! radiation_save.F90 - Save data to NetCDF files ! (C) Copyright 2014- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! Modifications ! 2017-04-22 R. Hogan Adapt for new way of describing longwave properties ! 2019-01-02 R. Hogan Only save cloud properties if do_clouds==.true. module radiation_save use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none ! Two available subroutines: save final fluxes and save intermediate ! radiative properties public :: save_fluxes, save_radiative_properties, save_inputs contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Save fluxes in "flux" to NetCDF file_name, plus pressure from the ! thermodynamics object subroutine save_fluxes(file_name, config, thermodynamics, flux, & & iverbose, is_hdf5_file, experiment_name, & & is_double_precision) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use easy_netcdf use radiation_io, only : nulout use radiation_config, only : config_type, IGasModelMonochromatic use radiation_thermodynamics, only : thermodynamics_type use radiation_flux, only : flux_type character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(thermodynamics_type), intent(in) :: thermodynamics type(flux_type), intent(in) :: flux integer, optional, intent(in) :: iverbose logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_hdf5_file logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_double_precision character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: experiment_name type(netcdf_file) :: out_file integer :: ncol, n_lev_plus1 character(5), parameter :: default_lw_units_str = 'W m-2' character(5) :: lw_units_str integer :: i_local_verbose real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_fluxes',0,hook_handle) if (present(iverbose)) then i_local_verbose = iverbose else i_local_verbose = config%iverbose end if ! Work out array dimensions if (config%do_sw) then ncol = size(flux%sw_up,1) n_lev_plus1 = size(flux%sw_up,2) elseif (config%do_lw) then ncol = size(flux%lw_up,1) n_lev_plus1 = size(flux%lw_up,2) else if (i_local_verbose >= 1) then write(nulout,'(a,a,a)') 'Warning: neither longwave nor shortwave computed so ', & & file_name,' not written' end if return end if if (config%i_gas_model == IGasModelMonochromatic & .AND. config%mono_lw_wavelength > 0.0_jprb) then lw_units_str = 'W m-3' else lw_units_str = default_lw_units_str end if ! Open the file call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=i_local_verbose, is_hdf5_file=is_hdf5_file) ! Variables stored internally with column varying fastest, but in ! output file column varies most slowly so need to transpose call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.) ! Set default precision for file, if specified if (present(is_double_precision)) then call out_file%double_precision(is_double_precision) end if ! Spectral fluxes in memory are dimensioned (nband,ncol,nlev), but ! are reoriented in the output file to be (nband,nlev,ncol), where ! the convention here is first dimension varying fastest call out_file%permute_3d_arrays( (/ 1, 3, 2 /) ) ! Define dimensions call out_file%define_dimension("column", ncol) call out_file%define_dimension("half_level", n_lev_plus1) if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then if (config%do_lw) then call out_file%define_dimension("band_lw", config%n_spec_lw) end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_dimension("band_sw", config%n_spec_sw) end if else if (config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) then if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_dimension("band_sw", config%n_bands_sw) end if end if if (config%do_lw .AND. config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw) then call out_file%define_dimension("canopy_band_lw", & & size(flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy, 1)) end if if (config%do_sw .AND. config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw) then call out_file%define_dimension("canopy_band_sw", & & size(flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy, 1)) end if ! Put global attributes call out_file%put_global_attributes( & & title_str="Radiative flux profiles from the ecRad offline radiation model", & & references_str="Hogan, R. J., and A. Bozzo, 2018: A flexible and efficient radiation " & & //"scheme for the ECMWF model. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Sys., 10, 1990–2008", & & source_str="ecRad offline radiation model") ! Save "experiment" global attribute if present and not empty if (present(experiment_name)) then if (experiment_name /= " ") then call out_file%put_global_attribute("experiment", experiment_name) end if end if ! Define variables call out_file%define_variable("pressure_hl", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="Pa", long_name="Pressure", & & standard_name="air_pressure") if (config%do_lw) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_lw", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str=lw_units_str, long_name="Upwelling longwave flux", & & standard_name="upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air") call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_lw", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str=lw_units_str, long_name="Downwelling longwave flux", & & standard_name="downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air") if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_lw_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Upwelling clear-sky longwave flux") call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_lw_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Downwelling clear-sky longwave flux") end if if (config%do_lw_derivatives) then call out_file%define_variable("lw_derivative", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="1", & & long_name="Derivative of upwelling LW flux w.r.t. surface value") end if if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_lw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Spectral