_matrix call calc_overlap_matrices(nlev,nreg,istartcol,iendcol, & & region_fracs, cloud%overlap_param, & & u_matrix, v_matrix, decorrelation_scaling=config%cloud_inhom_decorr_scaling, & & cloud_fraction_threshold=config%cloud_fraction_threshold, & & use_beta_overlap=config%use_beta_overlap, & & cloud_cover=flux%cloud_cover_sw) if (config%iverbose >= 3) then write(nulout,'(a)',advance='no') ' Processing columns' end if ! Main loop over columns DO jcol = istartcol, iendcol ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 2: Prepare column-specific variables and arrays ! -------------------------------------------------------- if (config%iverbose >= 3) then write(nulout,'(a)',advance='no') '.' end if ! Copy local cosine of the solar zenith angle mu0 = single_level%cos_sza(jcol) ! Skip profile if sun is too low in the sky if (mu0 < 1.0e-10_jprb) then flux%sw_dn(jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb flux%sw_up(jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct)) then flux%sw_dn_direct(jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb end if if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb flux%sw_up_clear(jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_clear)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_clear(jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb end if end if if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb flux%sw_up_band(:,jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_band)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_band(:,jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb end if if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb flux%sw_up_clear_band(:,jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band(:,jcol,:) = 0.0_jprb end if end if end if flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_g(:,jcol) = 0.0_jprb flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_g(:,jcol) = 0.0_jprb if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_clear_g(:,jcol) = 0.0_jprb flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_clear_g(:,jcol) = 0.0_jprb end if cycle end if ! sun is below the horizon ! At this point mu0 >= 1.0e-10 ! Used to compute rate of attenuation of direct solar beam ! through the atmosphere one_over_mu0 = 1.0_jprb / mu0 ! The rate at which direct radiation enters cloud sides is ! proportional to the tangent of the solar zenith angle, but ! this gets very large when the sun is low in the sky, in which ! case we limit it to one solar radius above the horizon if (mu0 < min_mu0_3d) then tan_sza = sqrt(1.0_jprb/(min_mu0_3d*min_mu0_3d) - 1.0_jprb) else if (one_over_mu0 > 1.0_jprb) then tan_sza = sqrt(one_over_mu0*one_over_mu0 - 1.0_jprb & & + config%overhead_sun_factor) else ! Just in case we get mu0 > 1... tan_sza = sqrt(config%overhead_sun_factor) end if ! Define which layers contain cloud; assume that ! cloud%crop_cloud_fraction has already been called is_clear_sky_layer = .true. i_cloud_top = nlev+1 DO jlev = nlev,1,-1 if (cloud%fraction(jcol,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then is_clear_sky_layer(jlev) = .false. i_cloud_top = jlev end if end do ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 3: First loop over layers ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! In this section the reflectance, transmittance and sources ! are computed for each layer DO jlev = 1,nlev ! Start at top-of-atmosphere ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 3.1: Layer-specific initialization ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Array-wise assignments gamma1 = 0.0_jprb gamma2 = 0.0_jprb gamma3 = 0.0_jprb Gamma_z1= 0.0_jprb transfer_rate_direct(:,:) = 0.0_jprb transfer_rate_diffuse(:,:) = 0.0_jprb edge_length(:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb ! The following is from the hydrostatic equation ! and ideal gas law: dz = dp * R * T / (p * g) layer_depth(jlev) = R_over_g & & * (thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,jlev+1) & & - thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,jlev)) & & * (thermodynamics%temperature_hl(jcol,jlev) & & + thermodynamics%temperature_hl(jcol,jlev+1)) & & / (thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,jlev) & & + thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,jlev+1)) ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 3.2: Compute gamma variables ! -------------------------------------------------------- if (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev)) then ! --- Section 3.2a: Clear-sky case -------------------- nregactive = 1 ! Only region 1 (clear-sky) is active ! Copy optical depth and single-scattering albedo of ! clear-sky region od_region(1:ng,1) = od(1:ng,jlev,jcol) ssa_region(1:ng,1) = ssa(1:ng,jlev,jcol) ! Compute two-stream variables gamma1-gamma3 (gamma4=1-gamma3) call calc_two_stream_gammas_sw(ng, & & mu0, ssa(1:ng,jlev,jcol), g(1:ng,jlev,jcol), & & gamma1(1:ng,1), gamma2(1:ng,1), gamma3(1:ng,1)) if (config%use_expm_everywhere) then ! Treat cloud-free layer as 3D: the matrix exponential ! "expm" is used as much as possible (provided the ! optical depth is not too high). ng3D is initially ! set to the total number of g-points, then the ! clear-sky optical depths are searched until a value ! exceeds the threshold for treating 3D effects, and ! if found it is reset to that. Note that we are ! assuming that the g-points have been reordered in ! approximate order of gas optical depth. ng3D = ng DO jg = 1, ng if (od_region(jg,1) > config%max_gas_od_3D) then ng3D = jg-1 exit end if end do else ! Otherwise treat cloud-free layer using the classical ! Meador & Weaver formulae for all g-points ng3D = 0 end if else ! --- Section 3.2b: Cloudy case ----------------------- ! Default number of g-points to treat with ! matrix-exponential scheme if (config%use_expm_everywhere) then ng3D = ng ! All g-points else ng3D = 0 ! No g-points end if if (config%do_3d_effects .AND. & & allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size) .AND. & & .not. (nreg == 2 .AND. cloud%fraction(jcol,jlev) & & > 1.0-config%cloud_fraction_threshold)) then if (cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size(jcol,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then ! 