MODULE tracco2i_mod ! ! This module does the work for the interactive CO2 tracers ! Authors: Patricia Cadule and Olivier Boucher ! ! Purpose and description: ! ----------------------- ! Main routine for the interactive carbon cycle ! Gather all carbon fluxes and emissions from ORCHIDEE, PISCES and fossil fuel ! Compute the net flux in source field which is used in phytrac ! Compute global CO2 mixing ratio for radiation scheme if option is activated ! Redistribute CO2 evenly over the atmosphere if transport is desactivated ! CONTAINS SUBROUTINE tracco2i_init() ! This subroutine calls carbon_cycle_init needed to be done before first call to phys_output_write in physiq. USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: carbon_cycle_init, carbon_cycle_cpl ! Initialize carbon_cycle_mod IF (carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN CALL carbon_cycle_init() ENDIF END SUBROUTINE tracco2i_init SUBROUTINE tracco2i(pdtphys, debutphy, & xlat, xlon, pphis, pphi, & t_seri, pplay, paprs, tr_seri, source) USE dimphy USE infotrac_phy USE geometry_mod, ONLY: cell_area USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: id_CO2, nbcf_in, fields_in, cfname_in USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_ocn_day, fco2_ff, fco2_bb, fco2_land, fco2_ocean USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_land_nbp, fco2_land_nep, fco2_land_fLuc USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_land_fwoodharvest, fco2_land_fHarvest USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: carbon_cycle_cpl, carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_rad, RCO2_glo, RCO2_tot USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, ONLY: is_mpi_root USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: gather, bcast, scatter USE phys_cal_mod USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: pctsrf USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: nbsrf, is_ter, is_lic, is_oce, is_sic IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "clesphys.h" INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" ! Input argument !--------------- REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys ! Pas d'integration pour la physique (seconde) LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: debutphy ! le flag de l'initialisation de la physique REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: xlat ! latitudes pour chaque point REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: xlon ! longitudes pour chaque point REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: pphis ! geopotentiel du sol REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: pphi ! geopotentiel de chaque couche REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: t_seri ! Temperature REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: pplay ! pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa) REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev+1),INTENT(IN) :: paprs ! pression pour chaque inter-couche (en Pa) REAL,DIMENSION(klon,nbtr),INTENT(INOUT):: source ! flux de traceur [U/m2/s] ! Output argument !---------------- REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr),INTENT(INOUT) :: tr_seri ! Concentration Traceur [U/kgA] ! Local variables !---------------- INTEGER :: it, k, i, nb REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: m_air ! mass of air in every grid box [kg] REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,klev) :: co2_glo ! variable temporaire sur la grille global REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,klev) :: m_air_glo ! variable temporaire sur la grille global LOGICAL, SAVE :: check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname) INTEGER, SAVE :: day_pre=-1 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(day_pre) IF (is_mpi_root) THEN PRINT *,'in tracco2i: date from phys_cal_mod =',year_cur,'-',mth_cur,'-',day_cur,'-',hour ENDIF !--initialisation of CO2 field if not in restart file !--dirty way of doing, do it better later !--convert 280 ppm into kg CO2 / kg air IF (debutphy) THEN ! Initialisation de tr_seri(id_CO2) si pas initialise IF (MAXVAL(tr_seri(:,:,id_CO2)).LT.1.e-15) THEN tr_seri(:,:,id_CO2)=co2_ppm0*1.e-6/RMD*RMCO2 !