upwelling longwave flux") call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_lw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Spectral downwelling longwave flux") if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_lw_clear", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Spectral upwelling clear-sky longwave flux") call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_lw_clear", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky longwave flux") end if end if if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw) then call out_file%define_variable("canopy_flux_dn_lw_surf", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="canopy_band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, & & long_name="Surface downwelling longwave flux in canopy bands") end if end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_sw", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="W m-2", long_name="Upwelling shortwave flux", & & standard_name="upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air") call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_sw", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="W m-2", long_name="Downwelling shortwave flux", & & standard_name="downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air") if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_direct_sw", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Downwelling direct shortwave flux") end if if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_sw_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Upwelling clear-sky shortwave flux") call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_sw_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Downwelling clear-sky shortwave flux") if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Downwelling clear-sky direct shortwave flux") end if end if if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_sw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral upwelling shortwave flux") call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling shortwave flux") if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling direct shortwave flux") end if if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_sw_clear", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral upwelling clear-sky shortwave flux") call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw_clear", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky shortwave flux") if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", & & dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky direct shortwave flux") end if end if else if (config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling shortwave flux at surface") call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling direct shortwave flux at surface") if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky shortwave flux at surface") call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf_clear", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky direct shortwave flux at surface") end if end if if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw) then call out_file%define_variable("canopy_flux_dn_diffuse_sw_surf", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="canopy_band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Surface downwelling diffuse shortwave flux in canopy bands") call out_file%define_variable("canopy_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="canopy_band_sw", units_str="W m-2", & & long_name="Surface downwelling direct shortwave flux in canopy bands") end if end if if (config%do_lw .AND. config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_variable("cloud_cover_lw", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="1", & & long_name="Total cloud cover diagnosed by longwave solver", & & standard_name="cloud_area_fraction") end if if (config%do_sw .AND. config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_variable("cloud_cover_sw", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="1", & & long_name="Total cloud cover diagnosed by shortwave solver", & & standard_name="cloud_area_fraction") end if ! Write variables call out_file%put("pressure_hl", thermodynamics%pressure_hl) if (config%do_lw) then call out_file%put("flux_up_lw", flux%lw_up) call out_file%put("flux_dn_lw", flux%lw_dn) if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%put("flux_up_lw_clear", flux%lw_up_clear) call out_file%put("flux_dn_lw_clear", flux%lw_dn_clear) end if if (config%do_lw_derivatives) then call out_file%put("lw_derivative", flux%lw_derivatives) end if if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_lw", flux%lw_up_band) call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_lw", flux%lw_dn_band) if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_lw_clear", flux%lw_up_clear_band) call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_lw_clear", flux%lw_dn_clear_band) end if end if if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw) then call out_file%put("canopy_flux_dn_lw_surf", flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy, & & do_transp = .false.) end if end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%put("flux_up_sw", flux%sw_up) call out_file%put("flux_dn_sw", flux%sw_dn) if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%put("flux_dn_direct_sw", flux%sw_dn_direct) end if if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%put("flux_up_sw_clear", flux%sw_up_clear) call out_file%put("flux_dn_sw_clear", flux%sw_dn_clear) if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%put("flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", flux%sw_dn_direct_clear) end if end if if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_sw", flux%sw_up_band) call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw", flux%sw_dn_band) if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw", & & flux%sw_dn_direct_band) end