MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m USE interpolation, ONLY: locate USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, grid_type, unstructured USE nrtype, ONLY: pi USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_FLOAT, NF90_OPEN, & NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_NOERR, NF90_GET_ATT, NF90_GLOBAL USE netcdf95, ONLY: NF95_DEF_DIM, NF95_INQ_DIMID, NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION, & NF95_DEF_VAR, NF95_INQ_VARID, NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE, & NF95_OPEN, NF95_CREATE, NF95_GET_ATT, NF95_GW_VAR, nf95_get_var, & NF95_CLOSE, NF95_ENDDEF, NF95_PUT_ATT, NF95_PUT_VAR, NF95_COPY_ATT USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout USE dimphy IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: regr_horiz_time_climoz REAL, PARAMETER :: deg2rad=pi/180. CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER :: vars_in(2)=['tro3 ','tro3_daylight'] INTEGER :: nlat_ou, nlon_ou REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: latitude_glo(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(latitude_glo) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ind_cell_glo_glo(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ind_cell_glo_glo) CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz(read_climoz,interpt) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Regrid horizontally and in time zonal or 3D ozone climatologies. ! * Read ozone climatology from netcdf file ! * Regrid it horizontaly to LMDZ grid (quasi-conservative method) ! * If interpt=T, interpolate linearly in time (one record each day) ! If interpt=F, keep original time sampling (14 months). ! * Save it to a new netcdf file. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Remarks: ! * Up to 2 variables treated: "tro3" and "tro3_daylight" (if read_climoz=2) ! * Input fields coordinates: (longitudes, latitudes, pressure_levels, time) ! * Output grid cells centers coordinates given by [rlonv,] rlatu. ! * Output grid cells edges coordinates given by [rlonu,] rlatv. ! * Input file [longitudes and] latitudes given in degrees. ! * Input file pressure levels are given in Pa or hPa. ! * All coordinates variables are stricly monotonic. ! * Monthly fields are interpolated linearly in time to get daily values. ! * Fields are known at the middle of the months, so interpolation requires an ! additional record both for 1st half of january and 2nd half of december: ! - For a 14-records "": records 1 and 14. ! - For 12-records files: ! record 12 of "" if available, or record 1 of "". ! record 1 of "" if available, or record 12 of "". ! * Calendar is taken into account to get one record each day (not 360 always). ! * Missing values are filled in from sky to ground by copying lowest valid one. ! Attribute "missing_value" or "_FillValue" must be present in input file. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE assert_m, ONLY: assert USE cal_tools_m, ONLY: year_len, mid_month !! USE control_mod, ONLY: anneeref USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: annee_ref USE ioipsl, ONLY: ioget_year_len, ioget_calendar USE regr_conserv_m, ONLY: regr_conserv USE regr_lint_m, ONLY: regr_lint USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg, south, west, east USE slopes_m, ONLY: slopes USE lmdz_xios USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: is_mpi_root, is_master, is_omp_master, gather, gather_mpi, bcast_mpi, klon_mpi USE geometry_mod, ONLY : latitude_deg, ind_cell_glo USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, 1 or 2 ! 1: read a single ozone climatology used day and night ! 2: same + read also a daylight climatology LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: interpt ! TRUE => daily interpolation ! FALSE => no interpolation (14 months) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: !--- Input files variables INTEGER :: nlon_in ! Number of longitudes INTEGER :: nlat_in ! Number of latitudes INTEGER :: nlev_in ! Number of pressure levels INTEGER :: nmth_in ! Number of months REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: lon_in(:) ! Longitudes (ascending order, rad) REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: lat_in(:) ! Latitudes (ascending order, rad) REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: lev_in(:) ! Pressure levels (ascen. order, hPa) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_in_edge(:) ! Longitude intervals edges ! (ascending order, / ) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: sinlat_in_edge(:) ! Sinus of latitude intervals edges ! (ascending order, / ) LOGICAL :: ldec_lon, ldec_lat, ldec_lev ! Decreasing order in input file CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_in ! Calendar REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3(:,:,:,:,:) ! Ozone climatologies REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3bis(:,:,:,:,:) ! Ozone climatologies REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2 (:,:,:,:) ! Ozone climatologies REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2bis(:,:,:,:,:) ! Ozone climatologies ! last index: 1 for the day-night average, 2 for the daylight field. REAL :: NaN !