MODULE lmdz_lscp_ini IMPLICIT NONE ! PARAMETERS for lscp: !-------------------- REAL RCPD, RLSTT, RLVTT, RLMLT, RVTMP2, RTT, RD, RV, RG, RPI, EPS_W !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(RCPD, RLSTT, RLVTT, RLMLT, RVTMP2, RTT, RD, RV, RG, RPI, EPS_W) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: seuil_neb=0.001 ! cloud fraction threshold: a cloud can precipitate when exceeded !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(seuil_neb) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: min_neb_th=1e-10 ! a cloud produced by bi-gaussian really exists when exceeded !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(min_neb_th) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: min_frac_thermals=1.e-10 ! minimum thermals fraction for use of bigaussian distribution !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(min_frac_thermals) INTEGER, SAVE :: lunout, prt_level ! Logical unit number and level for standard output !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lunout,prt_level) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: niter_lscp=5 ! number of iterations to calculate autoconversion to precipitation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(niter_lscp) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_evap_prec=1 ! precipitation evaporation flag. 0: nothing, 1: "old way", ! 2: Max cloud fraction above to calculate the max of reevaporation ! >=4: LTP'method i.e. evaporation in the clear-sky fraction of the mesh only ! pay attention that iflag_evap_prec=4 may lead to unrealistic and overestimated ! evaporation. Use 5 instead !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_evap_prec) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: t_coup=234.0 ! temperature threshold which determines the phase ! for which the saturation vapor pressure is calculated !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(t_coup) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: DDT0=0.01 ! iteration parameter !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(DDT0) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ztfondue=278.15 ! parameter to calculate melting fraction of precipitation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ztfondue) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: temp_nowater=235.15 ! temperature below which liquid water no longer exists !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(temp_nowater) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: a_tr_sca(4) ! Variables for tracers temporary: alpha parameter for scavenging, 4 possible scavenging processes !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(a_tr_sca) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: min_frac_th_cld=1.e-10 ! minimum thermal fraction to compute a thermal cloud fraction !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(min_frac_th_cld) LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ok_radocond_snow=.false. ! take into account the mass of ice precip in the cloud ice content seen by radiation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_radocond_snow) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: t_glace_min=258.0 ! lower-bound temperature parameter for cloud phase determination !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(t_glace_min) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: t_glace_max=273.15 ! upper-bound temperature parameter for cloud phase determination !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(t_glace_max) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: exposant_glace=1.0 ! parameter for cloud phase determination !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(exposant_glace) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_vice=0 ! which expression for ice crystall fall velocity !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_vice) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_t_glace=0 ! which expression for cloud phase partitioning !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_t_glace) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_cloudth_vert=0 ! option for determining cloud fraction and content in convective boundary layers !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_cloudth_vert) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_gammasat=0 ! which threshold for homogeneous nucleation below -40oC !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_gammasat) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_rain_incloud_vol=0 ! use of volume cloud fraction for rain autoconversion !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_rain_incloud_vol) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_bergeron=0 ! bergeron effect for liquid precipitation treatment !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_bergeron) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_fisrtilp_qsat=0 ! qsat adjustment (iterative) during autoconversion !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_fisrtilp_qsat) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_pdf=0 ! type of subgrid scale qtot pdf !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_pdf) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_icefrac=0 ! which phase partitioning function to use !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_icefrac) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_autoconversion=0 ! autoconversion option !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_autoconversion) LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: reevap_ice=.false. ! no liquid precip for T< threshold !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(reevap_ice) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_lc_lsc=2.6e-4 ! liquid autoconversion coefficient, stratiform rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_lc_lsc) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_lc_con=2.6e-4 ! liquid autoconversion coefficient, convective rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_lc_con) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_tau_lsc=3600. ! liquid autoconversion timescale, stratiform rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_tau_lsc) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_tau_con=3600. ! liquid autoconversion timescale, convective rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_tau_con) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_expo_lsc=2. ! liquid autoconversion threshold exponent, stratiform rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_expo_lsc) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_expo_con=2. ! liquid autoconversion threshold exponent, convective rain !