if if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_sw_clear", flux%sw_up_clear_band) call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw_clear", flux%sw_dn_clear_band) if (config%do_sw_direct) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", & & flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band) end if end if else if (config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_surf_band, & & do_transp=.false.) call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_band, & & do_transp=.false.) if (config%do_clear) then call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf_clear", flux%sw_dn_surf_clear_band, & & do_transp=.false.) call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf_clear", & & flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_clear_band, do_transp=.false.) end if end if if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw) then call out_file%put("canopy_flux_dn_diffuse_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy, & & do_transp = .false.) call out_file%put("canopy_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy, & & do_transp = .false.) end if end if if (config%do_lw .AND. config%do_clouds) then call out_file%put("cloud_cover_lw", flux%cloud_cover_lw) end if if (config%do_sw .AND. config%do_clouds) then call out_file%put("cloud_cover_sw", flux%cloud_cover_sw) end if ! Close file call out_file%close() if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_fluxes',1,hook_handle) end subroutine save_fluxes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Save intermediate radiative properties, specifically the ! scattering and absorption properties at each g-point/band subroutine save_radiative_properties(file_name, nlev, & & istartcol, iendcol, & & config, single_level, thermodynamics, cloud, & & planck_hl, lw_emission, lw_albedo, & & sw_albedo_direct, sw_albedo_diffuse, & & incoming_sw, & & od_lw, ssa_lw, g_lw, & & od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw, & & od_lw_cloud, ssa_lw_cloud, g_lw_cloud, & & od_sw_cloud, ssa_sw_cloud, g_sw_cloud) use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radiation_thermodynamics,only : thermodynamics_type use radiation_cloud, only : cloud_type use easy_netcdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(single_level_type), intent(in) :: single_level type(thermodynamics_type),intent(in) :: thermodynamics type(cloud_type), intent(in) :: cloud integer, intent(in) :: nlev, istartcol, iendcol ! Input variables, as defined in radiation_interface.F90 ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of ! gases and aerosols at each shortwave g-point real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of ! hydrometeors in each shortwave band real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: & & od_sw_cloud, ssa_sw_cloud, g_sw_cloud ! Direct and diffuse surface albedo, and the incoming shortwave ! flux into a plane perpendicular to the incoming radiation at ! top-of-atmosphere in each of the shortwave g-points real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,istartcol:iendcol) & & :: sw_albedo_direct, sw_albedo_diffuse, incoming_sw ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of ! gases and aerosols at each longwave g-point, where the latter ! two variables are only defined if aerosol longwave scattering is ! enabled (otherwise both are treated as zero). real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_lw real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw_if_scattering,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: & & ssa_lw, g_lw ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of ! hydrometeors in each longwave band, where the latter two ! variables are only defined if hydrometeor longwave scattering is ! enabled (otherwise both are treated as zero). real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_lw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_lw_cloud real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_lw_if_scattering,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: & & ssa_lw_cloud, g_lw_cloud ! The Planck function (emitted flux from a black body) at half ! levels and at the surface at each longwave g-point real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw,nlev+1,istartcol:iendcol) :: planck_hl ! Emission (Planck*emissivity) and albedo (1-emissivity) at the ! surface at each longwave g-point real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw, istartcol:iendcol) :: lw_emission, lw_albedo integer :: n_col_local ! Number of columns from istartcol to iendcol ! Object for output NetCDF file type(netcdf_file) :: out_file n_col_local = iendcol + 1 - istartcol ! Alas the NetCDF library is not thread-safe for writing, so we ! must write radiative-property files serially !$OMP CRITICAL ! Open the file call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=config%iverbose) ! Configure matrix and 3D-array orientation call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.) ! Sometimes the Planck function values are very large or small ! even if the fluxes are within a manageable range call out_file%double_precision(.true.) ! Define dimensions ! call out_file%define_dimension("column", n_col_local) call out_file%define_dimension("column", 0) ! "Unlimited" dimension call out_file%define_dimension("level", nlev) call out_file%define_dimension("half_level", nlev+1) if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_dimension("level_interface", nlev-1) end if if (config%do_lw) then call out_file%define_dimension("gpoint_lw", config%n_g_lw) if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_dimension("band_lw", config%n_bands_lw) end if end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_dimension("gpoint_sw", config%n_g_sw) if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_dimension("band_sw", config%n_bands_sw) end if end if ! Put global attributes call out_file%put_global_attributes( & & title_str="Spectral radiative properties from the ecRad offline radiation model", & & references_str="Hogan, R. J., and A. Bozzo, 2018: A flexible and efficient radiation " & & //"scheme for the ECMWF model. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Sys., 10, 1990–2008", & & source_str="ecRad offline radiation model") ! Define variables call out_file%define_variable("pressure_hl", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="Pa", long_name="Pressure on half-levels") if (allocated(thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq) .AND. config%use_aerosols) then call out_file%define_variable("q_sat_liquid", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="kg kg-1", long_name="Specific humidity at liquid saturation") end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_variable("cos_solar_zenith_angle", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="1", & & long_name="Cosine of the solar zenith angle") end if if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_variable("cloud_fraction", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud fraction") call out_file%define_variable("overlap_param", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level_interface", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud overlap parameter") end if if (config%do_lw) then call out_file%define_variable("planck_hl", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", & & units_str="W m-2", long_name="Planck function on half-levels") call out_file%define_variable("lw_emission", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", & & units_str="W m-2", long_name="Longwave surface emission") call out_file%define_variable("lw_emissivity", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Surface longwave emissivity") call out_file%define_variable("od_lw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky longwave optical depth") if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then call out_file%define_variable("ssa_lw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky longwave single scattering albedo") call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_lw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky longwave asymmetry factor") end if if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_variable("od_lw_cloud", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="In-cloud longwave optical depth") if (config%do_lw_cloud_scattering) then call out_file%define_variable("ssa_lw_cloud", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud longwave single scattering albedo") call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_lw_cloud", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_lw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud longwave asymmetry factor") end if end if ! do_clouds end if ! do_lw if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_variable("incoming_sw", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", & & units_str="W m-2", long_name="Incoming shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere in direction of sun") call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Surface shortwave albedo to diffuse radiation") call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo_direct", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Surface shortwave albedo to direct radiation") call out_file%define_variable("od_sw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky shortwave optical depth") call out_file%define_variable("ssa_sw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky shortwave single scattering albedo") call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_sw", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky shortwave asymmetry factor") if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%define_variable("od_sw_cloud", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="In-cloud shortwave optical depth") call out_file%define_variable("ssa_sw_cloud", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud shortwave single scattering albedo") call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_sw_cloud", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_sw", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud shortwave asymmetry factor") end if end if if (config%do_clouds) then if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then call out_file%define_variable("fractional_std", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="1", & & long_name="Fractional standard deviation of cloud optical depth") end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then call out_file%define_variable("inv_cloud_effective_size", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", & & long_name="Inverse of cloud effective horizontal size") end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then call out_file%define_variable("inv_inhom_effective_size", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", & & long_name="Inverse of cloud inhomogeneity effective horizontal size") end if end if ! Write variables call out_file%put("pressure_hl", thermodynamics%pressure_hl(istartcol:iendcol,:)) if (allocated(thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq) .AND. config%use_aerosols) then call out_file%put("q_sat_liquid", thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq(istartcol:iendcol,:)) end if if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%put("cloud_fraction", cloud%fraction(istartcol:iendcol,:)) call out_file%put("overlap_param", cloud%overlap_param(istartcol:iendcol,:)) end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%put("cos_solar_zenith_angle", single_level%cos_sza(istartcol:iendcol)) call out_file%put("sw_albedo", sw_albedo_diffuse, do_transp=.false.) call out_file%put("sw_albedo_direct", sw_albedo_direct, do_transp=.false.) end if if (config%do_lw) then call out_file%put("lw_emissivity", 1.0_jprb - lw_albedo, do_transp=.false.) call