3D effects are only simulated if ! inv_cloud_effective_size is defined and greater ! than zero ng3D = ng ! Depth of current layer dz = layer_depth(jlev) ! Compute cloud edge length per unit area of gridbox ! from rearranging Hogan & Shonk (2013) Eq. 45, but ! adding a factor of (1-frac) so that a region that ! fully occupies the gridbox (frac=1) has an edge of ! zero. We can therefore use the fraction of clear sky, ! region_fracs(1,jlev,jcol) for convenience instead. The ! pi on the denominator means that this is actually edge ! length with respect to a light ray with a random ! azimuthal direction. edge_length(1,jlev) = four_over_pi & & * region_fracs(1,jlev,jcol)*(1.0_jprb-region_fracs(1,jlev,jcol)) & & * min(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size(jcol,jlev), & & 1.0_jprb / config%min_cloud_effective_size) if (nreg > 2) then ! The corresponding edge length between the two cloudy ! regions is computed in the same way but treating the ! optically denser of the two regions (region 3) as ! the cloud; note that the fraction of this region may ! be less than that of the optically less dense of the ! two regions (region 2). For increased flexibility, ! the user may specify the effective size of ! inhomogeneities separately from the cloud effective ! size. if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then edge_length(2,jlev) = four_over_pi & & * region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol)*(1.0_jprb-region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol)) & & * min(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size(jcol,jlev), & & 1.0_jprb / config%min_cloud_effective_size) else edge_length(2,jlev) = four_over_pi & & * region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol)*(1.0_jprb-region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol)) & & * min(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size(jcol,jlev), & & 1.0_jprb / config%min_cloud_effective_size) end if ! In the case of three regions, some of the cloud ! boundary may go directly to the "thick" region if (config%clear_to_thick_fraction > 0.0_jprb) then edge_length(3,jlev) = config%clear_to_thick_fraction & & * min(edge_length(1,jlev), edge_length(2,jlev)) edge_length(1,jlev) = edge_length(1,jlev) - edge_length(3,jlev) edge_length(2,jlev) = edge_length(2,jlev) - edge_length(3,jlev) else edge_length(3,jlev) = 0.0_jprb end if end if DO jreg = 1, nreg-1 ! Compute lateral transfer rates from region jreg to ! jreg+1 following Hogan & Shonk (2013) Eq. 47, but ! multiplied by dz because the transfer rate is ! vertically integrated across the depth of the layer if (region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol) > epsilon(1.0_jprb)) then transfer_rate_direct(jreg,jreg+1) = dz & & * edge_length(jreg,jlev) * tan_sza / region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol) transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1) = dz & & * edge_length(jreg,jlev) & & * tan_diffuse_angle_3d / region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol) end if ! Compute transfer rates from region jreg+1 to ! jreg if (region_fracs(jreg+1,jlev,jcol) > epsilon(1.0_jprb)) then transfer_rate_direct(jreg+1,jreg) = dz & & * edge_length(jreg,jlev) & & * tan_sza / region_fracs(jreg+1,jlev,jcol) transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg) = dz & & * edge_length(jreg,jlev) & & * tan_diffuse_angle_3d / region_fracs(jreg+1,jlev,jcol) end if end do ! Compute transfer rates directly between regions 1 and ! 3 if (edge_length(3,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then if (region_fracs(1,jlev,jcol) > epsilon(1.0_jprb)) then transfer_rate_direct(1,3) = dz & & * edge_length(3,jlev) * tan_sza / region_fracs(1,jlev,jcol) transfer_rate_diffuse(1,3) = dz & & * edge_length(3,jlev) & & * tan_diffuse_angle_3d / region_fracs(1,jlev,jcol) end if if (region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol) > epsilon(1.0_jprb)) then transfer_rate_direct(3,1) = dz & & * edge_length(3,jlev) * tan_sza / region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol) transfer_rate_diffuse(3,1) = dz & & * edge_length(3,jlev) & & * tan_diffuse_angle_3d / region_fracs(3,jlev,jcol) end if end if ! Don't allow the transfer rate out of a region to be ! equivalent to a loss of exp(-10) through the layer where (transfer_rate_direct > config%max_3d_transfer_rate) transfer_rate_direct = config%max_3d_transfer_rate end where where (transfer_rate_diffuse > config%max_3d_transfer_rate) transfer_rate_diffuse = config%max_3d_transfer_rate end where end if ! Cloud has edge length required for 3D effects end if ! Include 3D effects ! In a cloudy layer the number of active regions equals ! the number of regions nregactive = nreg ! Compute scattering properties of the regions at each ! g-point, mapping from the cloud properties ! defined in each band. DO jg = 1,ng ! Mapping from g-point to band iband = config%i_band_from_reordered_g_sw(jg) ! Scattering optical depth of clear-sky region scat_od = od(jg,jlev,jcol)*ssa(jg,jlev,jcol) ! Scattering properties of clear-sky regions copied ! over od_region(jg,1) = od(jg, jlev, jcol) ssa_region(jg,1) = ssa(jg, jlev, jcol) g_region(1) = g(jg, jlev, jcol) ! Loop over cloudy regions DO jreg = 2,nreg scat_od_cloud = od_cloud(iband,jlev,jcol) & & * ssa_cloud(iband,jlev,jcol)*od_scaling(jreg,jlev,jcol) ! Add scaled cloud optical depth to clear-sky value od_region(jg,jreg) = od(jg,jlev,jcol) & & + od_cloud(iband,jlev,jcol)*od_scaling(jreg,jlev,jcol) ! Compute single-scattering albedo and asymmetry ! factor of gas-cloud combination ssa_region(jg,jreg) = (scat_od+scat_od_cloud) & & / od_region(jg,jreg) g_region(jreg) = (scat_od*g(jg,jlev,jcol) & & + scat_od_cloud * g_cloud(iband,jlev,jcol)) & & / (scat_od + scat_od_cloud) ! Apply maximum cloud optical depth for stability in the ! 3D case if (od_region(jg,jreg) > config%max_cloud_od) then od_region(jg,jreg) = config%max_cloud_od end if end do ! Calculate two-stream variables gamma1-gamma3 of all ! regions at once call calc_two_stream_gammas_sw(nreg, & & mu0, ssa_region(jg,:), g_region, & & gamma1(jg,:), gamma2(jg,:), gamma3(jg,:)) ! Loop is in order of g-points with typically ! increasing optical depth: if optical depth of ! clear-sky region exceeds a threshold then turn off ! 3D effects for any further g-points if (ng3D == ng & & .AND. od_region(jg,1) > config%max_gas_od_3D) then ng3D = jg-1 end if end do ! Loop over g points end if ! Cloudy level ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 3.3: Compute reflection, transmission and emission ! -------------------------------------------------------- if (ng3D > 0) then ! --- Section 3.3a: g-points with 3D effects ---------- ! 3D effects need to be represented in "ng3D" of the g ! points. This is done by creating ng3D square matrices ! each of dimension 3*nreg by 3*nreg, computing the matrix ! exponential, then computing the various ! transmission/reflectance matrices from that. DO jreg = 1,nregactive ! Write the diagonal elements of -Gamma1*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg,jreg) & & = od_region(1:ng3D,jreg)*gamma1(1:ng3D,jreg) ! Write the diagonal elements of +Gamma2*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+nreg,jreg) & & = od_region(1:ng3D,jreg)*gamma2(1:ng3D,jreg) ! Write the diagonal elements of -Gamma3*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg,jreg+2*nreg) & & = -od_region(1:ng3D,jreg)*ssa_region(1:ng3D,jreg) & & * gamma3(1:ng3D,jreg) ! Write the diagonal elements of +Gamma4*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+nreg,jreg+2*nreg) & & = od_region(1:ng3D,jreg)*ssa_region(1:ng3D,jreg) & & * (1.0_jprb - gamma3(1:ng3D,jreg)) ! Write the diagonal elements of +Gamma0*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg,jreg+2*nreg) & & = -od_region(1:ng3D,jreg)*one_over_mu0 end do DO jreg = 1,nregactive-1 ! Write the elements of -Gamma1*z1 concerned with 3D ! transport Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg,jreg) = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg,jreg) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+1,jreg+1) = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+1,jreg+1) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+1,jreg) = -transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg,jreg+1) = -transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg) ! Write the elements of +Gamma0*z1 concerned with 3D ! transport Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg,jreg+2*nreg) & & = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg,jreg+2*nreg) & & - transfer_rate_direct(jreg,jreg+1) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg+1,jreg+2*nreg+1) & & = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg+1,jreg+2*nreg+1) & & - transfer_rate_direct(jreg+1,jreg) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg+1,jreg+2*nreg) & & = transfer_rate_direct(jreg,jreg+1) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,jreg+2*nreg,jreg+2*nreg+1) & & = transfer_rate_direct(jreg+1,jreg) end do ! Possible flow between regions a and c if (edge_length(3,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then ! Diffuse transport Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1,1) = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1,1) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(1,3) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,3,3) = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,3,3) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(3,1) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,3,1) = -transfer_rate_diffuse(1,3) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1,3) = -transfer_rate_diffuse(3,1) ! Direct transport Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1+2*nreg,1+2*nreg) = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1+2*nreg,1+2*nreg) & & - transfer_rate_direct(1,3) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,3+2*nreg,3+2*nreg) = Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,3+2*nreg,3+2*nreg) & & - transfer_rate_direct(3,1) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,3+2*nreg,1+2*nreg) = transfer_rate_direct(1,3) Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1+2*nreg,3+2*nreg) = transfer_rate_direct(3,1) end if ! Copy Gamma1*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,nreg+1:nreg+nregactive,nreg+1:nreg+nregactive) & & = -Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1:nregactive,1:nregactive) ! Copy Gamma2*z1 Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1:nregactive,nreg+1:nreg+nregactive) & & = -Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,nreg+1:nreg+nregactive,1:nregactive) ! Compute the matrix exponential of Gamma_z1, returning the ! result in-place call expm(ng, ng3D, 3*nreg, Gamma_z1, IMatrixPatternShortwave) ! Update count of expm calls n_calls_expm = n_calls_expm + ng3D ! Direct transmission matrix trans_dir_dir(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev) = min(1.0_jprb,max(0.0_jprb, & & Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,2*nreg+1:3*nreg, 2*nreg+1:3*nreg))) ! Diffuse reflectance matrix; security on negative values ! necessary occasionally for very low cloud fraction and very high ! in-cloud optical depth reflectance(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev) = min(1.0_jprb,max(0.0_jprb, & & -solve_mat(ng,ng3D,nreg,Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1:nreg,1:nreg), & & Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1:nreg,nreg+1:2*nreg)))) ! Diffuse transmission matrix transmittance(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev) = min(1.0_jprb,max(0.0_jprb, & & mat_x_mat(ng,ng3D,nreg,Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,nreg+1:2*nreg,1:nreg), & & reflectance(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev)) & & + Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,nreg+1:2*nreg,nreg+1:2*nreg))) ! Transfer matrix between downward direct and upward ! diffuse ref_dir(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev) = min(mu0,max(0.0_jprb, & & -solve_mat(ng,ng3D,nreg,Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1:nreg,1:nreg), & & Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,1:nreg,2*nreg+1:3*nreg)))) ! Transfer matrix between downward direct and downward ! diffuse in layer interface below. Include correction for ! trans_dir_diff out of plausible bounds (note that Meador & ! Weaver has the same correction in radiation_two_stream.F90 ! - this is not just an expm thing) trans_dir_diff(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev) = min(mu0,max(0.0_jprb, & & mat_x_mat(ng,ng3D,nreg,Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,nreg+1:2*nreg,1:nreg), & & ref_dir(1:ng3D,:,:,jlev)) & & + Gamma_z1(1:ng3D,nreg+1:2*nreg,2*nreg+1:3*nreg))) end if ! we are treating 3D effects for some g points ! --- Section 3.3b: g-points without 3D effects ---------- ! Compute reflectance, transmittance and associated terms for ! clear skies, using the Meador-Weaver formulas call calc_reflectance_transmittance_sw(ng, & & mu0, od_region(1:ng,1), ssa_region(1:ng,1), & & gamma1(1:ng,1), gamma2(1:ng,1), gamma3(1:ng,1), & & ref_clear(1:ng,jlev), trans_clear(1:ng,jlev), & & ref_dir_clear(1:ng,jlev), trans_dir_diff_clear(1:ng,jlev), & & trans_dir_dir_clear(1:ng,jlev) ) n_calls_meador_weaver = n_calls_meador_weaver + ng if (ng3D < ng) then ! Some of the g points are to be treated using the ! conventional plane-parallel method. First zero the ! relevant parts of the matrices trans_dir_dir (ng3D+1:ng,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb reflectance (ng3D+1:ng,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb transmittance (ng3D+1:ng,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb ref_dir (ng3D+1:ng,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb trans_dir_diff(ng3D+1:ng,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb ! Since there is no lateral transport, the clear-sky parts ! of the arrays can be copied from the clear-sky arrays trans_dir_dir (ng3D+1:ng,1,1,jlev) = trans_dir_dir_clear (ng3D+1:ng,jlev) reflectance (ng3D+1:ng,1,1,jlev) = ref_clear (ng3D+1:ng,jlev) transmittance (ng3D+1:ng,1,1,jlev) = trans_clear (ng3D+1:ng,jlev) ref_dir (ng3D+1:ng,1,1,jlev) = ref_dir_clear (ng3D+1:ng,jlev) trans_dir_diff(ng3D+1:ng,1,1,jlev) = trans_dir_diff_clear(ng3D+1:ng,jlev) ! Compute reflectance, transmittance and associated terms ! for each cloudy region, using the Meador-Weaver formulas DO jreg = 2, nregactive call calc_reflectance_transmittance_sw(ng-ng3D, & & mu0, & & od_region(ng3D+1:ng,jreg), ssa_region(ng3D+1:ng,jreg), & & gamma1(ng3D+1:ng,jreg), gamma2(ng3D+1:ng,jreg), & & gamma3(ng3D+1:ng,jreg), & & reflectance(ng3D+1:ng,jreg,jreg,jlev), & & transmittance(ng3D+1:ng,jreg,jreg,jlev), & & ref_dir(ng3D+1:ng,jreg,jreg,jlev), & & trans_dir_diff(ng3D+1:ng,jreg,jreg,jlev), & & trans_dir_dir(ng3D+1:ng,jreg,jreg,jlev) ) end do n_calls_meador_weaver & & = n_calls_meador_weaver + (ng-ng3D)*(nregactive-1) end if end do ! Loop over levels ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 4: Compute total albedos ! -------------------------------------------------------- total_albedo(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_jprb