! MODULE stdlevvar_mod ! ! This module contains main procedures for calculation ! of temperature, specific humidity and wind at a reference level ! USE yomcst_mod_h, ONLY: RPI, RCLUM, RHPLA, RKBOL, RNAVO & , RDAY, REA, REPSM, RSIYEA, RSIDAY, ROMEGA & , R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl & , RA, RG, R1SA & , RSIGMA & , R, RMD, RMV, RD, RV, RCPD & , RMO3, RMCO2, RMC, RMCH4, RMN2O, RMCFC11, RMCFC12 & , RCPV, RCVD, RCVV, RKAPPA, RETV, eps_w & , RCW, RCS & , RLVTT, RLSTT, RLMLT, RTT, RATM & , RESTT, RALPW, RBETW, RGAMW, RALPS, RBETS, RGAMS & , RALPD, RBETD, RGAMD USE cdrag_mod USE screenp_mod USE screenc_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS ! !**************************************************************************************** ! !r original routine svn3623 ! SUBROUTINE stdlevvar(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & u1, v1, t1, q1, z1, & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, pat1, & t_2m, q_2m, t_10m, q_10m, u_10m, ustar, s_pblh, prain, tsol) IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Objet : calcul de la temperature et l'humidite relative a 2m et du ! module du vent a 10m a partir des relations de Dyer-Businger et ! des equations de Louis. ! ! Reference : Hess, Colman et McAvaney (1995) ! ! I. Musat, 01.07.2002 ! !AM On rajoute en sortie t et q a 10m pr le calcule d'hbtm2 dans clmain ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! klon----input-I- dimension de la grille physique (= nb_pts_latitude X nb_pts_longitude) ! knon----input-I- nombre de points pour un type de surface ! nsrf----input-I- indice pour le type de surface; voir indice_sol_mod.F90 ! zxli----input-L- TRUE si calcul des cdrags selon Laurent Li ! u1------input-R- vent zonal au 1er niveau du modele ! v1------input-R- vent meridien au 1er niveau du modele ! t1------input-R- temperature de l'air au 1er niveau du modele ! q1------input-R- humidite relative au 1er niveau du modele ! z1------input-R- geopotentiel au 1er niveau du modele ! ts1-----input-R- temperature de l'air a la surface ! qsurf---input-R- humidite relative a la surface ! z0m, z0h---input-R- rugosite ! psol----input-R- pression au sol ! pat1----input-R- pression au 1er niveau du modele ! ! t_2m---output-R- temperature de l'air a 2m ! q_2m---output-R- humidite relative a 2m ! u_10m--output-R- vitesse du vent a 10m !AM ! t_10m--output-R- temperature de l'air a 10m ! q_10m--output-R- humidite specifique a 10m ! ustar--output-R- u* ! INTEGER, intent(in) :: klon, knon, nsrf LOGICAL, intent(in) :: zxli REAL, dimension(klon), intent(in) :: u1, v1, t1, q1, z1, ts1 REAL, dimension(klon), intent(in) :: qsurf REAL, dimension(klon), intent(inout) :: z0m, z0h REAL, dimension(klon), intent(in) :: psol, pat1 ! REAL, dimension(klon), intent(out) :: t_2m, q_2m, ustar REAL, dimension(klon), intent(out) :: u_10m, t_10m, q_10m REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(INOUT) :: s_pblh REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: prain REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: tsol !------------------------------------------------------------------------- include "flux_arp.h" !IM PLUS include "YOETHF.h" ! ! Quelques constantes et options: ! ! RKAR : constante de von Karman REAL, PARAMETER :: RKAR=0.40 ! niter : nombre iterations calcul "corrector" ! INTEGER, parameter :: niter=6, ncon=niter-1 INTEGER, parameter :: niter=2, ncon=niter-1 ! ! Variables locales INTEGER :: i, n REAL :: zref REAL, dimension(klon) :: speed ! tpot : temperature potentielle REAL, dimension(klon) :: tpot REAL, dimension(klon) :: zri1, cdran REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdram, cdrah ! ri1 : nb. de Richardson entre la surface --> la 1ere couche REAL, dimension(klon) :: ri1 