--- Partially or totally regridded variables (:,:,nlev_in,:,read_climoz) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lon (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_in,:,0:13 ,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,0:13 ,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3 (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3_glo (:,:,:,:) ! (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lat (:,:,:,:) ! (nlat_in,:,0:13 ,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2 (:,:,:,:) ! (nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2_glo (:,:,:,:) ! (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out (:,:,:,:) ! (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:) ! Dimension number | Interval | Contains | For variables: ! 1 (longitude) | [rlonu(i-1), rlonu(i)] | rlonv(i) | all ! 2 (latitude) | [rlatv(j), rlatv(j-1)] | rlatu(j) | all but o3_regr_lon ! 3 (press level) | | lev(k) | all ! Note that rlatv(0)=pi/2 and rlatv(nlat_ou)=-pi/2. ! Dimension 4 is: month number (all vars but o3_out) ! days elapsed since Jan. 1st 0h at mid-day (o3_out only) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: v1(:) !--- For NetCDF: INTEGER :: fID_in_m, fID_in, levID_ou, dimid, vID_in(read_climoz), ntim_ou INTEGER :: fID_in_p, fID_ou, timID_ou, varid, vID_ou(read_climoz), ndims, ncerr INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: dIDs(:) CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_ou !--- Calendar; no time inter => same as input CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: press_unit !--- Pressure unit REAL :: tmidmonth(0:13) !--- Elapsed days since Jan-1 0h at mid-months ! Additional records 0, 13 for interpolation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmidday(:) !--- Output times (mid-days since Jan 1st 0h) LOGICAL :: lprev, lnext !--- Flags: previous/next files are present LOGICAL :: l3D, l2D !--- Flag: input fields are 3D or zonal INTEGER :: ii, i, j, k, l, m, dln, ib, ie, iv, dx1, dx2 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sta(:), cnt(:) CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub, dim_nam, msg REAL :: null_array(0) LOGICAL,SAVE :: first=.TRUE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_in(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_out(:) REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: tmp(:) IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN IF (first) THEN IF (is_master) THEN ALLOCATE(latitude_glo(klon_glo)) ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo_glo(klon_glo)) ELSE ALLOCATE(latitude_glo(0)) ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo_glo(0)) ENDIF CALL gather(latitude_deg, latitude_glo) CALL gather(ind_cell_glo, ind_cell_glo_glo) ENDIF ENDIF IF (is_omp_master) THEN nlat_ou=nbp_lat nlon_ou=nbp_lon !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (is_mpi_root) THEN sub="regr_horiz_time_climoz" WRITE(lunout,*)"Call sequence information: "//TRIM(sub) CALL assert(read_climoz == 1 .OR. read_climoz == 2, "regr_lat_time_climoz") CALL NF95_OPEN("" , NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in) lprev=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_m)==NF90_NOERR lnext=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_p)==NF90_NOERR !--- Get coordinates from the input file. Converts lon/lat in radians. ! Few inversions because "regr_conserv" and gcm need ascending vectors. CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), varid) CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID_in, varid, dimids=dIDs, ndims=ndims) l3D=ndims==4; l2D=ndims==3 IF(l3D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain full 3D ozone fields." IF(l2D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain zonal 2D ozone fields." DO i=1,ndims CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), name=dim_nam, nclen=dln) CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, dim_nam, varid) ii=i; IF(l2D) ii=i+1 !--- ndims==3:NO LONGITUDE SELECT CASE(ii) CASE(1) !