! $Header$ MODULE icefrac_lsc_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE icefrac_lsc(np,temp, sig, icefrac) ! Compute the ice fraction 1-xliq (see e.g. ! Doutriaux-Boucher & Quaas 2004, section 2.2.) ! (JBM 3/14 8/14 5/16) USE lmdz_print_control, ONLY: lunout, prt_level USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY: t_glace_min, t_glace_max, exposant_glace, iflag_t_glace ! lscp_ini contains: ! t_glace_min: if T < Tmin, the cloud is only made of water ice ! t_glace_max: if T > Tmax, the cloud is only made of liquid water ! exposant_glace: controls the sharpness of the transition INTEGER :: np REAL, DIMENSION(np), INTENT(IN) :: temp ! temperature REAL, DIMENSION(np), INTENT(IN) :: sig REAL, DIMENSION(np), INTENT(OUT) :: icefrac REAL :: sig0,www,tmin_tmp,liqfrac_tmp INTEGER :: ip sig0=0.8 DO ip=1,np IF (iflag_t_glace==1) THEN ! Transition to ice close to surface for T=2) THEN ! No convertion to ice close to surface www = 0. ENDIF tmin_tmp=www*t_glace_max+(1.-www)*t_glace_min liqfrac_tmp= (temp(ip)-tmin_tmp) / (t_glace_max-tmin_tmp) liqfrac_tmp = MIN(MAX(liqfrac_tmp,0.0),1.0) IF (iflag_t_glace>=3) THEN icefrac(ip) = 1.0-liqfrac_tmp**exposant_glace ELSE icefrac(ip) = (1.0-liqfrac_tmp)**exposant_glace ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE icefrac_lsc !******************************************************************* END MODULE icefrac_lsc_mod