! $Id: phys_output_mod.F90 5160 2024-08-03 12:56:58Z dcugnet $ MODULE phys_output_mod USE indice_sol_mod USE phys_output_var_mod USE phys_output_write_mod, ONLY: phys_output_write REAL, DIMENSION(nfiles), SAVE :: ecrit_files ! Abderrahmane 12 2007 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Ecreture des Sorties du modele dans les fichiers Netcdf : ! histmth.nc : moyennes mensuelles ! histday.nc : moyennes journalieres ! histhf.nc : moyennes toutes les 3 heures ! histins.nc : valeurs instantanees !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTAINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Ouverture des fichier et definition des variable de sortie !!!!!!!! !! histbeg, histvert et histdef !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE phys_output_open(rlon, rlat, pim, tabij, ipt, jpt, plon, plat, & jjmp1, nlevSTD, clevSTD, rlevSTD, dtime, ok_veget, & type_ocean, iflag_pbl, iflag_pbl_split, ok_mensuel, ok_journe, & ok_hf, ok_instan, ok_LES, ok_ade, ok_aie, read_climoz, & phys_out_filestations, & aerosol_couple, flag_aerosol_strat, & pdtphys, paprs, pphis, pplay, lmax_th, ptconv, ptconvth, ivap, & d_u, d_t, qx, d_qx, zmasse, ok_sync) USE iophy USE dimphy USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, niso, ntraciso => ntiso USE lmdz_strings, ONLY: maxlen USE ioipsl USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY: hour, calend USE lmdz_phys_para !Martin USE surface_data, ONLY: landice_opt USE phys_output_ctrlout_mod USE lmdz_grid_phy, ONLY: klon_glo, nbp_lon, nbp_lat USE lmdz_print_control, ONLY: prt_level, lunout USE lmdz_vertical_layers, ONLY: ap, bp, preff, presnivs, aps, bps, pseudoalt, presinter USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: day_ini, itau_phy, start_time, annee_ref, day_ref ! ug Pour les sorties XIOS USE lmdz_wxios USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nbtr_bin #ifdef ISO USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: isoName,iso_HTO #ifdef ISOTRAC USE isotrac_mod, ONLY: index_zone,index_iso,strtrac #endif #endif USE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper, ONLY: CPPKEY_STRATAER USE lmdz_clesphys USE lmdz_yomcst IMPLICIT NONE ! ug Nouveaux arguments n\'ecessaires au histwrite_mod: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ivap INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: lmax_th LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ok_sync LOGICAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN) :: ptconv, ptconvth REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: pphis REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN) :: pplay, d_u, d_t REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev + 1), INTENT(IN) :: paprs REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev, nqtot), INTENT(IN) :: qx, d_qx REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN) :: zmasse REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlon REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlat INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pim INTEGER, DIMENSION(pim) :: tabij INTEGER, DIMENSION(pim), INTENT(IN) :: ipt, jpt REAL, DIMENSION(pim), INTENT(IN) :: plat, plon REAL, DIMENSION(pim, 2) :: plat_bounds, plon_bounds INTEGER :: jjmp1 INTEGER :: nlevSTD, radpas LOGICAL :: ok_mensuel, ok_journe, ok_hf, ok_instan LOGICAL :: ok_LES, ok_ade, ok_aie INTEGER :: flag_aerosol_strat LOGICAL :: aerosol_couple INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology ! Allowed values are 0, 1 and 2 ! 0: do not read an ozone climatology ! 1: read a single ozone climatology that will be used day and night ! 