! ! $Id$ ! module inter_barxy_m ! Authors: Robert SADOURNY, Phu LE VAN, Lionel GUEZ USE dimensions_mod, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm USE paramet_mod_h, ONLY: iip1, iip2, iip3, jjp1, llmp1, llmp2, llmm1, kftd, ip1jm, ip1jmp1, & ip1jmi1, ijp1llm, ijmllm, mvar, jcfil, jcfllm implicit none private public inter_barxy contains SUBROUTINE inter_barxy(dlonid, dlatid, champ, rlonimod, rlatimod, champint) use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq use assert_m, only: assert ! (for "iim", "jjm") ! (for other included files) include "comgeom2.h" ! (for "aire", "apoln", "apols") REAL, intent(in):: dlonid(:) ! (longitude from input file, in rad, from -pi to pi) REAL, intent(in):: dlatid(:), champ(:, :), rlonimod(:) REAL, intent(in):: rlatimod(:) ! (latitude angle, in degrees or rad, in strictly decreasing order) real, intent(out):: champint(:, :) ! Si taille de la seconde dim = jjm + 1, on veut interpoler sur les ! jjm+1 latitudes rlatu du modele (latitudes des scalaires et de U) ! Si taille de la seconde dim = jjm, on veut interpoler sur les ! jjm latitudes rlatv du modele (latitudes de V) ! Variables local to the procedure: REAL champy(iim, size(champ, 2)) integer j, i, jnterfd, jmods REAL yjmod(size(champint, 2)) ! (angle, in degrees, in strictly increasing order) REAL yjdat(size(dlatid) + 1) ! angle, in degrees, in increasing order LOGICAL decrois ! "dlatid" is in decreasing order !----------------------------------- jnterfd = assert_eq(size(champ, 2) - 1, size(dlatid), & "inter_barxy jnterfd") jmods = size(champint, 2) call assert(size(champ, 1) == size(dlonid), "inter_barxy size(champ, 1)") call assert((/size(rlonimod), size(champint, 1)/) == iim, & "inter_barxy iim") call assert(any(jmods == (/jjm, jjm + 1/)), 'inter_barxy jmods') call assert(size(rlatimod) == jjm, "inter_barxy size(rlatimod)") ! Check decreasing order for "rlatimod": DO i = 2, jjm IF (rlatimod(i) >= rlatimod(i-1)) stop & '"inter_barxy": "rlatimod" should be strictly decreasing' ENDDO yjmod(:jjm) = ord_coordm(rlatimod) IF (jmods == jjm + 1) THEN IF (90. - yjmod(jjm) < 0.01) stop & '"inter_barxy": with jmods = jjm + 1, yjmod(jjm) should be < 90.' ELSE ! jmods = jjm IF (ABS(yjmod(jjm) - 90.) > 0.01) stop & '"inter_barxy": with jmods = jjm, yjmod(jjm) should be 90.' ENDIF if (jmods == jjm + 1) yjmod(jjm + 1) = 90. DO j = 1, jnterfd + 1 champy(:, j) = inter_barx(dlonid, champ(:, j), rlonimod) ENDDO CALL ord_coord(dlatid, yjdat, decrois) IF (decrois) champy(:, :) = champy(:, jnterfd + 1:1:-1) DO i = 1, iim champint(i, :) = inter_bary(yjdat, champy(i, :), yjmod) ENDDO champint(:, :) = champint(:, jmods:1:-1) IF (jmods == jjm + 1) THEN ! Valeurs uniques aux poles champint(:, 1) = SUM(aire(:iim, 1) * champint(:, 1)) / apoln champint(:, jjm + 1) = SUM(aire(:iim, jjm + 1) & * champint(:, jjm + 1)) / apols ENDIF END SUBROUTINE inter_barxy !****************************** function inter_barx(dlonid, fdat, rlonimod) ! INTERPOLATION BARYCENTRIQUE BASEE SUR LES AIRES ! VERSION UNIDIMENSIONNELLE , EN LONGITUDE . ! idat : indice du champ de donnees, de 1 a idatmax ! imod : indice du champ du modele, de 1 a imodmax ! fdat(idat) : champ de donnees (entrees) ! inter_barx(imod) : champ du modele (sorties) ! dlonid(idat): abscisses des interfaces des mailles donnees ! rlonimod(imod): abscisses des interfaces des mailles modele ! ( L'indice 1 correspond a l'interface mailLE 1 / maille 2) ! ( Les abscisses sont exprimees en degres) use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq IMPLICIT NONE REAL, intent(in):: dlonid(:) real, intent(in):: fdat(:) real, intent(in):: rlonimod(:) real inter_barx(size(rlonimod)) ! ... Variables locales ... INTEGER idatmax, imodmax REAL xxid(size(dlonid)+1), xxd(size(dlonid)+1), fdd(size(dlonid)+1) REAL fxd(size(dlonid)+1), xchan(size(dlonid)+1), fdchan(size(dlonid)+1) REAL xxim(size(rlonimod)) REAL x0, xim0, dx, dxm REAL chmin, chmax, pi INTEGER imod, idat, i, ichang, id0, id1, nid, idatmax1 !