MODULE create_etat0_unstruct_mod REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zmea_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zmea_gw) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zpic_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zpic_gw) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zval_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zval_gw) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zstd_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zstd_gw) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zsig_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zsig_gw) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zgam_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zgam_gw) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: zthe_gw(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zthe_gw) PRIVATE zmea_gw, zpic_gw, zval_gw, zstd_gw, zsig_gw, zgam_gw, zthe_gw CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_create_etat0_unstruct USE lmdz_xios USE netcdf USE mod_phys_lmdz_para IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: file_id, iret ! for coupling activate ocean fraction reading from file "" IF (is_omp_master) THEN IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL xios_set_file_attr("frac_ocean",enabled=.TRUE.) CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="frac_ocean_read") iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id) ELSE IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL xios_set_file_attr("land_water",name="land_water_0.05",enabled=.TRUE.) CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="land_water") iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id) ELSE IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL xios_set_file_attr("land_water",name="land_water_0.25",enabled=.TRUE.) CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="land_water") iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id) ELSE IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL xios_set_file_attr("land_water",name="land_water_0.50",enabled=.TRUE.) CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="land_water") iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE init_create_etat0_unstruct SUBROUTINE init_param_gw(zmea, zpic, zval, zstd, zsig, zgam, zthe) USE dimphy REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zmea(klon) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zpic(klon) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zval(klon) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zstd(klon) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zsig(klon) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zgam(klon) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zthe(klon) ALLOCATE(zmea_gw(klon), zpic_gw(klon), zval_gw(klon), zstd_gw(klon), zsig_gw(klon), zgam_gw(klon), zthe_gw(klon)) zmea_gw(:)=zmea(:) zpic_gw(:)=zpic(:) zval_gw(:)=zval(:) zstd_gw(:)=zstd(:) zsig_gw(:)=zsig(:) zgam_gw(:)=zgam(:) zthe_gw(:)=zthe(:) END SUBROUTINE init_param_gw SUBROUTINE create_etat0_unstruct USE dimphy USE lmdz_xios USE infotrac_phy USE fonte_neige_mod USE pbl_surface_mod USE phys_state_var_mod USE indice_sol_mod USE surface_data, ONLY: landice_opt USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout USE geometry_mod USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY: getin_p USE dimsoil_mod_h, ONLY: nsoilmx IMPLICIT NONE include "clesphys.h" LOGICAL :: no_ter_antartique ! If true, no land points are allowed at Antartic REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: tsol REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: sn REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: rugmer REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: run_off_lic_0 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: lic REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: fder REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf) :: qsurf, snsrf REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nsoilmx,nbsrf) :: tsoil REAL, DIMENSION(klon_mpi) :: tsol_mpi, qsol_mpi, zmasq_mpi, lic_mpi REAL, DIMENSION(klon_mpi) :: zmea_mpi, zstd_mpi, zsig_mpi, zgam_mpi, zthe_mpi REAL, DIMENSION(klon_mpi) :: cell_area_mpi REAL, DIMENSION(klon_mpi,nbsrf) :: pctsrf_mpi INCLUDE "compbl.h" INCLUDE "alpale.h" INTEGER :: ji,j,i !