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night ! climatology and the daylight climatology REAL :: dtime INTEGER :: idayref REAL :: zjulian_start, zjulian CHARACTER(LEN = 4), DIMENSION(nlevSTD) :: clevSTD REAL, DIMENSION(nlevSTD) :: rlevSTD INTEGER :: nsrf, k, iq, iff, i, j, ilev, itr, itrb, ixt, iiso, izone INTEGER :: naero LOGICAL :: ok_veget INTEGER :: iflag_pbl INTEGER :: iflag_pbl_split CHARACTER(LEN = 4) :: bb2 CHARACTER(LEN = 2) :: bb3 CHARACTER(LEN = 6) :: type_ocean INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbp_lon * jjmp1) :: ndex2d INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbp_lon * jjmp1 * klev) :: ndex3d INTEGER :: imin_ins, imax_ins INTEGER :: jmin_ins, jmax_ins INTEGER, DIMENSION(nfiles) :: phys_out_levmin, phys_out_levmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nfiles) :: phys_out_filelevels CHARACTER(LEN = 20), DIMENSION(nfiles) :: chtimestep = (/ 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', & 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default' /) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(nfiles) :: phys_out_filekeys LOGICAL, DIMENSION(nfiles) :: phys_out_filestations #ifdef ISO CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: outiso CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: unit #endif CHARACTER(LEN = maxlen) :: tnam, lnam, dn INTEGER :: flag(nfiles) !!!!!!!!!! stockage dans une region limitee pour chaque fichier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! entre [phys_out_lonmin,phys_out_lonmax] et [phys_out_latmin,phys_out_latmax] LOGICAL, DIMENSION(nfiles), SAVE :: & phys_out_regfkey = [.FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE.] REAL, DIMENSION(nfiles), SAVE :: & phys_out_lonmin = [ -180., -180., -180., -180., -180., -180., -180., -180., -180., -180.], & phys_out_lonmax = [ 180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 180.], & phys_out_latmin = [ -90., -90., -90., -90., -90., -90., -90., -90., -90., -90.], & phys_out_latmax = [ 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90.] REAL, DIMENSION(klev, 2) :: Ahyb_bounds, Bhyb_bounds REAL, DIMENSION(klev + 1) :: lev_index ! ug Variables utilis\'ees pour r\'ecup\'erer le calendrier pour xios INTEGER :: x_an, x_mois, x_jour REAL :: x_heure INTEGER :: ini_an, ini_mois, ini_jour REAL :: ini_heure INTEGER :: ISW REAL, DIMENSION(NSW) :: wl1_sun, wl2_sun !wavelength bounds (in um) for SW REAL, DIMENSION(NSW) :: wn1_sun, wn2_sun !wavenumber bounds (in m-1) for SW REAL, DIMENSION(NSW) :: spectband !mean wavenumb. of each sp.band REAL, DIMENSION(NSW, 2) :: spbnds_sun !bounds of spectband WRITE(lunout, *) 'Debut phys_output_mod.F90' ! Initialisations (Valeurs par defaut DO ilev = 1, klev Ahyb_bounds(ilev, 1) = ap(ilev) Ahyb_bounds(ilev, 2) = ap(ilev + 1) Bhyb_bounds(ilev, 1) = bp(ilev) Bhyb_bounds(ilev, 2) = bp(ilev + 1) lev_index(ilev) = REAL(ilev) END DO lev_index(klev + 1) = REAL(klev + 1) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(o_trac)) ALLOCATE(o_trac(nqtot)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(o_trac_cum)) ALLOCATE(o_trac_cum(nqtot)) ALLOCATE(o_dtr_the(nqtot), o_dtr_con(nqtot), o_dtr_lessi_impa(nqtot)) ALLOCATE(o_dtr_lessi_nucl(nqtot), o_dtr_insc(nqtot), o_dtr_bcscav(nqtot)) ALLOCATE(o_dtr_evapls(nqtot), o_dtr_ls(nqtot), o_dtr_trsp(nqtot)) ALLOCATE(o_dtr_sscav(nqtot), o_dtr_sat(nqtot), o_dtr_uscav(nqtot)) ALLOCATE(o_dtr_dry(nqtot), o_dtr_vdf(nqtot)) IF (CPPKEY_STRATAER) THEN ALLOCATE(o_nd_mode(nbtr_bin), o_sulfmmr_mode(nbtr_bin)) END IF #ifdef ISO ALLOCATE(o_xtprecip(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtplul(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtpluc(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtevap(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtevap_srf(ntraciso,4)) ALLOCATE(o_xtovap(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtoliq(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtcond(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_xtrunoff_diag(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtdyn(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtldyn(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtcon(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtlsc(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxteva(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtajs(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtvdf(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtthe(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtch4(ntraciso)) IF (iso_HTO.gt.0) THEN ALLOCATE(o_dxtprod_nucl(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtcosmo(ntraciso)) ALLOCATE(o_dxtdecroiss(ntraciso)) endif #endif levmax = [klev, klev, klev, klev, klev, klev, nlevSTD, nlevSTD, nlevSTD, klev] phys_out_filenames(1) = 'histmth' phys_out_filenames(2) = 'histday' phys_out_filenames(3) = 'histhf6h' phys_out_filenames(4) = 'histhf3h' phys_out_filenames(5) = 'histhf3hm' phys_out_filenames(6) = 'histstn' phys_out_filenames(7) = 'histmthNMC' phys_out_filenames(8) = 'histdayNMC' phys_out_filenames(9) = 'histhfNMC' phys_out_filenames(10) = 'histstrataer' type_ecri(1) = 'ave(X)' type_ecri(2) = 'ave(X)' type_ecri(3) = 'inst(X)' type_ecri(4) = 'inst(X)' type_ecri(5) = 'ave(X)' type_ecri(6) = 'inst(X)' type_ecri(7) = 'inst(X)' type_ecri(8) = 'inst(X)' type_ecri(9) = 'inst(X)' type_ecri(10) = 'ave(X)' clef_files(1) = ok_mensuel clef_files(2) = ok_journe clef_files(3) = ok_hf clef_files(4) = ok_instan clef_files(5) = ok_LES clef_files(6) = ok_instan clef_files(7) = ok_histNMC(1) clef_files(8) = ok_histNMC(2) clef_files(9) = ok_histNMC(3) clef_files(10) = CPPKEY_STRATAER !sortir des fichiers "stations" si clef_stations(:)=.TRUE. clef_stations(1) = .FALSE. clef_stations(2) = .FALSE. clef_stations(3) = .FALSE. clef_stations(4) = .FALSE. clef_stations(5) = .FALSE. clef_stations(6) = .FALSE. clef_stations(7) = .FALSE. clef_stations(8) = .FALSE. clef_stations(9) = .FALSE. clef_stations(10) = .FALSE. lev_files(1) = lev_histmth lev_files(2) = lev_histday lev_files(3) = lev_histhf lev_files(4) = lev_histins lev_files(5) = lev_histLES lev_files(6) = lev_histins lev_files(7) = levout_histNMC(1) lev_files(8) = levout_histNMC(2) lev_files(9) = levout_histNMC(3) lev_files(10) = 5 ecrit_files(1) = ecrit_mth ecrit_files(2) = ecrit_day ecrit_files(3) = ecrit_hf ecrit_files(4) = ecrit_ins ecrit_files(5) = ecrit_LES ecrit_files(6) = ecrit_ins ecrit_files(7) = freq_outNMC(1) ecrit_files(8) = freq_outNMC(2) ecrit_files(9) = freq_outNMC(3) ecrit_files(10) = ecrit_mth !! Lectures des parametres de sorties dans physiq.def CALL getin('phys_out_regfkey', phys_out_regfkey) CALL getin('phys_out_lonmin', phys_out_lonmin) CALL getin('phys_out_lonmax', phys_out_lonmax) CALL getin('phys_out_latmin', phys_out_latmin) CALL getin('phys_out_latmax', phys_out_latmax) phys_out_levmin(:) = levmin(:) CALL getin('phys_out_levmin', levmin) phys_out_levmax(:) = levmax(:) CALL getin('phys_out_levmax', levmax) CALL getin('phys_out_filenames', phys_out_filenames) phys_out_filekeys(:) = clef_files(:) CALL getin('phys_out_filekeys', clef_files) phys_out_filestations(:) = clef_stations(:) CALL getin('phys_out_filestations', clef_stations) phys_out_filelevels(:) = lev_files(:) CALL getin('phys_out_filelevels', lev_files) CALL getin('phys_out_filetimesteps', chtimestep) phys_out_filetypes(:) = type_ecri(:) CALL getin('phys_out_filetypes', type_ecri) type_ecri_files(:) = type_ecri(:) ! if (ok_all_xml) phys_out_filelevels = 999 WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_lonmin=', phys_out_lonmin WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_lonmax=', phys_out_lonmax WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_latmin=', phys_out_latmin WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_latmax=', phys_out_latmax WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_filenames=', phys_out_filenames WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_filetypes=', type_ecri WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_filekeys=', clef_files WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_filestations=', clef_stations WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_filelevels=', lev_files WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_out_regfkey=', phys_out_regfkey ! A noter pour ! l heure initiale - dans les fichiers histoire hist* - on met comme ! heure de debut soit la vraie heure (pour le 1D) soit 0h (pour le 3D) ! afin d avoir une seule sortie mensuelle par mois lorsque l on tourne ! par annee (IM). idayref = day_ref IF (klon_glo==1) THEN ! current_time (used to compute hour) is updated at the begining of ! the physics; to set the correct outputs "initial time" we thus ! have to use (hour-dtphys). CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, hour - pdtphys, zjulian) PRINT *, 'phys_output_mod: annee,iday,hour,zjulian=', annee_ref, idayref, hour, zjulian ELSE CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, 0.0, zjulian) CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, day_ini, start_time * rday, zjulian_start) ENDIF IF (using_xios) THEN ! ug R\'eglage du calendrier xios !Temps julian => an, mois, jour, heure CALL ju2ymds(zjulian, x_an, x_mois, x_jour, x_heure) CALL ju2ymds(zjulian_start, ini_an, ini_mois, ini_jour, ini_heure) CALL wxios_set_cal(dtime, calend, x_an, x_mois, x_jour, x_heure, ini_an, & ini_mois, ini_jour, ini_heure) ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boucle sur les fichiers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Appel de histbeg et histvert pour creer le fichier et les niveaux verticaux !! ! Appel des histbeg pour definir les variables (nom, moy ou inst, freq de sortie .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zdtime_moy = dtime ! Frequence ou l on moyenne ecrit_files(7) = ecrit_files(1) ecrit_files(8) = ecrit_files(2) ecrit_files(9) = ecrit_files(3) DO iff = 1, nfiles ! Calculate ecrit_files for all files IF (chtimestep(iff)=='Default') THEN ! Par defaut ecrit_files = (ecrit_mensuel ecrit_jour ecrit_hf ! ...)*86400. ecrit_files(iff) = ecrit_files(iff) * 86400. ELSE IF (chtimestep(iff)=='-1') THEN PRINT*, 'ecrit_files(', iff, ') < 0 so IOIPSL work on different' PRINT*, 'months length' ecrit_files(iff) = -1. ELSE CALL convers_timesteps(chtimestep(iff), dtime, ecrit_files(iff)) ENDIF WRITE(lunout, *)'ecrit_files(', iff, ')= ', ecrit_files(iff) zoutm(iff) = ecrit_files(iff) ! Frequence ou l on ecrit en seconde IF (using_xios) THEN !!! Ouverture de chaque fichier XIOS !!!!!!!!!!! IF (.NOT. ok_all_xml) THEN IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN PRINT*, 'phys_output_open: CALL wxios_add_file with phys_out_filenames(iff)=', trim(phys_out_filenames(iff)) ENDIF CALL wxios_add_file(phys_out_filenames(iff), chtimestep(iff), lev_files(iff)) ENDIF !!! Declaration des axes verticaux de chaque fichier: IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN PRINT*, 'phys_output_open: Declare vertical axes for each file' ENDIF IF (iff<=6.OR.iff==10) THEN CALL wxios_add_vaxis("presnivs", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, presnivs(levmin(iff):levmax(iff))) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("presinter", & klev + 1, presinter(1:klev + 1)) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("Ahyb", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, aps(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), positif = 'down', & bnds = Ahyb_bounds(levmin(iff):levmax(iff), :)) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("Bhyb", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, bps(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), positif = 'down', & bnds = Bhyb_bounds(levmin(iff):levmax(iff), :)) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("klev", levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, & lev_index(levmin(iff):levmax(iff))) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("klevp1", klev + 1, & lev_index(1:klev + 1)) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("bnds", 2, (/1., 2./)) CALL wxios_add_vaxis("Alt", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, pseudoalt) ! wl1_sun/wl2_sun: minimum/maximum bound of wavelength (in um) SELECT CASE(NSW) CASE(6) wl1_sun(1:6) = [0.180, 0.250, 0.440, 0.690, 1.190, 2.380] wl2_sun(1:6) = [0.250, 0.440, 0.690, 1.190, 2.380, 4.000] CASE(2) wl1_sun(1:2) = [0.250, 0.690] wl2_sun(1:2) = [0.690, 4.000] END SELECT DO ISW = 1, NSW wn1_sun(ISW) = 1.e+6 / wl1_sun(ISW) wn2_sun(ISW) = 1.e+6 / wl2_sun(ISW) spbnds_sun(ISW, 1) = wn2_sun(ISW) spbnds_sun(ISW, 2) = wn1_sun(ISW) spectband(ISW) = (wn1_sun(ISW) + wn2_sun(ISW)) / 2 ENDDO !!! ajout axe vertical spectband : solar band number CALL wxios_add_vaxis("spectband", NSW, spectband, positif = 'down') ELSE ! NMC files CALL wxios_add_vaxis("plev", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, rlevSTD(levmin(iff):levmax(iff))) ENDIF ENDIF !using_xios IF (clef_files(iff)) THEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Traitement dans le cas ou l'on veut stocker sur un domaine limite !