REAL, dimension(klon) :: testar, qstar REAL, dimension(klon) :: zdte, zdq ! lmon : longueur de Monin-Obukhov selon Hess, Colman and McAvaney DOUBLE PRECISION, dimension(klon) :: lmon DOUBLE PRECISION, parameter :: eps=1.0D-20 REAL, dimension(klon) :: delu, delte, delq REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref, te_zref, q_zref REAL, dimension(klon) :: temp, pref LOGICAL :: okri REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref_p, te_zref_p, temp_p, q_zref_p !convertgence REAL, dimension(klon) :: te_zref_con, q_zref_con REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref_c, te_zref_c, temp_c, q_zref_c REAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_pred, ok_corr, zri_zero ! REAL, dimension(klon) :: conv_te, conv_q !------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1, knon speed(i)=SQRT(u1(i)**2+v1(i)**2) ri1(i) = 0.0 ENDDO ! okri=.FALSE. ! CALL coefcdrag(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & ! & speed, t1, q1, z1, psol, & ! & ts1, qsurf, rugos, okri, ri1, & ! & cdram, cdrah, cdran, zri1, pref) ! Fuxing WANG, 04/03/2015, replace the coefcdrag by the merged version: cdrag CALL cdrag(knon, nsrf, & & speed, t1, q1, z1, & & psol, s_pblh, ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, & & zri_zero, 0, & & cdram, cdrah, zri1, pref, prain, tsol, pat1) ! --- special Dice: on force cdragm ( a defaut de forcer ustar) MPL 05082013 IF (ok_prescr_ust) then DO i = 1, knon print *,'cdram avant=',cdram(i) cdram(i) = ust*ust/speed(i)/speed(i) print *,'cdram ust speed apres=',cdram(i),ust,speed ENDDO ENDIF ! !---------Star variables---------------------------------------------------- ! DO i = 1, knon ri1(i) = zri1(i) tpot(i) = t1(i)* (psol(i)/pat1(i))**RKAPPA ustar(i) = sqrt(cdram(i) * speed(i) * speed(i)) zdte(i) = tpot(i) - ts1(i) zdq(i) = max(q1(i),0.0) - max(qsurf(i),0.0) ! ! !IM BUG BUG BUG zdte(i) = max(zdte(i),1.e-10) zdte(i) = sign(max(abs(zdte(i)),1.e-10),zdte(i)) ! testar(i) = (cdrah(i) * zdte(i) * speed(i))/ustar(i) qstar(i) = (cdrah(i) * zdq(i) * speed(i))/ustar(i) lmon(i) = (ustar(i) * ustar(i) * tpot(i))/ & & (RKAR * RG * testar(i)) ENDDO ! !----------First aproximation of variables at zref -------------------------- zref = 2.0 CALL screenp(klon, knon, nsrf, speed, tpot, q1, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, lmon, & & ustar, testar, qstar, zref, & & delu, delte, delq) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delu(i) q_zref(i) = max(qsurf(i),0.0) + delq(i) te_zref(i) = ts1(i) + delte(i) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pat1(i))**(-RKAPPA) q_zref_p(i) = q_zref(i) ! te_zref_p(i) = te_zref(i) temp_p(i) = temp(i) ENDDO ! ! Iteration of the variables at the reference level zref : corrector calculation ; see Hess & McAvaney, 1995 ! DO n = 1, niter ! okri=.TRUE. CALL screenc(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & & u_zref, temp, q_zref, zref, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, & & ustar, testar, qstar, okri, ri1, & & pref, delu, delte, delq, s_pblh ,prain, tsol, pat1) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delu(i) q_zref(i) = delq(i) + max(qsurf(i),0.0) te_zref(i) = delte(i) + ts1(i) ! ! return to normal temperature ! temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref(i))**(-RKAPPA) ! temp(i) = te_zref(i) - (zref* RG)/RCPD/ & ! (1 + RVTMP2 * max(q_zref(i),0.0)) ! !IM +++ ! IF(temp(i).GT.350.) THEN ! WRITE(*,*) 'temp(i) GT 350 K !!',i,nsrf,temp(i) ! ENDIF !IM --- ! IF(n.EQ.ncon) THEN te_zref_con(i) = te_zref(i) q_zref_con(i) = q_zref(i) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ! verifier le critere de convergence : 0.25% pour te_zref et 5% pour qe_zref ! ! DO i = 1, knon ! conv_te(i) = (te_zref(i) - te_zref_con(i))/te_zref_con(i) ! conv_q(i) = (q_zref(i) - q_zref_con(i))/q_zref_con(i) !IM +++ ! IF(abs(conv_te(i)).GE.0.0025.AND.abs(conv_q(i)).GE.0.05) THEN ! PRINT*,'DIV','i=',i,te_zref_con(i),te_zref(i),conv_te(i), & ! q_zref_con(i),q_zref(i),conv_q(i) ! ENDIF !IM --- ! ENDDO ! DO i = 1, knon q_zref_c(i) = q_zref(i) temp_c(i) = temp(i) ! ! IF(zri1(i).LT.0.) THEN ! IF(nsrf.EQ.1) THEN ! ok_pred(i)=1. ! ok_corr(i)=0. ! ELSE ! ok_pred(i)=0. ! ok_corr(i)=1. ! ENDIF ! ELSE ! ok_pred(i)=0. ! ok_corr(i)=1. ! ENDIF ! ok_pred(i)=0. ok_corr(i)=1. ! t_2m(i) = temp_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + temp_c(i) * ok_corr(i) q_2m(i) = q_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + q_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) !IM +++ ! IF(n.EQ.niter) THEN ! IF(t_2m(i).LT.t1(i).AND.t_2m(i).LT.ts1(i)) THEN ! PRINT*,' BAD t2m LT ',i,nsrf,t_2m(i),t1(i),ts1(i) ! ELSEIF(t_2m(i).GT.t1(i).AND.t_2m(i).GT.ts1(i)) THEN ! PRINT*,' BAD t2m GT ',i,nsrf,t_2m(i),t1(i),ts1(i) ! ENDIF ! ENDIF !IM --- ENDDO ! ! !----------First aproximation of variables at zref -------------------------- ! zref = 10.0 CALL screenp(klon, knon, nsrf, speed, tpot, q1, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, lmon, & & ustar, testar, qstar, zref, & & delu, delte, delq) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delu(i) q_zref(i) = max(qsurf(i),0.0) + delq(i) te_zref(i) = ts1(i) + delte(i) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pat1(i))**(-RKAPPA) ! temp(i) = te_zref(i) - (zref* RG)/RCPD/ & ! (1 + RVTMP2 * max(q_zref(i),0.0)) u_zref_p(i) = u_zref(i) ENDDO ! ! Iteration of the variables at the reference level zref : corrector ; see Hess & McAvaney, 1995 ! DO n = 1, niter ! okri=.TRUE. CALL screenc(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & & u_zref, temp, q_zref, zref, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, & & ustar, testar, qstar, okri, ri1, & & pref, delu, delte, delq, s_pblh ,prain, tsol, pat1) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delu(i) q_zref(i) = delq(i) + max(qsurf(i),0.0) te_zref(i) = delte(i) + ts1(i) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref(i))**(-RKAPPA) ! temp(i) = te_zref(i) - (zref* RG)/RCPD/ & ! (1 + RVTMP2 * max(q_zref(i),0.0)) ENDDO ! ENDDO ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref_c(i) = u_zref(i) ! u_10m(i) = u_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + u_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) ! !AM q_zref_c(i) = q_zref(i) temp_c(i) = temp(i) t_10m(i) = temp_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + temp_c(i) * ok_corr(i) q_10m(i) = q_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + q_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) !MA ENDDO ! RETURN END subroutine stdlevvar ! SUBROUTINE stdlevvarn(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & u1, v1, t1, q1, z1, & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, pat1, & t_2m, q_2m, t_10m, q_10m, u_10m, ustar, & n2mout) ! USE yomcst_mod_h, ONLY: RPI, RCLUM, RHPLA, RKBOL, RNAVO & , RDAY, REA, REPSM, RSIYEA, RSIDAY, ROMEGA & , R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl & , RA, RG, R1SA & , RSIGMA & , R, RMD, RMV, RD, RV, RCPD & , RMO3, RMCO2, RMC, RMCH4, RMN2O, RMCFC11, RMCFC12 & , RCPV, RCVD, RCVV, RKAPPA, RETV, eps_w & , RCW, RCS & , RLVTT, RLSTT, RLMLT, RTT, RATM & , RESTT, RALPW, RBETW, RGAMW, RALPS, RBETS, RGAMS & , RALPD, RBETD, RGAMD USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Objet : calcul de la temperature et l'humidite relative a 2m et du ! module du vent a 10m a partir des relations de Dyer-Businger et ! des equations de Louis. ! ! Reference : Hess, Colman et McAvaney (1995) ! ! I. Musat, 01.07.2002 ! !AM On rajoute en sortie t et q a 10m pr