----------------------------------------------------- idatmax = assert_eq(size(dlonid), size(fdat), "inter_barx idatmax") imodmax = size(rlonimod) pi = 2. * ASIN(1.) ! REDEFINITION DE L'ORIGINE DES ABSCISSES ! A L'INTERFACE OUEST DE LA PREMIERE MAILLE DU MODELE DO imod = 1, imodmax xxim(imod) = rlonimod(imod) ENDDO CALL minmax( imodmax, xxim, chmin, chmax) IF( chmax.LT.6.50 ) THEN DO imod = 1, imodmax xxim(imod) = xxim(imod) * 180./pi ENDDO ENDIF xim0 = xxim(imodmax) - 360. DO imod = 1, imodmax xxim(imod) = xxim(imod) - xim0 ENDDO idatmax1 = idatmax +1 DO idat = 1, idatmax xxd(idat) = dlonid(idat) ENDDO CALL minmax( idatmax, xxd, chmin, chmax) IF( chmax.LT.6.50 ) THEN DO idat = 1, idatmax xxd(idat) = xxd(idat) * 180./pi ENDDO ENDIF DO idat = 1, idatmax xxd(idat) = MOD( xxd(idat) - xim0, 360. ) fdd(idat) = fdat (idat) ENDDO i = 2 DO while (xxd(i) >= xxd(i-1) .and. i < idatmax) i = i + 1 ENDDO IF (xxd(i) < xxd(i-1)) THEN ichang = i ! *** reorganisation des longitudes entre 0. et 360. degres **** nid = idatmax - ichang +1 DO i = 1, nid xchan (i) = xxd(i+ichang -1 ) fdchan(i) = fdd(i+ichang -1 ) ENDDO DO i=1, ichang -1 xchan (i+ nid) = xxd(i) fdchan(i+nid) = fdd(i) ENDDO DO i =1, idatmax xxd(i) = xchan(i) fdd(i) = fdchan(i) ENDDO end IF ! translation des champs de donnees par rapport ! a la nouvelle origine, avec redondance de la ! maille a cheval sur les bords id0 = 0 id1 = 0 DO idat = 1, idatmax IF ( xxd( idatmax1- idat ).LT.360.) exit id1 = id1 + 1 ENDDO DO idat = 1, idatmax IF (xxd(idat).GT.0.) exit id0 = id0 + 1 END DO IF( id1 /= 0 ) then DO idat = 1, id1 xxid(idat) = xxd(idatmax - id1 + idat) - 360. fxd (idat) = fdd(idatmax - id1 + idat) END DO DO idat = 1, idatmax - id1 xxid(idat + id1) = xxd(idat) fxd (idat + id1) = fdd(idat) END DO end IF IF(id0 /= 0) then DO idat = 1, idatmax - id0 xxid(idat) = xxd(idat + id0) fxd (idat) = fdd(idat + id0) END DO DO idat = 1, id0 xxid (idatmax - id0 + idat) = xxd(idat) + 360. fxd (idatmax - id0 + idat) = fdd(idat) END DO else DO idat = 1, idatmax xxid(idat) = xxd(idat) fxd (idat) = fdd(idat) ENDDO end IF xxid(idatmax1) = xxid(1) + 360. fxd (idatmax1) = fxd(1) ! initialisation du champ du modele inter_barx(:) = 0. ! iteration x0 = xim0 dxm = 0. imod = 1 idat = 1 do while (imod <= imodmax) do while (xxim(imod).GT.xxid(idat)) dx = xxid(idat) - x0 dxm = dxm + dx inter_barx(imod) = inter_barx(imod) + dx * fxd(idat) x0 = xxid(idat) idat = idat + 1 end do IF (xxim(imod).LT.xxid(idat)) THEN dx = xxim(imod) - x0 dxm = dxm + dx inter_barx(imod) = (inter_barx(imod) + dx * fxd(idat)) / dxm x0 = xxim(imod) dxm = 0. imod = imod + 1 ELSE dx = xxim(imod) - x0 dxm = dxm + dx inter_barx(imod) = (inter_barx(imod) + dx * fxd(idat)) / dxm x0 = xxim(imod) dxm = 0. imod = imod + 1 idat = idat + 1 END IF end do END function inter_barx !