--- LONGITUDE CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lon_in) ldec_lon=lon_in(1)>lon_in(dln); IF(ldec_lon) lon_in=lon_in(dln:1:-1) nlon_in=dln; lon_in=lon_in*deg2rad CASE(2) !--- LATITUDE CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lat_in) ldec_lat=lat_in(1)>lat_in(dln); IF(ldec_lat) lat_in=lat_in(dln:1:-1) nlat_in=dln; lat_in=lat_in*deg2rad CASE(3) !--- PRESSURE LEVELS CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lev_in) ldec_lev=lev_in(1)>lev_in(dln); IF(ldec_lev) lev_in=lev_in(dln:1:-1) nlev_in=dln CALL NF95_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, "units", press_unit) k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit) DO WHILE(ICHAR(press_unit(k:k))==0) press_unit(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit) !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR END DO IF(press_unit == "Pa") THEN lev_in = lev_in/100. !--- CONVERT TO hPa ELSE IF(press_unit /= "hPa") THEN CALL abort_physic(sub, "the only recognized units are Pa and hPa.",1) END IF CASE(4) !--- TIME CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), nclen=nmth_in) cal_in='gregorian' IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=NF90_NOERR) & WRITE(lunout,*)'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "'// & TRIM(dim_nam)//'" in "". Choosing default: "gregorian".' k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in) DO WHILE(ICHAR(cal_in(k:k))==0) cal_in(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in) !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR END DO END SELECT END DO !--- Prepare quantities for time interpolation tmidmonth=mid_month(annee_ref, cal_in) IF(interpt) THEN ntim_ou=ioget_year_len(annee_ref) ALLOCATE(tmidday(ntim_ou)) tmidday=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=1,ntim_ou)] CALL ioget_calendar(cal_ou) ELSE ntim_ou=14 cal_ou=cal_in END IF ENDIF IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN CALL bcast_mpi(nlon_in) CALL bcast_mpi(nlat_in) CALL bcast_mpi(nlev_in) CALL bcast_mpi(l3d) CALL bcast_mpi(tmidmonth) IF(interpt) CALL bcast_mpi(tmidday) CALL bcast_mpi(ntim_ou) IF (is_mpi_root) THEN CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",nj_glo=nlat_in, nj=nlat_in, jbegin=0, latvalue_1d=lat_in/deg2rad) IF (l3D) THEN CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=nlon_in, ni=nlon_in, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=lon_in/deg2rad) ELSE CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=8, ni=8, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d = (/ 0.,45.,90.,135.,180.,225.,270., 315. /)) ENDIF ELSE CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",nj_glo=nlat_in, nj=0, jbegin=0, latvalue_1d=null_array ) IF (l3D) THEN CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=nlon_in, ni=0, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=null_array) ELSE CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=8, ni=0, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=null_array) ENDIF ENDIF CALL xios_set_axis_attr("axis_climoz", n_glo=nlev_in) CALL xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo=ntim_ou) CALL xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo=ntim_ou) CALL xios_set_axis_attr("tr_climoz", n_glo=read_climoz) CALL xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled=.TRUE.) CALL xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled=.TRUE.) IF (first) THEN first=.FALSE. RETURN ENDIF ENDIF IF (is_mpi_root) THEN !--- Longitudes management: ! * Need to shift data if the origin of input file longitudes /= -pi ! * Need to add some margin in longitude to ensure input interval contains ! all the output intervals => at least one longitudes slice has to be ! duplicated, possibly more for undersampling. IF(l3D) THEN IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN dx2=0 ELSE !--- Compute input edges longitudes vector (no end point yet) ALLOCATE(v1(nlon_in+1)) v1(1)=(lon_in(nlon_in)+lon_in(1))/2.-pi FORALL(i=2:nlon_in) v1(i)=(lon_in(i-1)+lon_in(i))/2. v1(nlon_in+1)=v1(1)+2.*pi DEALLOCATE(lon_in) !--- Shift input longitudes vector until it contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west) v1=v1+2*pi*REAL(FLOOR((boundslon_reg(1,west)-v1(1))/(2.*pi))) !--- Ensure first input longitudes interval contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west) dx1=locate(v1,boundslon_reg(1,west))-1 v1=CSHIFT(v1,SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1) v1(nlon_in-dx1+2:)=v1(nlon_in-dx1+2:)+2.*pi !--- Extend input longitudes vector until last interval contains boundslon_reg(nlat_ou,east) dx2=0; DO WHILE(v1(1+dx2)+2.*pi<=boundslon_reg(nlon_ou,east)); dx2=dx2+1; END DO !