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_expo_con) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ffallv_lsc=1. ! tuning coefficient crystal fall velocity, stratiform !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ffallv_lsc) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ffallv_con=1. ! tuning coefficient crystal fall velocity, convective !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ffallv_con) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: coef_eva=2e-5 ! tuning coefficient liquid precip evaporation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(coef_eva) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: coef_sub ! tuning coefficient ice precip sublimation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(coef_sub) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: expo_eva=0.5 ! tuning coefficient liquid precip evaporation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(expo_eva) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: expo_sub ! tuning coefficient ice precip sublimation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(expo_sub) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cice_velo=1.645 ! factor in the ice fall velocity formulation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cice_velo) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: dice_velo=0.16 ! exponent in the ice fall velocity formulation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dice_velo) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: dist_liq=300. ! typical deph of cloud-top liquid layer in mpcs !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dist_liq) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: tresh_cl=0.0 ! cloud fraction threshold for cloud top search !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tresh_cl) !--Parameters for condensation and ice supersaturation LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ok_ice_supersat=.FALSE. ! activates the condensation scheme that allows for ice supersaturation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_ice_supersat) LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ok_unadjusted_clouds=.FALSE. ! if True, relax the saturation adjustment assumption for ice clouds !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_unadjusted_clouds) LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ok_weibull_warm_clouds=.FALSE. ! if True, the weibull condensation scheme replaces the lognormal condensation scheme at positive temperatures !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_weibull_warm_clouds) INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf=3 ! iflag for the distribution of water inside ice clouds !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: depo_coef_cirrus=.5 ! [-] deposition coefficient for growth of ice crystals in cirrus clouds !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(depo_coef_cirrus) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: capa_cond_cirrus=.5 ! [-] capacitance factor for growth/sublimation of ice crystals in cirrus clouds !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(capa_cond_cirrus) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: mu_subl_pdf_lscp=1./3. ! [-] shape factor of the gamma distribution of water inside ice clouds !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mu_subl_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: beta_pdf_lscp=8.75E-4 ! [] tuning coefficient for the standard deviation of the PDF of water vapor in the clear sky region !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(beta_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: temp_thresh_pdf_lscp=188. ! [K] factor for the PDF fit of water vapor in UTLS - below this temperature, water vapor is homogeneously distributed in the clear sky region !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(temp_thresh_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rhlmid_pdf_lscp=52.8 ! [%] factor for the PDF fit of water vapor in UTLS - below this rel hum wrt liq, std increases with RHliq, above it decreases with RHliq !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rhlmid_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: k0_pdf_lscp=2.80 ! [-] factor for the PDF fit of water vapor in UTLS !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(k0_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: kappa_pdf_lscp=0.0236 ! [] factor for the PDF fit of water vapor in UTLS !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kappa_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rhl0_pdf_lscp=88.7 ! [%] factor for the PDF fit of water vapor in UTLS !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rhl0_pdf_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: a_homofreez=2.349 ! [-] factor for the Koop homogeneous freezing fit !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(a_homofreez) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: b_homofreez=259. ! [K] factor for the Koop homogeneous freezing fit !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(b_homofreez) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: delta_hetfreez=1. ! [-] value between 0 and 1 to simulate for heterogeneous freezing. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(delta_hetfreez) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: coef_mixing_lscp=1e-7 ! [-] tuning coefficient for the mixing process !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(coef_mixing_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: coef_shear_lscp=0.1 ! [-] additional coefficient for the shearing process (subprocess of the mixing process) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(coef_shear_lscp) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: chi_mixing_lscp=1.1 ! [-] factor for the macro distribution of ISSRs wrt clouds in a gridbox !