****************************** function inter_bary(yjdat, fdat, yjmod) ! Interpolation barycentrique basée sur les aires. ! Version unidimensionnelle, en latitude. ! L'indice 1 correspond à l'interface maille 1 -- maille 2. use assert_m, only: assert IMPLICIT NONE REAL, intent(in):: yjdat(:) ! (angles, ordonnées des interfaces des mailles des données, in ! degrees, in increasing order) REAL, intent(in):: fdat(:) ! champ de données REAL, intent(in):: yjmod(:) ! (ordonnées des interfaces des mailles du modèle) ! (in degrees, in strictly increasing order) REAL inter_bary(size(yjmod)) ! champ du modèle ! Variables local to the procedure: REAL y0, dy, dym INTEGER jdat ! indice du champ de données integer jmod ! indice du champ du modèle !------------------------------------ call assert(size(yjdat) == size(fdat), "inter_bary") ! Initialisation des variables inter_bary(:) = 0. y0 = -90. dym = 0. jmod = 1 jdat = 1 do while (jmod <= size(yjmod)) do while (yjmod(jmod) > yjdat(jdat)) dy = yjdat(jdat) - y0 dym = dym + dy inter_bary(jmod) = inter_bary(jmod) + dy * fdat(jdat) y0 = yjdat(jdat) jdat = jdat + 1 end do IF (yjmod(jmod) < yjdat(jdat)) THEN dy = yjmod(jmod) - y0 dym = dym + dy inter_bary(jmod) = (inter_bary(jmod) + dy * fdat(jdat)) / dym y0 = yjmod(jmod) dym = 0. jmod = jmod + 1 ELSE ! {yjmod(jmod) == yjdat(jdat)} dy = yjmod(jmod) - y0 dym = dym + dy inter_bary(jmod) = (inter_bary(jmod) + dy * fdat(jdat)) / dym y0 = yjmod(jmod) dym = 0. jmod = jmod + 1 jdat = jdat + 1 END IF end do ! Le test de fin suppose que l'interface 0 est commune aux deux ! grilles "yjdat" et "yjmod". END function inter_bary !****************************** SUBROUTINE ord_coord(xi, xo, decrois) ! This procedure receives an array of latitudes. ! It converts them to degrees if they are in radians. ! If the input latitudes are in decreasing order, the procedure ! reverses their order. ! Finally, the procedure adds 90° as the last value of the array. use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq use comconst_mod, only: pi IMPLICIT NONE REAL, intent(in):: xi(:) ! (latitude, in degrees or radians, in increasing or decreasing order) ! ("xi" should contain latitudes from pole to pole. ! "xi" should contain the latitudes of the boundaries of grid ! cells, not the centers of grid cells. ! So the extreme values should not be 90° and -90°.) REAL, intent(out):: xo(:) ! angles in degrees LOGICAL, intent(out):: decrois ! Variables local to the procedure: INTEGER nmax, i !-------------------- nmax = assert_eq(size(xi), size(xo) - 1, "ord_coord") ! Check monotonicity: decrois = xi(2) < xi(1) DO i = 3, nmax IF (decrois .neqv. xi(i) < xi(i-1)) stop & '"ord_coord": latitudes are not monotonic' ENDDO IF (abs(xi(1)) < pi) then ! "xi" contains latitudes in radians xo(:nmax) = xi(:) * 180. / pi else ! "xi" contains latitudes in degrees xo(:nmax) = xi(:) end IF IF (ABS(abs(xo(1)) - 90) < 0.001 .or. ABS(abs(xo(nmax)) - 90) < 0.001) THEN print *, "ord_coord" PRINT *, '"xi" should contain the latitudes of the boundaries of ' & // 'grid cells, not the centers of grid cells.' STOP ENDIF IF (decrois) xo(:nmax) = xo(nmax:1:- 1) xo(nmax + 1) = 90. END SUBROUTINE ord_coord !*********************************** function ord_coordm(xi) ! This procedure converts to degrees, if necessary, and inverts the ! order. use comconst_mod, only: pi IMPLICIT NONE REAL, intent(in):: xi(:) ! angle, in rad or degrees REAL ord_coordm(size(xi)) ! angle, in degrees !----------------------------- IF (xi(1) < 6.5) THEN ! "xi" is in rad ord_coordm(:) = xi(size(xi):1:-1) * 180. / pi else ! "xi" is in degrees ord_coordm(:) = xi(size(xi):1:-1) ENDIF END function ord_coordm end module inter_barxy_m