--- Final edges longitudes vector (with margin and end point) ALLOCATE(lon_in_edge(nlon_in+dx2+1)); lon_in_edge=[v1,v1(2:1+dx2)+2.*pi] DEALLOCATE(v1) ENDIF END IF !--- Compute sinus of intervals edges latitudes: ALLOCATE(sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1)) sinlat_in_edge(1) = -1. ; sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1) = 1. FORALL(j=2:nlat_in) sinlat_in_edge(j)=SIN((lat_in(j-1)+lat_in(j))/2.) DEALLOCATE(lat_in) !--- Check for contiguous years: ib=0; ie=13 IF(nmth_in == 14) THEN; lprev=.FALSE.; lnext=.FALSE. WRITE(lunout,*)'Using 14 months ozone climatology ""...' ELSE IF( lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" last record (previous year).' IF(.NOT.lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)"No previous year file ; assuming periodicity." IF( lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" first record (next year).' IF(.NOT.lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)"No next year file ; assuming periodicity." IF(.NOT.lprev) ib=1 IF(.NOT.lnext) ie=12 END IF ALLOCATE(sta(ndims),cnt(ndims)); sta(:)=1 IF(l3D) cnt=[nlon_in,nlat_in,nlev_in,1] IF(l2D) cnt=[ nlat_in,nlev_in,1] IF(l3D) ALLOCATE(o3_in3(nlon_in+dx2,nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz)) IF(l2D) ALLOCATE(o3_in2( nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz)) !--- Read full current file and one record each available contiguous file DO iv=1,read_climoz CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv)) IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,1:12,iv)) IF(l2D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in2( :,:,1:12,iv)) IF(lprev) THEN; sta(ndims)=12 CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_m, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv)) IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt) IF(l2d) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in2( :,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt) END IF IF(lnext) THEN; sta(ndims)=1 CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_p, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv)) IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,13,iv),sta,cnt) IF(l2D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in2( :,:,13,iv),sta,cnt) END IF END DO IF(lprev.OR.lnext) DEALLOCATE(sta,cnt) IF(lprev) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_m) IF(lnext) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_p) !--- Revert decreasing coordinates vector IF(l3D) THEN IF(ldec_lon) o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:) = o3_in3(nlon_in:1:-1,:,:,:,:) IF(ldec_lat) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:) IF(ldec_lev) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,:,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:) IF (grid_type /= unstructured) THEN !--- Shift values for longitude and duplicate some longitudes slices o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:)=CSHIFT(o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:),SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1) o3_in3(nlon_in+1:nlon_in+dx2,:,:,:,:)=o3_in3(1:dx2,:,:,:,:) ENDIF ELSE IF(ldec_lat) o3_in2 = o3_in2( nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:) IF(ldec_lev) o3_in2 = o3_in2( :,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:) END IF !--- Deal with missing values DO m=1, read_climoz WRITE(msg,'(a,i0)')"regr_lat_time_climoz: field Nr.",m IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in,vID_in(m),"missing_value",NaN)/= NF90_NOERR) THEN IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, vID_in(m),"_FillValue",NaN)/= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": no missing value attribute found."; CYCLE END IF END IF WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": missing value attribute found." WRITE(lunout,*)"Trying to fill in NaNs ; a full field would be better." !--- Check top layer contains no NaNs & search NaNs from top to ground msg=TRIM(sub)//": NaNs in top layer !" IF(l3D) THEN IF(ANY(o3_in3(:,:,1,:,m)==NaN)) CALL abort_physic(sub,msg,1) DO k = 2,nlev_in WHERE(o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)=o3_in3(:,:,k-1,:,m) END DO ELSE IF(ANY(o3_in2( :,1,:,m)==NaN)) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)msg !--- Fill in latitudes where all values are missing DO l=1,nmth_in !--- Next to south pole j=1; DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO IF(j>1) & o3_in2(:j-1,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=j-1) !--- Next to north pole j=nlat_in; DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO IF(j