! $Id: ugeostr.F90 5160 2024-08-03 12:56:58Z fhourdin $ SUBROUTINE ugeostr(phi,ucov) ! Calcul du vent covariant geostrophique a partir du champ de ! geopotentiel. ! We actually compute: (1 - cos^8 \phi) u_g ! to have a wind going smoothly to 0 at the equator. ! We assume that the surface pressure is uniform so that model ! levels are pressure levels. USE comconst_mod, ONLY: omeg, rad USE lmdz_comgeom2 USE lmdz_dimensions, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm USE lmdz_paramet IMPLICIT NONE REAL ucov(iip1,jjp1,llm),phi(iip1,jjp1,llm) REAL um(jjm,llm),fact,u(iip1,jjm,llm) INTEGER i,j,l REAL zlat um(:,:)=0 ! initialize um() DO j=1,jjm IF (abs(sin(rlatv(j)))<1.e-4) THEN zlat=1.e-4 else zlat=rlatv(j) endif fact=cos(zlat) fact=fact*fact fact=fact*fact fact=fact*fact fact=(1.-fact)/ & (2.*omeg*sin(zlat)*(rlatu(j+1)-rlatu(j))) fact=-fact/rad DO l=1,llm DO i=1,iim u(i,j,l)=fact*(phi(i,j+1,l)-phi(i,j,l)) um(j,l)=um(j,l)+u(i,j,l)/REAL(iim) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CALL dump2d(jjm,llm,um,'Vent-u geostrophique') ! calcul des champ de vent: DO l=1,llm DO i=1,iip1 ucov(i,1,l)=0. ucov(i,jjp1,l)=0. end DO DO j=2,jjm DO i=1,iim ucov(i,j,l) = 0.5*(u(i,j,l)+u(i,j-1,l))*cu(i,j) end DO ucov(iip1,j,l)=ucov(1,j,l) end DO end DO PRINT *, 301 END SUBROUTINE ugeostr