PROGRAM ce0l ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Initial states and boundary conditions files creation: ! * for dynamics (using etat0dyn routine) ! * for physics (using etat0phys routine) ! * for forced runs (using limit_netcdf routine) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! * extrap=.T. (default) for data extrapolation, like for the SSTs when file ! does contain ocean points only. ! * "masque" can be: ! - read from file "" (for coupled runs). ! - read from file "" (from a previous run). ! - created in etat0phys or etat0dyn (for forced runs). ! It is then passed to limit_netcdf to ensure consistancy. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ioipsl, ONLY: ioconf_calendar, getin, flininfo, flinopen, flinget, flinclo USE control_mod, ONLY: day_step, dayref, nsplit_phys USE etat0dyn, ONLY: etat0dyn_netcdf USE etat0phys, ONLY: etat0phys_netcdf USE limit, ONLY: limit_netcdf USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN, NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_CLOSE, NF90_NOERR, & NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION, NF90_INQ_DIMID, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_GET_VAR USE infotrac, ONLY: init_infotrac USE dimphy, ONLY: klon USE test_disvert_m, ONLY: test_disvert USE filtreg_mod, ONLY: inifilr USE iniphysiq_mod, ONLY: iniphysiq USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: comm_lmdz #ifdef CPP_PARA USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: init_const_mpi USE parallel_lmdz, ONLY: init_parallel, mpi_rank, omp_rank, using_mpi USE bands, ONLY: read_distrib, distrib_phys USE mod_hallo, ONLY: init_mod_hallo USE mod_interface_dyn_phys, ONLY: init_interface_dyn_phys USE lmdz_xios, only: using_xios, xios_finalize #endif USE iniprint_mod_h USE comgeom2_mod_h USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp, daysec, dtphys, dtvr, g, kappa, omeg, r, rad, & pi, jmp1 USE logic_mod, ONLY: iflag_phys, ok_etat0, ok_limit USE comvert_mod, ONLY: pa, preff, pressure_exner USE temps_mod, ONLY: calend, day_ini, dt USE lmdz_mpi USE dimensions_mod, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm USE paramet_mod_h, ONLY: iip1, iip2, iip3, jjp1, llmp1, llmp2, llmm1, kftd, ip1jm, ip1jmp1, & ip1jmi1, ijp1llm, ijmllm, mvar, jcfil, jcfllm IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: REAL :: masque(iip1,jjp1) !--- CONTINENTAL MASK REAL :: phis (iip1,jjp1) !--- GROUND GEOPOTENTIAL CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname, fmt, calnd !--- CALENDAR TYPE LOGICAL :: use_filtre_fft LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: extrap=.FALSE. !--- Local variables for ocean mask reading: INTEGER :: nid_o2a, iml_omask, jml_omask, j INTEGER :: fid, iret, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, itaul(1) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_omask(:,:), dlon_omask(:), ocemask(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_omask(:,:), dlat_omask(:), ocetmp (:,:) REAL :: date, lev(1) !--- Local variables for land mask from startphy0 file reading INTEGER :: nid_sta, nid_nph, nid_msk, nphys REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: masktmp(:) #ifdef CPP_PARA integer ierr #else ! for iniphysiq in serial mode INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mpi_rank=0 INTEGER :: distrib_phys(mpi_rank:mpi_rank)=(jjm-1)*iim+2 #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modname="ce0l" !--- Constants pi = 4. * ATAN(1.) rad = 6371229. daysec = 86400. omeg = 2.*pi/daysec g = 9.8 kappa = 0.2857143 cpp = 1004.70885 jmp1 = jjm + 1 preff = 101325. pa = 50000. CALL conf_gcm( 99, .TRUE. ) dtvr = daysec/REAL(day_step) WRITE(lunout,*)'dtvr',dtvr CALL iniconst() CALL inigeom() !--- Calendar choice calnd='gregorian' SELECT CASE(calend) CASE('earth_360d');CALL ioconf_calendar('360_day'); calnd='with 360 days/year' CASE('earth_365d');CALL ioconf_calendar('noleap'); calnd='with no leap year' CASE('earth_366d');CALL ioconf_calendar('366d'); calnd='with leap years only' CASE('gregorian'); CALL ioconf_calendar('gregorian') CASE('standard'); CALL ioconf_calendar('gregorian') CASE('julian'); CALL ioconf_calendar('julian'); calnd='julian' CASE('proleptic_gregorian'); CALL ioconf_calendar('gregorian') !--- DC Bof... => IOIPSL a mettre a jour: proleptic_gregorian /= gregorian CASE DEFAULT CALL abort_gcm('ce0l','Bad choice for calendar',1) END SELECT WRITE(lunout,*)'CHOSEN CALENDAR: Earth '//TRIM(calnd) #ifdef CPP_PARA !--- Physical grid + parallel initializations CALL init_const_mpi() CALL init_parallel() CALL read_distrib() CALL init_mod_hallo() #endif WRITE(lunout,*)'---> klon=',klon !