--initialised from co2_ppm0 in rdem ENDIF !--check if fCO2_nbp is in check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname=.FALSE. DO nb=1, nbcf_in IF (cfname_in(nb)=="fCO2_nbp") check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname=.TRUE. ENDDO ENDIF !--calculate mass of air in every grid box in kg air DO i=1, klon DO k=1, klev m_air(i,k)=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/RG*cell_area(i) ENDDO ENDDO !--call CO2 emission routine !--co2bb is zero for now !--unit kg CO2 m-2 s-1 CALL co2_emissions(debutphy) !--retrieving land and ocean CO2 flux fco2_land(:)=0.0 fco2_ocean(:)=0.0 fco2_land_nbp(:)=0. fco2_land_nep(:)=0. fco2_land_fLuc(:)=0. fco2_land_fwoodharvest(:)=0. fco2_land_fHarvest(:)=0. DO nb=1, nbcf_in SELECT CASE(cfname_in(nb)) !--dealing with the different fluxes coming from ORCHIDEE !--fluxes come in unit of kg C m-2 s-1 is converted into kg CO2 m-2 s-1 CASE("fCO2_nep") fco2_land_nep(:)=fields_in(:,nb)*RMCO2/RMC*pctsrf(:,is_ter) CASE("fCO2_fLuc") fco2_land_fLuc(:)=fields_in(:,nb)*RMCO2/RMC*pctsrf(:,is_ter) CASE("fCO2_fwoodharvest") fco2_land_fwoodharvest(:)=fields_in(:,nb)*RMCO2/RMC*pctsrf(:,is_ter) CASE("fCO2_fHarvest") fco2_land_fHarvest(:)=fields_in(:,nb)*RMCO2/RMC*pctsrf(:,is_ter) CASE("fCO2_nbp") fco2_land_nbp(:)=fields_in(:,nb)*RMCO2/RMC*pctsrf(:,is_ter) !--fCO2_fco2_ocn comes in unit of mol C02 m-2 s-1 is converted into kg CO2 m-2 s-1 + change sign CASE("fCO2_fgco2") fco2_ocean(:)=-1.*fco2_ocn_day(:)*RMCO2/1.e3*(pctsrf(:,is_oce)+pctsrf(:,is_sic)) END SELECT ENDDO !--if fCO2_nbp is transferred we use it, otherwise we use the sum of what has been passed from ORCHIDEE IF (check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname) THEN fco2_land(:)=fco2_land_nbp(:) ELSE fco2_land(:)=fco2_land_nep(:)+fco2_land_fLuc(:)+fco2_land_fwoodharvest(:)+fco2_land_fHarvest(:) ENDIF !!--preparing the net anthropogenic flux at the surface for mixing layer !!--unit kg CO2 / m2 / s ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(fco2_ff) ',MAXVAL(fco2_ff) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(fco2_ff) ',MINVAL(fco2_ff) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(fco2_bb) ',MAXVAL(fco2_bb) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(fco2_bb) ',MINVAL(fco2_bb) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(fco2_land) ',MAXVAL(fco2_land) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(fco2_land) ',MINVAL(fco2_land) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(fco2_ocean) ',MAXVAL(fco2_ocean) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(fco2_ocean) ',MINVAL(fco2_ocean) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(source(:,id_CO2)) ',MAXVAL(source(:,id_CO2)) ! PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(source(:,id_CO2)) ',MINVAL(source(:,id_CO2)) ! !--build final source term for CO2 source(:,id_CO2)=fco2_ff(:)+fco2_bb(:)+fco2_land(:)+fco2_ocean(:) !--computing global mean CO2 for radiation !--for every timestep comment out the IF ENDIF statements !--otherwise this is updated every day IF (debutphy.OR.day_cur.NE.day_pre) THEN CALL gather(tr_seri(:,:,id_CO2),co2_glo) CALL gather(m_air,m_air_glo) !$OMP MASTER !--compute a global mean CO2 value and print its value in ppm IF (is_mpi_root) THEN RCO2_tot=SUM(co2_glo*m_air_glo) !--unit kg CO2 RCO2_glo=RCO2_tot/SUM(m_air_glo) !--unit kg CO2 / kg air PRINT *,'tracco2i: global CO2 in ppm =', RCO2_glo*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2 PRINT *,'tracco2i: total CO2 in kg =', RCO2_tot ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER CALL bcast(RCO2_glo) day_pre=day_cur !