--- Initial atmospheric CO2 conc. from .def file co2_ppm0 = co2_ppm IF (is_omp_master) THEN CALL xios_recv_field("ts",tsol_mpi) CALL xios_recv_field("qs",qsol_mpi) CALL xios_recv_field("mask",zmasq_mpi) IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) CALL xios_recv_field("landice",lic_mpi) ENDIF CALL scatter_omp(tsol_mpi,tsol) CALL scatter_omp(qsol_mpi,qsol) CALL scatter_omp(zmasq_mpi,zmasq) IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) CALL scatter_omp(lic_mpi,lic) radsol(:) = 0.0 rugmer(:) = 0.001 sn(:) = 0 WHERE(qsol(:)<0) qsol(:)=0 WHERE( zmasq(:)EPSFRA) THEN IF(pctsrf(ji,is_lic)>=zmasq(ji)) THEN pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. ELSE pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=zmasq(ji)-pctsrf(ji,is_lic) IF(pctsrf(ji,is_ter)2 : no land ice pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0.0 pctsrf(:,is_ter)=zmasq(:) END IF !--- Option no_ter_antartique removes all land fractions souther than 60S. !--- Land ice is set instead of the land fractions on these latitudes. !--- The ocean and sea-ice fractions are not changed. !--- This option is only available if landice_opt<2. IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) THEN no_ter_antartique=.FALSE. CALL getin_p('no_ter_antartique',no_ter_antartique) WRITE(lunout,*)"no_ter_antartique=",no_ter_antartique IF (no_ter_antartique) THEN ! Remove all land fractions souther than 60S and set land-ice instead WRITE(lunout,*) "Remove land fractions souther than 60deg south by increasing" WRITE(lunout,*) "the continental ice fractions. No land can now be found at Antartic." DO ji=1, klon IF (latitude_deg(ji)<-60.0) THEN pctsrf(ji,is_lic) = pctsrf(ji,is_lic) + pctsrf(ji,is_ter) pctsrf(ji,is_ter) = 0 END IF END DO END IF END IF ! sub-surface ocean and sea ice (sea ice set to zero for start) !******************************************************************************* pctsrf(:,is_oce)=(1.-zmasq(:)) WHERE(pctsrf(:,is_oce)>> !ym error : the sub surface dimension is the third not second ! falb_dir(:,is_ter,:)=0.08; falb_dir(:,is_lic,:)=0.6 ! falb_dir(:,is_oce,:)=0.5; falb_dir(:,is_sic,:)=0.6 falb_dir(:,:,is_ter)=0.08; falb_dir(:,:,is_lic)=0.6 falb_dir(:,:,is_oce)=0.5; falb_dir(:,:,is_sic)=0.6 !ym falb_dif has been forgotten, initialize with defaukt value found in phyetat0 or 0 ? !ym probably the uninitialized value was 0 for standard (regular grid) case falb_dif(:,:,:)=0 u10m(:,:)=0 v10m(:,:)=0 treedrg(:,:,:)=0 !albedo SB <<< fevap(:,:) = 0. qsurf = 0. DO i=1,nbsrf DO j=1,nsoilmx tsoil(:,j,i) = tsol END DO END DO rain_fall = 0.; snow_fall = 0. solsw = 165.; sollw = -53. solswfdiff = 1. !ym warning missing init for sollwdown => set to 0 sollwdown = 0. t_ancien = 273.15 u_ancien=0 v_ancien=0 q_ancien = 0. ql_ancien = 0. qs_ancien = 0. prlw_ancien = 0. prsw_ancien = 0. prw_ancien = 0. agesno = 0. ! LSCP condensation and ice supersaturation cf_ancien = 0. rvc_ancien = 0. wake_delta_pbl_TKE(:,:,:)=0 wake_dens(:)=0 awake_dens = 0. cv_gen = 0. ale_bl = 0. ale_bl_trig =0. alp_bl=0. ale_wake=0. ale_bl_stat=0. z0m(:,:)=0 ! ym missing 5th subsurface initialization z0m(:,is_oce) = rugmer(:) z0m(:,is_ter) = 0.01 ! MAX(1.0e-05,zstd(:)*zsig(:)/2.0) z0m(:,is_lic) = 0.001 !MAX(1.0e-05,zstd(:)*zsig(:)/2.0) z0m(:,is_sic) = 0.001 z0h(:,:)=z0m(:,:) fder = 0.0 clwcon = 0.0 rnebcon = 0.0 ratqs = 0.0 run_off_lic_0 = 0.0 rugoro = 0.0 ! Before phyredem calling, surface modules and values to be saved in ! are initialized !******************************************************************************* pbl_tke(:,:,:) = 1.e-8 zmax0(:) = 40. f0(:) = 1.e-5 sig1(:,:) = 0. w01(:,:) = 0. wake_deltat(:,:) = 0. wake_deltaq(:,:) = 0. wake_s(:) = 0. wake_cstar(:) = 0. wake_fip(:) = 0. wake_pe = 0. fm_therm = 0. entr_therm = 0. detr_therm = 0. awake_s = 0. CALL fonte_neige_init(run_off_lic_0) CALL pbl_surface_init( fder, snsrf, qsurf, tsoil ) IF (iflag_pbl>1 .AND. iflag_wake>=1 .AND. iflag_pbl_split >=1) then delta_tsurf = 0. beta_aridity = 0. END IF ratqs_inter_ = 0.002 CALL gather_omp(cell_area,cell_area_mpi) CALL gather_omp(pctsrf,pctsrf_mpi) IF (is_omp_master) THEN CALL xios_send_field("area_ce0l",cell_area_mpi) CALL xios_send_field("fract_oce_ce0l",pctsrf_mpi(:,is_oce)) CALL xios_send_field("fract_sic_ce0l",pctsrf_mpi(:,is_sic)) ENDIF zmea(:) = zmea_gw(:) zpic(:) = zpic_gw(:) zval(:) = zval_gw(:) zstd(:) = zstd_gw(:) zsig(:) = zsig_gw(:) zgam(:) = zgam_gw(:) zthe(:) = zthe_gw(:) DEALLOCATE(zmea_gw, zpic_gw, zval_gw, zstd_gw, zsig_gw, zgam_gw, zthe_gw) CALL phyredem( "" ) END SUBROUTINE create_etat0_unstruct END MODULE create_etat0_unstruct_mod