SUBROUTINE condsurfs_new(jour, edgar, flag_dms, & lmt_so2b, lmt_so2h, lmt_so2nff, & lmt_so2bb_l, lmt_so2bb_h, lmt_so2ba, & lmt_so2volc_cont, lmt_altvolc_cont, & lmt_so2volc_expl, lmt_altvolc_expl, & lmt_dmsbio, lmt_h2sbio, lmt_dms, & lmt_dmsconc) USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE dimphy USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_get_var, nf90_inq_varid, nf90_close, nf90_noerr, nf90_open, nf90_nowrite USE dimensions_mod, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm IMPLICIT none ! ! Lire les conditions aux limites du modele pour la chimie. ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! ! REAL :: lmt_so2b(klon), lmt_so2h(klon), lmt_so2nff(klon) REAL :: lmt_so2bb_l(klon), lmt_so2bb_h(klon) REAL :: lmt_dmsbio(klon), lmt_h2sbio(klon), lmt_so2ba(klon) REAL :: lmt_so2volc_cont(klon), lmt_altvolc_cont(klon) REAL :: lmt_so2volc_expl(klon), lmt_altvolc_expl(klon) REAL :: lmt_dms(klon), lmt_dmsconc(klon) REAL :: lmt_so2b_glo(klon_glo), lmt_so2h_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_so2nff_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_so2bb_l_glo(klon_glo), lmt_so2bb_h_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_dmsbio_glo(klon_glo), lmt_h2sbio_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_so2ba_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_so2volc_cont_glo(klon_glo),lmt_altvolc_cont_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_so2volc_expl_glo(klon_glo),lmt_altvolc_expl_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: lmt_dms_glo(klon_glo), lmt_dmsconc_glo(klon_glo) LOGICAL :: edgar INTEGER :: flag_dms ! INTEGER :: jour, i INTEGER :: ierr INTEGER :: nid,nvarid INTEGER :: debut(2),epais(2) ! IF (jour.LT.0 .OR. jour.GT.(366-1)) THEN PRINT*,'Le jour demande n est pas correcte:', jour print *,'JE: FORCED TO CONTINUE (emissions have& & to be longer than 1 year!!!! )' ! CALL ABORT ENDIF ! !$OMP MASTER IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN ! Tranche a lire: debut(1) = 1 debut(2) = jour ! epais(1) = klon epais(1) = klon_glo epais(2) = 1 !======================================================================= ! READING NEW EMISSIONS FROM RCP !======================================================================= ! ierr = nf90_open ("", nf90_nowrite, nid) if ( then write(6,*)' Pb d''ouverture du fichier sulphur_emissions_antro' write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr call exit(1) endif ! ! SO2 Low level emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "SO2FF_LOW", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid,lmt_so2b_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 low' print *,'JE klon, jour, debut ,epais ',klon_glo,jour,debut,epais CALL HANDLE_ERR(ierr) print *,'error ierr= ',ierr CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! SO2 High level emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "SO2FF_HIGH", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid,lmt_so2h_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 high' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! SO2 Biomass burning High level emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "SO2BBH", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, lmt_so2bb_h_glo, debut, & epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 BB high' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! SO2 biomass burning low level emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "SO2BBL", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, lmt_so2bb_l_glo, debut, & epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 BB low' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! SO2 ship emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "SO2BA", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid,lmt_so2ba_glo, debut,epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 ship' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! SO2 Non Fossil Fuel Emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "SO2NFF", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, & lmt_so2nff_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 non FF' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ierr = nf90_close(nid) ! !======================================================================= ! READING NATURAL EMISSIONS !======================================================================= ierr = nf90_open ("", nf90_nowrite, nid) if ( then write(6,*)' Pb d''ouverture du fichier sulphur_emissions_nat' write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr call exit(1) endif ! ! Biologenic source of DMS ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "DMSB", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid,lmt_dmsbio_glo,debut,epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources dms bio' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! Biologenic source of H2S ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "H2SB", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid,lmt_h2sbio_glo,debut,epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources h2s bio' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! Ocean surface concentration of dms (emissions are computed later) ! IF (flag_dms.EQ.4) THEN ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "DMSC2", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,lmt_dmsconc_glo,debut,epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources dms conc 2' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! DO i=1, klon ! lmt_dms(i)=0.0 lmt_dms_glo(i)=0.0 ENDDO ! ELSE ! PRINT *,'choix non possible pour flag_dms' STOP ENDIF ! ierr = nf90_close(nid) ! !======================================================================= ! READING VOLCANIC EMISSIONS !======================================================================= print *,' *** READING VOLCANIC EMISSIONS *** ' print *,' Jour = ',jour ierr = nf90_open ("", nf90_nowrite, nid) if ( then write(6,*)' Pb d''ouverture du fichier sulphur_emissions_volc' write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr call exit(1) endif ! ! Continuous Volcanic emissions ! ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "VOLC", nvarid) ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "flx_volc_cont", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, & lmt_so2volc_cont_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 volcan (cont)' CALL exit(1) ENDIF print *,'SO2 volc cont (in read) = ',SUM(lmt_so2volc_cont_glo), & MINVAL(lmt_so2volc_cont_glo),MAXVAL(lmt_so2volc_cont_glo) ! lmt_so2volc(:)=0.0 ! ! Altitud of continuous volcanic emissions ! ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "ALTI", nvarid) ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "flx_volc_altcont", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, & lmt_altvolc_cont_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les altitudes volcan (cont)' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! Explosive Volcanic emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "flx_volc_expl", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, & lmt_so2volc_expl_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources so2 volcan (expl)' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! lmt_so2volc_expl(:)=0.0 print *,'SO2 volc expl (in read) = ',SUM(lmt_so2volc_expl_glo), & MINVAL(lmt_so2volc_expl_glo),MAXVAL(lmt_so2volc_expl_glo) ! ! Altitud of explosive volcanic emissions ! ierr = nf90_inq_varid(nid, "flx_volc_altexpl", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, & lmt_altvolc_expl_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr .NE. nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les altitudes volcan' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! lmt_altvolc_expl(:)=0.0 ierr = nf90_close(nid) ! PRINT*, 'Sources SOUFRE lues pour jour: ', jour ! ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER call scatter( lmt_so2b_glo , lmt_so2b ) call scatter(lmt_so2h_glo , lmt_so2h ) call scatter(lmt_so2bb_h_glo , lmt_so2bb_h ) call scatter(lmt_so2bb_l_glo , lmt_so2bb_l) call scatter(lmt_so2ba_glo , lmt_so2ba) call scatter(lmt_so2nff_glo , lmt_so2nff) call scatter(lmt_dmsbio_glo , lmt_dmsbio) call scatter(lmt_h2sbio_glo , lmt_h2sbio) call scatter(lmt_dmsconc_glo , lmt_dmsconc) call scatter(lmt_dms_glo , lmt_dms) call scatter(lmt_so2volc_cont_glo , lmt_so2volc_cont) call scatter(lmt_altvolc_cont_glo , lmt_altvolc_cont) call scatter(lmt_so2volc_expl_glo , lmt_so2volc_expl) call scatter(lmt_altvolc_expl_glo , lmt_altvolc_expl) RETURN END SUBROUTINE condsurfs_new