--if not carbon_cycle_tr, then we reinitialize the CO2 each day to its global mean value IF (.NOT.carbon_cycle_tr) THEN tr_seri(:,:,id_CO2)=RCO2_glo ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE tracco2i SUBROUTINE co2_emissions(debutphy) USE dimphy USE infotrac_phy USE geometry_mod, ONLY : cell_area USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, ONLY: is_mpi_root USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: gather, scatter USE phys_cal_mod USE netcdf95, ONLY: nf95_close, nf95_gw_var, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_open USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_get_var, nf90_noerr, nf90_nowrite USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : fco2_ff, fco2_bb, fco2_land, fco2_ocean IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: debutphy ! For NetCDF: INTEGER ncid_in ! IDs for input files INTEGER varid, ncerr INTEGER :: n_glo, n_month REAL, POINTER:: vector(:), time(:) REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: flx_co2ff_glo(:,:) ! fossil-fuel CO2 REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: flx_co2bb_glo(:,:) ! biomass-burning CO2 REAL,ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: flx_co2ff(:,:) ! fossil-fuel CO2 REAL,ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: flx_co2bb(:,:) ! biomass-burning CO2 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(flx_co2ff,flx_co2bb) !! may be controlled via the .def later on !! also co2bb for now comes from ORCHIDEE LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: readco2ff=.TRUE. !! this should be left to FALSE for now LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: readco2bb=.FALSE. CHARACTER (len = 20) :: modname = 'tracco2i.co2_emissions' CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message IF (debutphy) THEN ALLOCATE(flx_co2ff(klon,12)) ALLOCATE(flx_co2bb(klon,12)) !$OMP MASTER IF (is_mpi_root) THEN IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(flx_co2ff_glo)) ALLOCATE(flx_co2ff_glo(klon_glo,12)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(flx_co2bb_glo)) ALLOCATE(flx_co2bb_glo(klon_glo,12)) !--reading CO2 fossil fuel emissions IF (readco2ff) THEN ! ... Open the COZff file CALL nf95_open("", nf90_nowrite, ncid_in) CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "vector", varid) CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, vector) n_glo = size(vector) IF (n_glo.NE.klon_glo) THEN abort_message='sflx_lmdz_co2_ff: le nombre de points n est pas egal a klon_glo' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "time", varid) CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, time) n_month = size(time) IF (n_month.NE.12) THEN abort_message='sflx_lmdz_co2_ff: le nombre de month n est pas egal a 12' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !--reading flx_co2 for fossil fuel CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "flx_co2", varid) ncerr = nf90_get_var(ncid_in, varid, flx_co2ff_glo) CALL nf95_close(ncid_in) ELSE !--co2ff not to be read flx_co2ff_glo(:,:)=0.0 ENDIF !--reading CO2 biomass burning emissions !--using it will be inconsistent with treatment in ORCHIDEE IF (readco2bb) THEN ! ... Open the CO2bb file CALL nf95_open("", nf90_nowrite, ncid_in) CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "vector", varid) CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, vector) n_glo = size(vector) IF (n_glo.NE.klon_glo) THEN abort_message='sflx_lmdz_co2_bb: le nombre de points n est pas egal a klon_glo' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "time", varid) CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, time) n_month = size(time) IF (n_month.NE.12) THEN abort_message='sflx_lmdz_co2_bb: le nombre de month n est pas egal a 12' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !--reading flx_co2 for biomass burning CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "flx_co2", varid) ncerr = nf90_get_var(ncid_in, varid, flx_co2bb_glo) CALL nf95_close(ncid_in) ELSE !--co2bb not to be read flx_co2bb_glo(:,:)=0.0 ENDIF ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER ! Allocation needed for all proc otherwise scatter might complain IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(flx_co2ff_glo)) ALLOCATE(flx_co2ff_glo(0,0)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(flx_co2bb_glo)) ALLOCATE(flx_co2bb_glo(0,0)) !--scatter on all proc CALL scatter(flx_co2ff_glo,flx_co2ff) CALL scatter(flx_co2bb_glo,flx_co2bb) IF (ALLOCATED(flx_co2ff_glo)) DEALLOCATE(flx_co2ff_glo) IF (ALLOCATED(flx_co2bb_glo)) DEALLOCATE(flx_co2bb_glo) ENDIF !--end debuthy !---select the correct month IF (mth_cur.LT.1.OR.mth_cur.GT.12) THEN PRINT *,'probleme avec le mois dans co2_ini =', mth_cur ENDIF fco2_ff(:) = flx_co2ff(:,mth_cur) fco2_bb(:) = flx_co2bb(:,mth_cur) END SUBROUTINE co2_emissions END MODULE tracco2i_mod