le calcule d'hbtm2 dans clmain ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! klon----input-I- dimension de la grille physique (= nb_pts_latitude X nb_pts_longitude) ! knon----input-I- nombre de points pour un type de surface ! nsrf----input-I- indice pour le type de surface; voir indice_sol_mod.F90 ! zxli----input-L- TRUE si calcul des cdrags selon Laurent Li ! u1------input-R- vent zonal au 1er niveau du modele ! v1------input-R- vent meridien au 1er niveau du modele ! t1------input-R- temperature de l'air au 1er niveau du modele ! q1------input-R- humidite relative au 1er niveau du modele ! z1------input-R- geopotentiel au 1er niveau du modele ! ts1-----input-R- temperature de l'air a la surface ! qsurf---input-R- humidite relative a la surface ! z0m, z0h---input-R- rugosite ! psol----input-R- pression au sol ! pat1----input-R- pression au 1er niveau du modele ! ! t_2m---output-R- temperature de l'air a 2m ! q_2m---output-R- humidite relative a 2m ! u_2m--output-R- vitesse du vent a 2m ! u_10m--output-R- vitesse du vent a 10m ! ustar--output-R- u* !AM ! t_10m--output-R- temperature de l'air a 10m ! q_10m--output-R- humidite specifique a 10m ! INTEGER, intent(in) :: klon, knon, nsrf LOGICAL, intent(in) :: zxli REAL, dimension(klon), intent(in) :: u1, v1, t1, q1, ts1, z1 REAL, dimension(klon), intent(inout) :: z0m, z0h REAL, dimension(klon), intent(in) :: qsurf REAL, dimension(klon), intent(in) :: psol, pat1 ! REAL, dimension(klon), intent(out) :: t_2m, q_2m, ustar REAL, dimension(klon), intent(out) :: u_10m, t_10m, q_10m INTEGER, dimension(klon, 6), intent(out) :: n2mout ! REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_2m REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdrm2m, cdrh2m, ri2m REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdram, cdrah, zri1 REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdmn1, cdhn1, fm1, fh1 REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdmn2m, cdhn2m, fm2m, fh2m REAL, dimension(klon) :: ri2m_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: s_pblh REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: prain REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: tsol !------------------------------------------------------------------------- include "flux_arp.h" !IM PLUS include "YOETHF.h" ! ! Quelques constantes et options: ! ! RKAR : constante de von Karman REAL, PARAMETER :: RKAR=0.40 ! niter : nombre iterations calcul "corrector" ! INTEGER, parameter :: niter=6, ncon=niter-1 !IM 071020 INTEGER, parameter :: niter=2, ncon=niter-1 INTEGER, parameter :: niter=2, ncon=niter ! INTEGER, parameter :: niter=6, ncon=niter ! ! Variables locales INTEGER :: i, n REAL :: zref REAL, dimension(klon) :: speed ! tpot : temperature potentielle REAL, dimension(klon) :: tpot REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdran ! ri1 : nb. de Richardson entre la surface --> la 1ere couche REAL, dimension(klon) :: ri1 DOUBLE PRECISION, parameter :: eps=1.0D-20 REAL, dimension(klon) :: delu, delte, delq REAL, dimension(klon) :: delh, delm REAL, dimension(klon) :: delh_new, delm_new REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref, te_zref, q_zref REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref_pnew, te_zref_pnew, q_zref_pnew REAL, dimension(klon) :: temp, pref REAL, dimension(klon) :: temp_new, pref_new LOGICAL :: okri REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref_p, te_zref_p, temp_p, q_zref_p REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref_p_new, te_zref_p_new, temp_p_new, q_zref_p_new !convergence REAL, dimension(klon) :: te_zref_con, q_zref_con REAL, dimension(klon) :: u_zref_c, te_zref_c, temp_c, q_zref_c REAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_pred, ok_corr ! REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdrm10m, cdrh10m, ri10m REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdmn10m, cdhn10m, fm10m, fh10m REAL, dimension(klon) :: cdn2m, cdn1, zri_zero REAL :: CEPDUE,zdu2 INTEGER :: nzref, nz1 LOGICAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_t2m_toosmall, ok_t2m_toobig LOGICAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_q2m_toosmall, ok_q2m_toobig LOGICAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_u2m_toobig LOGICAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_t10m_toosmall, ok_t10m_toobig LOGICAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_q10m_toosmall, ok_q10m_toobig LOGICAL, dimension(klon) :: ok_u10m_toobig INTEGER, dimension(klon, 6) :: n10mout !------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEPDUE=0.1 ! ! n2mout : compteur des pas de temps ou t2m,q2m ou u2m sont en dehors des intervalles ! [tsurf, temp], [qsurf, q1] ou [0, speed] ! n10mout : compteur des pas de temps ou t10m,q10m ou u10m sont en dehors des intervalles ! [tsurf, temp], [qsurf, q1] ou [0, speed] ! n2mout(:,:)=0 n10mout(:,:)=0 DO i=1, knon speed(i)=MAX(SQRT(u1(i)**2+v1(i)**2),CEPDUE) ri1(i) = 0.0 ENDDO ! okri=.FALSE. CALL cdrag(knon, nsrf, & & speed, t1, q1, z1, & & psol, s_pblh, ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, & & zri_zero, 0, & & cdram, cdrah, zri1, pref, prain, tsol, pat1) ! DO i = 1, knon ri1(i) = zri1(i) tpot(i) = t1(i)* (psol(i)/pat1(i))**RKAPPA zdu2 = MAX(CEPDUE*CEPDUE, speed(i)**2) ustar(i) = sqrt(cdram(i) * zdu2) ! ENDDO ! !----------First aproximation of variables at zref -------------------------- zref = 2.0 ! ! calcul first-guess en utilisant dans les calculs à 2m ! le Richardson de la premiere couche atmospherique ! CALL screencn(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & & speed, tpot, q1, zref, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, & & cdram, cdrah, okri, & & ri1, 1, & & pref_new, delm_new, delh_new, ri2m, & & s_pblh, prain, tsol, pat1 ) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delm_new(i)*speed(i) u_zref_p(i) = u_zref(i) q_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh_new(i)) q_zref_p(i) = q_zref(i) te_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh_new(i)) te_zref_p(i) = te_zref(i) ! ! return to normal temperature temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref_new(i))**(-RKAPPA) temp_p(i) = temp(i) ! ! compteurs ici ! ok_t2m_toosmall(i)=te_zref(i).LT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).LT.ts1(i) ok_t2m_toobig(i)=te_zref(i).GT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).GT.ts1(i) ok_q2m_toosmall(i)=q_zref(i).LT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).LT.qsurf(i) ok_q2m_toobig(i)=q_zref(i).GT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).GT.qsurf(i) ok_u2m_toobig(i)=u_zref(i).GT.speed(i) ! IF(ok_t2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t2m_toobig(i)) THEN n2mout(i,1)=n2mout(i,1)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_q2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q2m_toobig(i)) THEN n2mout(i,3)=n2mout(i,3)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_u2m_toobig(i)) THEN n2mout(i,5)=n2mout(i,5)+1 ENDIF ! IF(ok_t2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t2m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_q2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q2m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_u2m_toobig(i)) THEN delm_new(i)=min(max(delm_new(i),0.),1.) delh_new(i)=min(max(delh_new(i),0.),1.) u_zref(i) = delm_new(i)*speed(i) u_zref_p(i) = u_zref(i) q_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh_new(i)) q_zref_p(i) = q_zref(i) te_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh_new(i)) te_zref_p(i) = te_zref(i) ! ! return