--- Tracers initializations CALL init_infotrac() CALL inifilr() CALL iniphysiq(iim,jjm,llm, & distrib_phys(mpi_rank),comm_lmdz, & daysec,day_ini,dtphys/nsplit_phys, & rlatu,rlatv,rlonu,rlonv,aire,cu,cv,rad,g,r,cpp,iflag_phys) IF(pressure_exner) CALL test_disvert #ifdef CPP_PARA IF (mpi_rank==0.AND.omp_rank==0) THEN #endif use_filtre_fft=.FALSE. CALL getin('use_filtre_fft',use_filtre_fft) IF(use_filtre_fft) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)"FFT filter not available for sequential dynamics." WRITE(lunout,*)"Your setting of variable use_filtre_fft is not used." ENDIF !--- LAND MASK. THREE CASES: ! 1) read from ocean model file "" (coupled runs) ! 2) read from previous run file="" ! 3) computed from topography file "" (masque(:,:)=-99999.) ! In the first case, the mask from the ocean model is used compute the ! weights to ensure ocean fractions are the same for atmosphere and ocean. !******************************************************************************* IF(NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, nid_o2a)==NF90_NOERR) THEN iret=NF90_CLOSE(nid_o2a) WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE !! Ocean mask "" file found' WRITE(lunout,*)'Coupled run.' CALL flininfo("", iml_omask, jml_omask, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, nid_o2a) IF(iml_omask/=iim .OR.jml_omask/=jjp1) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)'Mismatching dimensions for ocean mask' WRITE(lunout,*)'iim = ',iim ,' iml_omask = ',iml_omask WRITE(lunout,*)'jjp1 = ',jjp1,' jml_omask = ',jml_omask CALL abort_gcm(modname,'',1) END IF ALLOCATE(ocemask(iim,jjp1),lon_omask(iim,jjp1),dlon_omask(iim )) ALLOCATE(ocetmp (iim,jjp1),lat_omask(iim,jjp1),dlat_omask(jjp1)) CALL flinopen("", .FALSE.,iml_omask,jml_omask,llm_tmp, & lon_omask,lat_omask,lev,ttm_tmp,itaul,date,dt,fid) CALL flinget(fid, "OceMask", iim,jjp1,llm_tmp,ttm_tmp,1,1,ocetmp) CALL flinclo(fid) dlon_omask(1:iim ) = lon_omask(1:iim,1) dlat_omask(1:jjp1) = lat_omask(1,1:jjp1) ocemask = ocetmp IF(dlat_omask(1)=1) THEN WRITE(fmt,"(i4,'i1)')")iim ; fmt='('//ADJUSTL(fmt) WRITE(lunout,*)'OCEAN MASK :' WRITE(lunout,fmt) NINT(ocemask) END IF masque(1:iim,:)=1.-ocemask(:,:) masque(iip1 ,:)=masque(1,:) DEALLOCATE(ocemask) ELSE IF(NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, nid_sta)==NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE !! File "" found.' WRITE(lunout,*)'Getting the land mask from a previous run.' iret=NF90_INQ_DIMID(nid_sta,'points_physiques',nid_nph) iret=NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(nid_sta,nid_nph,len=nphys) IF(nphys/=klon) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)'Mismatching dimensions for land mask' WRITE(lunout,*)'nphys = ',nphys ,' klon = ',klon iret=NF90_CLOSE(nid_sta) CALL abort_gcm(modname,'',1) END IF ALLOCATE(masktmp(klon)) iret=NF90_INQ_VARID(nid_sta,'masque',nid_msk) iret=NF90_GET_VAR(nid_sta,nid_msk,masktmp) iret=NF90_CLOSE(nid_sta) CALL gr_fi_dyn(1,klon,iip1,jjp1,masktmp,masque) IF(prt_level>=1) THEN WRITE(fmt,"(i4,'i1)')")iip1 ; fmt='('//ADJUSTL(fmt) WRITE(lunout,*)'LAND MASK :' WRITE(lunout,fmt) NINT(masque) END IF DEALLOCATE(masktmp) ELSE WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE !! No ocean mask "" file or "" file found' WRITE(lunout,*)'Land mask will be built from the topography file.' masque(:,:)=-99999. END IF phis(:,:)=-99999. IF(ok_etat0) THEN WRITE(lunout,'(//)') WRITE(lunout,*) ' ************************ ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' *** etat0phy_netcdf *** ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ************************ ' CALL etat0phys_netcdf(masque,phis) WRITE(lunout,'(//)') WRITE(lunout,*) ' ************************ ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' *** etat0dyn_netcdf *** ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ************************ ' CALL etat0dyn_netcdf(masque,phis) END IF IF(ok_limit) THEN WRITE(lunout,'(//)') WRITE(lunout,*) ' ********************* ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' *** Limit_netcdf *** ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ********************* ' WRITE(lunout,'(//)') CALL limit_netcdf(masque,phis,extrap) END IF WRITE(lunout,'(//)') WRITE(lunout,*) ' *************************** ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' *** grilles_gcm_netcdf *** ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' *************************** ' WRITE(lunout,'(//)') CALL grilles_gcm_netcdf_sub(masque,phis) #ifdef CPP_PARA END IF IF (using_xios) CALL xios_finalize IF (using_mpi) call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) #endif END PROGRAM ce0l ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------