out_file%put("planck_hl", planck_hl) call out_file%put("lw_emission", lw_emission, do_transp=.false.) call out_file%put("od_lw", od_lw) if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then call out_file%put("ssa_lw", ssa_lw) call out_file%put("asymmetry_lw", g_lw) end if if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%put("od_lw_cloud", od_lw_cloud) if (config%do_lw_cloud_scattering) then call out_file%put("ssa_lw_cloud", ssa_lw_cloud) call out_file%put("asymmetry_lw_cloud", g_lw_cloud) end if end if end if if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%put("incoming_sw", incoming_sw, do_transp=.false.) call out_file%put("od_sw", od_sw) call out_file%put("ssa_sw", ssa_sw) call out_file%put("asymmetry_sw", g_sw) if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%put("od_sw_cloud", od_sw_cloud) call out_file%put("ssa_sw_cloud", ssa_sw_cloud) call out_file%put("asymmetry_sw_cloud", g_sw_cloud) end if end if if (config%do_clouds) then if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then call out_file%put("fractional_std", cloud%fractional_std(istartcol:iendcol,:)) end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then call out_file%put("inv_cloud_effective_size", cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size(istartcol:iendcol,:)) end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then call out_file%put("inv_inhom_effective_size", cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size(istartcol:iendcol,:)) end if end if ! Close the file call out_file%close() !$OMP END CRITICAL end subroutine save_radiative_properties !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Save inputs to the radiation scheme subroutine save_inputs(file_name, config, single_level, thermodynamics, & & gas, cloud, aerosol, lat, lon, iverbose) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radiation_thermodynamics, only : thermodynamics_type use radiation_gas use radiation_cloud, only : cloud_type use radiation_aerosol, only : aerosol_type use easy_netcdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(single_level_type), intent(in) :: single_level type(thermodynamics_type), intent(in) :: thermodynamics type(gas_type), intent(inout):: gas type(cloud_type), intent(in) :: cloud type(aerosol_type), optional, intent(in) :: aerosol real(jprb), optional, intent(in) :: lat(:), lon(:) integer, optional, intent(in) :: iverbose real(jprb), allocatable :: mixing_ratio(:,:) real(jprb), allocatable :: aerosol_mmr(:,:,:) real(jprb), allocatable :: seed(:) integer :: i_local_verbose integer :: ncol, nlev integer :: jgas character(32) :: var_name, long_name ! Object for output NetCDF file type(netcdf_file) :: out_file logical :: do_aerosol real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_inputs',0,hook_handle) if (present(iverbose)) then i_local_verbose = iverbose else i_local_verbose = config%iverbose end if ! Work out array dimensions ncol = size(thermodynamics%pressure_hl,1) nlev = size(thermodynamics%pressure_hl,2) nlev = nlev - 1 do_aerosol = config%use_aerosols .AND. present(aerosol) ! Open the file call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=i_local_verbose) ! Variables stored internally with column varying fastest, but in ! output file column varies most slowly so need to transpose call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.) ! In the case of aerosols we convert dimensions (ncol,nlev,ntype) ! in memory to (nlev,ntype,ncol) in file (in both cases the first ! dimension varying fastest). call out_file%permute_3d_arrays( (/ 2, 3, 1 /) ) ! For aerosols ! Define dimensions call out_file%define_dimension("column", ncol) call out_file%define_dimension("level", nlev) call out_file%define_dimension("half_level", nlev+1) if (allocated(cloud%overlap_param)) then call out_file%define_dimension("level_interface", nlev-1) end if call out_file%define_dimension("sw_albedo_band", & & size(single_level%sw_albedo,2)) call out_file%define_dimension("lw_emissivity_band", & & size(single_level%lw_emissivity,2)) if (do_aerosol) then call out_file%define_dimension("aerosol_type", size(aerosol%mixing_ratio,3)) end if ! Put global attributes call out_file%put_global_attributes( & & title_str="Input profiles to the ecRad offline radiation model", & & references_str="Hogan, R. J., and A. Bozzo, 2018: A flexible and efficient radiation " & & //"scheme for the ECMWF model. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Sys., 10, 1990–2008", & & source_str="ecRad offline radiation model") ! Define single-level variables call out_file%define_variable("solar_irradiance", & & units_str="W m-2", long_name="Solar irradiance at Earth's orbit") if (present(lat)) then call out_file%define_variable("lat", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="degrees_north", long_name="Latitude") end if if (present(lon)) then call out_file%define_variable("lon", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="degrees_east", long_name="Longitude") end if call out_file%define_variable("skin_temperature", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="K", long_name="Skin_temperature") if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%define_variable("cos_solar_zenith_angle", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="1", & & long_name="Cosine of the solar zenith angle") end if if (allocated(single_level%sw_albedo_direct)) then call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="sw_albedo_band", & & units_str="1", long_name="Shortwave surface albedo to diffuse radiation") call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo_direct", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="sw_albedo_band", & & units_str="1", long_name="Shortwave surface albedo to direct radiation") else call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="sw_albedo_band", & & units_str="1", long_name="Shortwave surface albedo") end if call