to normal temperature temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref_new(i))**(-RKAPPA) temp_p(i) = temp(i) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! Iteration of the variables at the reference level zref : corrector calculation ; see Hess & McAvaney, 1995 ! DO n = 1, niter ! okri=.TRUE. CALL screencn(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & & u_zref, temp, q_zref, zref, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, & & cdram, cdrah, okri, & & ri1, 0, & & pref, delm, delh, ri2m, & & s_pblh, prain, tsol, pat1 ) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delm(i)*speed(i) q_zref(i) = delh(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh(i)) te_zref(i) = delh(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh(i)) ! ! return to normal temperature temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref(i))**(-RKAPPA) ! ! compteurs ici ! ok_t2m_toosmall(i)=te_zref(i).LT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).LT.ts1(i) ok_t2m_toobig(i)=te_zref(i).GT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).GT.ts1(i) ok_q2m_toosmall(i)=q_zref(i).LT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).LT.qsurf(i) ok_q2m_toobig(i)=q_zref(i).GT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).GT.qsurf(i) ok_u2m_toobig(i)=u_zref(i).GT.speed(i) ! IF(ok_t2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t2m_toobig(i)) THEN n2mout(i,2)=n2mout(i,2)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_q2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q2m_toobig(i)) THEN n2mout(i,4)=n2mout(i,4)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_u2m_toobig(i)) THEN n2mout(i,6)=n2mout(i,6)+1 ENDIF ! IF(ok_t2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t2m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_q2m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q2m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_u2m_toobig(i)) THEN delm(i)=min(max(delm(i),0.),1.) delh(i)=min(max(delh(i),0.),1.) u_zref(i) = delm(i)*speed(i) q_zref(i) = delh(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh(i)) te_zref(i) = delh(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh(i)) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref(i))**(-RKAPPA) ENDIF ! ! IF(n.EQ.ncon) THEN te_zref_con(i) = te_zref(i) q_zref_con(i) = q_zref(i) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! DO i = 1, knon q_zref_c(i) = q_zref(i) temp_c(i) = temp(i) ! ok_pred(i)=0. ok_corr(i)=1. ! t_2m(i) = temp_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + temp_c(i) * ok_corr(i) q_2m(i) = q_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + q_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) ! u_zref_c(i) = u_zref(i) u_2m(i) = u_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + u_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) ENDDO ! ! !----------First aproximation of variables at zref -------------------------- ! zref = 10.0 ! CALL screencn(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & & speed, tpot, q1, zref, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, & & cdram, cdrah, okri, & & ri1, 1, & & pref_new, delm_new, delh_new, ri10m, & & s_pblh, prain, tsol, pat1 ) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delm_new(i)*speed(i) q_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh_new(i)) te_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh_new(i)) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref_new(i))**(-RKAPPA) u_zref_p(i) = u_zref(i) ! ! compteurs ici ! ok_t10m_toosmall(i)=te_zref(i).LT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).LT.ts1(i) ok_t10m_toobig(i)=te_zref(i).GT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).GT.ts1(i) ok_q10m_toosmall(i)=q_zref(i).LT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).LT.qsurf(i) ok_q10m_toobig(i)=q_zref(i).GT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).GT.qsurf(i) ok_u10m_toobig(i)=u_zref(i).GT.speed(i) ! IF(ok_t10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t10m_toobig(i)) THEN n10mout(i,1)=n10mout(i,1)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_q10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q10m_toobig(i)) THEN n10mout(i,3)=n10mout(i,3)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_u10m_toobig(i)) THEN n10mout(i,5)=n10mout(i,5)+1 ENDIF ! IF(ok_t10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t10m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_q10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q10m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_u10m_toobig(i)) THEN delm_new(i)=min(max(delm_new(i),0.),1.) delh_new(i)=min(max(delh_new(i),0.),1.) u_zref(i) = delm_new(i)*speed(i) u_zref_p(i) = u_zref(i) q_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh_new(i)) te_zref(i) = delh_new(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh_new(i)) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref_new(i))**(-RKAPPA) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! Iteration of the variables at the reference level zref : corrector calculation ; see Hess & McAvaney, 1995 ! DO n = 1, niter ! okri=.TRUE. CALL screencn(klon, knon, nsrf, zxli, & & u_zref, temp, q_zref, zref, & & ts1, qsurf, z0m, z0h, psol, & & cdram, cdrah, okri, & & ri1, 0, & & pref, delm, delh, ri10m, & & s_pblh, prain, tsol, pat1 ) ! DO i = 1, knon u_zref(i) = delm(i)*speed(i) q_zref(i) = delh(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh(i)) te_zref(i) = delh(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh(i)) ! ! return to normal temperature temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref(i))**(-RKAPPA) ! ! compteurs ici ! ok_t10m_toosmall(i)=te_zref(i).LT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).LT.ts1(i) ok_t10m_toobig(i)=te_zref(i).GT.tpot(i).AND. & & te_zref(i).GT.ts1(i) ok_q10m_toosmall(i)=q_zref(i).LT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).LT.qsurf(i) ok_q10m_toobig(i)=q_zref(i).GT.q1(i).AND. & & q_zref(i).GT.qsurf(i) ok_u10m_toobig(i)=u_zref(i).GT.speed(i) ! IF(ok_t10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t10m_toobig(i)) THEN n10mout(i,2)=n10mout(i,2)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_q10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q10m_toobig(i)) THEN n10mout(i,4)=n10mout(i,4)+1 ENDIF IF(ok_u10m_toobig(i)) THEN n10mout(i,6)=n10mout(i,6)+1 ENDIF ! IF(ok_t10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_t10m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_q10m_toosmall(i).OR.ok_q10m_toobig(i).OR. & & ok_u10m_toobig(i)) THEN delm(i)=min(max(delm(i),0.),1.) delh(i)=min(max(delh(i),0.),1.) u_zref(i) = delm(i)*speed(i) q_zref(i) = delh(i)*max(q1(i),0.0) + & & max(qsurf(i),0.0)*(1-delh(i)) te_zref(i) = delh(i)*tpot(i) + ts1(i)*(1-delh(i)) temp(i) = te_zref(i) * (psol(i)/pref(i))**(-RKAPPA) ENDIF ! ! IF(n.EQ.ncon) THEN te_zref_con(i) = te_zref(i) q_zref_con(i) = q_zref(i) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! DO i = 1, knon q_zref_c(i) = q_zref(i) temp_c(i) = temp(i) ! ok_pred(i)=0. ok_corr(i)=1. ! t_10m(i) = temp_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + temp_c(i) * ok_corr(i) q_10m(i) = q_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + q_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) ! u_zref_c(i) = u_zref(i) u_10m(i) = u_zref_p(i) * ok_pred(i) + u_zref_c(i) * ok_corr(i) ENDDO ! RETURN END subroutine stdlevvarn END MODULE stdlevvar_mod