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(chi_mixing_lscp) ! REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: contrail_cross_section=200000. ! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(contrail_cross_section) !--End of the parameters for condensation and ice supersaturation !--Parameters for poprecip LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ok_poprecip=.FALSE. ! use the processes-oriented formulation of precipitations !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_poprecip) LOGICAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: ok_corr_vap_evasub=.FALSE. ! use the corrected version of clear-sky water vapor for the evap / subl processes !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_corr_vap_evasub) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_lc_lsc_snow=2.e-5 ! snow autoconversion coefficient, stratiform. default from Chaboureau and PInty 2006 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_lc_lsc_snow) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: cld_lc_con_snow=2.e-5 ! snow autoconversion coefficient, convective !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cld_lc_con_snow) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rain_int_min=1.e-5 ! Minimum local rain intensity [mm/s] before the decrease in associated precipitation fraction !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rain_int_min) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: thresh_precip_frac=1.E-6 ! precipitation fraction threshold [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(thresh_precip_frac) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: capa_crystal=1. ! Crystal capacitance (shape factor) for lscp_icefrac_turb [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(capa_crystal) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: naero5=0.5 ! Number concentration of aerosol larger than 0.5 microns [scm-3] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(naero5) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_snwretro = 0. ! Proportion of snow taken into account in ice retroaction in lscp_icefrac_turb [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_snwretro) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_taud = 1. ! Tuning coeff for Lagrangian decorrelation timescale in lscp_icefrac_turb [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_taud) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_col=1. ! Tuning coefficient for rain collection efficiency (poprecip) [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_col) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_agg=1. ! Tuning coefficient for snow aggregation efficiency (poprecip) [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_agg) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_rim=1. ! Tuning coefficient for riming efficiency (poprecip) [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_rim) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_melt=1. ! Tuning coefficient for snow melting efficiency (poprecip) [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_melt) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: gamma_freez=1. ! Tuning coefficient for rain collision freezing efficiency (poprecip) [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gamma_freez) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rho_rain=1000. ! Rain density [kg/m3] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rho_rain) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rho_ice=920. ! Ice density [kg/m3] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rho_ice) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: r_rain=500.E-6 ! Rain droplets radius (poprecip) [m] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(r_rain) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: r_snow=1.E-3 ! Ice crystals radius (poprecip) [m] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(r_snow) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: tau_auto_snow_min=100. ! Snow autoconversion minimal timescale (when liquid) [s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tau_auto_snow_min) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: tau_auto_snow_max=1000. ! Snow autoconversion minimal timescale (when only ice) [s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tau_auto_snow_max) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: eps=1.E-10 ! Treshold 0 [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(eps) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: alpha_freez=4. ! Slope of exponential for immersion freezing timescale [-] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(alpha_freez) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: beta_freez=0.1 ! Inv.time immersion freezing [s-1] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(beta_freez) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rain_fallspeed=4. ! Rain fall velocity [m/s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rain_fallspeed) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rain_fallspeed_clr ! Rain fall velocity in clear sky [m/s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rain_fallspeed_clr) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: rain_fallspeed_cld ! Rain fall velocity in cloudy sky [m/s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rain_fallspeed_cld) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: snow_fallspeed=1. ! Snow fall velocity [m/s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snow_fallspeed) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: snow_fallspeed_clr ! Snow fall velocity in clear sky [m/s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snow_fallspeed_clr) REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: snow_fallspeed_cld ! Snow fall velocity in cloudy sky [m/s] !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snow_fallspeed_cld) !--End of the parameters for poprecip ! Two parameters used for lmdz_lscp_old only INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_oldbug_fisrtilp=0, fl_cor_ebil !