! radiation_aerosol.F90 - Derived type describing aerosol ! (C) Copyright 2014- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! Modifications ! 2018-04-15 R. Hogan Add "direct" option ! 2019-01-14 R. Hogan Added out_of_physical_bounds routine module radiation_aerosol use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none public !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Type describing the aerosol content in the atmosphere type aerosol_type ! The mass mixing ratio of config%n_aerosol_types different ! aerosol types dimensioned ! (ncol,istartlev:iendlev,config%n_aerosol_types), where ncol is ! the number of columns, istartlev:iendlev is the range of model ! levels where aerosols are present real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & & mixing_ratio ! mass mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! Alternatively, if is_direct=true, the optical properties are ! provided directly and are dimensioned ! (nband,istartlev:iendlev,ncol) real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & & od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw, & ! Shortwave optical properties & od_lw, ssa_lw, g_lw ! Longwave optical properties ! Range of levels in which the aerosol properties are provided integer :: istartlev, iendlev ! Are the optical properties going to be provided directly by the ! user? logical :: is_direct = .false. contains procedure :: allocate => allocate_aerosol_arrays procedure :: allocate_direct => allocate_aerosol_arrays_direct procedure :: deallocate => deallocate_aerosol_arrays procedure :: out_of_physical_bounds end type aerosol_type contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate array for describing aerosols, although in the offline ! code these are allocated when they are read from the NetCDF file subroutine allocate_aerosol_arrays(this, ncol, istartlev, iendlev, ntype) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook class(aerosol_type), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of columns integer, intent(in) :: istartlev, iendlev ! Level range integer, intent(in) :: ntype ! Number of aerosol types real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:allocate',0,hook_handle) allocate(this%mixing_ratio(ncol,istartlev:iendlev,ntype)) this%is_direct = .false. this%istartlev = istartlev this%iendlev = iendlev if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:allocate',1,hook_handle) end subroutine allocate_aerosol_arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate arrays for describing aerosol optical properties subroutine allocate_aerosol_arrays_direct(this, config, & & ncol, istartlev, iendlev) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use radiation_config, only : config_type class(aerosol_type), intent(inout) :: this type(config_type), intent(in) :: config integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of columns integer, intent(in) :: istartlev, iendlev ! Level range real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:allocate_direct',0,hook_handle) this%is_direct = .true. this%istartlev = istartlev this%iendlev = iendlev if (config%do_sw) then allocate(this%od_sw (config%n_bands_sw,istartlev:iendlev,ncol)) allocate(this%ssa_sw(config%n_bands_sw,istartlev:iendlev,ncol)) allocate(this%g_sw (config%n_bands_sw,istartlev:iendlev,ncol)) end if if (config%do_lw) then allocate(this%od_lw (config%n_bands_lw,istartlev:iendlev,ncol)) allocate(this%ssa_lw(config%n_bands_lw,istartlev:iendlev,ncol)) allocate(this%g_lw (config%n_bands_lw,istartlev:iendlev,ncol)) ! If longwave scattering by aerosol is not to be represented, ! then the user may wish to just provide absorption optical ! depth in od_lw, in which case we must set the following two ! variables to zero this%ssa_lw = 0.0_jprb this%g_lw = 0.0_jprb end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:allocate_direct',1,hook_handle) end subroutine allocate_aerosol_arrays_direct !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Deallocate arrays subroutine deallocate_aerosol_arrays(this) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook class(aerosol_type), intent(inout) :: this real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:deallocate',0,hook_handle) if (allocated(this%mixing_ratio)) deallocate(this%mixing_ratio) if (allocated(this%od_sw)) deallocate(this%od_sw) if (allocated(this%ssa_sw)) deallocate(this%ssa_sw) if (allocated(this%g_sw)) deallocate(this%g_sw) if (allocated(this%od_lw)) deallocate(this%od_lw) if (allocated(this%ssa_lw)) deallocate(this%ssa_lw) if (allocated(this%g_lw)) deallocate(this%g_lw) if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:deallocate',1,hook_handle) end subroutine deallocate_aerosol_arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Return .true. if variables are out of a physically sensible range, ! optionally only considering columns between istartcol and iendcol function out_of_physical_bounds(this, istartcol, iendcol, do_fix) result(is_bad) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use radiation_check, only : out_of_bounds_3d class(aerosol_type), intent(inout) :: this integer, optional,intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol logical, optional,intent(in) :: do_fix logical :: is_bad logical :: do_fix_local real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:out_of_physical_bounds',0,hook_handle) if (present(do_fix)) then do_fix_local = do_fix else do_fix_local = .false. end if is_bad = out_of_bounds_3d(this%mixing_ratio, 'aerosol%mixing_ratio', & & 0.0_jprb, 1.0_jprb, do_fix_local, i1=istartcol, i2=iendcol) & & .or. out_of_bounds_3d(this%od_sw, 'aerosol%od_sw', & & 0.0_jprb, 100.0_jprb, do_fix_local, k1=istartcol, k2=iendcol) & & .or. out_of_bounds_3d(this%od_lw, 'aerosol%od_lw', & & 0.0_jprb, 100.0_jprb, do_fix_local, k1=istartcol, k2=iendcol) & & .or. out_of_bounds_3d(this%ssa_sw, 'aerosol%ssa_sw', & & 0.0_jprb, 1.0_jprb, do_fix_local, k1=istartcol, k2=iendcol) & & .or. out_of_bounds_3d(this%ssa_lw, 'aerosol%ssa_lw', & & 0.0_jprb, 1.0_jprb, do_fix_local, k1=istartcol, k2=iendcol) & & .or. out_of_bounds_3d(this%g_sw, 'aerosol%g_sw', & & 0.0_jprb, 1.0_jprb, do_fix_local, k1=istartcol, k2=iendcol) & & .or. out_of_bounds_3d(this%g_lw, 'aerosol%g_lw', & & 0.0_jprb, 1.0_jprb, do_fix_local, k1=istartcol, k2=iendcol) if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol:out_of_physical_bounds',1,hook_handle) end function out_of_physical_bounds end module radiation_aerosol