!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ###################################### REAL FUNCTION QSAT_SEAWATER2(PT,PP,PSSS) ! ###################################### ! !!**** *QSATW * - function to compute saturation vapor humidity from !! temperature !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this function is to compute the saturation vapor ! pressure from temperature over saline seawater ! ! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! Given temperature T (PT) and salinity S (PSSS), the saturation vapor !! pressure es(T,S) (FOES(PT,PSSS)) is computed following Weiss and Price !! (1980). !! !! Then, the specific humidity at saturation is deduced. !! !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! NONE !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! Module MODD_CST : contains physical constants !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Weiss, R.F., and Price, B.A., 1980 : Nitrous oxide solubility in water !! and seawater. Marine Chemistry, nb 8, pp 347-359. !! !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! S. Belamari * Meteo France * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 19/03/2014 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE MODD_CSTS, ONLY : XRD, XRV USE dimphy USE indice_sol_mod ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !* 0.1 Declarations of arguments and results ! ! REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: PT ! Temperature ! (Kelvin) REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: PP ! Pressure ! (Pascal) REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: PSSS ! Salinity ! (g/kg) REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PT)) :: PQSATA ! saturation vapor ! specific humidity ! with respect to ! water (kg/kg) ! !* 0.2 Declarations of local variables ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PT)) :: ZFOES ! saturation vapor ! pressure ! (Pascal) ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PT)) :: ZWORK1 REAL :: ZWORK2 !REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('MODE_THERMOS:QSATSEAW2_1D',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! !* 1. COMPUTE SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE ! --------------------------------- ! ZFOES(:) = EXP( 24.4543 -67.4509*(100.0/PT(:)) -4.8489*LOG(PT(:)/100.0) & -5.44E-04*(PSSS(:)/1.00472) ) !see Sharqawy et al (2010) Eq32 p368 ZFOES(:) = ZFOES(:)*1013.25E+02 !convert from atm to Pa ! ZWORK1(:) = ZFOES(:)/PP(:) ZWORK2 = XRD/XRV ! !* 2. COMPUTE SATURATION SPECIFIC HUMIDITY ! ------------------------------------ ! PQSATA(:) = ZWORK2*ZWORK1(:) / (1.0+(ZWORK2-1.0)*ZWORK1(:)) ! !IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('MODE_THERMOS:QSATSEAW2_1D',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END FUNCTION QSAT_SEAWATER2 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------