total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_jprb if (config%do_clear) then total_albedo_clear(:,:) = 0.0_jprb total_albedo_clear_direct(:,:) = 0.0_jprb end if ! Calculate the upwelling radiation scattered from the direct ! beam incident on the surface, and copy the surface albedo ! into total_albedo DO jreg = 1,nreg DO jg = 1,ng total_albedo(jg,jreg,jreg,nlev+1) = albedo_diffuse(jg,jcol) total_albedo_direct(jg,jreg,jreg,nlev+1) & & = mu0 * albedo_direct(jg,jcol) end do end do if (config%do_clear) then ! Surface albedo is the same total_albedo_clear(1:ng,nlev+1) = total_albedo(1:ng,1,1,nlev+1) total_albedo_clear_direct(1:ng,nlev+1) & & = total_albedo_direct(1:ng,1,1,nlev+1) end if ! Horizontal migration distances of reflected radiation at the ! surface are zero x_diffuse = 0.0_jprb x_direct = 0.0_jprb ! Work back up through the atmosphere computing the total albedo ! of the atmosphere below that point using the adding method DO jlev = nlev,1,-1 ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 4.1: Adding method ! -------------------------------------------------------- if (config%do_clear) then ! Use adding method for clear-sky arrays; note that there ! is no need to consider "above" and "below" quantities ! since with no cloud overlap to worry about, these are ! the same inv_denom_scalar(:) = 1.0_jprb & & / (1.0_jprb - total_albedo_clear(:,jlev+1)*ref_clear(:,jlev)) total_albedo_clear(:,jlev) = ref_clear(:,jlev) & & + trans_clear(:,jlev)*trans_clear(:,jlev)*total_albedo_clear(:,jlev+1) & & * inv_denom_scalar(:) total_albedo_clear_direct(:,jlev) = ref_dir_clear(:,jlev) & & + (trans_dir_dir_clear(:,jlev) * total_albedo_clear_direct(:,jlev+1) & & +trans_dir_diff_clear(:,jlev) * total_albedo_clear(:,jlev+1)) & & * trans_clear(:,jlev) * inv_denom_scalar(:) end if if (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev)) then ! Clear-sky layer: use scalar adding method inv_denom_scalar(:) = 1.0_jprb & & / (1.0_jprb - total_albedo(:,1,1,jlev+1)*reflectance(:,1,1,jlev)) total_albedo_below = 0.0_jprb total_albedo_below(:,1,1) = reflectance(:,1,1,jlev) & & + transmittance(:,1,1,jlev) * transmittance(:,1,1,jlev) & & * total_albedo(:,1,1,jlev+1) * inv_denom_scalar(:) total_albedo_below_direct = 0.0_jprb total_albedo_below_direct(:,1,1) = ref_dir(:,1,1,jlev) & & + (trans_dir_dir(:,1,1,jlev)*total_albedo_direct(:,1,1,jlev+1) & & +trans_dir_diff(:,1,1,jlev)*total_albedo(:,1,1,jlev+1)) & & * transmittance(:,1,1,jlev) * inv_denom_scalar(:) else ! Cloudy layer: use matrix adding method denominator = identity_minus_mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg, & & total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev+1), reflectance(:,:,:,jlev)) total_albedo_below = reflectance(:,:,:,jlev) & & + mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,transmittance(:,:,:,jlev), & & solve_mat(ng,ng,nreg,denominator, & & mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev+1), & & transmittance(:,:,:,jlev)))) total_albedo_below_direct = ref_dir(:,:,:,jlev) & & + mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,transmittance(:,:,:,jlev), & & solve_mat(ng,ng,nreg,denominator, & & mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev+1), & & trans_dir_dir(:,:,:,jlev)) & & +mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev+1), & & trans_dir_diff(:,:,:,jlev)))) end if ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 4.2: Overlap and entrapment ! -------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef PRINT_ENTRAPMENT_DATA if ((config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicitNonFractal & & .or. config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicit) & & .AND. jlev >= i_cloud_top) then #else if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicitNonFractal & & .or. config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicit) then #endif ! "Explicit entrapment": we have the horizontal migration ! distances just above the base of the layer, and need to ! step them to just below the top of the same layer call step_migrations(ng, nreg, cloud%fraction(jcol,jlev), & & layer_depth(jlev), tan_diffuse_angle_3d, tan_sza, & & reflectance(:,:,:,jlev), transmittance(:,:,:,jlev), & & ref_dir(:,:,:,jlev), trans_dir_dir(:,:,:,jlev), & & trans_dir_diff(:,:,:,jlev), total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev+1), & & total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev+1), & & x_diffuse, x_direct) #ifdef PRINT_ENTRAPMENT_DATA ! Write out for later analysis: these are the entrapment ! statistics at the top of layer "jlev" ! Note that number of scattering events is now not computed, ! so print "1.0" if (nreg == 2) then write(101,'(i4,i4,6e14.6)') jcol, jlev, & & x_direct(1,:), x_diffuse(1,:), x_direct(1,:)*0.0_jprb+1.0_jprb else write(101,'(i4,i4,9e14.6)') jcol, jlev, & & x_direct(1,1:3), x_diffuse(1,1:3), 1.0_jprb,1.0_jprb,1.0_jprb end if #endif end if ! Account for cloud overlap when converting albedo and source ! below a layer interface to the equivalent values just above if (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev) .AND. is_clear_sky_layer(jlev-1)) then ! If both layers are cloud free, this is trivial... total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb total_albedo(:,1,1,jlev) = total_albedo_below(:,1,1) total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb total_albedo_direct(:,1,1,jlev) = total_albedo_below_direct(:,1,1) else if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentMaximum & & .or. is_clear_sky_layer(jlev-1)) then ! "Maximum entrapment": use the overlap matrices u_matrix and v_matrix ! (this is the original SPARTACUS method) total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev) = singlemat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,& & u_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol), & & mat_x_singlemat(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo_below,& & v_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol))) total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev) = singlemat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,& & u_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol), & & mat_x_singlemat(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo_below_direct,& & v_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol))) else if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentZero) then ! "Zero entrapment": even radiation transported ! laterally between regions in the layers below is ! reflected back up into the same region. First diffuse ! radiation: total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb DO jreg = 1,nreg ! Target layer (jlev-1) DO jreg2 = 1,nreg ! Current layer (jlev) total_albedo(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) = total_albedo(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) & & + sum(total_albedo_below(:,:,jreg2),2) & & * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) end do end do ! ...then direct radiation: total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev) = 0.0_jprb DO jreg = 1,nreg ! Target layer (jlev-1) DO jreg2 = 1,nreg ! Current layer (jlev) total_albedo_direct(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) = total_albedo_direct(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) & & + sum(total_albedo_below_direct(:,:,jreg2),2) & & * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) end do end do else ! Controlled entrapment #ifdef EXPLICIT_EDGE_ENTRAPMENT ! If "EXPLICIT_EDGE_ENTRAPMENT" is defined then we use the ! explicit entrapment approach for both horizontal transport ! within regions, and horizontal transport between regions ! (otherwise, horizontal transport between regions is ! automatically treated using maximum entrapment). This is ! experimental, which is why it is not a run-time option. if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentEdgeOnly) then #endif ! Add the contribution from off-diagonal elements of the ! albedo matrix in the lower layer, i.e. radiation that ! flows between regions... ! First diffuse radiation: albedo_part = total_albedo_below DO jreg = 1,nreg albedo_part(:,jreg,jreg) = 0.0_jprb end do total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev) = singlemat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,& & u_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol), & & mat_x_singlemat(ng,ng,nreg,albedo_part,& & v_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol))) ! ...then direct radiation: albedo_part = total_albedo_below_direct DO jreg = 1,nreg albedo_part(:,jreg,jreg) = 0.0_jprb end do total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev) = singlemat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,& & u_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol), & & mat_x_singlemat(ng,ng,nreg,albedo_part,& & v_matrix(:,:,jlev,jcol))) #ifdef EXPLICIT_EDGE_ENTRAPMENT end if #endif ! Now the contribution from the diagonals of the albedo ! matrix in the lower layer if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentEdgeOnly & & .or. (.not. config%do_3d_effects)) then ! "Edge-only entrapment": the operation we perform is ! essentially diag(total_albedo) += matmul(transpose(v_matrix), ! diag(total_albedo_below)). DO jreg = 1,nreg DO jreg2 = 1,nreg total_albedo(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) & & = total_albedo(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) & & + total_albedo_below(:,jreg2,jreg2) & & * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) total_albedo_direct(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) & & = total_albedo_direct(:,jreg,jreg,jlev) & & + total_albedo_below_direct(:,jreg2,jreg2) & & * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) end do end do else ! "Explicit entrapment" DO jreg2 = 1,nreg ! Loop through each region in the lower layer. For one ! of the regions in the lower layer, we are imagining it ! to be divided into "nreg" subregions that map onto the ! regions in the upper layer. The rate of exchange ! between these subregions is computed via a coupled ! differential equation written in terms of a singular ! exchange matrix (there are only terms for the exchange ! between subregions, but no propagation effects since ! we already know the albedo of this region). This is ! solved using the matrix-exponential method. ! Use the following array for the transfer of either ! diffuse or direct radiation (despite the name), per ! unit horizontal distance travelled transfer_rate_diffuse = 0.0_jprb ! As we need to reference the layer above the interface, ! don't do the following on the highest layer if (jlev > 1) then ! Given a horizontal migration distance, there is ! still uncertainty about how much entrapment occurs ! associated with how one assumes cloud boundaries ! line up in adjacent layers. "overhang_factor" ! can be varied between 0.0 (the boundaries line up to ! the greatest extent possible given the overlap ! parameter) and 1.0 (the boundaries line up to the ! minimum extent possible); here this is used to ! produce a scaling factor for the transfer rate. transfer_scaling = 1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - config%overhang_factor) & & * cloud%overlap_param(jcol,jlev-1) & & * min(region_fracs(jreg2,jlev,jcol),region_fracs(jreg2,jlev-1,jcol)) & & / max(config%cloud_fraction_threshold, region_fracs(jreg2,jlev,jcol)) DO jreg = 1, nreg-1 ! Compute lateral transfer rates from region jreg to ! jreg+1 as before, but without length scale which ! is wavelength dependent. ! Recall that overlap indexing is ! u_matrix(upper_region, lower_region, level, ! column). transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1) = transfer_scaling & & * edge_length(jreg,jlev-1) / max(u_matrix(jreg,jreg2,jlev,jcol),1.0e-5_jprb) ! Compute transfer rates from region jreg+1 to jreg transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg) = transfer_scaling & & * edge_length(jreg,jlev-1) / max(u_matrix(jreg+1,jreg2,jlev,jcol),1.0e-5_jprb) end do ! Compute transfer rates directly between regions 1 ! and 3 (not used below) if (edge_length(3,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then transfer_rate_diffuse(1,3) = transfer_scaling & & * edge_length(3,jlev-1) / max(u_matrix(1,jreg2,jlev,jcol),1.0e-5_jprb) transfer_rate_diffuse(3,1) = transfer_scaling & & * edge_length(3,jlev-1) / max(u_matrix(3,jreg2,jlev,jcol),1.0e-5_jprb) end if end if ! Compute matrix of exchange coefficients entrapment = 0.0_jprb inv_effective_size = min(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size(jcol,jlev-1), & & 1.0_jprb/config%min_cloud_effective_size) DO jreg = 1,nreg-1 ! Diffuse transport down and up with one random ! scattering event if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicit) then fractal_factor = 1.0_jprb / sqrt(max(1.0_jprb, 2.5_jprb*x_diffuse(:,jreg2) & & * inv_effective_size)) entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) = entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1)*x_diffuse(:,jreg2) & & * fractal_factor entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) = entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg)*x_diffuse(:,jreg2) & & * fractal_factor else entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) = entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1)*x_diffuse(:,jreg2) entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) = entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg)*x_diffuse(:,jreg2) end if entrapment(:,jreg,jreg) = entrapment(:,jreg,jreg) & & - entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg+1) = entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg+1) & & - entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) end do ! If rate of exchange is excessive the expm can throw a ! floating point exception, even if it tends towards a ! trival limit, so we cap the maximum input to expm by ! scaling down if necessary DO jg = 1,ng max_entr = -min(entrapment(jg,1,1),entrapment(jg,2,2)) if (max_entr > config%max_cloud_od) then ! Scale down all inputs for this g point entrapment(jg,:,:) = entrapment(jg,:,:) * (config%max_cloud_od/max_entr) end if end do ! Since the matrix to be exponentiated has a simple ! structure we may use a faster method described in the ! appendix of Hogan et al. (GMD 2018) #define USE_FAST_EXPM_EXCHANGE 1 #ifdef USE_FAST_EXPM_EXCHANGE if (nreg == 2) then call fast_expm_exchange(ng, ng, entrapment(:,2,1), entrapment(:,1,2), & & albedo_part) else call fast_expm_exchange(ng, ng, entrapment(:,2,1), entrapment(:,1,2), & & entrapment(:,3,2), entrapment(:,2,3), & & albedo_part) end if #else ! Use matrix exponential to compute rate of exchange albedo_part = entrapment call expm(ng, ng, nreg, albedo_part, IMatrixPatternDense) n_calls_expm = n_calls_expm + ng #endif #ifndef EXPLICIT_EDGE_ENTRAPMENT ! Scale to get the contribution to the diffuse albedo DO jreg3 = 1,nreg DO jreg = 1,nreg albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) = albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) & & * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) * total_albedo_below(:,jreg2,jreg2) end do end do #else ! The following is an experimental treatment that tries ! to explicitly account for the horizontal distance ! traveled by radiation that passes through cloud sides entrapment = albedo_part albedo_part = 0.0_jprb ! Scale to get the contribution to the diffuse albedo DO jreg3 = 1,nreg ! TO upper region DO jreg = 1,nreg ! FROM upper region transfer_scaling = 1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - config%overhang_factor) & & * cloud%overlap_param(jcol,jlev-1) & & * min(region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol), region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol)) & & / max(config%cloud_fraction_threshold, region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol)) DO jreg4 = 1,nreg ! VIA first lower region (jreg2 is second lower region) if (.not. (jreg4 == jreg .AND. jreg4 /= jreg2)) then albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) = albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) + entrapment(:,jreg3,jreg) & & * v_matrix(jreg4,jreg,jlev,jcol) * total_albedo_below(:,jreg2,jreg4) else albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) = albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) & & + v_matrix(jreg4,jreg,jlev,jcol) * total_albedo_below(:,jreg2,jreg4) & & * (transfer_scaling * entrapment(:,jreg3,jreg) & & +((1.0_jprb-transfer_scaling) * entrapment(:,jreg3,jreg2))) end if end do end do end do #endif ! Increment diffuse albedo total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev) = total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev) + albedo_part ! Now do the same for the direct albedo entrapment = 0.0_jprb DO jreg = 1,nreg-1 ! Direct transport down and diffuse up with one random ! scattering event if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicit) then fractal_factor = 1.0_jprb / sqrt(max(1.0_jprb, 2.5_jprb*x_direct(:,jreg2) & & * inv_effective_size)) entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) = entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1)*x_direct(:,jreg2) & & * fractal_factor entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) = entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg)*x_direct(:,jreg2) & & * fractal_factor else entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) = entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg,jreg+1)*x_direct(:,jreg2) entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) = entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) & & + transfer_rate_diffuse(jreg+1,jreg)*x_direct(:,jreg2) end if entrapment(:,jreg,jreg) = entrapment(:,jreg,jreg) & & - entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg) entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg+1) = entrapment(:,jreg+1,jreg+1) & & - entrapment(:,jreg,jreg+1) end do ! If rate of exchange is excessive the expm can throw a ! floating point exception, even if it tends towards a ! trival limit, so we cap the maximum input to expm by ! scaling down if necessary DO jg = 1,ng max_entr = -min(entrapment(jg,1,1),entrapment(jg,2,2)) if (max_entr > config%max_cloud_od) then ! Scale down all inputs for this g point entrapment(jg,:,:) = entrapment(jg,:,:) * (config%max_cloud_od/max_entr) end if end do #ifdef USE_FAST_EXPM_EXCHANGE if (nreg == 2) then call fast_expm_exchange(ng, ng, entrapment(:,2,1), entrapment(:,1,2), & & albedo_part) else call fast_expm_exchange(ng, ng, entrapment(:,2,1), entrapment(:,1,2), & & entrapment(:,3,2), entrapment(:,2,3), & & albedo_part) end if #else albedo_part = entrapment call expm(ng, ng, nreg, albedo_part, IMatrixPatternDense) n_calls_expm = n_calls_expm + ng #endif #ifndef EXPLICIT_EDGE_ENTRAPMENT DO jreg3 = 1,nreg DO jreg = 1,nreg albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) = albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) & & * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) * total_albedo_below_direct(:,jreg2,jreg2) end do end do #else entrapment = albedo_part albedo_part = 0.0_jprb DO jreg3 = 1,nreg DO jreg = 1,nreg transfer_scaling = 1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - config%overhang_factor) & & * cloud%overlap_param(jcol,jlev-1) & & * min(region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol), region_fracs(jreg,jlev-1,jcol)) & & / max(config%cloud_fraction_threshold, region_fracs(jreg,jlev,jcol)) DO jreg4 = 1,nreg if (.not. (jreg4 == jreg .AND. jreg4 /= jreg2)) then albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) = albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) + entrapment(:,jreg3,jreg) & & * v_matrix(jreg4,jreg,jlev,jcol) * total_albedo_below_direct(:,jreg2,jreg4) else albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) = albedo_part(:,jreg3,jreg) & & + v_matrix(jreg4,jreg,jlev,jcol) * total_albedo_below_direct(:,jreg2,jreg4) & & * (transfer_scaling * entrapment(:,jreg3,jreg) & & +((1.0_jprb-transfer_scaling) * entrapment(:,jreg3,jreg2))) end if end do end do end do #endif ! Increment direct albedo total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev) = total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev) + albedo_part end do end if end if if ((config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicitNonFractal & & .or. config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicit) & & .AND. .not. (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev) .AND. is_clear_sky_layer(jlev-1))) then ! Horizontal migration distances are averaged when ! applying overlap rules, so equation is ! x_above=matmul(transpose(v_matrix),x_below) ! We do this into temporary arrays... x_direct_above = 0.0_jprb x_diffuse_above = 0.0_jprb nregactive = nreg if (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev)) then nregactive = 1 end if DO jreg = 1,nreg ! Target layer (jlev-1) DO jreg2 = 1,nregactive ! Current layer (jlev) x_direct_above(:,jreg) = x_direct_above(:,jreg) & & + x_direct(:,jreg2) * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) x_diffuse_above(:,jreg) = x_diffuse_above(:,jreg) & & + x_diffuse(:,jreg2) * v_matrix(jreg2,jreg,jlev,jcol) end do end do !... then copy out of the temporary arrays x_direct = x_direct_above x_diffuse = x_diffuse_above end if end do ! Reverse loop over levels ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 5: Compute fluxes ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Top-of-atmosphere fluxes into the regions of the top-most ! layer, zero