subroutine load_mie_table(mie_table_name,mt) use radar_simulator_types implicit none ! Purpose: ! Loads the Mie table data ! Part of Quickbeam v1.03 ! ! ! Inputs: ! [mie_table_name] Mie table input file ! ! Outputs: ! [mt] structure of Mie table data ! ! Created from Quickbeam v1.02 08/24/2006 by Roger Marchand ! ----- INPUT ----- character*200, intent(in) :: mie_table_name ! ----- OUTPUT ----- type(mie), intent(out) :: mt ! ----- INTERNAL ----- integer :: i integer*4 :: dummy_in(4) open(51,file=mie_table_name,action='read') read(51,*) dummy_in if(dummy_in(1).ne. mt_nfreq .or. & dummy_in(2).ne. mt_ntt .or. & dummy_in(3).ne. mt_nf .or. & dummy_in(4).ne. mt_nd) then print *,'Mie file is of size :',dummy_in(:) print *,' expected a size of:',mt_nfreq, mt_ntt,mt_nf,mt_nf print *,' change paramters in radar_simulator_types.f90 ?? ' stop endif read(51,*) mt%freq read(51,*) mt%tt read(51,*) mt%f read(51,*) mt%phase read(51,*) mt%D read(51,*) mt%qext read(51,*) mt%qbsca close(51) ! // create arrays of liquid/ice temperature cnt_liq = 0 cnt_ice = 0 do i=1,mt_ntt if (mt%phase(i) == 0) cnt_liq = cnt_liq + 1 if (mt%phase(i) == 1) cnt_ice = cnt_ice + 1 enddo allocate(mt_ttl(cnt_liq),mt_tti(cnt_ice)) do i=1,cnt_liq mt_ttl(i) = mt%tt(i) enddo do i=1,cnt_ice mt_tti(i) = mt%tt(cnt_liq+i) enddo end subroutine load_mie_table