! $Id: calcaerosolstrato_rrtm.F90 5159 2024-08-02 19:58:25Z dcugnet $ SUBROUTINE calcaerosolstrato_rrtm(pplay, t_seri, paprs, debut) USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: tau_aero_sw_rrtm, piz_aero_sw_rrtm, cg_aero_sw_rrtm, tau_aero_lw_rrtm USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: mdw, tausum_aero, tausum_strat, tau_strat_550, tau_strat_1020, stratomask USE aero_mod USE dimphy USE temps_mod USE lmdz_yomcst USE lmdz_iniprint, ONLY: lunout, prt_level USE lmdz_clesphys USE lmdz_dimensions, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm USE lmdz_paramet IMPLICIT NONE ! Variable input REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN) :: t_seri ! Temperature REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN) :: pplay ! pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: debut ! le flag de l'initialisation de la physique REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev + 1), INTENT(IN) :: paprs ! pression pour chaque inter-couche (en Pa) ! Stratospheric aerosols optical properties REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev, nbands_sw_rrtm) :: tau_strat, piz_strat, cg_strat REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev, nwave_sw + nwave_lw) :: tau_strat_wave REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev, nbands_lw_rrtm) :: tau_lw_abs_rrtm INTEGER k, band, wave, i REAL zrho, zdz !--calculate optical properties of the aerosol size distribution from tr_seri tau_strat = 0.0 piz_strat = 0.0 cg_strat = 0.0 tau_strat_wave = 0.0 tau_lw_abs_rrtm = 0.0 CALL miecalc_aer(tau_strat, piz_strat, cg_strat, tau_strat_wave, tau_lw_abs_rrtm, paprs, debut) !!--test CK: deactivate radiative effect of aerosol ! tau_strat=0.0 ! piz_strat=0.0 ! cg_strat=0.0 ! tau_strat_wave=0.0 ! tau_lw_abs_rrtm=0.0 !--test CK: deactivate SW radiative effect of aerosol (but leave LW) ! tau_strat=0.0 ! piz_strat=0.0 ! cg_strat=0.0 ! DO wave=1, nwave_sw ! tau_strat_wave(:,:,wave)=0.0 ! ENDDO !--test CK: deactivate LW radiative effect of aerosol (but leave SW) ! tau_lw_abs_rrtm=0.0 ! DO wave=nwave_sw+1, nwave_sw+nwave_lw ! tau_strat_wave(:,:,wave)=0.0 ! ENDDO !--total vertical aod at the 5 SW + 1 LW wavelengths DO wave = 1, nwave_sw + nwave_lw DO k = 1, klev tausum_aero(:, wave, id_STRAT_phy) = tausum_aero(:, wave, id_STRAT_phy) + tau_strat_wave(:, k, wave) ENDDO ENDDO !--weighted average for cg, piz and tau, adding strat aerosols on top of tropospheric ones DO band = 1, nbands_sw_rrtm !--no stratospheric aerosol in index 1 cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 1, band) = cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 1, band) = piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 1, band) = tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) !--tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol in index 2 cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) = (cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) * piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) * tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) + & cg_strat(:, :, band) * piz_strat(:, :, band) * tau_strat(:, :, band)) / & MAX(piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) * tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) + & piz_strat(:, :, band) * tau_strat(:, :, band), 1.e-15) piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) = (piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) * tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) + & piz_strat(:, :, band) * tau_strat(:, :, band)) / & MAX(tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) + tau_strat(:, :, band), 1.e-15) tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) = tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) + tau_strat(:, :, band) ENDDO DO band = 1, nbands_lw_rrtm !--no stratospheric aerosols in index 1 tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:, :, 1, band) = tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) !--tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol in index 2 tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) = tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:, :, 2, band) + tau_lw_abs_rrtm(:, :, band) ENDDO WHERE (tau_aero_sw_rrtm < 1.e-14) piz_aero_sw_rrtm = 1.0 WHERE (tau_aero_sw_rrtm < 1.e-14) tau_aero_sw_rrtm = 1.e-15 WHERE (tau_aero_lw_rrtm < 1.e-14) tau_aero_lw_rrtm = 1.e-15 tausum_strat(:, :) = 0.0 DO i = 1, klon DO k = 1, klev IF (stratomask(i, k)>0.5) THEN tausum_strat(i, 1) = tausum_strat(i, 1) + tau_strat_wave(i, k, 2) !--550 nm tausum_strat(i, 2) = tausum_strat(i, 2) + tau_strat_wave(i, k, 5) !--1020 nm tausum_strat(i, 3) = tausum_strat(i, 3) + tau_strat_wave(i, k, 6) !--10 um ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO DO i = 1, klon DO k = 1, klev zrho = pplay(i, k) / t_seri(i, k) / RD !air density in kg/m3 zdz = (paprs(i, k) - paprs(i, k + 1)) / zrho / RG !thickness of layer in m tau_strat_550(i, k) = tau_strat_wave(i, k, 2) / zdz tau_strat_1020(i, k) = tau_strat_wave(i, k, 5) / zdz ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE calcaerosolstrato_rrtm