since we assume no diffuse downwelling flux_dn_below = 0.0_jprb ! Direct downwelling flux (into a plane perpendicular to the ! sun) entering the top of each region in the top-most layer DO jreg = 1,nreg direct_dn_below(:,jreg) = incoming_sw(:,jcol)*region_fracs(jreg,1,jcol) end do ! We're using flux_up_above as a container; actually its ! interpretation at top of atmosphere here is just 'below' the ! TOA interface, so using the regions of the first model layer flux_up_above = mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,1),direct_dn_below) if (config%do_clear) then flux_dn_clear = 0.0_jprb direct_dn_clear(:) = incoming_sw(:,jcol) flux_up_clear = direct_dn_clear*total_albedo_clear_direct(:,1) end if ! Store the TOA broadband fluxes flux%sw_up(jcol,1) = sum(sum(flux_up_above,1)) flux%sw_dn(jcol,1) = mu0 * sum(direct_dn_clear(:)) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct)) then flux%sw_dn_direct(jcol,1) = flux%sw_dn(jcol,1) end if if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_up_clear(jcol,1) = sum(flux_up_clear) flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,1) = flux%sw_dn(jcol,1) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_clear)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_clear(jcol,1) = flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,1) end if end if ! Save the spectral fluxes if required if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call indexed_sum(sum(flux_up_above(:,:),2), & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_up_band(:,jcol,1)) call indexed_sum(sum(direct_dn_below(:,:),2), & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,1)) flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,1) = mu0 * flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,1) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_band)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_band(:,jcol,1) = flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,1) end if if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,1) = flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,1) call indexed_sum(flux_up_clear, & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_up_clear_band(:,jcol,1)) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band(:,jcol,1) & & = flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,1) end if end if end if ! Final loop back down through the atmosphere to compute fluxes DO jlev = 1,nlev #ifdef PRINT_ENTRAPMENT_DATA if (config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicitNonFractal & & .or. config%i_3d_sw_entrapment == IEntrapmentExplicit) then ! Save downwelling direct and diffuse fluxes at the top of ! layer "jlev" in each of the regions of layer "jlev" if (nreg == 2) then write(102,'(i4,i4,4e14.6)') jcol, jlev, direct_dn_below(1,:), flux_dn_below(1,:) else write(102,'(i4,i4,6e14.6)') jcol, jlev, direct_dn_below(1,1:3), flux_dn_below(1,1:3) end if end if #endif ! Compute the solar downwelling "source" at the base of the ! layer due to scattering of the direct beam within it if (config%do_clear) then source_dn_clear = trans_dir_diff_clear(:,jlev)*direct_dn_clear end if source_dn(:,:) = mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,trans_dir_diff(:,:,:,jlev),direct_dn_below, & & is_clear_sky_layer(jlev)) ! Compute direct downwelling flux in each region at base of ! current layer if (config%do_clear) then direct_dn_clear = trans_dir_dir_clear(:,jlev)*direct_dn_clear end if direct_dn_above = mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,trans_dir_dir(:,:,:,jlev),direct_dn_below, & & is_clear_sky_layer(jlev)) ! Integrate downwelling direct flux across spectrum and ! regions, and store (the diffuse part will be added later) flux%sw_dn(jcol,jlev+1) = mu0 * sum(sum(direct_dn_above,1)) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct)) then flux%sw_dn_direct(jcol,jlev+1) = flux%sw_dn(jcol,jlev+1) end if if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,jlev+1) = mu0 * sum(direct_dn_clear) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_clear)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_clear(jcol,jlev+1) & & = flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,jlev+1) end if end if if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call indexed_sum(sum(direct_dn_above,2), & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,jlev+1)) flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) = mu0 * flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_band)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) & & = flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) end if if (config%do_clear) then call indexed_sum(direct_dn_clear, & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1)) flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) = mu0 & & * flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) if (allocated(flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band)) then flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) & & = flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1) end if end if end if if (config%do_clear) then ! Scalar operations for clear-sky fluxes flux_dn_clear(:) = (trans_clear(:,jlev)*flux_dn_clear(:) & & + ref_clear(:,jlev)*total_albedo_clear_direct(:,jlev+1)*direct_dn_clear & & + source_dn_clear) & & / (1.0_jprb - ref_clear(:,jlev)*total_albedo_clear(:,jlev+1)) flux_up_clear(:) = total_albedo_clear_direct(:,jlev+1)*direct_dn_clear & & + total_albedo_clear(:,jlev+1)*flux_dn_clear end if if (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev)) then ! Scalar operations for clear-sky layer flux_dn_above(:,1) = (transmittance(:,1,1,jlev)*flux_dn_below(:,1) & & + reflectance(:,1,1,jlev)*total_albedo_direct(:,1,1,jlev+1)*direct_dn_above(:,1) & & + source_dn(:,1)) & & / (1.0_jprb - reflectance(:,1,1,jlev)*total_albedo(:,1,1,jlev+1)) flux_dn_above(:,2:nreg) = 0.0_jprb flux_up_above(:,1) = total_albedo_direct(:,1,1,jlev+1)*direct_dn_above(:,1) & & + total_albedo(:,1,1,jlev+1)*flux_dn_above(:,1) flux_up_above(:,2:nreg) = 0.0_jprb else ! Matrix operations for cloudy layer denominator = identity_minus_mat_x_mat(ng,ng,nreg,reflectance(:,:,:,jlev), & & total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev+1)) total_source = mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo_direct(:,:,:,jlev+1),direct_dn_above) flux_dn_above = solve_vec(ng,ng,nreg,denominator, & & mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,transmittance(:,:,:,jlev),flux_dn_below) & & + mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,reflectance(:,:,:,jlev), total_source(:,:)) & & + source_dn(:,:)) flux_up_above = mat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,total_albedo(:,:,:,jlev+1), & & flux_dn_above) + total_source(:,:) end if ! Account for overlap rules in translating fluxes just above ! a layer interface to the values just below if (is_clear_sky_layer(jlev) .AND. is_clear_sky_layer(jlev+1)) then ! Regions in current layer map directly on to regions in ! layer below flux_dn_below = flux_dn_above direct_dn_below = direct_dn_above else ! Apply downward overlap matrix to compute direct ! downwelling flux entering the top of each