!OPTIONS XOPT(NOEVAL) SUBROUTINE SUPHMF(KULOUT) !**** *SUPHMF* - Calls initialization of commons controlling physics ! in the Meteo-France version. ! Purpose. ! -------- ! Organise the setup of physical constants for Meteo-France ! physics package. !** Interface. ! ---------- ! *CALL* *SUPHMF(KULOUT) ! Explicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! KULOUT : Logical unit for the output ! Implicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! None. ! Method. ! ------- ! Irrelevant. ! Externals. ! ---------- ! SUPHY0 ! SUPHY1 ! SUPHY2 ! SUPHY3 ! SUTOPH ! Reference. ! ---------- ! Author. ! ------- ! J.-F. Geleyn. ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 91-06-15 ! Modified 91-06-10 by A. Lasserre-Bigorry (call to SUTOPH) ! Modified 99-03-01 by D. Giard (call to VAL923 for 923 and 927) ! Modified 01-04-02 R. El Khatib setup for CAPE diagnostic ! M.Hamrud 01-Oct-2003 CY28 Cleaning ! Modified 04-11-16 Y. Seity : call suphmnh for AROME physics ! R. Zaaboul 28-Feb-2006: call suparar, suphmpa and suphmse (ex suphmnh) ! Y. Seity 06-07-10: nfpsurfex and lfpart2 in call suphmse (prepsurfex) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* 1. Call routines for specific physics' commons setup. ! -------------------------------------------------- USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB USE YOMHOOK ,ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK USE YOMPHY , ONLY : LSOLV USE YOMARPHY , ONLY : LMPA, LMSE USE YOMCT0 , ONLY : LSFORC, LFPART2 USE YOMFPC , ONLY : NFPSURFEX ! Ce qui concerne NULNAM et JPNULNAM commente par MPL le 15.04.09 !USE PARDIM , ONLY : JPNULNAM !USE YOMLUN , ONLY : NULNAM IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KULOUT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE #include "sucape.intfb.h" #include "su0phy.intfb.h" #include "suphy0.intfb.h" #include "suphy1.intfb.h" #include "suphy2.intfb.h" #include "suphy3.intfb.h" #include "sutoph.intfb.h" #include "val923.intfb.h" ! commente par MPL 20.11.08 !#include "suparar.intfb.h" !#include "suphmpa.intfb.h" !#include "suphmse.intfb.h" ! Ce qui concerne MNAM commente par MPL le 15.04.09 !NULNAM = JPNULNAM !OPEN(NULNAM,ACTION="READ") !OPEN(NULNAM,FILE='MNAM',ACTION="READ") IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('SUPHMF',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SU0PHY' CALL SU0PHY(KULOUT) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SUPHY0' CALL SUPHY0(KULOUT) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SUPHY1' CALL SUPHY1(KULOUT) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SUPHY2' CALL SUPHY2(KULOUT) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SUPHY3' CALL SUPHY3(KULOUT) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SUTOPH' CALL SUTOPH(KULOUT) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant VAL923' CALL VAL923(LSOLV) PRINT *,'SUPHMF: avant SUCAPE' CALL SUCAPE(KULOUT) ! setup for AROME physics and SURFEX ! commente par MPL 20.11.08 !CALL SUPARAR(KULOUT) !IF (LMPA) CALL SUPHMPA(KULOUT) !IF (LMSE.AND.NFPSURFEX==0.AND.(.NOT.LFPART2)) CALL SUPHMSE(KULOUT) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Ce qui concerne NULNAM commente par MPL le 15.04.09 !CLOSE(NULNAM) IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('SUPHMF',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE SUPHMF