out_file%define_variable("lw_emissivity", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="lw_emissivity_band", & & units_str="1", long_name="Longwave surface emissivity") if (allocated(single_level%iseed)) then call out_file%define_variable("iseed", & & dim1_name="column", units_str="1", is_double=.true., & & long_name="Seed for random-number generator") end if ! Define thermodynamic variables on half levels call out_file%define_variable("pressure_hl", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="Pa", long_name="Pressure") call out_file%define_variable("temperature_hl", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", & & units_str="K", long_name="Temperature") ! Define gas mixing ratios on full levels call out_file%define_variable("q", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name="Specific humidity") call out_file%define_variable("o3_mmr", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name="Ozone mass mixing ratio") DO jgas = 1,NMaxGases if (gas%is_present(jgas) .AND. jgas /= IH2O .AND. jgas /= IO3) then write(var_name,'(a,a)') trim(GasLowerCaseName(jgas)), '_vmr' write(long_name,'(a,a)') trim(GasName(jgas)), ' volume mixing ratio' call out_file%define_variable(trim(var_name), & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name=trim(long_name)) end if end do if (config%do_clouds) then ! Define cloud variables on full levels call out_file%define_variable("cloud_fraction", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud fraction") call out_file%define_variable("q_liquid", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name="Gridbox-mean liquid water mixing ratio") call out_file%define_variable("q_ice", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="1", long_name="Gridbox-mean ice water mixing ratio") call out_file%define_variable("re_liquid", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="m", long_name="Ice effective radius") if (associated(cloud%re_ice)) then call out_file%define_variable("re_ice", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", & & units_str="m", long_name="Ice effective radius") end if if (allocated(cloud%overlap_param)) then call out_file%define_variable("overlap_param", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level_interface", & & units_str="1", long_name="Cloud overlap parameter") end if if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then call out_file%define_variable("fractional_std", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="1", & & long_name="Fractional standard deviation of cloud optical depth") end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then call out_file%define_variable("inv_cloud_effective_size", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", & & long_name="Inverse of cloud effective horizontal size") end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then call out_file%define_variable("inv_inhom_effective_size", & & dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", & & long_name="Inverse of cloud inhomogeneity effective horizontal size") end if end if ! do_clouds ! Define aerosol mass mixing ratio if (do_aerosol) then call out_file%define_variable("aerosol_mmr", & & dim3_name="column", dim2_name="aerosol_type", & & dim1_name="level", units_str="kg kg-1", & & long_name="Aerosol mass mixing ratio") end if ! Write variables call out_file%put("solar_irradiance", single_level%solar_irradiance) if (present(lat)) then call out_file%put("lat", lat) end if if (present(lon)) then call out_file%put("lon", lon) end if call out_file%put("skin_temperature", single_level%skin_temperature) if (config%do_sw) then call out_file%put("cos_solar_zenith_angle", single_level%cos_sza) end if call out_file%put("sw_albedo", single_level%sw_albedo) if (allocated(single_level%sw_albedo_direct)) then call out_file%put("sw_albedo_direct", single_level%sw_albedo_direct) end if call out_file%put("lw_emissivity", single_level%lw_emissivity) if (config%do_clouds .AND. allocated(single_level%iseed)) then allocate(seed(ncol)) seed = single_level%iseed call out_file%put("iseed", seed) deallocate(seed) end if call out_file%put("pressure_hl", thermodynamics%pressure_hl) call out_file%put("temperature_hl", thermodynamics%temperature_hl) allocate(mixing_ratio(ncol,nlev)) call gas%get(IH2O, IMassMixingRatio, mixing_ratio) call out_file%put("q", mixing_ratio) call gas%get(IO3, IMassMixingRatio, mixing_ratio) call out_file%put("o3_mmr", mixing_ratio) DO jgas = 1,NMaxGases if (gas%is_present(jgas) .AND. jgas /= IH2O .AND. jgas /= IO3) then write(var_name,'(a,a)') trim(GasLowerCaseName(jgas)), '_vmr' call gas%get(jgas, IVolumeMixingRatio, mixing_ratio) call out_file%put(trim(var_name), mixing_ratio) end if end do deallocate(mixing_ratio) if (config%do_clouds) then call out_file%put("cloud_fraction", cloud%fraction) call out_file%put("q_liquid", cloud%q_liq) call out_file%put("q_ice", cloud%q_ice) call out_file%put("re_liquid", cloud%re_liq) if (associated(cloud%re_ice)) then call out_file%put("re_ice", cloud%re_ice) end if if (allocated(cloud%overlap_param)) then call out_file%put("overlap_param", cloud%overlap_param) end if if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then call out_file%put("fractional_std", cloud%fractional_std) end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then call out_file%put("inv_cloud_effective_size", cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size) end if if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then call out_file%put("inv_inhom_effective_size", cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size) end if end if if (do_aerosol) then allocate(aerosol_mmr(ncol, nlev, size(aerosol%mixing_ratio,3))) aerosol_mmr = 0.0_jprb aerosol_mmr(:,aerosol%istartlev:aerosol%iendlev,:) = aerosol%mixing_ratio call out_file%put("aerosol_mmr", aerosol_mmr) deallocate(aerosol_mmr) end if ! Close the file call out_file%close() if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_inputs',1,hook_handle) end subroutine save_inputs end module radiation_save