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_oldbug_fisrtilp,fl_cor_ebil) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lscp_ini(dtime,lunout_in,prt_level_in,ok_ice_supersat_in, iflag_ratqs, fl_cor_ebil_in, & RCPD_in, RLSTT_in, RLVTT_in, RLMLT_in, RVTMP2_in, & RTT_in, RD_in, RV_in, RG_in, RPI_in, EPS_W_in) USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p USE lmdz_cloudth_ini, ONLY : cloudth_ini REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lunout_in,prt_level_in,iflag_ratqs,fl_cor_ebil_in LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ok_ice_supersat_in REAL, INTENT(IN) :: RCPD_in, RLSTT_in, RLVTT_in, RLMLT_in REAL, INTENT(IN) :: RVTMP2_in, RTT_in, RD_in, RV_in, RG_in, RPI_in, EPS_W_in character (len=20) :: modname='lscp_ini_mod' character (len=80) :: abort_message lunout=lunout_in prt_level=prt_level_in fl_cor_ebil=fl_cor_ebil_in ok_ice_supersat=ok_ice_supersat_in RG=RG_in RD=RD_in RV=RV_in RCPD=RCPD_in RLVTT=RLVTT_in RLSTT=RLSTT_in RLMLT=RLMLT_in RTT=RTT_in RV=RV_in RVTMP2=RVTMP2_in RPI=RPI_in EPS_W=EPS_W_in CALL getin_p('niter_lscp',niter_lscp) CALL getin_p('iflag_evap_prec',iflag_evap_prec) CALL getin_p('seuil_neb',seuil_neb) CALL getin_p('ok_radocond_snow',ok_radocond_snow) CALL getin_p('t_glace_max',t_glace_max) CALL getin_p('t_glace_min',t_glace_min) CALL getin_p('exposant_glace',exposant_glace) CALL getin_p('iflag_vice',iflag_vice) CALL getin_p('iflag_t_glace',iflag_t_glace) CALL getin_p('iflag_cloudth_vert',iflag_cloudth_vert) CALL getin_p('iflag_gammasat',iflag_gammasat) CALL getin_p('iflag_rain_incloud_vol',iflag_rain_incloud_vol) CALL getin_p('iflag_bergeron',iflag_bergeron) CALL getin_p('iflag_fisrtilp_qsat',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat) CALL getin_p('iflag_pdf',iflag_pdf) CALL getin_p('iflag_icefrac',iflag_icefrac) CALL getin_p('reevap_ice',reevap_ice) CALL getin_p('cld_lc_lsc',cld_lc_lsc) CALL getin_p('cld_lc_con',cld_lc_con) CALL getin_p('cld_lc_lsc_snow',cld_lc_lsc_snow) CALL getin_p('cld_lc_con_snow',cld_lc_con_snow) CALL getin_p('cld_tau_lsc',cld_tau_lsc) CALL getin_p('cld_tau_con',cld_tau_con) CALL getin_p('cld_expo_lsc',cld_expo_lsc) CALL getin_p('cld_expo_con',cld_expo_con) CALL getin_p('ffallv_lsc',ffallv_lsc) CALL getin_p('ffallv_lsc',ffallv_con) CALL getin_p('coef_eva',coef_eva) coef_sub=coef_eva CALL getin_p('coef_eva_i',coef_sub) CALL getin_p('coef_sub',coef_sub) CALL getin_p('expo_eva',expo_eva) expo_sub=expo_eva CALL getin_p('expo_sub',expo_sub) CALL getin_p('iflag_autoconversion',iflag_autoconversion) CALL getin_p('dist_liq',dist_liq) CALL getin_p('tresh_cl',tresh_cl) CALL getin_p('capa_crystal',capa_crystal) CALL getin_p('naero5',naero5) CALL getin_p('gamma_snwretro',gamma_snwretro) CALL getin_p('gamma_taud',gamma_taud) CALL getin_p('iflag_oldbug_fisrtilp',iflag_oldbug_fisrtilp) CALL getin_p('temp_nowater',temp_nowater) ! for poprecip CALL getin_p('ok_poprecip',ok_poprecip) CALL getin_p('ok_corr_vap_evasub',ok_corr_vap_evasub) CALL getin_p('rain_int_min',rain_int_min) CALL getin_p('gamma_agg',gamma_agg) CALL getin_p('gamma_col',gamma_col) CALL getin_p('gamma_rim',gamma_rim) CALL getin_p('gamma_freez',gamma_freez) CALL getin_p('gamma_melt',gamma_melt) CALL getin_p('tau_auto_snow_max',tau_auto_snow_max) CALL getin_p('tau_auto_snow_min',tau_auto_snow_min) CALL getin_p('r_snow',r_snow) CALL getin_p('rain_fallspeed',rain_fallspeed) rain_fallspeed_clr=rain_fallspeed rain_fallspeed_cld=rain_fallspeed CALL getin_p('rain_fallspeed_clr',rain_fallspeed_clr) CALL getin_p('rain_fallspeed_cld',rain_fallspeed_cld) CALL getin_p('snow_fallspeed',snow_fallspeed) snow_fallspeed_clr=snow_fallspeed snow_fallspeed_cld=snow_fallspeed CALL getin_p('snow_fallspeed_clr',snow_fallspeed_clr) CALL getin_p('snow_fallspeed_cld',snow_fallspeed_cld) ! for condensation and ice supersaturation CALL getin_p('ok_unadjusted_clouds',ok_unadjusted_clouds) CALL getin_p('ok_weibull_warm_clouds',ok_weibull_warm_clouds) CALL getin_p('iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf',iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf) CALL getin_p('depo_coef_cirrus',depo_coef_cirrus) CALL getin_p('capa_cond_cirrus',capa_cond_cirrus) CALL getin_p('mu_subl_pdf_lscp',mu_subl_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('beta_pdf_lscp',beta_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('temp_thresh_pdf_lscp',temp_thresh_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('rhlmid_pdf_lscp',rhlmid_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('k0_pdf_lscp',k0_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('kappa_pdf_lscp',kappa_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('rhl0_pdf_lscp',rhl0_pdf_lscp) CALL getin_p('a_homofreez',a_homofreez) CALL getin_p('b_homofreez',b_homofreez) CALL getin_p('delta_hetfreez',delta_hetfreez) CALL getin_p('coef_mixing_lscp',coef_mixing_lscp) CALL getin_p('coef_shear_lscp',coef_shear_lscp) CALL getin_p('chi_mixing_lscp',chi_mixing_lscp) !CALL getin_p('contrail_cross_section',contrail_cross_section) WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, niter_lscp:', niter_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_evap_prec:', iflag_evap_prec WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, seuil_neb:', seuil_neb WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_radocond_snow:', ok_radocond_snow WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, t_glace_max:', t_glace_max WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, t_glace_min:', t_glace_min WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, exposant_glace:', exposant_glace WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_vice:', iflag_vice WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_t_glace:', iflag_t_glace WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_cloudth_vert:', iflag_cloudth_vert WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_gammasat:', iflag_gammasat WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_rain_incloud_vol:', iflag_rain_incloud_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_bergeron:', iflag_bergeron WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_fisrtilp_qsat:', iflag_fisrtilp_qsat WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_pdf', iflag_pdf WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_icefrac', iflag_icefrac WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, reevap_ice', reevap_ice WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_lc_lsc', cld_lc_lsc WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_lc_con', cld_lc_con WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_lc_lsc_snow', cld_lc_lsc_snow WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_lc_con_snow', cld_lc_con_snow WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_tau_lsc', cld_tau_lsc WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_tau_con', cld_tau_con WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_expo_lsc', cld_expo_lsc WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, cld_expo_con', cld_expo_con WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ffallv_lsc', ffallv_lsc WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ffallv_con', ffallv_con WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, coef_eva', coef_eva WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, coef_sub', coef_sub WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, expo_eva', expo_eva WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, expo_sub', expo_sub WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_autoconversion', iflag_autoconversion WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, dist_liq', dist_liq WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, tresh_cl', tresh_cl WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, capa_crystal', capa_crystal WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, naero5', naero5 WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_snwretro', gamma_snwretro WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_taud', gamma_taud WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_oldbug_fisrtilp', iflag_oldbug_fisrtilp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, fl_cor_ebil', fl_cor_ebil WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, temp_nowater', temp_nowater ! for poprecip WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_poprecip', ok_poprecip WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_corr_vap_evasub', ok_corr_vap_evasub WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, rain_int_min:', rain_int_min WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_agg:', gamma_agg WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_col:', gamma_col WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_rim:', gamma_rim WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_freez:', gamma_freez WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, gamma_melt:', gamma_melt WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, tau_auto_snow_max:',tau_auto_snow_max WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, tau_auto_snow_min:',tau_auto_snow_min WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, r_snow:', r_snow WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, rain_fallspeed_clr:', rain_fallspeed_clr WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, rain_fallspeed_cld:', rain_fallspeed_cld WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, snow_fallspeed_clr:', snow_fallspeed_clr WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, snow_fallspeed_cld:', snow_fallspeed_cld ! for condensation and ice supersaturation WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_ice_supersat:', ok_ice_supersat WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_unadjusted_clouds:', ok_unadjusted_clouds WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_weibull_warm_clouds:', ok_weibull_warm_clouds WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf:', iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, depo_coef_cirrus:', depo_coef_cirrus WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, capa_cond_cirrus:', capa_cond_cirrus WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, mu_subl_pdf_lscp:', mu_subl_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, beta_pdf_lscp:', beta_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, temp_thresh_pdf_lscp:', temp_thresh_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, rhlmid_pdf_lscp:', rhlmid_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, k0_pdf_lscp:', k0_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, kappa_pdf_lscp:', kappa_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, rhl0_pdf_lscp:', rhl0_pdf_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, a_homofreez:', a_homofreez WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, b_homofreez:', b_homofreez WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, delta_hetfreez', delta_hetfreez WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, coef_mixing_lscp:', coef_mixing_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, coef_shear_lscp:', coef_shear_lscp WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, chi_mixing_lscp:', chi_mixing_lscp ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, contrail_cross_section:', contrail_cross_section ! check for precipitation sub-time steps IF (ABS(dtime/REAL(niter_lscp)-360.0).GT.0.001) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp: it is not expected, see Z.X.Li', dtime WRITE(lunout,*) 'I would prefer a 6 min sub-timestep' ENDIF ! check consistency between numerical resolution of autoconversion ! and other options IF (iflag_autoconversion .EQ. 2) THEN IF ((iflag_vice .NE. 0) .OR. (niter_lscp .GT. 1)) THEN abort_message = 'in lscp, iflag_autoconversion=2 requires iflag_vice=0 and niter_lscp=1' CALL abort_physic (modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( ok_weibull_warm_clouds .AND. .NOT. ok_ice_supersat ) THEN abort_message = 'in lscp, ok_weibull_warm_clouds=y needs ok_ice_supersat=y' CALL abort_physic (modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF IF ( ok_unadjusted_clouds .AND. .NOT. ok_ice_supersat ) THEN abort_message = 'in lscp, ok_unadjusted_clouds=y needs ok_ice_supersat=y' CALL abort_physic (modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !AA Temporary initialisation a_tr_sca(1) = -0.5 a_tr_sca(2) = -0.5 a_tr_sca(3) = -0.5 a_tr_sca(4) = -0.5 CALL cloudth_ini(iflag_cloudth_vert,iflag_ratqs) RETURN END SUBROUTINE lscp_ini END MODULE lmdz_lscp_ini