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF (phys_out_regfkey(iff)) THEN imin_ins = 1 imax_ins = nbp_lon jmin_ins = 1 jmax_ins = jjmp1 ! correction abderr DO i = 1, nbp_lon WRITE(lunout, *)'io_lon(i)=', io_lon(i) IF (io_lon(i)<=phys_out_lonmin(iff)) imin_ins = i IF (io_lon(i)<=phys_out_lonmax(iff)) imax_ins = i + 1 ENDDO DO j = 1, jjmp1 WRITE(lunout, *)'io_lat(j)=', io_lat(j) IF (io_lat(j)>=phys_out_latmin(iff)) jmax_ins = j + 1 IF (io_lat(j)>=phys_out_latmax(iff)) jmin_ins = j ENDDO WRITE(lunout, *)'On stoke le fichier histoire numero ', iff, ' sur ', & imin_ins, imax_ins, jmin_ins, jmax_ins WRITE(lunout, *)'longitudes : ', & io_lon(imin_ins), io_lon(imax_ins), & 'latitudes : ', & io_lat(jmax_ins), io_lat(jmin_ins) CALL histbeg(phys_out_filenames(iff), nbp_lon, io_lon, jjmp1, io_lat, & imin_ins, imax_ins - imin_ins + 1, & jmin_ins, jmax_ins - jmin_ins + 1, & itau_phy, zjulian, dtime, nhorim(iff), nid_files(iff)) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !IM fichiers stations ELSE IF (clef_stations(iff)) THEN IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_output_open: iff=', iff, ' phys_out_filenames(iff)=', phys_out_filenames(iff) ENDIF CALL histbeg_phy_all(rlon, rlat, pim, tabij, ipt, jpt, plon, plat, plon_bounds, plat_bounds, & phys_out_filenames(iff), & itau_phy, zjulian, dtime, nhorim(iff), nid_files(iff)) ELSE IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_output_open: iff=', iff, ' phys_out_filenames(iff)=', phys_out_filenames(iff) ENDIF CALL histbeg_phy_all(phys_out_filenames(iff), itau_phy, zjulian, & dtime, nhorim(iff), nid_files(iff)) ENDIF #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT IF (iff<=6.OR.iff==10) THEN CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "presnivs", "Vertical levels", "Pa", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, & presnivs(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), nvertm(iff), "down") !!!! Composantes de la coordonnee sigma-hybride CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "Ahyb", "Ahyb comp of Hyb Cord ", "Pa", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, aps, nvertap(iff)) CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "Bhyb", "Bhyb comp of Hyb Cord", " ", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, bps, nvertbp(iff)) CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "Alt", "Height approx for scale heigh of 8km at levels", "Km", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, pseudoalt, nvertAlt(iff)) ELSE ! NMC files CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "plev", "pressure", "Pa", & levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, & rlevSTD(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), nvertm(iff), "down") ENDIF #endif ENDIF ! clef_files itr = 0; itrb = 0 DO iq = 1, nqtot IF(.NOT.(tracers(iq)%isAdvected .AND. tracers(iq)%isInPhysics)) CYCLE itr = itr + 1 dn = 'd' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%name) // '_' flag = [1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] lnam = 'Tracer ' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName) tnam = TRIM(tracers(iq)%name); o_trac (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) flag = [4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] lnam = 'Tendance tracer ' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'vdf'; o_dtr_vdf (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) flag = [5, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'the'; o_dtr_the (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'con'; o_dtr_con (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) flag = [7, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'lessi_impa'; o_dtr_lessi_impa(itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'lessi_nucl'; o_dtr_lessi_nucl(itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'insc'; o_dtr_insc (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'bcscav'; o_dtr_bcscav (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'evapls'; o_dtr_evapls (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'ls'; o_dtr_ls (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'trsp'; o_dtr_trsp (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'sscav'; o_dtr_sscav (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'sat'; o_dtr_sat (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) tnam = TRIM(dn) // 'uscav'; o_dtr_uscav (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) lnam = 'tracer tendency dry deposition' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName) tnam = 'cum' // TRIM(dn) // 'dry'; o_dtr_dry (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) flag = [1, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] lnam = 'Cumulated tracer ' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName) tnam = 'cum' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%name); o_trac_cum(itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) IF (CPPKEY_STRATAER) THEN IF(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='BIN') THEN itrb = itrb + 1 flag = [11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1] lnam = 'Dry particle concentration in ' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName) tnam = TRIM(tracers(iq)%name) // '_nd_mode'; o_nd_mode (itrb) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "part/m3", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) lnam = 'Sulfate MMR in ' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName) tnam = TRIM(tracers(iq)%name) // '_sulfmmr_mode';o_sulfmmr_mode (itrb) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "kg(H2SO4)/kg(air)", [('', i = 1, nfiles)]) endif END IF ENDDO ENDDO ! iff #ifdef ISO WRITE(*,*) 'phys_output_mid 589' DO ixt=1,ntraciso outiso = TRIM(isoName(ixt)) i = INDEX(outiso, '_', .TRUE.) outiso = outiso(1:i-1)//outiso(i+1:LEN_TRIM(outiso)) flag = [1, 1, 1, 10, 5, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]; unit = 'kg/(s*m2)' o_xtprecip(ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'precip'//TRIM(outiso), 'Precip Totale liq+sol', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtpluc (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'pluc'//TRIM(outiso), 'Convective Precip.', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) flag = [1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] o_xtplul (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'plul'//TRIM(outiso), 'Large-scale Precip.', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtevap (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'evap'//TRIM(outiso), 'Evaporat.', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) ! ajout Camille 8 mai 2023 flag = [1, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11] o_xtevap_srf (ixt,1)=ctrl_out(flag, 'evap_ter'//TRIM(outiso), 'Evap sfc'//clnsurf(1), unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtevap_srf (ixt,2)=ctrl_out(flag, 'evap_lic'//TRIM(outiso), 'Evap sfc'//clnsurf(2), unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtevap_srf (ixt,3)=ctrl_out(flag, 'evap_oce'//TRIM(outiso), 'Evap sfc'//clnsurf(3), unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtevap_srf (ixt,4)=ctrl_out(flag, 'evap_sic'//TRIM(outiso), 'Evap sfc'//clnsurf(4), unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) flag = [2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]; unit = 'kg/kg' o_xtovap (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'ovap'//TRIM(outiso), 'Specific humidity', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtoliq (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'oliq'//TRIM(outiso), 'Liquid water', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_xtcond (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'ocond'//TRIM(outiso), 'Condensed water', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) flag = [1, 1, 1, 10, 5, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]; unit = 'kg/m2/s' o_xtrunoff_diag (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'runoffland'//TRIM(outiso), 'Run-off rate land for bucket', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) flag = [4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]; unit = '(kg/kg)/s' o_dxtdyn (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqdyn'//TRIM(outiso), 'Dynamics dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtldyn (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqldyn'//TRIM(outiso), 'Dynamics dQL', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtcon (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqcon'//TRIM(outiso), 'Convection dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxteva (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqeva'//TRIM(outiso), 'Reevaporation dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtlsc (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqlsc'//TRIM(outiso), 'Condensation dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtajs (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqajs'//TRIM(outiso), 'Dry adjust. dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtvdf (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqvdf'//TRIM(outiso), 'Boundary-layer dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtthe (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqthe'//TRIM(outiso), 'Thermal dQ', unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) IF(ok_qch4) o_dxtch4(ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqch4'//TRIM(outiso), 'H2O due to CH4 oxidation & photolysis', & unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) IF(ixt == iso_HTO) THEN o_dxtprod_nucl(ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqprodnucl'//TRIM(outiso), 'dHTO/dt due to nuclear production', & unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtcosmo (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqcosmo'//TRIM(outiso), 'dHTO/dt due to cosmogenic production', & unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) o_dxtdecroiss (ixt)=ctrl_out(flag, 'dqdecroiss'//TRIM(outiso), 'dHTO/dt due to radiative destruction', & unit, [('',i=1,nfiles)]) END IF enddo !do ixt=1,niso WRITE(*,*) 'phys_output_mid 596' #endif ! Updated write frequencies due to phys_out_filetimesteps. ! Write frequencies are now in seconds. ecrit_mth = ecrit_files(1) ecrit_day = ecrit_files(2) ecrit_hf = ecrit_files(3) ecrit_ins = ecrit_files(4) ecrit_LES = ecrit_files(5) ecrit_ins = ecrit_files(6) IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'swaerofree_diag=', swaerofree_diag WRITE(lunout, *)'swaero_diag=', swaero_diag WRITE(lunout, *)'dryaod_diag=', dryaod_diag WRITE(lunout, *)'ok_4xCO2atm=', ok_4xCO2atm WRITE(lunout, *)'phys_output_open: ends here' ENDIF ! DO iq=1,nqtot ! IF(.NOT.(tracers(iq)%isAdvected .AND. tracers(iq)%isInPhysics)) CYCLE ! WRITE(*,'(a,i1,a,10i3)')'trac(',iq,')%flag = ',o_trac(iq)%flag ! WRITE(*,'(a,i1,a)')'trac(',iq,')%name = '//TRIM(o_trac(iq)%name) ! WRITE(*,'(a,i1,a)')'trac(',iq,')%description = '//TRIM(o_trac(iq)%description) ! END DO END SUBROUTINE phys_output_open SUBROUTINE convers_timesteps(str, dtime, timestep) USE ioipsl USE phys_cal_mod USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: day_ref, annee_ref USE lmdz_print_control, ONLY: lunout USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN = 20) :: str CHARACTER(LEN = 10) :: type INTEGER :: ipos, il REAL :: ttt, xxx, timestep, dayseconde, dtime parameter (dayseconde = 86400.) ipos = scan(str, '0123456789.', .TRUE.) il = len_trim(str) WRITE(lunout, *) "ipos = ", ipos WRITE(lunout, *) "il = ", il IF (ipos == 0) CALL abort_physic("convers_timesteps", "bad str", 1) read(str(1:ipos), *) ttt WRITE(lunout, *)ttt type = str(ipos + 1:il) IF (il == ipos) THEN type = 'day' ENDIF IF (type == 'day'.OR.type == 'days'.OR.type == 'jours'.OR.type == 'jour') timestep = ttt * dayseconde IF (type == 'mounths'.OR.type == 'mth'.OR.type == 'mois') THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'annee_ref,day_ref mon_len', annee_ref, day_ref, mth_len timestep = ttt * dayseconde * mth_len ENDIF IF (type == 'hours'.OR.type == 'hr'.OR.type == 'heurs') timestep = ttt * dayseconde / 24. IF (type == 'mn'.OR.type == 'minutes') timestep = ttt * 60. IF (type == 's'.OR.type == 'sec'.OR.type == 'secondes') timestep = ttt IF (type == 'TS') timestep = ttt * dtime WRITE(lunout, *)'type = ', type WRITE(lunout, *)'nb j/h/m = ', ttt WRITE(lunout, *)'timestep(s)=', timestep END SUBROUTINE convers_timesteps END MODULE phys_output_mod