region in the ! layer below flux_dn_below = singlemat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,v_matrix(:,:,jlev+1,jcol), & & flux_dn_above) direct_dn_below = singlemat_x_vec(ng,ng,nreg,v_matrix(:,:,jlev+1,jcol), & & direct_dn_above) end if ! Store the broadband fluxes flux%sw_up(jcol,jlev+1) = sum(sum(flux_up_above,1)) flux%sw_dn(jcol,jlev+1) & & = flux%sw_dn(jcol,jlev+1) + sum(sum(flux_dn_above,1)) if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_up_clear(jcol,jlev+1) = sum(flux_up_clear) flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,jlev+1) & & = flux%sw_dn_clear(jcol,jlev+1) + sum(flux_dn_clear) end if ! Save the spectral fluxes if required if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call indexed_sum(sum(flux_up_above,2), & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_up_band(:,jcol,jlev+1)) call add_indexed_sum(sum(flux_dn_above,2), & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_dn_band(:,jcol,jlev+1)) if (config%do_clear) then call indexed_sum(flux_up_clear, & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_up_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1)) call add_indexed_sum(flux_dn_clear, & & config%i_spec_from_reordered_g_sw, & & flux%sw_dn_clear_band(:,jcol,jlev+1)) end if end if end do ! Final loop over levels ! Store surface spectral fluxes, if required (after the end of ! the final loop over levels, the current values of these arrays ! will be the surface values) flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_g(:,jcol) = sum(flux_dn_above,2) flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_g(:,jcol) = mu0 * sum(direct_dn_above,2) if (config%do_clear) then flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_clear_g(:,jcol) = flux_dn_clear flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_clear_g(:,jcol) = mu0 * direct_dn_clear end if end do ! Loop over columns if (config%iverbose >= 3) then write(nulout,*) end if ! Report number of calls to each method of solving single-layer ! two-stream equations if (config%iverbose >= 4) then write(nulout,'(a,i0)') ' Matrix-exponential calls: ', n_calls_expm write(nulout,'(a,i0)') ' Meador-Weaver calls: ', n_calls_meador_weaver end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_spartacus_sw:solver_spartacus_sw',1,hook_handle) end subroutine solver_spartacus_sw ! Step the horizontal migration distances from the base of a layer ! to the top, accounting for the extra distance travelled within the ! layer subroutine step_migrations(ng, nreg, cloud_frac, & & layer_depth, tan_diffuse_angle_3d, tan_sza, & & reflectance, transmittance, ref_dir, trans_dir_dir, & & trans_dir_diff, total_albedo_diff, total_albedo_dir, & & x_diffuse, x_direct) use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none ! Inputs ! Number of g points and regions integer, intent(in) :: ng, nreg ! Cloud fraction real(jprb), intent(in) :: cloud_frac ! Layer depth (m), tangent of diffuse zenith angle and tangent of ! solar zenith angle real(jprb), intent(in) :: layer_depth, tan_diffuse_angle_3d, tan_sza ! Reflectance and transmittance to diffuse downwelling radiation real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(ng, nreg, nreg) :: reflectance, transmittance ! Reflectance and transmittance to direct downwelling radiation real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(ng, nreg, nreg) :: ref_dir, trans_dir_dir ! Transmittance involving direct entering a layer from the top and ! diffuse leaving from the bottom real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(ng, nreg, nreg) :: trans_dir_diff ! Total albedo of direct and diffuse radiation of the atmosphere ! below the layer in question real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(ng, nreg, nreg) & & :: total_albedo_diff, total_albedo_dir ! Inputs/outputs ! Horizontal migration distance (m) of reflected light real(jprb), intent(inout), dimension(ng, nreg) :: x_diffuse, x_direct ! Local variables ! Top albedo, i.e. the albedo of the top of the layer assuming no ! lateral transport real(jprb), dimension(ng) :: top_albedo ! Multiple-scattering amplitude enhancement real(jprb), dimension(ng) :: ms_enhancement ! Multiple-scattering distance enhancement real(jprb), dimension(ng) :: x_enhancement real(jprb) :: x_layer_diffuse, x_layer_direct integer :: jreg, istartreg, iendreg istartreg = 1 iendreg = nreg if (cloud_frac <= 0.0_jprb) then ! Clear-sky layer: don't waste time on cloudy regions iendreg = 1 else if (cloud_frac >= 1.0_jprb) then ! Overcast layer: don't waste time on clear region istartreg = 2 end if ! This is the mean horizontal distance travelled by diffuse ! radiation that travels from the top of a layer to the centre and ! is then scattered back up and out x_layer_diffuse = layer_depth * tan_diffuse_angle_3d/sqrt(2.0_jprb) ! This is the mean horizontal distance travelled by direct ! radiation that travels from the top of a layer to the centre and ! is then scattered back up and out x_layer_direct = layer_depth * sqrt(tan_sza*tan_sza & & + tan_diffuse_angle_3d*tan_diffuse_angle_3d) * 0.5_jprb DO jreg = istartreg,iendreg ! Geometric series enhancement due to multiple scattering: the ! amplitude enhancement is equal to the limit of ! T*[1+RA+(RA)^2+(RA)^3+...] ms_enhancement = transmittance(:,jreg,jreg) & & / (1.0_jprb - reflectance(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_diff(:,jreg,jreg)) ! ...and the distance enhancement is approximately equal to the ! limit of T*[1+sqrt(2)*RA+sqrt(3)*(RA)^2+sqrt(4)*(RA)^3+...] x_enhancement = (1.0_jprb - reflectance(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_diff(:,jreg,jreg))**(-1.5_jprb) ! Horizontal migration of direct downwelling radiation top_albedo = max(1.0e-8_jprb, ref_dir(:,jreg,jreg) + ms_enhancement & & * (trans_dir_diff(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_diff(:,jreg,jreg) & & +trans_dir_dir(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_dir(:,jreg,jreg))) ! The following is approximate and has been found to ! occasionally go negative x_direct(:,jreg) = max(0.0_jprb, x_layer_direct & & + ((trans_dir_diff(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_diff(:,jreg,jreg)*x_enhancement & & +trans_dir_dir(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_dir(:,jreg,jreg)*(x_enhancement-1.0_jprb)) & & *(x_diffuse(:,jreg)+x_layer_diffuse) & & +trans_dir_dir(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_dir(:,jreg,jreg) & & *(x_direct(:,jreg)+x_layer_direct)) & & * transmittance(:,jreg,jreg) / top_albedo) ! Horizontal migration of diffuse downwelling radiation top_albedo = max(1.0e-8_jprb, reflectance(:,jreg,jreg) & & + ms_enhancement*transmittance(:,jreg,jreg)*total_albedo_diff(:,jreg,jreg)) x_diffuse(:,jreg) = x_layer_diffuse + x_enhancement*total_albedo_diff(:,jreg,jreg) & & *(transmittance(:,jreg,jreg)*transmittance(:,jreg,jreg)) & & * (x_diffuse(:,jreg) + x_layer_diffuse) / top_albedo end do if (iendreg < nreg) then x_diffuse(:,iendreg+1:nreg) = 0.0_jprb x_direct(:,iendreg+1:nreg) = 0.0_jprb else if (istartreg == 2) then x_diffuse(:,1) = 0.0_jprb x_direct(:,1) = 0.0_jprb end if end subroutine step_migrations end module radiation_spartacus_sw